Yes, Prime Minister


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I was fairly sure she wasn't being serious about that threat, but I wasn't really convinced she wouldn't lock me back up, so I took a deep breath, determined to hold out at least as long as she did.

The next hour was the longest of my life. By the time she breathed her orgasm out in a gentle sigh, I had tears dripping on to the book I had given up reading and my teeth were grinding as I sought to keep the building pressure from bursting through. I felt a gentle pat on my behind and I collapsed on to her desk letting the walls of my dam collapse as she carried me over the threshold as I climaxed over and over.

I can still remember the feeling of that climax to this day, which is how I learned another valuable lesson.

She always kept her word.

There had been a few more memorable occasions where she had aided in my raise to stardom within the world of UK politics. Some had been very enjoyable, others bloody terrifying, like the time I had to spend two hours in a back and forth debate with a vibrator buzzing away softly inside me. That one had been noise activated, so if I managed to get my point across in a way that didn't cause an uproar, I would be gently teased, but if two many objected and began their normal jeering, I would end up having a climax whilst trying to speak.

I will tell you now, faced with the prospect of climaxing with half the nation watching on live TV makes you choose your words very carefully.

So here I was, laying across her desk, my clothes locked away until she returned them to me, being finger fucked until I was senseless. Outside her office we were prominent politicians, controlling the fate of a nation, but inside it, she was my Goddess and I her nude sex toy. Not exactly an orthodox arrangement I know but it had all been planned, and I had been a very willing participant. Of course, she was now the Prime Minister and I was close to reaching the highest point of my political career so far.

I was also close to climax.

"Cum for me." She whispered, raising my behind off her desk by the hand that was half buried inside me.

"Yes, Prime Minster." I gasped as I relaxed under her touch, letting my body yield to her as my climax flooded out, draining my body of the tension she had built inside it. Meeting was a lot more difficult now, but we arranged as many 'private meetings' as possible without raising suspicions. Today was a special day, parliament had been reopened after the election and the new Members of Parliament would soon be meeting for the first time, and settling in to their new positions. I would be one of those with a new position, and that didn't mean naked somewhere other than her desk.

After my breathing returned to normal, aided by her softly teasing my post climax sensitive skin, she sat back down in her chair, her eyes wandering over my still naked body as I sat perched on her desk.

"You do realise that after today things will be different between us." She told me her voice edged with a little sadness. "It is only fair I ask you if you want to stop now."

I knew this had been on the cards. It was obvious that we would have to re-evaluate our clandestine relationship at some point.

"I just want you to know that if you do call a halt to our meetings, I will miss you greatly." Her dark brown eyes looked up to me, the dark orbs full of emotion.

I took a breath, common sense dictated that we parted, but I knew full well that I owed everything I was to her and her tuition. "It was never about furthering my career." I told her, my voice reflecting the honesty I felt.

"I would have been very happy to have just been who I was when we first met, if it meant we would be able to continue to meet." I looked deep in to her eyes, those beautiful dark pits I could have easily lost myself in forever. "I will be here as long as you are." I finished, loving how a tiny bit of relief crept in to her expression.

"In the same way?" She asked hopefully, her hands resting softly on my thighs.

"In exactly the same way." I assured, wanting those hands to part my thighs once more.

I was rewarded with a pearly white smile that reminded me of a Spring sunrise as she stood.

"I have a gift for you." She announced. "For your first day in your new position."

She withdrew a small package from the desk draw, the same draw where she kept the key to my locked away clothing.

Carefully I tore away the wrapping paper to reveal a small pair of black silk panties that felt a little heavy for such a small item.

"Let me help you put them on." She insisted eagerly.

Having never been indulgent enough to wear such extravagant underwear, the material felt very erotic as it slipped up my legs and over my thighs.

"Lift." She instructed, her commanding tone slipping back in to her voice, and I raised my behind off her desk, letting her pull the sleek underwear up fully.

"Do you feel this?" She asked as she cupped her hand over my loins, pressing a hard pad against my sex.

I nodded, slightly speechless and her free hand held up a small fob, similar to the type you would used to unlock a car, and the pad in the panties began to vibrate against my still sensitive labia, sending shudders from there to every nerve ending in my body. The sensation was so intense my knuckles turned white as they gripped the edge of her desk.

"Whenever we are both in the House you will wear a pair like these. I will always have the fob on my person, and that way I can let you know if I am pleased with the things you say."

The vibrations cut leaving me gasping for breath once more, my nipples so hard they quivered. If I agreed to this, whenever I stood to speak, I would be on a leash, a captive of the sensitivity of my sex. My freedom of speech would be taken away if she so wished. But I knew her very well now, from the encouragement she had given, she wanted me to challenge to norm, to get my peers to think a little differently.

More to the point I trusted her.

"I would love to wear these for you Prime Minster." I told her happily.


"The Prime Minster." The Speaker of the House called out, announcing the start of business, and calling the object of my affection to speak.

I managed to mouth a silent 'Good luck.' To her as she stood and listened intently as she spoke about how the country need to be brought together to move forwards and prosper. Something that could only be done under a stable government, and how she looked forwards to working with the new Leader of the Opposition, hoping the new leader of the Labour party would help the United Kingdom move forward to benefit everyone.

As she sat there was the normal chorus of cheers and jeers, but she managed to flash me a small wink as the speaker Stood once more.

"The Leader of the Opposition." The Speaker called.

I felt a momentary buzzing that sent a thrill through my body as I stood. It was brief and intense, and it left a smile on my face as I began to speak. In the last few years, the Leader of the Opposition would take this opportunity to point out the government's failings and how their party was going to change everything, and the cycle of internal self-destruction would continue. I didn't say anything of the sort. I thanked the Speaker and the Prime Minster, and announced, that I agreed with the Prime Minster, that the country needed a parliament that would work towards making the people better off, and not one that constantly bickered amongst themselves. I added that I also looked forwards to working very closely with the Prime Minster in the coming years.

I made sure I emphasised the 'closely' and the 'coming' in that particular sentence.

As I sat there was a moment of silence followed by a lot of cheering from both sides of the House. Meanwhile I tried to breath evenly as teasing vibrations sent tremors through my body.

With the first speeches out of the way, my leash holder stood to speak once more, this time outlining her governments plans for the upcoming weeks. I sat quietly nodding where appropriate.

As I said, if anyone knew about our relationship, they would think I had slept my way to the top, but in reality, I knew she lacked confidence and the feeling of being dominant over someone gave her the confidence to be a strong political leader. I suppose you could say I was selling myself to help her succeed, but as I had told her, I just wanted to serve my country as best as I could. If that meant being a submissive sex toy to someone to give them the confidence to run a country, then that is what I would do.

After all, the perks were very good.

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jmkuehnjmkuehnover 4 years ago
Very well done

It was an interesting read. Hope you continue with it. Clearly our young Minister needs more time in her belt. Good luck with everything there in the UK.

LilyVonSchtuppLilyVonSchtuppover 4 years ago
Oh my!!

Wow! Really well done. If politics were really conducted like that, I am in the wrong career. Your descriptions create such a vivid mental picture of the people and events in your stories, it's like we are living them along with the characters. I don't have the words to tell you how much I enjoyed this story. It's always a pleasure to see your name up there with a new story.

As always, thank you so much for sharing your talents with us.

MaonaighMaonaighover 4 years ago

Perhaps this is what the country really needs, two women party leaders who are sensible and compassionate enough to work together rather than spending their time scoring political points off one another. [Small hopes! he said in an aside.] So, quite a departure from your normal style, TM, and excellently done---I'm filled with admiration for the way you've put this five-star story across.

stroudlestroudleover 4 years ago
Wows so erotic and sexy🔥

Brilliant, blumin brilliant. Now if real life politics was run like that we would all be better off for it and prime minister questions would be so much more interesting and useful to have vibrating undies used rather than the usual verbal tazers that politicians insist on using . The best use for rosettes I've ever read about and the teasing was purrrfect, and the best kind of revision tactics ever . A wonderful d/s dynamic that worked and satisfied both parties (pun intended) it's so nice to read a d/s story from someone that understands the true value of them and how when done right it can benefit and help the d and s, boosting their confidence and self esteem. Also nice that the d needed a boost and NOT portrayed as some egotripping over confident strutting bitch. You are spot on the money in my opinion TM

A lovely twist too. I dont say this lightly but this is your best erotic story TM, stonkingly good in fact.

Thank you, absolutely fantastic


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