You, Me & Dax

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Because of time travel, Ezri meets Jadzia.
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Disclaimer: I do not own Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.


"So, you're me, huh?" Jadzia Dax grinned with amusement, as she announced her presence, "Interesting."

Ezri Dax cringed as her greatest fear came true, then she groaned, "Don't pretend you don't know how this works."

"Yes, but..." Jadzia began hesitantly, studying Ezri's face carefully, as she slowly approached, "I'm still in there, aren't I?"

"Always." Ezri said, before cringing again. It was meant to be comforting, but it was a poor choice of word, "Sorry! I just..."

"It's okay." Jadzia reassured, "This is a new one for us. It's only natural it would be confusing."

"Tell me about it." Ezri sighed, hanging her head, "All these pronouns drive me crazy, even without talking to you."

"Yeah, I remember." Jadzia smiled compassionately, coming to stand in front of Ezri's cell, then guessing, "It gets easier, if that's any consolation. If you're new, that is. You are new, aren't you?"

"It's been..." Ezri began, before thinking better of being more specific, "A little while, and I'm still getting used to it."

Jadzia hummed softly, moved towards the wall panel, and admitted, "Yeah... I remember that, too."

"Wha, what are you doing?" Ezri asked nervously.

"Letting you out." Jadzia shrugged, "You're Dax. So, you wouldn't hurt me. Or anyone else on this station. Would you?"

"No." Ezri said softly, "Never."

"Exactly." Jadzia smiled, then when the door was open, she tried to beckon her out, "So, are you coming out of there?"

"Erm..." Ezri hesitated, "It, it might be better if I stayed here."

"Yeah, I get that..." Jadzia admitted before offering brightly, "In that case, do you mind if I come in?"

"Erm..." Ezri once again hesitated, and paid for it.

"Great." Jadzia beamed, quickly sitting down next to the other woman and looking her up and down, before admitting, "I have to say, you're not exactly what I was expecting my successor to be."

"Disappointed?" Ezri questioned softly and sadly.

"No. Intrigued." Jadzia reassured, before pointing out, "I'm not any of my previous hosts, so I would expect you to be different. And you must be special, to be given Dax."

"Yeah..." Ezri agreed nervously, desperately trying to avoid admitting the truth.

"And I can see why." Jadzia admitted.

"Really?" Ezri questioned in disbelief.

"Really." Jadzia reassured her, even adding, "There's something about you that I just find intriguing. And not just because your Dax, too. Or that you're trying to keep the future from me. There's something about you. You seem so shy and unsure of yourself, but I think deep down, you know just how strong you are.

Believe me, I know what it's like to be underestimated. And it can be a powerful weapon, if used wisely. And you seem wise. Or perhaps I'm wrong? But you didn't give yourself enough credit? Either way, honestly, it's so cute. The boys must go crazy for you. Or, is it girls? I know, I know, you can't tell me, but it's fun to speculate."

"Wow..." Ezri chuckled softly, before admitting against her better judgment, "So this is what it is like to be on the other side of it?"

"The other side of what?" Jadzia questioned innocently.

"Your shameless flirting." Ezri admitted dryly, finally feeling more comfortable, now she was able to analyze her former host, "And don't look at me like that. You say my shyness is a weapon? Well, you use flirting with all the subtlety of a quantum torpedo to knock everyone around you off balance, so you can gain an advantage.

Which if anything, isn't giving yourself enough credit, because you can be just as charming without resorting to talking about sex, or deadly without distracting everyone with your feminine charms, and amazing body. And I know, I know, it's fun. But, for someone who has to relive those memories, often with myself in your place? God, I find myself cringing on a daily basis."

There was a brief pause, then Jadzia smiled, "So, you think I'm charming, and have an amazing body?"

"Of course." Ezri sighed, reluctantly admitting, "You're amazing. You know you are. But you don't need anyone to tell you that. No, you're just fishing for compliments."

"You say that like it's a bad thing?" Jadzia teased, before moving closer, "And honestly, I'd be happy to spend all night complementing each other. But, while we have this cellblock all to ourselves tonight, Julian could find a way back to your world at any moment. So, I can think of better things we could be doing right now, don't you?"

"Like what?" Ezri questioned with a frown. Of course, she would have immediately guessed, even without the blush inducing grin from her predecessor, "You can't be serious!"

"Why not?" Jadzia questioned.

"Because it's against the rules." Ezri hissed.

"It's forbidden for us to form connections with anyone from our past, but there's no rule about connecting with ourselves, from an earlier or later timeline." Jadzia pointed out, before admitting with a chuckle, "Although, given just how frequently time travel seems to happen, there probably should be."

"Probably." Ezri agreed dryly.

"I'm glad we agree." Jadzia grinned wickedly, quickly adding as Ezri gave her a look, "Oh, come on, don't tell me you haven't thought about it. Or whatever is left of me isn't making you think about it. Because I am. And it seems to me, we have an opportunity to make history. Because it's one thing to have an encounter with the past life, but a sexual encounter is unprecedented."

There was a telling pause, as the two women just stared at each other for a few long seconds, and then Ezri turned away, and said, "We can't."

"Are you saying you don't want too?" Jadzia questioned with a knowing smile.

"I'm saying just because it hasn't been done before, doesn't mean it should be. And you know that. Of course you do. You're me. Dax, I mean, and..." Ezri stammered, as she made the mistake of turning back to look at Jadzia, and became lost in her eyes again. Then, against all rational thought in her head, she just groaned, "Oh damn you!"

Ezri Dax then grabbed onto the face of Jadzia Dax, and kissed her right on the mouth. Which she could totally blame Jadzia for. One way, or another. But that was a small comfort, as Ezri found herself crossing this bizarre line, in which she was kissing herself, part of herself and a stranger, somehow all the same time. God, this was so confusing.

Because obviously, she had never met Jadzia. And all her memories of her hadn't done justice to just how seductive she could be. Or how beautiful. God, how had anyone ever said no to her? Ezri knew it had happened, but in that moment, she couldn't believe it. Especially now she was kissing her. Oh no, Ezri Dax was kissing Jadzia Dax. And she never wanted to stop.

The good thing about that, was that after some initial awkwardness, Ezri melted into the kiss, meaning that she was unable to think about how wrong this was, how she needed to go back home, or anything, really. No, her mind was basically blank, the moment that Jadzia gently pushed her tongue into her mouth. Which made her wished this would all never, ever end.

Unfortunately, Ezri would not be that lucky. No, eventually Jadzia broke the lip lock, and moved her lips down to her neck, which treats the patterns of distinctive spots. Something the other Trill knew were sensitive, which was unfair knowledge use against her. Of course, that was just the tip of the iceberg, which sent the poor counsellor spiralling again.

Because in between those overwhelming kisses, Jadzia gently removed Ezri's clothing and her own. It was with the kind of speed where it seemed she practically transported them away, because the next thing that Ezri was really aware of was the fact that their naked bodies were pressing against each other.

Although it wasn't much better when Jadzia broke the kissing off for a few long seconds, maybe a full minute, so she could pull back, and admire her prize. Namely, Ezri's body, something which caused the infamously seductive brunette to grin wickedly. Meanwhile, the other far more nervous brunette just blushed, unable to cope with one of her former hosts looking at her like that. Oh God, Ezri was in big trouble here.

Particularly as, to her shame, even though she should know better, Ezri couldn't resist taking a peek at Jadzia's magnificent body. Ezri had been living in Jadzia's shadow since day one, and couldn't stop herself from comparing them. Which certainly wasn't helpful for her mental health, given her former host was nothing short of a Goddess. And now that Goddess was looking like she wanted to devour her.

Something which, looking back, she had been doing before. But not as blatantly as this. Which ultimately, had the younger brunette reaching out, grabbing hold of the older one's face, and kissing her, just to make her stop looking at her like that. Which probably wasn't the best way out, but it was one which came naturally in that moment.

Jadzia couldn't resist smiling into that kiss, and several others just like it, as she played with the adorably innocent girl. It had been so long since she had seduced a girl like this, and she had almost forgotten how fun it could be. But of course, this was very different. And arguably, extra fun. Oh yes, because this wasn't a wet behind the ears cadet which made the mistake of capturing her interest.

No, this was the next host of the Dax symbiont, and in a way, her future self. And this was what became of her? So strange. Yes, she'd had nervous hosts before, but it would certainly take a lot of getting used to for Dax to be in Ezri. Then again, that sudden kiss proved that maybe Jadzia was alive and well and there after all.

If she was honest with herself, which ironically this girl kind of was, this was exactly what she was looking for. Yes, it wasn't the only reason she was seducing her. No, Ezri was a cute little thing, that Jadzia would definitely consider going after without the personal connection. However, it was their connection to Dax which really sealed the deal.

Because surely, this had to be a first? And there was nothing that a symbiont craved more than a new experience. And essentially, Dax was pressed against itself, inside the two bodies of the two women currently making out, one of them holding everything that Jadzia had been, well obviously the other was the woman in question.

Which kind of made Jadzia want to never stop kissing Ezri. At the same time, she was instantly craving more. And Jadzia Dax prided herself on being able to get her way. And oh, did she want to have her way with Ezri Dax. Suddenly, she kissed her way down the other brunette's chest, until she reached her cute little titties.

At which point she took a nipple into her mouth and swirled her tongue around it, before sucking on it. she then did the same with the other nipple, and then went back and forth between them. Initially, she did what she would like, but delightfully, that wasn't effective with this woman. No, this was a whole new woman, and she should be treated as such.

Admittedly, at this particular moment, it was hard for Jadzia to truly keep track of how properly to describe it. All she knew was that it was incredibly fun. Especially as to her credit, she was able to find a technique which worked for Ezri. Which hopefully would continue to be the case, when she went lower. Something that Jadzia held back for as long as she could, but in truth, she'd never been great at patience.

Especially when considering exactly what she was going to do. Besides, given just how hard these little nipples were, hopefully it wouldn't be a problem. Even if Ezri did flinch slightly as she started kissing her way south again, this time going far lower than before.

"Can I?" Jadzia questioned softly, when she finally reached her destination.

"Yes." Ezri replied without hesitation, "God yes."

Ezri blushed just at how weakly she replied, but she couldn't help it. Jadzia was everything she remembered her to be, everything everyone said she was, and so much more, when it came to seduction, that she never stood a chance. And even though it still felt like she was betraying her race by indulging in this truly bizarre act, Ezri found herself closing her eyes, throwing her head back, and letting out a long loud cry to pleasure, when it finally happened.

When the tongue of her previous host was pressed against the bottom of her pussy, and slowly made its way upwards. Then lingered on her clit, but of course, Jadzia just had to do that. Although at that moment, the other brunette couldn't be mad about it.

Instead, she continued to let out grateful sounds, as that lick was repeated over and over again, albeit mostly about the attention to her clit. Of course, sometimes Jadzia just couldn't help herself, which really helped keep Ezri on her high. Hell, it was such an overwhelming feeling, that initially, she struggled to think at all. And honestly, Ezri wished that it stayed that way.

Because when she came to her senses again, she was once again overcome by guilt and apprehension. After all, this just felt so wrong, and forbidden. Which just made it more enjoyable. Much like how in the past sex with the same gender was considered taboo, having the woman she replaced go down on her was incredibly intense.

Which for better or worse, felt like it lasted for an eternity. On the one hand, it meant that a beautiful woman was pleasuring her for a very long time. On the other, she was left drowning in her feelings. And the worst part, was that Ezri could think of a distraction or two, which meant that Jadzia had been thinking them as well.

But instead of just giving her one of them, Jadzia deliberately withheld it, likely because she wanted Ezri to ask for it. Maybe even beg for it? But could Ezri really do that? Ask for more? Beg to cum? Plead for the other brunette to return the favour? Perhaps to 69? Oh God, there were so many possibilities, and poor Ezri was being denied all of them.

For the longest time, the only sound out of Ezri's mouth were a seemingly endless supply of moans, gasps, whimpers and cries. Mostly of pleasure, but the longer this went on, the more she clearly became frustrated. Not that it helped. as Jadzia had to be aware of it by now, and knew from experience what the other Trill needed. But still, she denied poor Ezri.

So finally, Ezri did what the bitch wanted. Or at least, she tried. Because every time she opened her mouth, the words she tried to let out were instantly forgotten with another sound of pleasure. Honestly, it was pretty embarrassing. Then finally, just when she thought she would go crazy, Jadzia finally showed her some mercy, which literally made poor Ezri whimper with relief.

"Ezri, do you mind if I try something?" Jadzia questioned, although the fact that she was already moving proved she wasn't really asking. Then when she was in position, she quickly added, "Of course, you don't have too. I just... I think it would be fun. Mmmmmmmm, I would be ever so grateful. And I promise, as soon as you try it, I'll give you more."

Jadzia felt bad about resorting to such blatant manipulation and bribery. Of course, that never stopped her before, if it was for the greater good. And Ezri returning the favour? Oh, that was definitely good. So even as she talked, she was shifting her lower half around, until she was in the classic 69 position with the next host of the Dax symbiot.

She then held that position for a few long seconds, maybe even a full minute, just waiting for the other woman to protest. Then, when none was forthcoming, Jadzia slowly and cautiously lowered her cunt down to the pretty little face of Ezri Dax, stopping just before she made skin to skin contact, trying to make it clear that she wasn't forcing the issue.

Arguably that was exactly what she was doing, but she wanted to give Ezri one last chance to back out of this. Hell, if the roles were reversed, she would've found the sight in front of her enough to find her voice. Then again, Jadzia couldn't remember ever being as nervous as her future host, even before she was joined.

Yes, there may have been a time, back when she was putting her all into studying, but it was now distant memory. Oh well, a deal was a deal, and hopefully increasing her attention to Ezri would get her what she wanted. Besides, as much fun as it was to gently build another woman up, there was only so long someone as impulsive as Jadzia Dax could wait to increase the pace.

Ironically, she was expecting that to make Ezri pause for a moment, as she cried out extra loudly. Hell, she could even imagine the look on that sweet little face, as the pleasure washed over it. And not just because she had been staring up at Ezri only a few moments ago. No, Jadzia very much like to observe her lovers during sex. And the other Dax was proving to be wonderfully expressive.

Also, only too happy to provide the most wonderful sounds during this act. Which for better or for worse, was all she received for a few minutes, as she increased the attention to the other woman's clit. Initially, just by licking it more enthusiastically, before taking it into her mouth and sucking on it.

Given that had to bring the other woman to the edge of orgasm, Jadzia began to make peace with the fact that she wouldn't be pleasured herself. At least not right now. Perhaps later? Then again, even if Ezri never returned the favour, Jadzia was confident that she could get herself off, just from the memory of this. Especially if she still had the taste of the other Dax on her tongue.

Luckily for her, it didn't come to that. No, shortly after she began sucking on the other brunette's clit, Ezri finally stuck out her tongue, and started lapping away at Jadzia's pussy. Something which was so overwhelming, even more than usual in this state given who this was, Jadzia was forced to stop for a few long seconds. Then a wide smile crossed her face, and she began gleefully encouraging the act.

"Oooooooooh yesssssssss, that's it. Lick me just like that, mmmmmmmm, good girl." Jadzia chuckled wickedly, "Ohhhhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhhhhh, that's good. That's sooooooooo goooooooooodddddddd, mmmmmmmm fuck! My clit! Yes, lick my clit. Suck it! Remember what it was like to be me. Remember what I would do, and give it to me. Oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh yeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssss, that's it, ah fuck!"

Ezri was deeply embarrassed it had come to this. That she found herself in a 69 with one of her past lives. That she had allowed herself to be seduced by the infamous Jadzia Dax. But to her shame, she was also deeply embarrassed that she hadn't started doing this before. Hell, there was part of her that wished she had been the one to go down on the other woman first, instead of the other way around.

Because this was better than she thought it would be. And Ezri had been thinking about this a lot. Both in general with other women, and especially a lot with the last host over the last few minutes. Actually, it was more like the last few hours. Basically, ever since they met face to face, and the infamous Jadzia Dax smiled at her.

Obviously, a big part of that was the taste, as Ezri found she just couldn't get enough of it. So much so, that she just had to slow down a bit. Although, not by much. To be fair, Jadzia had already bought her to the edge of orgasm, and Ezri thought that just tasting this delicious pussy might send her over that edge. It certainly felt it got pretty close, and she certainly stayed on her high, more or less.

However, it just wasn't enough to make her cum on its own. Which made her ache for Jadzia's tongue to return. Perhaps even after begging for it this time? Then again, she had a lot of catching up to do, and she was grateful for the opportunity to do it.