Xavier Smith


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"My son, my little Joesef," Nakita sobbed.

"Damn, but your daughter has one fine ass," Xavier said.

Nakita's head snapped up and he glared at Xavier.

""And that pussy is super sweet," Xavier said and took a sip of scotch and smiled at Nadia's glaring face.

"How many guys you think she's had service that pussy, huh?" Xavier asked and pointed to the dark curls, smiling at Nakita. "Huh, Nakita? Think she's let Eddie slam it a few times? Or Marcus there? Think he's tapped this manful

"Daddy, I am not, I'm still a..." Romany said.

"And these tits, huh? A little small, but they're sweet, huh?" Xavier said and cupped one of Romany's small breasts.

"Please, please don't," Romany begged Xavier.

"So pretty," Xavier said and squeezed the small breast. "That nice dark hair, so curly, them big green eyes. Where'd she get them green eyes? Your eyes are shit brown, Nakita, and her momma; she's got shit brown eyes too."

Nakita clenched his jaw tightly and his hands clenched and unclenched. Xavier took another sip of the scotch and smiled at Nakita.

"And those nice pouty lips; bet they'd look so good wrapped around my cock. What you think, Nakita? Want to watch your little girl sucking on my cock?" Xavier went on.

"Your wife?" Nakita sneered. "She begged for her life. She offered to fuck all of us, she offered to take us to you."

"Sounds like her," Xavier nodded and sipped the scotch again.

"She was cursing your name as I shot her," Nakita said.

"Daddy!" Romany said, shocked.

"I put two bullets into her, one in the heart, and one in the head," Nakita went on.

"Wow, you were able to shoot her in the heart? Good shot," Xavier smiled and finished the scotch. "I didn't know anyone could find it."

"Yes, she cursed your name, cursed your mother and your father," Nakita went on, grinning at the memory of it.

"I think we've heard enough," Agent Brown said as he entered the room and showed his badge to Nakita. "F.B.I."

"Thanks for confessing," Xavier said. "Backs up what we already had on my surveillance tapes."

Nakita stumbled forward as Xavier stood up and showed Nakita both of his hands.

"See, Nakita, I had surveillance cameras put in last year, when that crazy woman was running around telling everyone she was my wife," Xavier said. "Watched you kill Bucky and her boyfriend in glorious living color."

"The shotgun," Nakita stammered.

"Not loaded," Xavier admitted. "Your daughter; she is innocent. Why would I hurt her?"

"You have the right to remain silent," Agent Brown was telling Nakita as he handcuffed him.

"I will make sure you never draw an unafraid breath," Nakita promised.

"Good luck with that," Xavier smiled. "But I will make it easy for you. I'm taking my winnings and moving back to my mother's home in Costa del Sol, in Panama.

Chapter 10

Bail was denied and Nakita and seven of his men, including his son Joesef, sat and cooled their heels. Nakita was quite relieved to see that his son was actually still alive.

"Yeah, we walked in and before I could even say anything, there's fifteen cops all around us, and this crazy son of a bitch cursing and spitting at us," Joesef said.

"I was told that you had been killed," Nakita said.

"That crazy mother fucker, he would have tried," Joesef admitted. "The cops hadn't been there, he would have tried."


Abe Milner, Nakita's lawyer, took the message from Nakita to George. George read the cryptic message, nodded his head once and walked away.

Abe shivered; the burly man scared him.


Romany gasped; her father looked horrible. His skin was actually gray, sagging.

Nakita was discovering that his connections did not help him in jail; they hurt him. Twice now, he had to kill two other inmates that had tried to kill him as part of their initiation into jailhouse gangs. And each time, the gangs promised revenge for their fallen brother.

He talked with his daughter, the light of his life. She was as pretty as her mother had been at that age, and as innocent. Her mother, once she found out where their immense wealth was coming from, had left him. She had returned to their native Russia.

The sting of losing his wife had been taken out when Nakita married the first brown-eyed girl that had smiled at him.

"It is not good in here," he admitted.

"Mr. Milner, he's going to get you out, right?" she asked.

"My sweet little princess," Nakita smiled. "You still believe, don't you? You still believe in fairy tales, and happily ever after."


George was silent as the bus rumbled through the mountain range. The filthy man next to him tried several times to engage him in conversation and George ignored him.

"This man, he is a rude American," the man said to his friend behind him.

George punched the man, stifling the laughter in the man's throat.

"You are the rude one," George told the groaning man. "I wish my privacy, but do you respect that? No."

"Senor Smith," Rosa said as she ran to his hacienda. "There is an American asking for you. He is showing many American dollars and saying it is reward because you are wanted criminal in America."

"Fine, fine," Xavier smiled. "I will see him."

"Bring him here?" Rosa asked.

"No, no, I will come to him," Xavier said.

George sat in the small café and waited.

"Put your hands on the table where I can see them," Xavier said as he stood behind George.

George slowly put his hands on the table; the muzzle of the shotgun left no doubt in his mind that Xavier had gotten the draw on him. Xavier sat down behind George, never moving the barrel of the shotgun from the back of George's head.

"Is it not bad enough that you have to come and disturb my peace and tranquility?" Xavier asked. "But you have to tell my friends, my family that I am a criminal? You know that I am no criminal."

"Nakita says 'hi,'" George said.

"Nakita is of no importance to me," Xavier said. "Tel him that. That he is a small man that bears no importance to me."

"And I will make sure you arrive safely to the airport," Miguel Dominguez, Rosa's father said.

"As will I," Juan Dominguez said.

George glumly looked at the five men and their shotguns.

"Well, I guess I'm going back to the airport," he said and moved to stand up.

"Not so fast," Xavier said. "I am not taking any chances that you might hurt my friends; you are a dangerous man with no morals. Strip."

Rosa stifled her giggles with her hand as the burly man slowly removed his clothing. He paused when he was standing in boxer shorts, but Xavier used the barrel of his gun to pull the waistband down. George sighed and pulled the underwear off. Rosa laughed out loud at the sight of George's flaccid cock.

"Rosa!" Miguel ordered his twenty-year-old daughter. "Go away!"

"Oh, come on, Father," Rosa laughed. "I do not want to miss any of this!"

"You will go blind if you look at it too long," Xavier smiled and Rosa collapsed in helpless laughter.

"I do speak Spanish," George sullenly said. "I can understand you."

"Oh, good," Xavier said. "Then understand this. These men will take you to the airport. You will get on the airplane and leave our country. If you ever return, we will kill you, do you understand?"

"Yes," George said.

He sat in the back of the car between two men that never moved their shotguns from his belly. In the front, one man sat facing the rear, his shotgun trained on George's head. A fourth man drove the car, while the fifth man gave directions.

"Okay, the airport is just around the bend," Miguel said. "Get out and start walking."

"But, but, I am naked!" George protested.

"And if you do not get out, you will be dead," Miguel shrugged. "Your choice."

George got out of the car, hands over his genitals. Miguel smiled and tossed the man's clothing into a mud puddle. The car drove away rapidly in reverse.


Xavier enjoyed the simple life of a fisherman. The work was hard, which suited him physically. He had to pay attention to everything around him, beneath him and above him, and that suited him mentally. He had no need for the money but he did enjoy buying his own dinner with the money he earned that day. Often, he would buy everyone's dinner; so he had many friends.

At night, he read voraciously; the postmaster often grumbled at him that Xavier would drive him to early retirement.

"My back, it cannot take all these heavy books," he grumbled.

Costa Del Sol enjoyed the new library Xavier quietly commissioned and the postmaster grumbled even more as boxes and boxes of books arrived.

Books in many different languages filled the shelf and Xavier held a contest; any child that could finish a book in French, and do a written and an oral book report on the book would get one hundred American dollars.

"Any child under the age of twenty one years," he said.

Rosa Dominguez proudly stood in the front of the church and gave her oral report on The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Her French was faltering, she often confused the verb tense, but Xavier stood and applauded her report and handed her the one hundred dollar bill.

"She is a good daughter," the people said when she tearfully, happily handed Miguel the one hundred dollar bill.


"I am old," Nakita said wearily to Romany. "It is not worth it."

Romany listened, tears in her eyes, as the once proud Nakita sobbed and told her of Josef's death behind the prison walls. He'd been stabbed to death as he lay sleeping.

She listened intently and promised to carry out Nakita's last wishes.

"Promise me, my child," he begged. "Promise, so that I may go in peace."

"I do, Daddy," she promised.

"And my daughter?" he asked.

"Yes Daddy?" Romany asked.

"Please, please, never come here again," he said.

He'd had more than one prisoner come up to him and promise him that they would be looking Romany up when they got out. They promised that it would not be a friendly social visit; but that they would enjoy it tremendously.

"I fuck her up the ass," one brawny man promised. "Then I make her clean her own shit off my dick with her tongue. She cries? I kill her."

Nakita beat him to death with a chair.


"I go," Rosa said and sprinted out the door of the café before Miguel could stop her.

"My daughter, she have love for Senor Smith," Miguel smiled. "Sit, sit, you want beer? I also have the coca-cola."

"The coco-cola, please," Romany asked.

"Senor Smith," Rosa called out as she ran.

"Yes, Senorita?" Xavier smiled as he sat on the dock, mending a net that a swordfish had torn.

"There is a woman, an American at the café, she is looking for you," Rosa gasped, out of breath from the run.

"Dark hair, but not as dark as yours? Curly?" Xavier asked. "Green eyes?"

"You know her?" Rosa asked, eyes narrowed in jealousy.

"I do," Xavier smiled. "I have been expecting her."

Many men came in, pretending to have business with Miguel, but they did not take their eyes from the pale beauty that sat and waited for Xavier.

"My daughter, she is available," Miguel reminded the more affluent of the curious visitors. "Hard working, honest, she would make you happy."

"Um, is there somewhere more, um more private?" Romany asked after the tenth male came in and stared intently at her.

"No, I am sorry," Miguel apologized. "You would think that they have never seen a female before."

"Not one as beautiful as you," Xavier said as he entered the café.

"My daddy," Romany said, flustered as she looked at the handsome man.

She remembered the man that held a shotgun to her head and forced her to remove her clothing. Until that night, she'd had a suspicion that Daddy was involved in some slightly illegal activity; the men that hung around the condominium were a bit rough, a bit uncouth. But the harsh treatment of Xavier Smith had been quite a shock. Then he'd taped a gun to her and she knew beyond a doubt that Daddy was involved in some dangerous dealings, with some dangerous people.

Then he'd had the gall to tell Daddy that she was a slut that she'd slept around. Worse yet, he'd put his large hands on her. When he'd touched her breasts, and squeezed it, she thought she would faint.

Standing in front of her, easy smile on his handsome face, the dangerous man seemed to be a lifetime ago.

"My daddy says it is over," she finally said, lowering her eyes so that she would not be distracted. "He says he has no more grudge with you."

"That is good," Xavier smiled and sat down.

Rosa slapped his beer on the table hard and waited. Xavier smiled and gave her a five-dollar bill. Rosa looked over at Romany, then back at Xavier.

"She has a tongue, ask her, don't ask me," Xavier smiled.

"Does Senorita want another coca-cola?" Rosa asked in a surly tone.

"No, no thank you," Romany said, still not looking at Xavier.

"He is old, he is tired," Romany went on.

"It is bound to happen to all of us," Xavier shrugged.

"Rosa!" Miguel snapped and Rosa sullenly slunk away from the table, leaving the two Americans alone.

Romany sipped her warm cola and Xavier guzzled the beer. Still she would not look up at him.

"He asks that you forgive him so he can die in peace," Romany said.

"Tell your father I have already forgiven him," Xavier said and stood up. "I forgave him the moment my feet touched my native soil here."

"Thank you," Romany said, sincerely.

"But I need for you to forgive me," Xavier said. "In order to distract your father, I said some things about you. They were ugly things, hurtful things and I am sorry for saying those things."

She looked up at him and he smiled. A faint blush began to spread and she looked back down at the tabletop.

"I'm getting ready to take my boat out; I had to do some repairs to the engine," Xavier said. "Come with me?"

Rosa stamped her foot; she had been hinting and hinting to the man that she wanted to go out on his boat. The moment they were out on the open water, she would pull her dress over her head and bare her body to his gaze. Then, surely then, he would no longer be able to resist her.

Then as soon as Xavier made a woman out of her, she would tell her father and he would demand that Xavier make right the wrong. He would be forced to marry her. But she would make sure he never regretted it; she would use her hands, use her mouth on his manhood.

"I uh, I can't swim," Romany admitted.

"I will make sure you wear a life jacket," Xavier said and held out his hand for her.


Nakita smiled as he read the letter from his daughter. She was happy, truly happy in Costa del Sol.

The enclosed picture showed her, belly already growing large as she and her husband stood in front of his fishing boat, The Bucky Kent. The End.

The End.

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pjpbpjpb4 months ago


Nice story. Far too long introduction

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Survivors. Have nots at the end of painful and humiliating gauntlet. The failure rate was as high as one egg being fertilized by millions of spermazoa.

SatyrDickSatyrDickabout 1 year ago


Mucho Gusto!


shopratshopratabout 1 year ago

Wow, all over the place but I couldn't stop reading. Good story!

AA82ndAAAA82ndAAabout 1 year ago

i mulled over the FBI not stopping Bucky"s murder. Seemed that X just forgot to tell them about that part?

AA82ndAAAA82ndAAabout 1 year ago

great symmetry. Love the story.

ibuguseribuguserover 1 year ago

How the hell you managed to connect these random rants and create this great story, is beyond me. 5*.

mac1729mac1729over 2 years ago

Quite a wild ride for a story, nicely done

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago
better than good

It was well worth reading twice

GiuliaNapoliGiuliaNapoliabout 3 years ago

Masterful. This story has everything: great characters, quirky settings, interesting story, surprises and feeling. Very well done, once again, JimBob44.

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