Wrong Side of the Bridge Ch. 02


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He sighed and I realised I had just been sitting there in shock. I kept my mouth on him and wrapped my hand around his cock, started slowly pumping him again so his foreskin moved up and down. This time I could have my hand lower on his shaft because my mouth was over his head, and I could gently lap at his slit with my tongue.

This close I could smell the manly, musky scent of his crotch and it made my head spin. I hadn't been this close to a guy's crotch before. It was hot.

I opened my mouth a little wider and slid my head down slowly, letting my tongue flick around his shaft and feel the slight ridge of a large vein running along the underside. I couldn't get far before his cock head was rubbing at the back of my throat and making me gag. I pulled back up but kept his cock in my mouth. I was suddenly feeling sorry for all the guys I'd face fucked -- I hadn't realised how difficult this was.

I tried to do what I liked on me. Head bobbing, tongue flicking. Squeezing and stroking with my hand. I got a rhythm going and started being less scared, more aware of the strange feel of a warm velvety cock in my mouth.

I also noticed how tense Elijah was. Muscles were standing out along his neck and arms. His bruised abs were clenched into ridges and his hips stood out in a sharp 'v' from his flat stomach. He was grabbing the air, tightening his fist around nothing.

My own cock was straining in my pants and when I looked down past Elijah's cock I saw a dark wet patch forming on my pants. Oh, how much I would love to just crawl up Elijah's body and shove my cock into his mouth!

But I restrained the urge, and kept slowly moving my head and hand. I got a little more confident and moved faster, listening closely to the sound of Elijah's breathing. It started to hitch and he was mumbling under his breath. It didn't make sense but it was hot to listen to.

I sped up even more, gripping firmer with my hand, and Elijah started whimpering. He bucked his hips and his cock went straight into my throat and made me gag. It made me want to hurl and I had to pull back to get some air. But oh fuck, he was so turned on! His whole body was trembling and he was making the hottest little noises.

My own cock felt like it was about to burst. I wanted so bad for Elijah to touch it. Instead I just rubbed it through my pants and the friction was making me moan around the dick in my mouth. I hoped Elijah was anywhere near as aroused as I was right now. I couldn't believe it was this hot to pleasure someone else, to taste and smell their arousal and see the orgasm slowly building up.

Elijah was steadily leaking pre-cum into my mouth, I had to keep swallowing it and some would slip out and mix in with my spit, slicking up his cock and forming bubbles between my fingers. I tried to move my head even faster, risking whiplash but loving the way Elijah cried out. I gripped my hand on his cock as tight as I thought he could handle

"Holy shit Damien, don't stop," He gasped, panting for breath and bucking his hips. His hands were bent into fists and I could see his arms shaking with the force of his grip. "Don't stop Damien, oh my god, I'm going to cum!"

I moaned around his cock but the sound came out as a bubbling slurp.

Elijah gasped one sudden deep breath and his whole body tensed up, I felt his thighs lifting off the bed from the extreme tension his body was under. "Oh my God, Damien, here it comes, I'm going to cum in your mouth!"

And then he was cumming. I felt a pulse in my hand like the cum was moving just under the skin, just beneath my fingers, and then my mouth was flooded with warm salty liquid and I swallowed it without hesitating, keeping my hand moving as I juiced another spurt out of him.

Elijah was muttering incoherently. "Damien, oh yeah, oh my God, oh my God yes." I kept moving my hand, stroking along his shaft, but slowly and with a looser grip. I pulled his foreskin back so I could lick all around his cock head and get the last drops out of his slit. Then I caught it with my lips and pulled it back over his head as I moved my head away.

I looked into Elijah's face and saw pure bliss. His grin was lazy and there were happy tears oozing down his cheeks. "That was amazing," He whispered.

I grinned. I couldn't help it. He was so fucking happy to have me touch him.

"You're so hot Damien," He whispered. My grin got so big I thought it might rip my cheeks in half.

"You're hot too," I told him, looking into his bruised and swollen face and truly believing it.

Elijah smiled sleepily. "Everyone will think I'm a cool tough fighter now."

I snorted in laughter at the thought of skinny shy Elijah as a tough fighter.

"I'll tell everyone I beat you up," He added. I started laughing out loud.

I helped Elijah into the bedroom and on to my bed. It was still early but I could tell he was tired. That boy could sure sleep a lot.

He tugged his tee shirt off and rolled into my bed naked. I grinned -- shy Elijah, just taking his clothes off. Getting nearly beaten to death seemed a great way to get a guy into bed.

He watched me getting undressed. When I dropped my pants my hard dick slapped up into my belly and left a little arc of pre-cum in the air. Elijah's eyes got all big. I couldn't help smirking. He wanted me. One day, hopefully soon, that boy would be mine.

The bed was narrow enough that we had to be touching. I tucked Elijah up between me and the wall, wrapping my arms around me so his fragile body was all surrounded by my big frame. My dick pulsed and throbbed against his butt. I tried to ignore the gnawing need in my belly.

"Tomorrow," Elijah whispered. "We should go into my work and get something for your lip. It looks like it's been ripped and you don't want bacteria getting in there."

"Elijah Cock Bacteria," I whispered back. His body convulsed in silent giggles and I held him to me, loving the friction on my dick.

The next day we took the bus to Defiant. Normally when I got back from work I took a shower or at least washed my hands -- they get covered in grease -- but Elijah was keen to leave so I didn't waste time. He'd been inside for a week and he was excited to see daylight.

I had my arm around his shoulders on the bus and Elijah leaned into me. He looked happy, smiling like an idiot. His bruises were fading but one eye was swollen and surrounded by black.

The pretty goth girl behind the counter at Defiant looked delighted when Elijah walked in. Her smile dropped as he walked closer. "Oh my god, they really did a number on you," She whispered in pity.

Elijah just shrugged and headed into the back rooms. I wasn't sure if I should follow him or not so I just hung around the counter. The goth chick was giving me weird looks. Maybe she was wondering if it was me who hit him. Or -- I remembered the way I'd once seen her flirting with him -- maybe she was wondering what our relationship was.

Elijah came back out with a small white bottle. He insisted we put some on my lip right then and there. I made a big show of leaning into him and putting my hand on his waist as he dribbled the liquid onto my swollen lip. When he finished I grabbed him by the wrist and kissed the palm of his hand, looking straight into his eyes. He blushed and grinned. When I glanced at the goth girl she was looking shocked and disappointed. Damn right.

"Can I take you out for dinner?" I asked. We were still so low and my voice came out a low growl.

Elijah's eyes crinkled up when he smiled at me. It was adorable to look at.

We wandered along the streets looking in at restaurants. Elijah didn't seem interested in anything so we ended up just buying food court Indian. We ordered it to take away and I lead Elijah down to the river path.

We found a private spot on a large flat rock hidden by trees. You couldn't see it from the walking path but it had a wide view of the river. You could even see the main bridge.

I wrapped the empty takeaway containers in the bag they'd came in and jogged off between the trees to put them in the bin. When I got back Elijah was still on the large flat rock, standing there and looking out over the water. He looked so hot.

I walked up behind him, trying not to let my heavy work boots make too much noise on the smooth stone. He didn't flinch when I wrapped my arms around his waist and pressed my body up against his. His back was pressed into my chest and I could feel the warmth of him through our shirts.

I rested my chin on his shoulder so my face was pressed against his neck. He had such a thin neck, I was so much stronger than him that I could just strangle him right here and now and there was nothing he could do about it. But I didn't want to, I wanted to touch him, to feel that fine body twitching and writhing and see bliss on his face again.

I ran my hands up Elijah's chest and let my fingertips linger on his bare arms. He shivered slightly and made a soft little sigh. When I ran my fingers over his nipples, Elijah's whole body shuddered and his butt pressed back against my crotch.

I growled and pushed my hips forward. His ass made delicious friction against my engorged cock. It felt like all the blood in my body had pumped to my cock. Like my whole circulation was pulsing in time with my throbbing cock.

Elijah's ear was so close to my mouth. I breathed out gently and watched as goosebumps rose on his neck and the little hairs along his neck stood on end. I leaned against him until his shoulder blade pushed my nipple piercing into my skin.

I closed my mouth around Elijah's ear lobe and sucked gently, running my tongue around the plastic circle of his big flesh tunnel then flicking my tongue inside. I pulled back and whispered into his ear, "I could stick my tongue right through your ear lobe and lick your neck."

Elijah laughed, but it was a shaky laugh. It made his body tremble so his ass rubbed against my cock again.

I groaned. I had to feel him. Who cared if it was in public, I wanted to feel Elijah and I should be able to. And anyone who happened to see was lucky, getting a glimpse of my sexy Elijah.

I nipped at his neck and let one hand drop down to his crotch. Elijah started whimpering at once, keen for more.

I massaged the front of his jeans, trying to grope for his cock beneath the bulk of his fly. I felt the undeniable warmth of his cock pushing against the denim and into my palm and I gave it a little squeeze.

Elijah choked a noise. It was more a gasp than a moan, he was breathing too shallow and quick to manage anything more. His head was leaning back against my shoulder and I noticed he had his eyes closed and mouth hanging open. He was blessed out and oblivious to everything except me.

He was wearing a belt to keep the jeans on -- they were an old pair of mine, too tight for my hips but loose on his narrow body. I had to fumble it off and the moments wasted felt like agony. Finally I could unzip him and pull his fly aside and let his beautiful cock spring free.

I couldn't do anything for a few moments except stare at him. I was tall enough that I could lean over his shoulder so I could run my eyes over his chest and down to his slender cock, jutting out from the heavy denim.

"Holy shit," I whispered. He looked so good, out here in the sun. "You don't mind..?"

"Please," He gasped. His body trembled. I was used to guys begging, but I wasn't used to feeling a lurch of pride and delight from knowing that I was doing it right.

I growled deep in my throat and pushed at the loose jeans until they fell down to his knees. I looked down at his little dick sticking out into the air, all exposed and visible to anyone who wanted to look. Oh, fuck yeah.

His foreskin had pulled back to expose the rust-coloured head of his cock and I watched my hand close around the silky column. His cock was in my hand. There was sticky pre-cum forming bubbles around his piss slit.

"Fuck, you're so turned on," I growled, watching the pre-cum oozing out and forming a gooey pool around his foreskin. "You're so hard for me."

"Yeah..." Elijah moaned. His breathing was short and sharp. I could feel his arms tensing as he clenched his fists.

I shoved my other hand inside his shirt so I could feel his lean belly. His whole body was trembling and I could feel the muscles in his chest and stomach tightening in arousal. Oh, fuck yeah. I found one pointed nipple and tweaked it hard enough that Elijah squealed. His body shuddered and he pressed his ass back into me to let me know he liked it.

My cock was trapped between our bodies and I knew there would be a giant pre-cum stain on my pants. I was so close to just shooting right here and now. It was kinda hot -- the tingling all through my body, like I was gearing up for a fight.

I gripped Elijah's cock firmly and began to stroke hard and fast. Elijah cried out in delight and started bucking his hips in time with my strokes. He was ramming his hot little ass up against my cock again and again. I bit down on his neck and sucked at the skin to keep myself from swearing out loud at the great feelings.

"Oh God," He was whimpering. "Oh Damien... So good!"

I pinched his nipple hard so he shuddered back against me. I held him there, his body pressed against mine. My hand on his cock was going crazy, moving as fast and gripping as hard as I could without hurting my wrist.

"Damien..." Elijah panted. "Oh, Damien, I'm gonna blow, oh my god, it's too good!"

I sped my hand up even more, using the strength of my whole arm. I felt Elijah's whole body tense and start to shake. His head jerked back so the back of his skull whacked into my cheek bone and the pain made me see stars.

"Keep going Damien, I'm going to... I'm going to... Oh fuck, I'm cumming! I'm cumming!" He cried, so loud anyone would be able to hear him from the path, and he shot his creamy semen all across the rock and my hand.

"Holy shit," I whispered into his neck. There were still lights popping behind my eyes but I could focus on the delicious sight of Elijah's semen gushing out of his pulsing dick.

I kept stroking him as I listened to his breathing slow. Finally Elijah's body went limp and I helped him back into his jeans.

He turned round to stare up into my eyes. He was so close. He looked flushed and delighted. "Holy shit Damien, that was amazing."

"I aim to please," I smirked. I didn't mention that I thought he'd been moaning loud enough for anyone on the path to hear.

I couldn't resist resting my hands on Elijah's hips as I talked. His own arms quickly locked around my waist and he leaned into me. I felt the soft tickling of his breath at the collar of my shirt.

"You smell like greasy car," He complained. The top of his head was barely in line with my nose.

"It's my job to smell like car."

Elijah looked up like he was about to say something else, but he stopped suddenly. His lips were so close that I could feel his breath. Suddenly my head was spinning and, before I could think about what I was doing, I let myself lean forward just enough for our lips to touch.

There was a sudden burst of cold that was Elijah's sharp intake of breath, but he didn't pull away. I opened my mouth and felt the gentle chaffing of my chapped skin against his smooth lips. I pushed my tongue out to stroke across his lips and Elijah responded by opening his own mouth and flicking his tongue out invitingly.

Holy shit. So this was kissing. I'd never let a guy this close before. I'd never given a shit about a guy like I did about Elijah. But now here he was in my arms and it felt so fucking right. I didn't want it to stop.

I tightened my arm around his neck until I nearly had Elijah in a headlock and pulled his head hard enough against me that our front teeth knocked together with a sliding squeaking sound. I sucked his tongue into my mouth and was surprised to feel the rod of metal shifting around in there. I'd never realised he had a tongue piercing. I imagined what it would feel like sliding over the head of my cock and I groaned into Elijah's mouth.

Elijah made a tiny whimper in the back of his throat. I sucked his tongue like I sucked his cock last night, inexperienced but loving it. I held his tongue captive with my mouth so the balls of his steel rod settled against my front teeth and my lower lip.

I could hear him whimpering more frantically now, the sounds turned into vibrations in my mouth. His hands were scrabbling at my shirt like he wanted to get in at my skin. The kiss was passionate and intense and so intimate that when I finally pulled backward, breathless, I was amazed to see that we were still right there in public.

"Come on," I whispered. "Let's go home."

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Anon 6 years ago,

Your argument doesn't make any sense. This must be coming from a massive loser that stays inside 24/7 without any capability to socialize nor function in the outside world, huh?

BigBlueyezBigBlueyezabout 7 years ago

I really really enjoy your story. It's awesome to see someone write about people from different walks of life getting together and enjoying each other. Maybe even having a meaningful relationship. And Damien is NOT a loser. He's just a little lost and searching for something. So thank you, I'm enjoying it very very much!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Major problem with this story is summarised in the sentence "I spend most my free time hanging around outside anyway". Damien is a loser.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Love you for this

Was so hot through every word.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

I love this story. Damien just looking to get in Elijah's pants but has all sorts of restrictions over stuff he won't do and then he's doing them for Elijah because now it's more than just sex and he cares about him.

dinkybootsdinkybootsabout 12 years ago

fucking great. fresh new story great loving it. thank fuck he dumped the fat fucker

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
keep going with this!

Really, I'm not kidding, this is a really good story (and way hot!) so don't stop now! (for what it's worth I would love to hear about Pete's reaction if Eli & Damian bumped into him at a show and it's something like "Oh, hi Pete, this is Damian, my boyfriend.") :D

HistoricalpassionHistoricalpassionabout 12 years ago

MORE.... :( my poor boner

randaltrirandaltriabout 12 years ago
Keep writing and fast

Fascinating story. Not over the top dramatic but lots of true life angst. Like how Eli is the shy one but in some ways Damien is just as uncertain. Hope Eli jettisones Pete for good and sticks with Damien. They make a good couple. Love is a learning curve.

buzzie1969buzzie1969about 12 years ago

hot story, and great writing..... keep it going this way, and I want to see Elijah get fucked by Damien

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
So Much Goodness

You, my friend, have talent. Lots of talent. I really, really like this.

Cia81Cia81about 12 years ago
The story feels rough...

but that's not at all due to the quality of the writing. Oddly enough, the flow seems to work for the characters. The stereotyping and the characterization fits the story, and the setting, to a tee. I enjoyed Ch. 01 and Ch. 02. Nicely done.

Oh, the only typo I saw was 'taught' for 'taut'. Homonyms. Taught is past tense for teach and taut meants tight. Since you might use that adverb again I thought I'd share that little tidbit. Otherwise, as I said before, quite well done.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

I like that it is new for Damien despite his experience. They are on the same footing almost for new experiences. I only question why Eli didn't help Damien get off when he knew how it was to have it be a one-sided experience. Hope he evens it out next! This story is very very well-done.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
So good

I was so glad to see this second posting up so quickly after the first. I love the balance in the relationship. With both of them having some naïveté and some experience.

hk47enclavehk47enclaveabout 12 years ago

I am loving this story, great job!!

can't wait for the next chapter!


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