X-change: Remedial School Pt. 02

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Life in the program gets complicated for Bobby.
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Note: All of the characters in this story are over the age of eighteen. I didn't invent "x-change" or the concept of it. I'm just a big fan of the GIFS online. Also, there's a lot of great X-change stories here on literotica.com. Check them out some time and give those writers some love. This story contains a seemingly magic transformation made possible with a pill. It is a fantasy. It doesn't represent any real people or groups. Any errors or omissions are my own. Please check the story tags. If you don't like that stuff then why are you reading this? Also: just in case some people don't know: a "wife beater" is a sleeveless undershirt. It's really a bad term with unfortunate history, but I still hear people refer to those shirts that way and I included it. Sorry. Enjoy.

After we woke the next morning there was still time enough for Britney and I to go down to the cafeteria and have breakfast together. We drew a few looks from the others that were busy devouring their morning meals, but I noticed that Britney wasn't the only girl there that morning. Brett hadn't been the only one to be given the homework assignment. That made sense to me. It wouldn't be practical to force us all to do it at once, but they had to start somewhere. As I looked at the others, I thought about the possibility that I would be next. Eventually, Britney excused herself to use the rest room. She was gone for a long time and when I began to wonder what was wrong it was Brett that came walking back to the table. He looked uncomfortable in his own body again. Still, he tried to be upbeat. He said, "Hey, how about that? I changed back."

I agreed. We both knew that it might not have been what we wanted to happen after our time together, but we didn't mention it.

There were things to do. Classes to attend. Most were just the same classes that we should have completed earlier, but sprinkled within them were lectures about caring for the feelings of others. Girls were used as the great overlying example for all of us. We were told to be more like them. Some of us already were them at least temporarily. Those students who'd already began their X-change therapy were asked by the teachers to describe their feelings since their transformation. While some of them definitely seemed a little shaken by the change they said positive things. We were told that all of us would do it eventually, unless we managed to somehow demonstrate some miraculous personality changes, and even then, they were committed to doing it. I was able to put most of this out of my mind though. There was only one girl that I was interested in, and she wasn't currently a girl at that moment.

During the day when I happened to have the same class as Brett, I would catch myself staring at him. I won't lie: the whole thing was weird. How do you look at one of your guy friends again when they've changed like that? You can't really. The day went on, and on some level, we learned to pretend that none of it had ever happened. All of these alterations took place over the course of a school day. That was a lifetime for us. We carried on. Life had to be what it would be. Given the chance I began to think about Ethan again. Was he in the heat of this like we were? What would he think about all of it? It wasn't so simple as asking him because he wasn't there. When all you had was the silent ghost of someone it wasn't the same. You would always have doubt. When we'd met in the hall, he seemed to have moved on from us completely. I'd experienced that part of growing up before.

Whenever I looked over at Brett, he was looking back at me. When we parted ways for different classes, we were quick to meet in the hallway afterward. I'm sure that I wasn't paying attention to that development too much. It still felt like high school, but then I thought about how now it seemed that we were trying to maintain such close physical proximity at all times. No, that's not a thing, I told myself. Brett wasn't Britney anymore so things were just normal. That's what we were. There were too many awkward moments though. At lunch we found a moment to speak without other ears hearing us.

"What's happening to us?" I asked.

"What do you mean? We're just going to class and stuff."

"You and me..."


"It's like we're weird now."

Brett looked stricken. Then frightened. He said, "I'm sorry. I'll stay away from now on."

"No! Don't...I..." The whole thing was destroying me. Finally, I had to admit what had been plaguing me all day. I had to give in to it. "I want Britney back," I said.

Brett looked away. I thought that he was offended, but then I noticed him blushing. Even in his guy form I could recognize hints of the girl that I wanted to have again. She was in there.

"I want that too," he said. "Being Britney felt...just right."

"Do you have any more of those pills?"

"I can get more. I'm supposed to have another 'therapy session'."

I struggled to control my excitement at the possibility. He must have noticed the look on me. I said, "We definitely need to do that again."

Brett rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I bet. It was good though. Britney...she's..."

"I really like Britney," I said. "Like a lot."

"I'm sure. Okay, I'll get the pills. They'll be happy that I'm getting into it and that I feel comfortable as a girl. At least, I think that was the point of it. Who the fuck knows?"

We had a plan. I just prayed that life wasn't going to come along and fuck everything up for us. After what we'd already been through it was time that we had something nice.

The road to that was never going to be an easy one. A man can want to be an optimist all he wants but when did life ever want humans to be that way? We spent so much time trying to believe that life was worth living. I remembered spending untold hours sitting inside of a cell having that same debate. Convincing yourself of the positive answer isn't easy when all you're thinking about is when they're finally going to let you out. I shook myself away from the memories and ran right into a wall made of flesh.

"Look where you're going, asshole."

I'd collided with a huge guy that I had to look up to. The kind of guy that I'd desperately tried to avoid back in the JDC. He was a brutish ginger fucker named Travis. While I was standing in front of him, I couldn't help but remember all of the stories that I'd heard about the shit that he'd done to people. Believe it or not a lot of us "thugs" inside the junior prison system are not anxious for shit to get real and for us to get hurt. I looked around for Brett, who had always had my back inside the JDC, but he was nowhere to be seen.

The brutish asshole was mine to deal with.

"Well," he said, "I don't hear your stupid, little ass apologizing. I think that maybe this needs to be a thing."

I considered my options. We were here in this place because we made violent and wrong choices. Travis eyeballed me. He had almost a foot of height on me and probably forty or more pounds easily. Classic bully situation only this bully had a collection of shitty Juvenile Hall tattoos on his hulking arms. Some of those you were only supposed to get if you were a particularly violent inmate. People joked about gingers not having souls. In Travis' case I had to wonder.

"I'm sorry for my part in the collision," I said. "But come on, dude. You had to have seen me walking here. You could've moved."

"What did you say to me?"

"I asked why you didn't move."

"Did you call me a faggot?"

"No. I don't like using that word. It's not cool, dude."

He gritted his teeth. Muscles in his whole body tensing. Violent thoughts primed and ready to give birth to violent realities. "I'll show you what's not cool."

He was about to seize me up in his gorilla arms when he suddenly stopped. Travis was looking at something behind me. I was foolish enough to turn around, and expected to get a punch for my trouble. However, I saw that Ethan and his new entourage had arrived.

"What do you want?" asked Travis.

"You to stop doing stupid shit," said Ethan. "Hasn't the Director told you repeatedly to not go around doing your bully bullshit anymore, Travis? These people are not the old narcs from high school. You won't get away with this shit."

Travis looked around. "I don't see anyone right now. Just think of what I could do to you, you little queen."

Ethan gave the bully a sidelong glance. There was something decidedly more feminine about him. Some new secrets hidden behind his lush, big brown eyes. "You could try. But there's a whole lot of us here and one of you. Besides, Travis, how long do you think you have until you get in trouble? Maybe you should take your time."

The large ginger brute simmered for a moment. If he chose to, he could've absolutely thrashed me. On this day though it wasn't meant to be. He turned and walked away muttering to himself. It was one of the damndest things that I'd ever seen.

I thanked Ethan for his timely intervention.

"It's good to see that you're making new friends," he said. "That meat-head shouldn't have been here in the first place. He hasn't even expressed any interest in the pill or the counseling sessions."

"But they let him come here?"

Ethan said, "The program has to at least try to take the hard cases. If they didn't then the critics would just always bring them up. Where's Brett?"

"We had different classes. I was going to meet up with him later."

"Brett...always in trouble."

"Ethan," said one of his posse, "We're gotta take off. We'll catch up later."

"Sure thing, guys."

Ethan's new clique made their exit. Half of them has the same feminine anima that surrounded Ethan. The other half seemed way too eager to be close to those ones. They reminded me of the rejected members of a boy band. Some of the them had the looks that could be marketed, but there was no other discernable talent.

And with that my old friend and I were alone for the first time in years. I'd spent so many waking moments of our incarceration preparing myself for what I would say. I'd seen him on the inside, but it was always briefly and never alone.

"I hope that things are getting better for you," he said. "It wasn't easy going through all of that. I know that my lawyer made some implications about you guys that weren't flattering, but that wasn't me at all. My parents hired him to do everything he could to get me out."

"And it didn't even help, did it?"

"No," he said. "That judge was an asshole. I know that Brett hates my guts, but you don't, right? I mean we've been friends since forever. We used to play Nintendo 64 together."

Those were nice times back in the day. Before more adult problems got in the way. When we were young, we were always thinking about how cool it was going to be when we were "adults". After we became adults we kept looking back and longing for those old times.

"It was a stab in the back," I said. "You could've sent us away forever."

"Not forever. That was never on the table."

He could tell by the look on my face that his comment wasn't helping out at all. As much as I wanted to be generous to my old friend, there was some real truth to what Brett felt about him. Thinking about Brett made me think about Britney, and suddenly I wanted to be going. I was creating the right excuse in my mind when Ethan made me an offer.

He said, "What if I try to make it up to you? I mean...I can't take back what I did, but I can do something that will make you very happy."

"I don't know, Ethan. Don't worry. I won't take revenge or anything, but things are different."

"They are," he said. "I've learned some new things since we've been apart. Let me show you. Come on back to my room."

We stood there alone at the end of the day and I was left with a choice that would make or break me. People talk about the importance of having friends, and I could whole heartedly agree with that, but the problem with friends is that they leave you vulnerable. I actually waited for some random person to intercede or maybe even Brett would appear out of nowhere. I knew what Ethan was offering even if we were pretending that I didn't. I wanted it. When no one showed up I knew that there was no way that I was going to say 'no'.

I agreed and followed Ethan back to his room. The entire time knowing that it was the wrong thing to do, but that didn't stop me from going anyway. It sucks to me human sometimes.

When we got to his room, I was surprised to see how nice it was compared to my own. Ethan's room was larger and decorated with all manner of what I would assume to be girly things. There were posters of very attractive young men on the walls. I wasn't sure if they were actors or musicians. My knowledge of pop culture had withered while I'd been on the inside. Some people were able to keep up with the internet in the computer center and movies in the rec area, but that stuff just lost appeal to me. There were also several pictures of women's fashion as well.

"Quite the room," I said.

Ethan shrugged. "If you work with the program you start to get some more privileges. You really might want to consider it, Bobby. They want to help us."

"Is this stuff part of your treatment to make you girly?"

"It's what Yvette likes, which probably means that I like it too. It's hard to explain. Take a seat on the bed."


"Yeah. She's the other me. I like her a lot, and I'm sure that you will too."

Ethan moved to the closet and retrieved an outfit that he had hanging up. He quickly retreated to the bathroom and closed the door leaving me sitting there by myself. For a moment I told myself that now was my chance. I could get up and walk about of there. No one would know but the two of us, and it didn't seem likely that he would embarrass himself by telling other people what did or didn't happen. I could have left. I didn't.

After several minutes, the door opened.

Yvette stood before me, and I was thunderstruck from the sight of her. I'd considered giving up on Ethan after he'd brushed me aside so casually. That was a premature and very reactive move, but back then I never did really appreciate subtleties and nuances. I doubt others of my age did either. They would however be attuned to the beautiful creature that was then in front of me. Ethan's small frame translated well into a girl. Yvette smiled at me. Her brown eyes reflected a bright shine of the light of the room. She wore a small floral print dress that clung to her indulgent body. My eyes traced every curve and every rise down to the bottom of her dress that hung to the tops of her thighs. The kind of dress that most girls' moms would hate.

She brushed at her shoulder length brunette hair with her hand and said, "Nice to see you again, Bobby."

I shrugged. "Is it? You didn't seem so interested to hang out when I bumped into you before."

She smiled as if completely innocent. "That was different," she said. "When the boys and I are...well boys, we have a kind of thing going on. The more that you can prove to the program that you're serious they give you more privileges. You and Brett out to try it."

"I'll keep that in mind."

She moved closer to me—enough to feel her warmth and I could smell that sweet girliness about her. There would be no way for me to recognize her as Ethan if I hadn't known already.

Yvette said, "I heard that Brett had to do his homework. Not surprising. He always did have an attitude."

"The implication is that all of us have to do it if I'm not mistaken."

She giggled. Her finger lightly traced my face giving me that tingling nervous chill. "That's true," she said, "But, Brett always wore that shit on his sleeve. Or his wifebeater shirt. Anyway, the word around the facility is that you helped him with it. What did she call herself?"


"Perfect. I bet you loved it. The ones that don't take the pills and remain guys always love it eventually. They might act all creeped out at first, but let's face it: we've all been in a desperate situation for a while. If you get a chance to fuck a girl, you're not going to mind that she was a guy a few minutes ago, are you?"

There wasn't too much I could say to that. Yvette or Ethan had always been a blunt person. As a guy that quality made people think of him as snarky, but as a beautiful girl it lent a certain cruelty to my uncertain friend.

"Maybe that happened," I admitted. "If so then it's not your business."

"You're right. You and Britney are good. I'm happy for you. This drug was made for people to have special moments like that."

"Some of this shit seems scary, Yvette. Don't you think?"

"Maybe. To be honest: I volunteered to take the pill. I love this version of myself, Bobby. It's who I want to be."


She pressed her face near mine. Our lips just inches apart. "It's me, Bobby. You like me this way, don't you?"

"Yes," I said. There was no way that I couldn't agree with that. Yvette was a guy's wet dream. Her dark brown eyes probed mine. Unlike Brett the pills had caused Ethan's hair to grow out. Its lush brown locks hung down to her shoulders. Whereas Brett adapted "Britney" on the fly, Ethan seemed to have perfected "Yvette". The little movements that she made with her body. The delicious little smile that her cute mouth offered to me.

"Tell me what you want," she said.

"I want you."

Yvette entered my arms and our lips met. I closed my eyes—simply letting her soft warmth envelope me. Breathing in all that floral sweetness. My hands clutched her sides, and slid down over the curves that she now had. In that moment I was so far away from the program, incarceration, and the entire notion that we had ever been in trouble. Everything in the world was wonderful.

Yvette pulled away from me—the slick wetness of our kiss still on my lips.

"You taste sweet, Bobby. How do I taste?"

"Like honey."

She giggled. "So flattering. It's hard to explain my reactions. After the pill makes you a girl you want to fall for all of that stuff no matter how stupid you thought it was as a guy. It makes you want to feel so good."

"For real?"

"Oh yeah, baby. Maybe you should try it next time."

"I don't think that I could. Nothing against you guys that do, but I'm not sure it's safe. I might forget who I am."

"Maybe that's the point," she said. "Ultimately, the program will decide for you. That's what they do. It's in their mission statement."

"You volunteered."

"True. I met some guys who were doing it. I heard about it on-line a while back. People use the pills as party favors or sexual enhancers. The program saw the opportunity to use it for social engineering. Got too many toxic males? Here's a pill that will transform them into more agreeable females. Then they'll learn to appreciate the other side and change themselves. If they don't get better then they give those problem males a 'plus' pill and turn a troublesome son into an impressionable and cooperative daughter. Most of the funding for this program comes from private investors, but the government is onboard too."

"It's a lot to believe," I said.

Yvette kissed me again. "Don't worry about it." Her hand slid up between my legs where it met my already primed cock held within the confines of my state-issue sweat pants. I could've enhanced my wardrobe after leaving the previous facility, but I didn't want my parents to incur any more expenses on my part. Even at that age you're able to understand the guilt that you should be feeling. Complain all you want about your parents but they were probably too generous with you.

I was a toy in Yvette's hands.

"Nice," she said. "Got you all excited, huh?"

I nodded like an idiot. How could I not? She was already juggling my cock and I knew that I was desperate to be putting it inside of her. The usual story. She grabbed me by the shirt and led me over to the bed.