X-Ray Vision Ch. 04: Extolled


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More than colored; had other responses that indicated arousal, excitement. Reminds me, we'd have to stop by a department store for clean underthings. These were rank and getting more-so by the minute.

The pants needed hemming. Khang knelt with pins in her mouth, tried different lengths. Nick preferred an over-the-boot cut, showing some sock. A butch-girl thing I think, what do I know. Looked nice, stylish without being 'pretty'.

Nick asked her some question? Khang nodded, produced the leather jacket, slipped it over her shoulders. And shazam Nick looked a million bucks, a fashion-plate runway-model vision of chic butch.

Nick stared, her mouth open, then turned and impulsively gave Khang a hug! Khang's face buried in her shoulder was adorable, excited and self-satisfied and lustful all at once, all pretense of professionalism erased.

Only I get to see those secret expressions, when folks are totally open and not hiding anything. Not knowing I can see. I try to treat that knowledge carefully, a trust, to be valued and kept private. Helps me understand people better.

They talked a bit more, and not about fashion I think. Khang then took her hand, led her out to us, to show off.

I lit up like a proud uncle. "Nick! That is amazing! What a good look on you!" She posed again, thumb hooked in waistband, hip thrust out, shoulders back, knee bent, smiling. I laughed, showing my appreciation.

Phuong was beaming, pleased the customer was happy. What he made of lesbian fashion, I have no idea. He cannot have grown up with rough butch girls wearing leather, I don't imagine. He'd grown a lot since coming to America.

"Perhaps two like that? Three? Yes, three sets, in suitable colors." Khang had given me the look that said 'don't be cheap'. I could not endure that look, not from Khang. My girlfriend's sister had me wrapped around her finger.

The account would just cover this expense, so no money changed hands at the moment. More tactful since Jillian likely didn't want Nick knowing what it cost or feeling beholden. Of course that just meant the dress bill would be even more shocking when it arrived.

The finished goods were to be delivered. But where?

"Mr. Nguyen, do you know the rooming house owned by the Pham's?" He nodded, quite familiar with the entire Vietnamese business landscape. "Our current plan is to get Nick lodged there. So if delivery could be made? If expectations change, I can let you know."

That done, Nick changed back into her original street clothes, we said our goodbyes.

Outside, "You'll need clean underwear, socks and that sort of thing. Not in Mr. Nguyen's line. We'll try Gimble's?" Not the national chain, a local family of a similar name. Nick seemed cautiously agreeable, but when we went in and saw how upscale it was, she balked.

"I won't tell you how to feel about this. But I do have to answer to Jillian. I send you to work improperly dressed, I have to live with her disappointment.

"And what would Khang say?"

That was enough to get her to look. Once she saw the goods, felt the fabrics her resistance faded. She selected a minimum of underwear in a plain print, heavy socks suitable for boots.

I suggested a cool-weather jacket. She wanted a hoodie which the nice saleslady came up with, not too expensive.

Nick noticed that I paid with crumpled bills, weathered and worn. She didn't comment, probably figured it was part of the Finder lifestyle. And she was right of course.

I arranged delivery to the Pham's which took some explaining. I don't think Gimble's delivered to rooming houses very often. Paid the exorbitant delivery fee while Nick was looking at boots.

"Next, the Pham's?" Nick seemed reluctant.

"I.. don't want to show up like this. Smelling like this? If it's not too much bother, could I maybe do some laundry first?"

"Great idea! Let's head back to the condo, get that sorted, make some lunch." We'd started late and it was long past the lunch hour.

I loaned her one of my t-shirts, a pair of shorts and Jillian's room to change in while I heated up soup. Yes, sad bachelor canned soup, that's the level I had descended to. I hoped Nick wouldn't mind.

Handing her a bag of quarters from last Saturday's walk on the beach (the ice-cream trolley had a set path, which was positively paved in lost change) I steered her to the building's laundry room.

The soup was bubbling when she returned, bowls set out, a bagel popped from the toaster. She accepted it without hesitation, ladled herself some chicken-noodle, sat at a stool to slurp and chew. Like a proper comfortable house guest! Our relationship was improving.

She looked very different in a t-shirt and shorts, and nothing else. More vulnerable. She saw me looking, smiled.

"You've been more than kind. I know it's more than I can ever repay."

I shrugged. "There's all kinds of recompense. Jillian needs to help; it feeds her soul. And whatever Jillian needs, I'm on board with. It's not really a burden for us."

She looked around the condo, nodded. This place had to cost a bundle, you could almost hear her thinking.

"I inherited when my parents died, and my uncle, an only child. And my expenses are miniscule. This place is my only extravagance."

She cut to the chase. "I don't want to mess up what you have, you and Jillian. But if I can do anything to help you two, to please you, I'd do it. That includes sex. It's all I have, all I can do for you."

I blushed, I admit it. Not used to strong fit women throwing themselves at me, not so bluntly. I took my time to respond.

"I'm flattered." She knew what was coming next. "You are a catch, and I imagine really nice in bed. But I'm involved with Jillian, love her in fact. That's not something I want to upset.

"Jillian is in charge of herself, her own body. I'll pass on your very exciting offer; she'll answer any way she likes. I won't even pretend to know what her answer will be? And it will be cool, however she decides."

She took that in stride. Probably a better answer for her, than a threesome. Not really into guys was my guess.

Something was still bothering her.

"You guys sleep in separate rooms? None of my business, but I just thought, maybe there was something I could do, to relieve tension. That's why I offered."

"Jillian had some trouble recently, with a guy, I won't say boyfriend, a predator really, not my place to say more." Nick got that; I imagine she'd met her share. "That set her back some. We're working through it. When she's ready, if ever, she'll let me know. Until then as I said her body is her own. I'm content to wait; Jillian is worth any wait."

That surprised her, impressed her, I could tell. I can always tell. Facial expressions are just the tip of the iceberg, the only thing most folks ever learn to control, to hide, to fake.

"As long as we're baring our souls, I admit I'm surprised at your offer. I understood it was a dealbreaker when you met Jillian."

Her turn to color. "That was because she was a stranger, might have been a predator, I didn't know her goals. Now that I do, see what a stand-up woman she is, well that changes things. Changes everything. I'm allowed to change my mind, right?"

I nodded, certain of that. "You're allowed to want anything your heart tells you. I'm never going to second-guess other people including you. I've got my own issues, and I own them. Learning to own them, Jillian is helping with that. I get it."

All friends now, all our cards on the table, lunch went on splendidly from there. We shared stories, about music and travel and people we'd met.

"Khang is wonderful! What a talent! But I wonder, she's Jillian's sister?"

I smiled. "Khang has a dream, since she was little. She always knew she had a sister somewhere, not back in Vietnam; nobody left alive there since the war." Some shock from Nick; she was young, not yet encountered that situation so personally. She hid it well, but the heart always gives it away.

"Jillian had no family either, long story. When they met, when I introduced them, it fell into place. They were meant to be family, sisters in spirit. Them and nobody else, because the Finder 'found' Jillian, brought them together. What the Finder does, apparently, finds the lost."

Mouth open, forgetting to chew, this was not how Nick expected it to go. Remembered to close her mouth, swallow. A smart one, Nick, used to alternate lifestyles I guess, since she had no more questions, just accepted it all. Unrelated strangers forming a family? Well good for us. Mysterious Finder that determines their fate? Sure why not.


After a nap, some catching up for Nick after her days of stress, for me after my late night of Finding, the dryer dinged and Nick had changed into warm fluffy clean clothes, we headed for the Pham's.

A longer trek, and uphill the last half mile. I was puffing by the end, but Nick didn't seem to notice. The young!

Finding the place was no trouble. Jillian had said it stuck out because of the yard. She wasn't kidding. Blooms, decorative plantings everywhere, appealing gingerbread. A joy!

Mr. Pham was not in evidence, nor Mrs. Pham. We clambered onto the porch, knocked.

"Mời vào!" sounded from inside. Nick took that as our signal, tried the door, went right in. I followed.

A curious entryway, quaint. A dining room to one side, and a voice calling "xin chào". An older woman who must be Mrs. Pham, sorting colored beans in bowls.

Nick, to my everlasting surprise, answered in kind "chau chào bac!" Mrs. Pham was surprised as well, looked up with a beatific smile.

She rattled off a series of quick comments in Vietnamese, my ability to understand exhausted. Nick was not confounded in the least and responded rapid-fire, her Vietnamese sounded good to my untutored ear.

They continued to converse like a young woman and her Auntie, polite and friendly. When Mrs. Pham gestured toward me Nick said something that got them both chuckling. Good ol' Greg! Good for a laugh. I was clearly out of my depth and superfluous to the proceedings.

I was allowed to sit while they chatted, discussing the house and its setup, pointing upstairs, at the kitchen, the dining room. At one point Nick was given a key from Mrs. Pham's keyring, which sealed the deal as far as I could tell.

When they finished, Mrs. Pham back to her beans still smiling, Nick read me in.

"I've got the room, like Jillian said probably my first week's wages but still a good deal. The store delivered my stuff, it's inside the back door, in the kitchen. She approves of that department store, part of why she likes me."

I doubted that; it was all about charm, charm and fluent Vietnamese.

"I'm good here! I'll move in, which is just carrying that stuff upstairs.

"If you've got nothing else on the agenda? I guess I can stay here, and let you have the rest of your day back? I'll probably explore the neighborhood, stretch my legs.

Oh! Mrs. Pham said to tell you, I'm in good hands, they'll take care of me, don't worry any longer." She smiled at that, amused that I played the role of concerned uncle.

I remembered my one important fact, said it now. "Jillian requests the pleasure of your company tonight, to discuss the details of your employment? Around dusk, for supper. Come any time earlier, don't want you getting lost in the dark."

She agreed, waved, headed through the dining room after her stuff, completely 'at home'. I nodded politely to Mrs. Pham, made my retreat through the parlor and out.


"So she starts in, chattering in Vietnamese like a native! Leaving me staring dumbly, my mouth hanging open."

Jillian thought that hilarious, laughed along with Nick.

Nick felt she had to explain. "I worked in a Vietnamese restaurant, hostess then waitress, for two years, back at... back when I was a kid. Mr. Giang had no English so I had to learn fast. I guess I was young enough, it seemed easy at the time."

I finished my story. "It was all over but the shouting then, Mrs. Pham had already fallen in love with her."

We were old friends now, happily chowing down over Jill's Lemon Garlic Chicken. Heavenly, comfort food, my favorite. I'd made the salad. Well, I'd chopped, Nick had arrived early, told me what to do.

When Jill got home, before Nick came, I recounted my day leaving out that embarrassing part with Mrs. Pham. I'd mentioned the sex-talk I'd had with Nick, I'd promised I would. Jill had gone all soft, looked touched at Nick's offer.

"The sweetie! She's so nice." But she'd not been forthcoming, and I'd not pressed her. Something the two of them would work out, I'm sure. I didn't worry about that stuff anymore.

"Mr. Pham is a trooper! Has that place looking like a flower shop! With his bum leg, still he gets around, gets it all done."

Nick was clearly a different person from the one we'd met. Clean and rested, comfortable and confident. It was a tonic to the spirit. And to think, all started because Jillian made the effort, reached out and did what was necessary.

"So what did you think of my sister? My grandfather?" Jillian was still getting used to having a nuclear family. She felt quite proprietary about them. I hoped Nick would clue in to that and say nice things.

"Mr. Nguyen is a dear! So polite, so civilized. I could eat him up with a spoon!

"And Khang! A genius! She took me, a goofy awkward butch kid, and made me look like, like, somebody who knows what they're doing with clothes!"

I chimed in. "It'll take your breath away, when she comes to work in that outfit. And the casual clothes! Something from a movie poster!"

Jillian was beaming, proud of her family. Nick had something more to add.

"I..I invited Khang on a date. If it's ok with you! I can say no, I came down with something, if it's a problem."

Jill laughed. "Like I tell my older sister who she dates? Phoo. Have a good time. You know she'll tell me all about it after, anyway?"

Nick's turn to blush. She changed the subject.

"I'm really looking forward to my first day on the job."

Jillian had arranged her employment. The boss had left it all to her, like she'd promised. A good boss!

"I'll have to wear this; Khang won't have my clothes before the weekend. Something about a wedding?"

Jillian nodded. Apparently, I was the last to know about anything, which was ok. As long as they told me the important stuff, where to go, when to show up, what to wear. Who to pay. Stuff I was good at.

"I think I'm gonna like dealing with um, folks needing bail."

"You mean criminals. Dirtbags and arrogant assholes. We can say it here, between us. At work it's 'clients', important to keep it professional."

Nick smiled, a predatory smile, clearly ready to get down and dirty with men trying to push her around. She'd hold all the cards this time, which excited her no end. She was a perfect find for Jillian! A win all around.

This job was going to be good for Nick, let her get some of her bottled up aggression and frustration out. I hoped she'd be able to keep it up, keep it professional. Earn some bank so she could branch out later.

I brought out some cannelloni I got, a shop on the strip. It was new, I didn't know how long the place would last. Cannelloni? At a beach? But it was to die for, and I was happy to share it with my friends. The women made appropriate noises, lapped it up. Drank the wine, chatted.

In the end Nick stayed over again, they'd go to work together in the morning, Nick had to learn the way anyway.

I went to bed early, let them have their workmate time.


I knocked on Jillian's door. "Good morning!" Saw her wake with a start, a bit of a hangover. I had the cure in the blender, ready.

Nick had fared better, had a larger capacity for alcohol. She showed no signs of headache, waking more slowly, stretching, contented. In Jill's bed. Naked.

I left them to sort out the bathroom, the shower, the clothes while I made coffee and toasted bagels. Today, creamed cheese and lox! From a good deli, up the hill in the ritzy neighborhood, brought home yesterday after my trip to the Pham's.

Jill came out first, hair wet, putting on her work blazer, cringing at the kitchen lights. I handed her the glass, and she shot it down without hesitation, grimaced, burped.

"Ready for solid food?" I was only half-joking, but the protein in the creamed cheese would be a big help. She took the bagel from me, bit without noticing, actually smiled at the taste. Looked at what she'd eaten, got a little alarmed.

"Raw fish?"

"Smoked salmon, not the same thing." Really the same thing, but folks' objection to raw fish was almost entirely mental. Calling it smoked made it ok.

She decided it was ok. "Tasty!" Picked up an empty cup, held it for me to fill with coffee.

"Sleep well?" I asked coyly. I knew she had; she'd cum at least once, I could tell from her blood flow, the state of her nervous system, the flex in her muscles. Unmistakable.

She blushed but held her ground. "Nicky needed to feel she's reciprocating. And it would have been cruel to make her sleep on the couch again!"

I agreed. "Probably half the reason your hangover isn't any worse. Good rest is the right start to her first day on the job!"

Jill got all businesslike. "Nick! Get a move on! Leaving in five minutes!"

Nick was coming out of the shower, naked, dashed down the hall into 'their' room for her clothes. Grinned at me on the way by. Completely un-self-conscious, friendly. What a woman!

I wrapped a whole stuffed bagel in a napkin for Nick, filled a paper cup with coffee, put a lid on it. She'd have to eat on the way.

On the dot five minutes later she came out, dressed in her mostly-clean clothes, ready to hit the road. I handed her the cup and bagel on the way out the door, got a peck from Jill, stood and watched them head up the street, chatting and making good time.



"It's over the Thai place downtown, second floor, Crinshaw Bail Bonds. She's the boss, Crinshaw."

"I tried to get a job at that place, the Thai place. Tried all the places downtown. End of season, restaurants aren't hiring. How did you find this job?"

I didn't lie, I just didn't give the whole story. "Greg found it. He was looking for some place overworked, too busy, bottlenecked on one person. So I could swoop in and solve their problems."

That didn't really answer her question, but Nick let it lay. Greg was a singular person, Nick had been told that, had seen for herself. This was just another part of the curiosity that was Greg. He found me a job? Of course; he was the Finder.

We had arrived. Into the lobby, up the elevator - had to wait for one, rats. Down the hall, through the door into bedlam.

Crinshaw was busy on the phone, angry, talking in staccato bursts to somebody on the other end; slacker-guy standing at her desk, looking scared. Everybody else was standing in little groups, upset, excited, talking loudly. Only Kelly was keeping her cool.

"Kelly! This is Nick, the new person." Nick took her hand, shook.

"What's the kerfuffle?"

"A runner. Boss is contacting a bounty hunter. She likes to jump on these things fast, before they get far. Clock's ticking, she can get them back, appear before the judge by 2, the bond is not forfeit."

"Who's client?"

Kelly indicated with her chin, slacker-guy, now the target of the boss' wrath.

"Apparently he didn't vet the client, a vacationer, a flight risk. Didn't even ask; just checked the box. They've ghosted their hotel, probably headed to the airport. He wrote a sweet deal; the boss will be out a bundle if this doesn't end well."

Nick was lapping it up. "This happen often?" Her eyes were bright.

Kelly shook her head. "Not if we do our job right. Should never have accepted the contract. He wanted to look good, write a lot of paper. Now it's bit him, hard."