X-Change: Homecoming

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Tommy returns home from college to find many changes at home.
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Editor's note: this story contains scenes of incest or incest content.


Note: Happy to be back. Took a little break. I'm very happy for the reaction I got for the last few stories I put up. Thank you, folks, for your support and interest. Your support is why I do this. I have another X-change story for you. This isn't a second part to X-change: Silhouette. That is still in the works at some point. These are other characters living in the same region and experiencing the miracle drug. It's been sitting hand-written in my notebook for a while now, and I'm happy to finally have it here. All the characters in the story are over the age of eighteen. This story does include incest. It does include transformation and seemingly magical feminization. Check the story tags. If you don't like these things, then why would you read the story? I didn't create "x-change" as a concept. I am just a big fan of the captions found all over the internet. Check them out sometime. Also look up some of the other people writing x-change stories. You'd probably like them. This story is a fantasy and does not represent any real groups of people. Any errors or omissions are my own. Enjoy.


I parked my car off to the side of the gas station, so I could scrounge for any possible cash from amongst my possessions and count it. The previous time I hadn't had the money and was blocked in by other people trying to get gas. I couldn't put any more charges on my single credit card and the ATM card would laugh at me if I tried it again. Home was close enough for help to come, but I didn't want to appear any more desperate. The phone call days before had been bad enough. When your parents send you away to college you're supposed to be gone for a while and return as something of a success. It had been working for two years, but I needed to rethink some things, and that wasn't going to happen while still taking twenty-four units and dealing with dormmates.

Taking a break was not dropping out.

I found enough sticky coins and crumpled bills to buy two gallons of gas. My old car was built for economy even if it was loaded down with a bunch of my stuff. Laundry was a big part of it. I had to save my quarters for the gas, so the dirty laundry remained in some garbage bags. Things were not looking up, but I wasn't the only one. While I was gone my parents decided to separate. No one said the word "divorce" yet, but my brother Ben and I suspected it when we spoke through email. Ben had turned eighteen and finished high school while I'd been away. That was basically the majority of what he'd done. He supposedly had a few part time jobs and chose to live with our dad. They were the ones that I was moving back in with. I wasn't sure I could face my mom.

I started my car up with the last bit of gas I had and drove back to the old neighborhood. The prospect wasn't appealing, but I needed time. Home was in a nice-looking if plain suburb tract. There were no cars outside. Of course, they wouldn't even be home. My dad reserved the garage as his workshop and to store his unfinished classic car that our mom hated. Somethings never changed.

As I was getting out of my car I noticed a young woman powerwalking down the sidewalk. She was near enough to my age and squeezed into a spandex athletic outfit in bright neon green. This girl was cute, though she was no doubt plumper than she liked. Those luscious portions of her jiggled as she moved by. My eyes were nailed to her the whole length of her journey. The girl looked familiar to me. There had been plenty of younger girls in the neighborhood before I left. They'd all been jailbait back then, but two years was just what the doctor ordered.

When she got close enough we made eye contact, and she came walking over.

She said, "Are you Tommy Madsen? You used to live here?"

"Yeah. I'm back here visiting. Do I know you?"

She shook her head. The blonde shoulder length locks falling in front of her bright blue eyes. She wiped the sweat-drenched hair away.

"My name's Bethany. We never actually met before, but I remember you. A lot of people do."

I didn't feel so bad about coming back then. At least I could occupy myself with some nice local treats. Was Ben having to deal with these hotties all by himself? I remember the whole family wondering about Ben's sexual tendencies. After I had a pregnancy scare with my ex-girlfriend they took a keen interest in those things.

I said, "Well, I certainly do hope to see you around the neighborhood. Could I give you my phone number? Maybe you could show me around."

She checked her various curves for her cell phone but came up empty.

"Guess I forgot it. Don't worry though. I know where you'll be."

Bethany smiled and then set off down the street. I watched in awe as her bubble butt left the scene, and I told myself that I'd give anything to squeeze that sweaty beast. I hadn't enjoyed that kind of company for a long time.

My old key still worked so I left myself in. I could tell right away that my mother wasn't living there anymore. It wasn't that Ben and my dad were slobs. College had introduced me to plenty of slobs and scrubs. That was something that I didn't miss. The house wasn't the same though. It was like it was a house and not a home without my mom there.

I started moving some things back into my old room. It remained much as I'd left it. My dad's plans on converting it into a home office hadn't come to fruition. No doubt the conflict between he and my mom contributed to that. A little later I finally doing a load of laundry when I kept hearing a message chime on someone's cell phone. It wasn't mine, and I tried to ignore it, but that phone was blowing up. It turned out to be on a kitchen counter by the coffee maker. My dad hated iPhones, so I assumed it was Ben's. There was a security lock but entering Ben's birthdate got passed that. I couldn't believe the messages that I found. They were from guys.

One was named Rob. I didn't know him. His text read: "Hey baby. Really liked the last time. Can't wait to have that ass again." Guess there was a reason that girl hadn't been claimed by Ben. The next text had a sender with a name that I knew: Bryan. I assumed it was Bryan Johnson from down the street. He and Ben had been friends forever. It read: "I really liked it. I don't want it to get weird. I know that you said not to. I think I love you."

So much for not getting weird, I thought. Not even an hour back in the house and already things had gotten interesting. It was two hours later when Ben got home. I didn't even hear him get there, only the shower turn on and him knocking over the shampoo bottle on his foot. When he came out he was wearing an over-sized towel. People used to believe that Ben and I were twins even though we were two years apart. We were tall like our father with his blonde hair. We'd both done track at different times in high school, but I was surprised to see that since he's gotten out of school Ben had noticeably fallen out of shape. I had to try not to say anything.

"Welcome back, dude."

I said, "Yeah, I know. The street looks the same. Saw a hottie doing her walk out there."

"Oh really? What did she look like?"

"Tall and pleasantly plump. Blonde girl. Amazing ass. Just a big old butt on that girl."

He laughed. "Sounds like your kind of girl. You'll see her around again I'm sure."

"I hope so. Girl like that wandering around...you must be busy."

"I get around. So, dad won't be back till later. He meets with some co-workers or clients or something after work sometimes. That's kind of a new thing."

"Lots of that happening now?"

"Cause mom's gone, you mean? I guess. Things got...different after you left. Anyway, welcome home, Tommy."

That was the first day back. Somewhat anticlimactic, but there were some questions. That info wasn't forthcoming though. When my dad finally came home he barely acknowledged me. I guess I was just sort of there.

A couple days later I was washing my car when I saw the girl coming down the block again. She wore a blue spandex outfit this time with her hair kept back by a matching sweatband. I hungered to examine every curve up close. Even if my eyes lingered a little too long. The blonde-haired Bethany didn't mind though. She looked happy to see me.

"There you are," she said. "Making yourself at home again?"

"Working on it."

I wasn't going to mention the unspoken accusations my father's eyes made at me. My parents could probably understand Ben having issues with their separation, but I was supposed to be the older one.

Bethany said, "There's fun stuff to do out here. There's a party scene."

"I saw plenty of that at State. I would love to hang out with you though."

She looked down. "I'm flattered, really. But, I'm not sure. I could probably hook you up though."

I didn't let her see my disappointment. Why was she so hesitant? We'd just met. That was true, but what happened to being young and taking chances? I believed that the general malaise and depression of our parents' generation was dragging us down. The economic situation was bad enough despite what I heard when my father turned the "News" on. This time Bethany took my number. She sent me a text and we were official contacts. I was willing to accept baby steps. Just moments later she excused herself and was off again.

Back in the house my father was getting ready to meet up with some business clients at some bar downtown. I'd been dancing around the issue of asking him about Ben and if he knew that my brother may have been gay. I wanted to ask Ben, but I rarely saw him.

"You should go see your mom," said my father. "Maybe you'll listen to her."

We'd been back and forth about my decision to take a break from school. That was probably why I was considering throwing Ben under the bus with his secret. I didn't do it though. I couldn't. If it had been me...Maybe Ben was taking this thing with our parents harder than I realized.

"I'm not giving up on school," I said.

"Good to hear. When you see Ben tell him that we need to talk."

"Something wrong?"

"Nothing that concerns you," he said. "Call your mom today, Tommy. I'm serious."

I promised that I would, and he finally left. He took a large bag with him that I assumed to be filled with work stuff. Our father was a drug rep for a major company. The bulky bag looked like it was stuffed with clothing though. I didn't pay it much mind at the time because Bethany had consumed my thoughts. She had been reticent, but if I could work on her she had the makings of a fine girlfriend. That would at least show everyone that I was stable. I wondered about these relationships that Ben had and if there was anything to them other than lust. Not that I could be too critical of my brother. We were alike after all. I'd chased every piece of ass that crossed my radar during high school. Not that I always succeeded, but the drive was there. I needed to text her. Normally, I would've waited, but I just had to do it. My thumbs ravaged the touchscreen—anxious to be closer to this girl.

"Hey," I texted. "Know I didn't wait too long but wanted to talk."

"It's cool. Just chillin."

"I know that you're uncertain about going out. Let's just get some coffee or something. Give it a chance."

"More of a Thai tea with Boba kind of girl."

"That's great too."

We carried on for some time. I began wandering the house while waiting for her texts. I thought that I was really making some progress. After I sent another text I heard a phone go off in the house. I walked closer to the source and texted a smiley face. The sound came again. When I entered Ben's room I saw the phone by the nightstand. I looked around. Ben was in the bathroom with the door closed. I texted again, and the phone reacted. My entire conversation with Bethany was on Ben's phone. I stood in Ben's room wondering if I'd been bamboozled. Was this a prank? It had been Bethany's phone. I saw it, but then I noticed that it had in fact been the same phone I'd found earlier in the kitchen. I checked the other conversations I'd seen before, and they were still there.

"I tried to keep you at a distance," said Ben, who'd returned from the bathroom dressed in sweatpants and a t-shirt. "I should've tried harder I guess."

"I don't understand. Is Bethany like your friend or something? She can't be your girlfriend."

"Why not?"

"Well, you're gay, right? It's cool. My friend Robert is gay."

"I'm not gay, Tommy. Not exactly. I'm Bethany."


"Sometimes I become Bethany. It's like an escape for me."

"She isn't you in a wig, dude. This is a fine-looking girl we're talking about."

Ben looked away. He appeared to be mulling something over. Finally, he spoke: "I was going to go out and do stuff as 'Ben', but if you insist..."

Ben went to his dresser and searched amongst his socks and underwear. He withdrew a small black bag from its secret depths. I remembered keeping my first bit of porn and later weed in a similar place.

I asked, "Is that your make-up bag?"

"Don't be a dick. This is kind of a personal thing. That's why I didn't want you to know."

"Okay," I said. "This better be good."

Ben opened the bag and pulled out a blister-pack of little pink pills. My first impression was that they were an amphetamine he'd gotten into. Our city had once been labeled as "the meth capital of the world". He removed one little pill and put the rest away.

"You're going to owe me," he said.

Ben popped the pill, and quickly stripped down to his underwear. He was wearing women's panties. I didn't know if I was supposed to be shocked or amused.

His body shook. Ben's frame shrunk before my very eyes. My brother had the height the men in our family were known for even if he had let himself go. His body still had some of that height but was now even softer than it had already been. Ben bit down as he changed further. His flat ass swelled to a posterior that was deliciously plump. His chest swelled to that a well-endowed young woman. My brother completely transformed in the most carnal way. I watched as his face became that of Bethany and her hair unfurled from seemingly nothing. I blinked my eyes as rapidly as a cartoon and slapped myself—convinced that the whole thing must have been a hallucination or that my brain was failing me. The finer details emerged. Everything that had once been Ben had been reborn as the delightful girl Bethany. She stood there in only panties that no longer looked ridiculous.

"What do you think?" she asked in the voice that was clearly the Bethany that I'd met before.

I looked around the room. It didn't look like Hell and I didn't see Ashton Kutcher coming to tell me that I'd been punked.

"It can't be real."

Bethany laughed, and said: "Christ! What does it take to convince you?"

"This isn't normal, Ben."

"Bethany," she said. "Anyway, the pill is called 'X-change'. It's not magic, but I'm sure that it seems that way when most people see it. How do I look?"

She ignored any response from me and went to stand in front of a full-length mirror on her closet door. Bethany was very happy with what she saw. I still couldn't believe it, yet I couldn't help myself. My eyes struggled to take in the full sight of Bethany's plump ass. It had wonderful definition, but somehow managed to be so large. I watched as she admired herself in the mirror. How could this have once been my brother Ben?

"You like what you see?" she asked. "I love it every time I change."

"Are you still...you when it happens?"

"Of course. I mean: I'm different in some ways. Bethany likes to do things that Ben wouldn't do. Vice versa. I get a lot more attention as Bethany, so I guess I'm more social."

"But you know that it's you."

"It's me, Tommy. Trust me."

"It's hard to believe."

"Would you ever want to try it?"

"No way! I mean...what if..."

"What if you liked it? Yeah, that's a real possibility. I was surprised by it."

"Does dad know about this?"

Bethany laughed again. "Are you kidding me? Who do you think I got the first pill from?"

I could only blink. "No way. Not dad."

"Things have been different since they separated. Anyway...why are you still here? I'm naked. Get out."

"You don't seem too put off by me being here."

"You've seen me naked before."

"That was obviously very different."

"You're the one that..." she noticed my eyes drifting over certain areas. "You do like it, huh? I knew it!"

Bethany turned fully around. Cupping her breasts for a moment, and then showing them off to me. I looked away—feigning horror, but we both knew that it was fake.

She said, "Do you want me, Tommy? I can't lie and say that the idea hasn't crossed my mind. You're a cute guy. As Bethany I'm attracted to you."

I racked my brain—trying to find something to say but failed miserably.

"Dad's not going to be home until tomorrow," she said. "We can do it and I'll be changed back by the time he gets home. He won't suspect such a thing."

She approached me. I offered no resistance. The scenario was threatening to crash my brain.


"Bethany," she corrected. "Ben isn't here right now."

Bethany crossed the gap between us and locked me in an embrace. Her arms were girlish now but retained most of Ben's strength. I felt her breasts mash against my chest through my shirt. She kissed me then, and while so much of me wanted to object I couldn't deny how much I craved Bethany in every way.

Here she is, I thought. This is what you wanted. You jerked off to the idea of her the other night, and now you feel her skin touching you.

I gave in.

I pushed my mouth against her. Entangling her as she had me. It was just like my fantasies had promised. The other truths and details were simply things that got in the way.

Bethany pulled at my shirt, and I obliged her by pulling it off. Her mouth went to my chest and she kissed her way around my nipples. Taking one in her mouth. I'd never had a girl to that to me. Hours in the gym had yielded no gain to my chest, but I was at least trim. Bethany pulled hard at me. I thought about having a hickey later—having left a few of my own on some ex-girlfriends.

I reached up between us to feel at her breasts. She took the hint and offered them to my mouth. They hung like ripe fruit from her chest and were just as sweet and inviting. Their nipples were light pink, and when I had one in my mouth any doubts about being with her evaporated.

"I can't believe we're doing this," she said. "If dad knew..."

My hands trailed down her sides—following the wonderful curves of her. Stopping at her stomach. She had the most wonderful tummy. I gently caressed that sweet middle. It's always been one of the sexiest parts of a woman for me. The idea of getting a girl pregnant and enjoying the gradual swelling of her was in my mind frequently. My cock swelled beneath my clothing. Bethany's hand grabbed at it through my shorts. Rubbing hard as she could. Bethany wanted it just like a normal woman did. Was there even any of my brother in there at that point? Eventually I would learn to understand more of it.

I pulled away from Bethany's breast. My saliva making her nipple shine.

"I don't think I can stop," I said. "I really want you."

She nodded.

Bethany said, "I want you inside me, Tommy."

Once I heard those words leave her mouth I knew that there would be no stopping us until it was done. I began pulling my shorts and boxers off while Bethany cleared a spot on her bed. She may have been a girl then, but her bedroom was still that of a teenage guy. When she had a space cleared she lied on her back and dug her fingers into her panties to pull them down revealing the shaved slit of a pussy that I'd been imagining the entire time. It was perfect and every aspect of it was natural. There wasn't a trace of Ben's former masculinity.