You Think I Should Share My Angel

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What made you believe you were the only one scheming?
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Just a little flash story implementing some seeds planted in my mind by Anon-Don and Anon-JB.

Thanks to all who leave meaningful feedback, and a special thanks to those who email suggestions.

After careful research I've confirmed that every word in this story has been used in someone else's story. So it's not your imagination if you think you've seen them before. That being said, there's a definite possibility of a cliché' or two in here.

Jim Steinman and Dean Pitchford: "I need a hero. I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night."

+ + + +

We live in the foothills between Denver and Colorado Springs. Well, not exactly the foothills. Its twenty miles into the mountains. The closest structure to our house is three miles as the crow flies and about twelve miles by car. Look up 'remote' in the dictionary and you will see a picture of our cabin. I don't know why all houses in the mountains are called cabins. This is a house, and a large one at that.

Part of living like this is that you are much closer to nature. We walk the trails and collect edible mushrooms, nuts, and berries during our strolls. We would be myself, Landon, and Cheryl, my wife of twelve years. I'm proud to be that geeky amateur mushroom forager. I do the cooking in our home and I use most everything found on our nature walks.

The reason I was out walking alone today was to blow off steam, and scheme. My mind is so scrambled right now. I'm not sure what to do. We had a talk last night.

"Honey, we need to talk."

I spotted, near a lingonberry bush, a rare and deadly mushroom growing. If this is what I suspect, it's called a 'destroying angel' and is extremely toxic. Less than an ounce can destroy your liver and adversely affect your kidneys. What makes this one especially deadly is that the early symptoms are easily confused with diarrhea. Left untreated for even two days, you won't recover and die a very painful death. Unfortunately people just don't associate diarrhea with mushroom poisoning and by the time they seek treatment, it's too late.

The destroying angel mushroom is pure white and has a smooth stem and cap. It has a ring-like membrane near the top of the stem and is slightly bulbous on the bottom of the stem. I spotted three of them and each was a textbook example. I hurried home, found some latex gloves, and returned to harvest the deadly little beasts. I put them in a small cooler.

+ + + +

When we were going steady, Cheryl harped on fidelity and how her father had trashed her upbringing. Her mother had divorced him and poisoned her children's minds against their father. My uncle had divorced his wife and that's about as close as I could come to relating to what Cheryl had gone through.

Regardless, the thought of ever sharing Cheryl, intentionally or otherwise, was disgusting to me. We both made it known that infidelity was a game killer.

While we were doing the dating thing, we agreed that our sexual past was just that, in the past. Cheryl was too gifted in the art of pleasuring me, to be a virgin. Although I wasn't' a virgin, I had completely neglected learning how to please a woman. I've gotten much better, or at least Cheryl has me believing that.

Cheryl is beautiful and shapely. Fresh out of high school she landed a television commercial but that's where her acting career ended. She is now a project manager at an Information Systems & Computer Skills Training company. She is quite active in the Women in Government movement.

I am just a corporate accountant. Boring, but it pays well enough. I've been Mr. Geek from early on. I knew deep down that if I had a dollar for every woman who thought I was too geeky to date, sooner or later they would all want to date me. I'd watched from the sidelines as the ladies flocked to the money.

Thankfully Cheryl saw potential in me and we were now enjoying life together. Talks about starting a family were happening more frequently.

+ + + +

'Honey, we need to talk' kept banging around the insides of my skull.

As your life flashes before your eyes, an overwhelming sadness descends upon you. Happily ever after might not be so happy. I sat on one of the stools by the island counter in the kitchen.

Cheryl had no tears and didn't even look like she'd been crying. Determined would be the word I'd use to describe her face.

"I'm sitting, go ahead."

"I know we never talked about our sex lives before we met. We agreed that it was in the past. I'm ashamed to admit I was less than a 'good girl'. When I was trying to start my acting career, I spread my legs to land the television commercial I starred in. I wasn't successful every time I spread them."

"And I care about that now because?"

"One of the agents who fucked me is trying to blackmail me."

It's not like she didn't already have my attention, but I sat up straight "How is he trying to blackmail you?"

"I answered a call on my cell phone from what supposed to be my mom. The caller ID said it was her. It was only after I hung up that I realized the actual number was not my mother's number. Anyway, the guy said he had a video of me that was ready to be shared. He knew what that birthmark on my inner thigh looks like. Not many people know about that Landon. So he says if I treat him real nice, once a month, he'll keep that video under wraps."

I dreaded what was coming "What have you done since he contacted you?"

"I told him to call me back tomorrow. I just got off the phone with him. What have I done? I'm doing it now. I'm telling you."

My heart was pounding in my chest. Inside I was chanting 'yes', 'yes', 'yes'.

"Come here."

We kissed and hugged.

"Did you know it was being recorded?"

"Never had a clue. I don't know which agent this might be. Should I contact the police?"

"Hold off on doing that. I suspect that video could surface if things don't go according to his plan. Is there something in that video that I wouldn't approve of?"

Cheryl hung her head and the tears started flowing. Inside my chant had changed to 'shit', 'shit', 'shit'.

"One of the agents did my ass. I've never let you do that. I hated it. It hurt. A lot. I don't know if it was this guy. Everything else was just blow jobs and fucking. Sometimes there were two guys doing me. If you want, you can do my ass."

"Cheryl, under a different set of circumstances maybe we can explore that option. Right now isn't the right time. We need a plan."

+ + + +

I drank shots until I was too drunk to continue scheming. The only thing we agreed on was that when he called tomorrow, she would tell them that I wanted to watch when they got together. That was the farthest thing from the truth, but we agreed that would give us more time to put an end to this threat.

I took the day off and went out to do my nature walk. I returned with my small cooler filled with the 'deadly angels'.

Cheryl was back from work "He called again today."

"Did he agree to me watching?"

"Big time. He said if my wimp of a husband wanted to learn how to fuck me he'd be more than happy to comply."

That asshole is a dead man. Who, how, when, and where are still to be determined. Cheryl and I spent the evening narrowing our choices for a private investigator. After we meet this blackmailer, we want to know all about him and where he lives.

"I don't think that you're the only one he's pulled this shit on. He's probably got a room in his house where he keeps the recordings. We need to find a way to destroy that collection."

Cheryl talked with the investigator and she relayed how we were planning on an introductory meeting. Our intent was to give the investigator something to work with.

As I pondered the things I could do, and stay out of prison, I hatched a plan. Finding those mushrooms was pure serendipity. Normally I would turn them over to the Colorado Mycological Society, where a mushroom expert would confirmed their toxicity. Normally.

"Cheryl, when blacky calls tomorrow, invite him to dinner Friday night. We can use the picnic tables in the campground back by the highway. There's a grill there and I can sear some steaks. Trust me. No questions."

Cheryl gave me that 'What kind of no good are you up to?' look.

"Trust me. Just do it."

+ + + +

Cheryl said it took some convincing, but blacky agreed to meet us. He indicated he'd be accompanied by a bodyguard. That didn't bother me.

It was a long week waiting for Friday night to roll around. The PI was going to have a drone record the vehicles headed towards the campground. Once our blackmailer was isolated, he would follow them after they left.

Cheryl and I were waiting by the grill when a pickup truck pulled up. I had started the charcoals when we arrived and they were turning bright red.

Some beefy carbon based lifeform got out of the driver's side and stood by the truck. He pulled his jacket back to expose a holstered gun. Out of the passenger side a run of the mill looking guy emerged. His hair was slick and drawn into a pony tail that reached just below his collar. A goatee, earring in one ear, bulky watch, and gold chains completed his smarmy look.

Cheryl whispered 'That's Orlando'.

"Nice to see you again Cheryl" was met with cold stares from both of us.

"Have a seat. Can I get you a beer? How would you like your steak?"

"Beer sounds good. Make mine medium rare. What are you up to nowadays Cheryl?"

"Nothing of interest to you" as she set the can in front of Orlando.

I had chosen this picnic table because of the little white mushrooms growing nearby.

"Would you like some mushrooms on your steak and salad? I see some right by your foot. Pull them out of the ground and hand them to me."

Orlando and Cheryl both shot me this 'WTF' look but Orlando reached down and came up with five of them. I bit the head off of one of them.

"Damn, these are good."

I made a big deal of chewing and swallowing the mushroom as I pulled the salad fixings and steaks out of the coolers. I put my latex gloves on and diced two of the deadly angels. I put the third one back in the sack along with most of those that Orlando had harvested.

Cooking doesn't lessen the toxicity of the mushrooms. I grilled some angel pieces for his steak. I mixed the rest in the salad headed for Orlando. I measured and Orlando was getting four ounces of mushrooms. I added heaping portions of salad dressing and steak sauce. Adding a few crescent rolls and dinner was served.

I whispered to Cheryl 'Don't eat anything off of his plate.'

As Orlando enjoyed our hospitality "I was thinking you should come back to my place tonight Cheryl."

"NOT going to happen. I'm never going where you could video tape me again. Nice try asshole."

"Well then let's go back to your place. My friend will have to watch too. You don't mind that do you wimpy?"

I jumped in "We are not going anywhere tonight. We are here to figure out when and where works for all of us."

"Okay. Let's meet at one of those motels I saw back by the highway. Why not tonight?"

Cheryl shot back "Because I said so."

I added "I still need time to get accustomed to the idea of this. Let's meet there next Friday. I'll get a room."

Cheryl shot me an 'I'm going to kill you' look.

Orlando was using his bread to soak up the remaining steak juices "Damn those mushrooms were good."

He looked around and saw another cluster of mushrooms by the adjoining picnic bench. On his way back to his truck he picked them.

"Until next Friday. If you back out, you won't like the consequences Cheryl. Seeya wimpy."

+ + + +

After the truck pulled onto the frontage road Cheryl exploded.

"What the fuck is that all about. No way in hell am I going to meet him Friday night!"

"He won't be there."

"The hell he won't. You guys will drive all night to get free pussy. What makes you think he won't be there?"

"I believe you agreed to 'Trust me. No questions.'"

"I don't want to know, do I?"

I simply smiled at her.

+ + + +

Orlando was half hard just thinking about drilling Cheryl. She was a lot sexier now that she had filled out a little. That scrawny little teenager on his video couldn't hold a candle to this babe. He finished another beer in the bar before heading back to his truck with his fifty dollar date. After he filled her mouth he headed home.

After farting a few times he thought 'Something I ate must not be agreeing with me.'

In the morning Orlando fixed himself a pot of coffee and gnawed on the two day old donuts. He spent all morning watching his porn collection and trying to use social media to track down where some of these dumb bitches disappeared to.

It was noon when the first bout of diarrhea hit. Then it was 3 pm and by 5 pm he was shitless. The stomach cramps were bad but the scotch was overcoming all of his senses.

On Sunday morning his room stank. When he went to relieve himself he realized he had shit his pants. His head hurt, his stomach was still unsettled, and his asshole was burning. He rinsed himself in the shower.

Orlando ordered pizza for lunch but an hour after eating it his stomach cramped so badly that he thought about going to the emergency room. The screwdrivers he was soaking up put him out of his misery until about 10 pm.

He was running out of clean clothes. Leaning against the shower wall he again contemplated going to the emergency room.

Monday morning saw Orlando in a fetal position on the floor outside his bedroom bathroom. He was too weak to get to his feet. When he tried to use his cell phone, it slid from his hands and skidded under his bed. He wasn't able to reach it.

Tuesday afternoon his cleaning crew found him unconscious and called 911.

+ + + +

The investigator Cheryl engaged was able to uncover lots of information about Orlando including where he lived. I kept checking the nearest hospitals until Orlando was discovered. It was Tuesday night.

By Wednesday night Orlando's house, and all of its contents, were a pile of ashes. Arson is suspected. A half dozen empty five gallon gas cans were a pretty good clue.

+ + + +

A very nervous Cheryl had just grilled me "Landon, it's Friday. What's happening with Orlando?"

"I told you he wouldn't be there. We can have a nice quiet meal here."

"What about his threat?"

"Ignore it."

Cheryl was just about to say something else when the doorbell rang.

"Mr. Nelson?"

Looking at his badge flipped open for me to see "That would be me. How can I help you detective?"

"We have reason to believe that Orlando Pierce has ingested a poison mushroom. He said he picked some when he met you for dinner a week ago."

"He did pick a few wild mushrooms. I think I still have some as we didn't use all of them. Come on in while I grab them."

I found the cooler in the garage and gave it to the detective.

"Here you go. How is Orlando?"

"On life support. I doubt that he'll make the weekend."

Cheryl's eyes were sparkling and her nipples were poking hard into her Bronco's shirt.

"Let me know what else we can do to help detective."

"Will do. You folks have a nice evening."

+ + + +

Cheryl watched until the detective's car disappeared down the mountain.

"I don't want to know. I don't want to know. I don't want to know" was the chant I heard as a naked Cheryl appeared before my eyes.

After the best blow job she had ever given me, I licked her asshole and fingered her clit and pussy until her orgasm.

After three more hours of love making I was unable to continue.

"I'm getting a butt plug tomorrow stud. My ass is your ass now."

+ + + +

Monday morning, when I asked which room Orlando was in, I was told he was no longer a patient. Wimp that dickhead.

We heard back from the detective and the Colorado Mycological Society.

"Can you believe it Cheryl? One of those mushrooms was a 'Deadly Angel'. It killed Orlando. How lucky are we that we didn't eat one like Orlando did? The detective also said that someone torched Orlando's house while he was in the hospital. Talk about a run of bad luck."

Cheryl wasn't buying it. Not more than an hour later I enjoyed my first anal penetration. Since Cheryl had prepared herself appropriately, it was pleasurable for her too. It was cute listening to her softly chanting 'I don't want to know.'

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oldpantythiefoldpantythief15 days ago

Great story and a well deserved and very fitting end to such a piece of human crap. Yep, the past is the past and Orlando should have left it at that, lol.

26thNC26thNCabout 1 month ago

Those mushrooms were a hard way to go, but Orlando deserved the pain.

AmbulAmbulabout 1 month ago

Simple, fun, and deadly. I loved this very short story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Wow! An actual loving wife and one that does the sensible thing when threatened with blackmail: confides in her husband. You don't see (or rather, read) that every day.

FluidswallowerFluidswallower3 months ago

Thanks for a delightfully fun read!!! Good job!

oldtwitoldtwit3 months ago

Loved it, great idea, some simple things work better than over the top plans.

Nice set up of the plot.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

The biter bit lol. Good story. The plot idea is a bit silly but a lot of stories are. But that didn't detract from my enjoyment of this. BardnotBard

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I was between four stars and five on this unique tale. Five stars.


FluidswallowerFluidswallower6 months ago

Thanks for a really fun read!! Good job!!

Chimo1961Chimo19616 months ago

I liked this very much, quick fun and covered all bases. Some burning, some loving, some anal. 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Creative story. But like previous poster what is the big deal about the video? It doesn't thrraten her marriage. Yes it threatens her employment. Then she can sue. They have video of them meeting. Record that meeting. Who cares about legal consent of recording. Depends on which state anyways if one party or two. Was clearly blackmail. Worst case, movie gets out, she loses job, though nowadays a sex tape on Internet doesn't always mean being fired. Sue Orlando. He clearly has money. There are revenge porn laws. Etc. Again what is the crushing penalty of it hitting the Internet? Clearly she was smart to go immediately to her husband. And she had zero intention of sleeping with the asshole. She was more than willing to go to the police and let the video leak out. This was more a story surrounding a clever way to murder someone.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I'm struggling to wrap my head around the blackmail plot. He has nothing of any substance with which to blackmail her. If he makes video footage of her public he will fall foul of revenge porn laws and anyway who cares about some unknown woman appearing in a sex video? At worst it would be temporarily embarrassing for her for a few months tops then the few that did show any interest would have turned their attention to the latest hot topic on daytime TV.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Cleaver and very fun story!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Ok good story but confused. How would she be identified by a birthmark that no one knows about? If she could be otherwise identified, then still so what? She is an IT project manager and many years went by. The Intenet is filled with this shit and it would be one more drop in an ocean. Yeah asshole could send the bids to her employer, but a) that is illegal and the company firing her for that without proof of it being her, could be at the blunt end of a nasty termination suit, and (b) even if she list her job, it isn't worth the price Orlando is asking. Not even close. They would find a way to survive. She did the absolute right thing and told her husband everything. Amazing! Now her marriage is not in jeopardy. At most she might lose her job (debatable). Any friends who saw it somehow, could easily be dissuaded that it wasn't her. If family know of the birthmark, she can readily explain what happened and they will understand. Now that isnwith no revenge. Just a passive "no". Not much in the way of damage compared to.what is being asked. Period. Now what could be done beside murder. Oh how about going to the police. Get some recordings. Stage something after going to the police and wearing a wire. Now asshole goes to jail. A warrant will find more evidence. He goes away for a long time. In 48 states now it is a crime to post revenge porn or sex tapes without consent, especially when nonconsent given for filming and distribution. So yeah buy a couple of days and set his ass up. Meeting the way they did with his bodyguard present was dangerous in its own right. Seriously Orlando's leverage was weak and he was setting himself up for jail by virtue of blackmail / extortion. We live in a digital age. Going to the police would secure a wire via a warrant. Some states allow a recording in evidence at a criminal trial if one of the participants gives consent. There are multiple possibilities. Doesn't need murder. Now if they did nothing, he puts out the footage and they can't burn him for posting it (maybe no proof), and asshole is still coming after her in some other ways, ok then who knows. But they were not close to that. Unless he planned to stalk and rape her (why would he, easier fish in the sea!), was murder warranted? Hell yeah prison time. But poisoning? Yikes. Anyways kudos to the wife!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

@sbrooks103x - The mention of the birthmark was just to prove that he had a naked video of her. If he released the video, it would be her face that would allow people to identify her.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 1 year ago

"Not many people know about that Landon." - If not many know about the birthmark, then it can't be used to identify her.

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