You are Under Arrest

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The perfect way to stop an affair, and burn a bitch.
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You're Under Arrest

The smart and legal way to stop an affair


My name is Craig Johnson. I have been married for 17 years to the woman I thought loved me with all her being, Carolyn. So sue me, I'm clueless. She has been screwing around for about 6 years with her boss, who owns the real estate firm she works at. We have 3 kids, a 16 yr. old girl, and a 12 yr. old boy.. The third one is a beautiful little girl, just turning 2. I love them all. Except for my wife.

Oh yeah, before I forget, I'm a police Detective Sergeant.

About 2 months ago, my youngest daughter fell at day care, and my wife was 'unavailable' to go get her. Daddy to the rescue. I whipped up in my un-marked car with the lights flashing, and raced in to get her. She was sucking on a lollipop, and sniffling. I went and checked her out, gave her a kiss, and ruffled her hair. ( The older ones hated that; she loves it. ) I left her laughing, and went to talk to the boss lady.

She told me Gidget had fallen, and laid her calf open pretty badly. They had called for an ambulance, and they would be there shortly.

I went and sat with my daughter, and soon had her laughing again. The EMT's showed up, and said she should go to the emergency room for stitches. So Daddy led the ambulance to the emergency room.

I tried to contact my wife, and it went to voicemail. I sent a message, and then spooled up the locater app, because Lynnie was constantly misplacing her smart phone. The phone was smart, not so much my wife. It showed her at the Holiday Inn, just 7 miles away. I went and sat with my daughter, while she was getting stitches. When she was done, we signed the forms; I went to the trunk, and got the folding infant seat. I installed it in the back seat, and strapped her in. Then we went to find her mother. My stomach was starting to reject the hero I had eaten for lunch.

I tooled up to the Holiday Inn parking lot, arrived just in time to see Carolyn, and Arthur Dash ( her boss ) emerge from the the lobby. They were arm in arm, and his left hand was on her ass. They were laughing, and smiling, and then she kissed him. You would have thought she was kissing me. It was that kind of kiss.

I stopped the big Ford, and watched, setting my dash camera to tight focus, as they got to her Lincoln Aviator. She turned to him, and took out his tonsils. His hand snaked (YEAH, SNAKED!! ) up her skirt to where I could see her stocking tops. ( I had to beg her to wear stockings, and NEVER in public.)

She then reached into her cleavage, and pulled out her blue lace panties, which I had given her on our anniversary. She smiled, sniffed them, and gave them to him.

'It's over' I remembered thinking. They laughed, kissed again, and then she got in her car, and drove away. Suddenly, I saw brake lights, and she skidded to a stop. Her car sat there, and suddenly my phone rang. I looked at the number, and the name. It was the bitch.

"Hello, Carolyn. "I answered in a flat tone.

"What happened? Where are you??"

"I'm at the hospital. The baby is all right. Where are you? I couldn't raise your phone."

"Uhh, I'm at the office. I'm on my way to the hospital now."

"Drive safe" I said as I hung up. I watched her car, as she called twice more. I let them all go to voice mail. She started to roll forward, and almost hit a pick-up truck as she screamed into the street.

I smirked, as I started for home. I hit my phone, and dialed a friend who was a P/I, and told him I needed to talk to him. I pulled up at home, and got a sleeping Gidget into the house. I went back to my car, and got 4 DNA swab kits. I went in, and swabbed Gidget's mouth. I put the swab into the container, sealed it, and marked the plastic bag.

I went and got an iced tea, and called work. I talked to my boss, the Chief of Detectives, and told him I needed the rest of the week to handle some family matters. "Everything o.k.??"

"Yes, sir, I just have to see some doctors about my kids."

"O.K., just keep me advised."

"You got it, chief."

20 minute later, slut girl rolled up. I got physically sick when I saw her, but I took a deep breath, and counted to 10. I only got to 7, before she blew in the door.

"WHERE IS SHE???" she screamed. I told her to calm down, that she was sleeping. She pushed past me to the baby's bedroom. I had started to make a list of things to do tomorrow. Divorce lawyer, P/I, electronics store.

She came out of the bedroom, and stormed up to me. "What happened?" she demanded.

"She fell. She's fine. She handled it like a trooper. There are only 4 stitches, and the doctor said they would leave little to no scar. She's fine, Carolyn."

"Why didn't they call me??" she yelled at me.

"They tried, dear. They could not get a hold of you. I tried. It went to voicemail. So where were you, dear???"

She started to stutter, and averted her eyes. "I was in a meeting. I had turned it off so it would not disturb the meeting."

"I had suggested that instead of turning it off, you put it on vibrate. I'm just glad it wasn't anything serious with the kids, or maybe something deadly with me."

Her face clouded over, then she blanched white. "I never thought of that" she said.

'Of course you didn't, dear' I thought to myself.

With that, our other two children blew in from school: Marisa, who is 16, and Craig Jr., who is 12. They stopped in the living room, and surveyed their parents. "What's up, dad?" said my son.

My beautiful daughter fixed her mother with a cold stare, but she said to me "Is everything o.k.., pop?" she said.

"Yeah, your sister fell at day care, and cut herself. She had to go get stitches,at the emergency room, and I went with her." I watched my wife. She shivered.

"Where were you, MOM?" Marisa asked .

"I was at a meeting," she mumbled. Obviously, my daughter knew, or suspected, something. Jr., as we called him, leveled a gaze at his mother. "Really, Mom??" he said. Carolyn squirmed and blushed red.

"I need to take a shower" she said.

I couldn't resist. "Didn't you take one this morning??" I asked, innocently.

She stumbled, and looked at me, attempting to cause me to spontaneously combust.

"Get over it, Craig!!" she hissed.

She turned, and went upstairs. I turned to my kids, and was surprised at their looks. They were devastated, and looked at me forlornly. "It will be o.k., guys. Just a spat."

"If you say so, daddy" said Marisa. Jr. just shook his head.

"How about pizza??" I asked.

I called, and ordered pizza. 30 minutes later, two large pizzas arrived, one pepperoni, one mushroom. The kids dug in, even little Gidget, and we waited for their mother. She made her appearance, and turned her nose up. "You know I only like anchovies" she snarled.

"So sue me" I said.

She fixed me with a smoldering look, and went to pour herself some wine. The kids were snickering, and casting side long looks at their mother.

She stormed out to somewhere, and the kids and I rehashed school events, and social occurrences, i.e. dates and such.

That night it was midnight at the South Pole, and I had to get another blanket. It had been a while since we had been intimate, like 3 months. It would get worse.

The following day, I saw a lawyer, and asked her what my options were. She didn't tolerate cheaters, especially wives, and had a soft spot for cops. But she told me that we were a no-fault state, and no matter what, I was going to get raped, unless my wife agreed to whatever I wanted.

She told me to gather any and all evidence I could, and we would see what we would see. She did say that alimony wise, I was in decent shape becuse my wife made more money then I did. Also because of her age, my oldest daughter could decide who she wanted to live with.

I went to see the P/I, and had him set up servalance on my wife, and her 'friend'. He was a good friend, and I had worked with him before. It wouldn't cost too much, and I would have everything I would need.

Then I hit the electronics store, and got several wireless recorders, and 3 video cameras. I went home, and installed the cameras in the mater bedroom, living room, and the guest room. I would put one of the recorders in her car, and I put one on a book case in the living room, and one in the master bedroom. I then got a message from my spouse that she would be late getting home, and that I should look after the kids till she got there.

I spooled up, and went and picked up Gidget, and then went home to start supper.

About 2 hours later, my two oldest got home, and we discussed dinner. "Grilled chicken, mashed potatoes, and creamed spinach. How does that sound?" I asked.

Marisa said it sounded yummy. Jr. looked at me, smirked a little, and asked "What does mom want?" I told him mom could get her own dinner. Marisa and Jr. Looked at each other, and then Marisa hit me; "Daddy, we need to talk."

I figured I was going to get read the riot act, so we adjourned to the kitchen, and started dinner. She started "Dad, I think mom is fooling around. She is disrespecting you, and she is never around when we need her."

"Marisa's right, pop." I'm glad they got looks and brains, regardless of where they got them from. I stopped what I was doing, and gathered them into a group-hug. We were immediately joined by their younger sister, shouting "Me too, Me too."

I looked at my kids, and told them I loved them more then myself. ( I always told them that. They always thought it was corny, but they loved it.) I told them it didn't look good, and I was checking out what their mother was doing. "But know this; I will always love you -you are MY children. We will get past this. I PROMISE!"

Jr. piped up "I think you should get cheek swabs on us, dad. It might help in your case. It would never change how I feel about you, but it would be nice to know how screwed up she is."

"Jr.'s right, dad. I want to know, because right now I don't have much love for her."

I was stunned, but I felt bad for them. "O.K., let's do that before she gets home." I got the cheek swabs, and did theirs, and then mine. I sealed them up, and put them in my briefcase.

The next day, I went to an independent lab, and had them put a rush on the DNA. Cost a little more, but I wanted this done as quickly as possible. A week and a half later, I got the results.

None of the kids were mine.

Her company always had a 4th of July party, at the owners house. I really didn't want to go, but I was informed I had to. She was one of the top sales wienies in the company, and must make an appearance.

I had all I needed on her and her lover- tapes, photos, recordings, videos, reciepts, and the DNA results. I just hadn't figured out the best way, or time to do it. I figured no matter what I did, or when, I lost.

So I went. She said it would not be a family event, so the kids were not invited. In hindsight, it was a blessing. We showed up a little after 11:00 a.m., and got a coupler of drinks- Bud for me, white wine for her.

She was dressed in a yellow sundress, no bra, 3" espadrilles, and a shawl. She looked good. I stayed pretty close to her, not exactly shadowing her, but still keeping tabs.

Her 'friend' found her and schmoozed her a little for a while, whispered sweet nothings in her ear, and than continued with his host duties. He disappeared, and I immediately upped my watch on Carolyn.

She kept looking around, and after her 3rd wine, she lost sight of me. She doesn't handle her alcohol well, and was about 1 drink away from being blotto. I watched, and she grabbed 1 more glass of wine, and slipped off to the bottom of the long lot his house was built on.

Two of her girl friends from work had tried to side track me, but I had switched to Coke after 1/2 of my Bud. They were a tad tipsy, and I managed to keep sight of her as she moved to the corner of the garden shed, and disappeared around the back.

I dropped my coke to a table, pulled my cell phone out, and turned on the video camera. I moved to the corner of the shed, and slipped around it, out of site, and got to the gate at the back of the building. I looked around the corner, and saw my wife.

Her sundress was down around her waist, her tits were exposed to the sun and the breeze. The bottom was pulled up, and shit head was buried deep in what used to be mine. (Or so I used to think.) He was ploughing her good, and she was moaning and groaning. Her white lace undies were laying on the ground. A light bulb went off in my head, and I thanked all that was holy for the stroke of good luck. I shut off my camera, and snapped a couple of still shots. I put my cell phone away, and just as I got to them, she pulled her left leg around his ass, screeched a little, and orgasmed. He stiffened and came in her, leaving the two of them breathless.

I reached for his stupid looking man-bun, grabbed it, pulled him out of my wife, and off of her. I spun him around, and bought my right hand from the next county into his face, obliterating his nose, and cracking his left cheek bone.

I also managed to break something in my hand.

His dropped to the ground unconscious, and Carolyn slid down the shed side and sprawled on the ground also. I pulled out my handcuffs, and cuffed him to the fence post, while I read him his rights.

"You are under arrest for rape. You have the right to remain silent. If you give up the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law." Carolyn started to yell "CRAIG, WHAT ARE YOU DOING??"

"You have the right to an attorney; if you can not afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you. Do you understand these rights as I have told them to you??" Carolyn was hysterical now, and struggling to stand.

I pulled out my cell phone, punched 911, and waited.

"911, what is your emergency?"

"This Detective Craig Johnson, badge 714. I am at 6132 Larson Street, and I have a rape suspect in custody. I need backup, and a supervisor on site ASAP, and an ambulance. Private dwelling, party in progress."

Carolyn was livid. "It's not what you think; it's not rape, you idiot."

"This is how it is going to go down, Carolyn. This is rape. I've got video, audio, pictures, photos, tapes, receipts, time lines where you've been, and the DNA from our three kids, showing they're not mine. You are going to go along with this, or you'll never even look at your kids again, slut."

The blood drained from her face; she sagged back to the ground, and wailed "NO!!"

I picked her up, and wrapped her shawl around her. "OR ELSE, CAROLYN!!"

She murmured "My undies."

"You didn't need them 5 minutes ago, what makes you think you need them now? Leave them for the crime scene guys."

I pulled her to her feet; she was wailing, and hyperventilating, and sniffling. We shuffled up the back lawn to the patio. As we got close, the ten or so people milling around outside got quiet, than shocked. They moved aside, and I led her to a vacant chaise lounge, and sat her down. Her two tipsy friends rushed over, and started yelling.

"What happened? What did you do to her??"

"I didn't do anything. Your boss raped her."

"WHAT?" screamed Donna.

"You heard me" I said.

"You didn't know?? YOU DIDN"T KNOW!!" shrieked Laura.

"Know what??" I asked.

"She said she had an open marriage. She said you were O.K. with it.!!"

"She lied" I said.

Just then, the cops arrived. I directed the two officers down to the garden shed, and told them to Mirandize him again, 'cause I wasn't sure he had heard me.

The shift sergeant showed up, with another patrolman, and I told the officer to get Donna's and Laura's statements, and their addresses. The shit head's wife shoved her way through the crowd, and wanted to know what was going on. The sergeant explained that her husband was been arrested for rape, and someone told her what had transpired. She exploded "YOU SLUT!!"

She came unglued, and tried to attack Carolyn, who was almost catatonic by now. The cops restrained her, and with that the EMT's showed up. I told them what had happened, and they got Carolyn on the gurney. When she stood up, she left a small puddle on the chaise lounge. Cum was running down her leg, and she was bawling her eyes out. I told them to get her to the emergency room, and have them run a rape kit on her.

Then the other two cops led Arthur up, with his swollen face, and hands cuffed behind his back. He made the mistake of saying that they had an 'understanding', and the intimacy was consensual. Unfortunately, his wife heard him, and she went off on him. "YOU SON OF A BITCH!!" They restrained her again, and she said "You'll hear from my lawyer!!"

I followed them to the E/R, and signed all the forms, 'cause after all, she was still my wife. The I went to the precinct, and swore out the complaint against him. Being Saturday, he would not be arranged till Monday. He tried to contact his lawyer, but his wife had already beaten him to the punch.

I went back to the E/R, and went to see my almost ex-wife. She was not having a good day, and didn't look good at all. She saw me walk in, perked up, and tried to smile. Then she saw the look on my face, and she quailed at my demeanor. "So, Carolyn, how long has this been going on?"

She shook, and her eyes teared up. "It wasn't meant to last; just a little fling. I didn't mean for it..."

"OH, BULLSHIT, CAROLYN!!" I rushed towards her, and stopped inches from her face. "Gidget is not mine, Junior isn't mine, and Marisa isn't mine. That's 17 years. We have been married for 17 years. You do the math, bitch. You're supposed to be one of the TOP SALES PERSONS!! Why, Carolyn? Why? Why??"

The crying almost immediately turned to a smirk, as she wiped her eyes. "Because I can. You're supposed to be a detective, you figure it out. I can get all the cock I want, and you haven't got a clue."

I looked at my soon to be ex-wife, and something inside me died. I stared right through her, and the cold look on my face spoke volumes to her. She appeared to age centuries in front of me, and she shrunk down into herself. "OH GOD, WHAT"S WRONG WITH ME?"

I took her arm, and led her out to our car. I got her into the passenger seat, got in, and drove to her parent's house. She stared sightlessly out the window till we pulled up outside their house, and stopped. "What are we doing here? I want to go home." "People in hell want ice water, bitch."

I got out, and got her out of the car, and led her to the front door. I rang the door bell, and when it opened, there stood her father.

"Frank," I said , "your daughter needs to stay here for a while. I'll be back tomorrow to explain. She just got out of the emergency room. Take care of her, please." He looked at me like I had two heads. I turned and walked away.

I turned off my phone, and went home. I walked in on my kids, and they looked at me. "Where's Mom??"

"She's at your grandparents. She is going to be there for a while." I brought them up up to speed on what had happened, omitting the gory details. They sucked it up, after tears and sniffles, and said they understood why I did what I did, but they couldn't understand why she did what she did. 'Join the club,' I thought.

I went and got the reports, tapes, pictures, P/I's reports, and receipts on everything I had on her. I made 4 packages of everything, omitting only the DNA results. I called the lawyer, and pulled the trigger on divorce, asked for a restraining order based on the police report, and the rape kit. I included the DNA results in the lawyers packet, then drove to shitheads house, and spoke to his wife, Lorna.

I apologized for the ruckus, and she graciously commiserated with me on the joint mess. I gave her the packet I had, and told her to use what she wanted to. She quailed a bit, and thanked me.