Wrecking the Homewrecker Pt. 40

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Another day for Cunny.
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Part 40 of the 40 part series

Updated 05/22/2024
Created 02/20/2021
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Another day for the bitch

Jessy's night had been filled by embarrassing nightmares about her new life and her cruel Mistress. Dreams that ended in a jumpy awakening when the door to her room opened and she realised it hadn't been a dream, but her new reality. Her limbs remained securely tied and every breath she took was through those horrible worn panties, filling her lungs with he scent of her Mistress's pussy with every breath she took. All she wanted was to hide as well as possible in the small cage in the corner of her new room, but as she had learned yesterday that wasn't an option. She knew she needed to give the woman an enthusiastic greeting or face a punishment. Jessy couldn't help but blush as she forced herself to get up on all fours. Not only had she came doing such shameful things last night, her pussy was still wet and needy from those three edges she had received before being brought to her cage.

With as much enthusiasm as she could manage Jessy crawled up to the door of her cage and started wagging her tail in deep shame. Shame only hidden by the big panties which were pulled over her face. The ringing of the bells on her numerous piercings and her tail was mortifying, but it did sound cheerful so hopefully she could avoid punishment. Looking for who might have entered her room Jessy was surprised to see it was Bernice's slut, the girl her age who's real name she didn't even know. It was pretty clear by the ballet boots she wore, there was no Bernice in sight, yet she kept wagging her tail just to be safe.

"Good morning Cunny, I hope you slept well? Your Mistress is still in bed and she would like some of your tongue attention before getting out of bed. Don't worry though, you'll get some breakfast and a chance to use the bathroom first so you'll have your strength and no distractions. It's still early after all so Mistress won't be getting out of bed any time soon." Madison spoke cheerfully in a tone one would use to speak to a real puppy. Her Mistress had demanded she would be nice to her bitch, and that she would treat her like nothing but a bitch. Although being nice to the girl because she really felt for her wasn't all that hard for Madison, it was hard to see her as an equal, at least she had remained a person and she had known this girl as nothing but the bitch her Mistress told her she was, she knew it was wrong to think of her as less, but she could not help it.

Opening the cage door Madison quickly clipped a leash to Cunny's collar and led the girl out to her bowls which she quickly filled. Although it remained mortifying to be walked on a leash like that, and she really didn't like the way this girl talked to her, Jessy was still happy to get woken up by slut as she was the only alternative to Bernice she knew of here. In the end it wouldn't really matter as they were headed for Bernice anyways, but every moment without that horrible woman was a good one in Jessy's eyes. She patiently waited for slut to remove the panties from her face before digging into her shameful meal that looked anything but appetising. Still the taste was good, the problem was mostly with the presentation. Another thing that bothered her about her food was how slut stayed at her side and gently caressed her back and patted her head. Although she knew the girl meant well it remained demeaning. To be petted while eating in such humiliating fashion.

Once she was done eating she was quickly lead from her room to one of the guest bathrooms to pee and get cleaned up. Madison didn't want to pass through her Mistress's bedroom with Cunny while Cunny wasn't ready yet. Peeing so shamefully in front of another person remained devastatingly embarrassing to Jessy, but there was no other option. She really needed to go, and peeing anywhere else around the house would not only be even more mortifying, it would also get her a grave punishment, giving her all the more reason to prevent it at all costs.

After her embarrassing pee, and an even more embarrassing uncomfortable enema from that scary machine she had also been hooked up to the day before, slut gave he a quick and efficient clean up. It remained violating to have every part of her body touched like that, but at least slut didn't needlessly fondle her the way Bernice loved to do. Slut was definitely her preferred person to wake up to for as far as one could have that in such a twisted place. Unlike Bernice she couldn't blame slut either, or at least not to the same extend, she too was just a twisted toy for Bernice although much to Jessy's shock she seemed to like it. She still couldn't believe how something like that would be possible. She didn't get a lot of time to think about it as the moment she was dried the leash got clipped back on and she was marched straight to the master bedroom. At least she now had knowledge of one more room on the upper floor of Bernice's house, something that might come in handy if she ever managed to find a way to escape. Right now she was getting filled with dread all over again though, she knew facing Bernice and most likely her pussy was just behind the door they were approaching.

In her bed Bernice was all smiles when the door to her room opened. She couldn't have imagined a better sight than that of her gorgeous slut leading her bitch turned crush into the room, both just there for her pleasure whatever form that might take. She loved the embarrassed mildly horny look on Cunny's face, and the horny one on her slut's face telling her that her slut had found it plenty embarrassing to care for a girl like her as well. It became even better when Cunny started enthusiastically shaking her bottom upon seeing her, making that tail wag and the bell's chime, a way more beautiful sound than that of an alarm clock. Although she could see her bitch wasn't sincere in her enthusiasm, she didn't really care, she just loved to see it. The fact that she only did it because it was demanded of her, was just as good as anything. "Someone seems to be very eager to see me this morning, well go ahead Cunny, you've got my permission to sniff out and search for your favourite treat and dig right in the way I know you want to." Was all Bernice said, laughing as Cunny kept enthusiastically wagging her tail, only stopping when her slut led her to the foot of the bed so she needed her concentration to crawl.

With a bit of help from slut Jessy eventually managed to get up on the bed with her leash unclipped where Bernice stared down at her expectantly. She felt uncertain what to do as Bernice's pussy, her so called favourite treat was no where to be seen, well hidden under the covers. Then it dawned on her, Bernice probably wanted her to work for it and she knew better than to keep the woman waiting. At least she could hide her beet red face and her horribly dressed up body, she thought as she sunk to a new low and started digging her way under the covers. It was surprisingly difficult to get under those sheets with nothing to grip them with, and no help from either Bernice or slut. It required her to really push her face deep into the mattress just before the foot end of the covers, only to pus forward with her tied up legs to slide under them. It took a few tries to really get under them rather than just pushing them away and it was mortifying as Bernice laughed her way through all her attempts. She knew her bitch didn't want to deal with her pussy, but seeing her try so hard and awkwardly to get to it was downright precious, precious and sexy as her efforts required her to push that tail plugged ass of hers high up in the air, involuntarily wiggling it to make that bell ring. It was both hilarious and sexy.

Things didn't get any better for Jessy when she finally managed to push her head under the covers. The air around her was very warm a foul with a mixture of Bernice's arousal and her body odour that had build all night long. On top of that it was completely dark, she couldn't see where she was going, then again it wasn't hard to find the direction as she kept pushing forward until she felt one of Bernice's legs up against her cheek. Pushing forward along the leg, the space between them grew narrow enough to feel both of Bernice's chubby thighs, the scent of her pussy having grown way stronger than before. A couple of inches later, Jessy felt the first of Bernice's pubes tickle her nose only to be immediately followed by her hairy sopping wet pussy. It smelled and felt disgusting, but she knew what she had to do as she reluctantly stuck her tongue up Bernice's pussy for the umpteenth time. It wasn't long until she heard a muffled moan from above, quickly followed by a hand on the back of her head forcing her face deeper into her owner's pussy. On top of all that the covers opened up behind her and she could feel what she could only assume was slut's tongue working its magic on her pussy, sending her right into a moaning frenzy while she ate out her owner. It made her feel so very good while what she felt terrible over what she was doing, demoted to a pet with a love for pussy for a way older woman.

It took only a minute for Jessy's already aroused pussy to be moved to a first edge by slut's skilful tongue, growing her frustration even further. She knew it would only grow worse the longer it took her to get her owner off. That paired with the fact that she just wanted to get away from under these stinking way too hot sheets and especially away from Bernice's pussy, motivated her to give this her all to get it over with as soon as possible. Over the many orgasms she had given Bernice up until now, Jessy had vastly improved her pussy eating skills, skills she had never even thought of exploring, but skills that now were the most important ones in her life. Having taken Bernice's pointers to heart, paying attention to just what slut did with her tongue on her pussy and the sheer reactions of her owner to gouge how a particular touch made the woman feel, had all helped her learn, learn to get Bernice off faster. Still she wasn't nearly as good as slut yet, and Bernice hadn't been nearly as over aroused as she had been to get started, causing her to be on her fifth edge by the time Bernice seemed to be approaching her climax going from the sounds.

While both her toys were giving it their all Bernice just leaned back and enjoyed, allowing the waves of pleasure to wash over her as her crush in her bitch suite tipped her over the edge while being on edge herself. Bernice couldn't help but press her puppy girl's head in even deeper as she grinded her gushing pussy all over the girl's face while she came, forcing out every last bit of pleasure from this orgasm. She was very pleased to feel how much her bitch was improving at this and she couldn't give a damn about the girl's motivations for her improvements. All she wanted was a skilled hungry cunt lapper and every orgasm she got, every edge her Cunny got brought her a step closer to that goal. Besides she had all the time in the world to work towards it.

By the time Bernice finally recuperated enough to let go of her pet's head, and throw the covers off her naked body bringing on Madison's cue to stop, Jessy had reached seven edges and felt incredibly frustrated. She couldn't help but let out a soft whimper when Madison stopped her tongue attention. "Mmm, good morning indeed Cunny, if you want to go for a round two, then by all means feel free to do so right away, if not then just don't do anything." Bernice instructed with a grin looking down at the wet faced, mortified, but oh so horny looking puppy girl. With yesterday's requirements she would have been one orgasm away from getting an orgasm to end her frustration. Right now she was still six orgasms removed from that same reward. She wondered if it would make her pet any more eager to dive in out of her own free will, not that it mattered, if not now then she would make use of her pet's tongue in a few moments, it was not like she needed an excuse or the girl's permission.

Although she was very incredibly horny, after waking up frustrated and having had to deal with so many more edges, it still wasn't bad enough to give in to Bernice's horrible offer. Instead of engaging her tongue again, she just stood there bright red faced on all fours between the woman's legs, her chin dripping with juices. It felt so incredibly awkward, especially the longer it went on, but finally Bernice just swung one of her chubby legs over her and got up. "Cunny, heel." Was all she said, not even bothering to clip on the leash as she just walked to the bathroom while Jessy tried to get off the bed as safe and as fast as possible. There might not be a leash, but she knew very well that punishment awaited her if she kept that horrible woman waiting. Once off the bed she needed to hurry up her crawling to catch up with Bernice, but in the end she managed just as Bernice walked through the door to the master bathroom. It was horrible to follow this naked old woman around like this, but what could she do?

Without any shame at all Bernice just proceeded to walk towards her toilet where she sat down for her morning business. In fact the only ones embarrassed, were Cunny and in a way her slut who had followed along as well, something she was very pleased to see. She loved her toys to be embarrassed even though she realised this would once fade as well, in time it would become a habit rather than what felt like a shameful intrusion in her privacy as her slut showed by being less bothered than her pet. "Cunny lay down." Was all Bernice said with a grin once she was seated. The command went accompanied by a finger pointing straight down at her feet. While she loved talking down to her pet, mocking and taunting her, it was just as fun to just bark commands, especially when it was answered with a look of complete shock.

Jessy couldn't believe it, every time she thought she couldn't sink any lower, Bernice demanded her to sink to a new low. For a moment she just stood there in shock, reluctant to carry out this horrible demand, but a stern sounding "Cunny!" was all that was needed to get her to comply anyways. Utterly embarrassed Jessy crawled up right to the front of the toilet bowl only to shudder as she lay her naked back down on the cold tile floor, cold that got even worse as Bernice planted her cold feet on her bare stomach naked stomach, looming high above her with a big grin, one that grew even bigger as her mortified pet spread her tied up limbs as far out as they could go like she was expected to, giving Bernice complete access to her favourite bits.

Without a care for her pet's dignity Bernice placed one foot down on her pet's breasts while the other moved side ways to flick the bell attached to her clit piercing. She couldn't help but laugh loudly as the girl let out a mortified moan. Jessy's shame only continued there after as on top of getting fondled by her owner's feet of all things, a loud stream of what she was certain could only be pee hit the porcelain right besides her, a stream that seemed never ending as the smirking woman high above her looked straight down into her eyes while continuing to explore her body with her feet as if she was rubbing them over some kind of massage rug.

It was a huge relief for Jessy when that loud stream finally came to an end and Bernice took her feet off of her body. Relief that almost instantly went into worse horror however as Bernice gave her next instruction. "You were so very good to keep my feet warm in such a pleasant way Cunny, so good that you deserve a reward, and what better reward is there for Cunny than my cunt? Her favourite treat, come on Cunny, back on all fours with you and dig right in." Bernice grinned, unable to hold back a chuckle as she saw the look of horror on her pets face. Now was as good a time as any to teach the girl that she'd have to learn to worship her pussy no matter the state it was in. Aside from that it was also a good test of obedience, to see just how much the girl would do because she said ordered it.

Although her pet had been pretty obedient so far, scared to step out of line, there apparently were limits to it as her pet remained down on the floor. Jessy simply couldn't believe this woman's demand. As if her pussy on it's own wasn't bad enough yet. There was no way she would put her tongue anywhere near there right after the woman had peed, peed without wiping, it was a whole new level of disgusting. Yet Jessy was already bracing herself to do it anyways. No matter her reluctance she knew very well that she was in no position to actually disobey or put up a fight, especially not with slut around who had proven she was ready to punish her if Bernice so demanded it. All she could do was think about how screwed she was, hoping that ignoring the problem would make it go away.

Bernice gave her pet a minute to make up her mind, just letting her lay there on the floor while she contemplated what to do. When it was clear that Cunny wouldn't flat out obey her she decided to put some pressure in the hope that that would be enough. "Cunny, I will not repeat myself, remember when I expect of you when offering you a treat or making even a mild suggestion. I want enthusiasm. Now If I have to speak up again it won't be to you, but to my slut who I'll tell to take one of the more painful toys off of your wall in your room, and trust me. Yesterday's punishment will seem like a breeze compared to a second offence. You can count on that." Bernice spoke sternly as she looked down int Jessy's panicking pleading eyes. Bernice's expression remained unyielding though.

Much like Jessy had feared, she would once again be the one who would have to yield. She couldn't even plead her case, all she could do was give Bernice puppy eyes like the bitch she was treated as. It was so unfair, but she couldn't help but feel her resolve melt away. She had no option but to do it, or face punishment before she did it. Deciding to take the easy route and save herself the pain Jessy forced herself get over yet another of her points of contention and yield to Bernice's demands once more. Mortified and disgusted she got up on all fours and shuddered seeing the big drops of pee stuck in Bernice's pubic hairs, her pussy wet and not of arousal. She couldn't believe she was actually about to do this, but the promise of a punishment made her move her face in between Bernice's thighs once again.

The closer she got to Bernice's pussy, the stronger the scent of her morning urine got, it was nauseating, but better than what awaited her if she refused. Whimpering softly she eventually extended her tongue, to Bernice's pussy, gagging as she couldn't help but get a strong salty, nasty taste of pee first. At least it didn't take all that long for the gross, but slightly better taste of Bernice's pussy to take over again as she wiggled her tongue inside her owner for what felt like the millionth time. Although it had only been a little bit of residue Jessy could not believe she had actually tasted this woman's piss, having swallowed a little bit of it. Her shuddering was one thing that didn't stop however. With Bernice's neglect to flush the toilet first, she could still smell the pee fumes rising up from the bowl even with her face pressed into the woman's hairy pussy.

Doing this was another huge blow to what was left of Jessy's self worth, one that became even worse when she couldn't help but moan through it when slut started eating her over aroused pussy yet again. Jessy hated how good the girl was at getting her to the edge and keeping her there pretty consistently. She gave Bernice's pussy her all just to keep this kind of torment to a minimum, but with Bernice being plenty of satisfied by the many orgasms she got, getting Bernice off was simply way harder than it was to move her to the edge.