Yummy Things


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Again, Kylie and Kyle, and now Jamie joined Craig and Barbara Eagan in the parking lot of Connelly Stadium. Barbara fiercely hugged her niece while Craig contented himself with patting his niece on her back.

When the gates opened, Kylie found herself on one side of Craig while Jamie hogged the other arm. Barbara linked arms with Kyle.

The Missouri River State Pioneers had almost no defense whatsoever and their offense seemed to have almost no game plan at all. When the score was 6-45, the Connelly coach put the second and third string out, letting them get some playing time.

The crowd was loud, boisterous as the final score was 9-51.

They waited for Jason, sitting on the tailgate of Craig's large pickup truck, chattering happily.

"And we have one more season of this," Barbara mock moaned to Kylie and Jamie.

"You're saying it wrong," Craig said, smiling. "It's 'Oh no! We only have one more season of this!'"

"And there's my man," Kylie smiled as a freshly showered Jason sauntered up.

"Uh, MY man," Jamie playfully argued.

"Uh, no ma'am," Kylie smiled, pushing Jamie toward Kyle. "There's YOUR man, that's MY man."

"Ooh, cat fight," Jason teased as he easily lifted Kylie off her feet and pulled her in for a kiss. "Hi Sweetheart."

"Hi Baby," she smiled, wrapping her arms around him.

"See y'all at church tomorrow," Craig said as he climbed into his pickup truck.

"Uh, really? Y'all go to church?" Jamie asked, eyes wide.

"Yeah, he's making us go," Kylie playfully complained, nudging Jason.

"Why wouldn't we go?" Kyle asked softly.

"Oh, I uh, I don't know, I mean we..." Jamie stammered.

She whispered in Kyle's ear, "What we, I mean, it's a sin, right?"

"Is it?" Kyle asked, not bothering to whisper. "I love you, I love Kylie, Kylie loves Jason, I love Jason; how's it a sin?"

Chapter 9

Jason refused to loan Kyle money, especially when Kyle said what he was borrowing it for.

"No, not just no, but fuck no," Jason smiled and kissed the young man squarely on his lips.

He cupped Kyle's butt cheeks in his hand, found Kyle's puckered anus and slowly traced the finger around the crinkled flesh.

"I'll give you the money," Jason said. "It's a gift."

"That bathtub is the best, OMG, I just love it," Jamie said as she entered the bedroom from the master bathroom, nude except for a towel around her wet hair.

"Y'all, we'll be right back," Jason said as he slid a pair of shorts on.

"Yeah, try not to burn the place down," Kyle joked as he pulled on his jeans.

"One time, God! One time! That was what? Fifteen years ago?" Kylie squealed from the bathroom.

They kissed the girls good bye, then trotted out to Jason's car. In route, Jason used his phone to make reservations at Tokyo Gardens.

"Four seven?" Kyle asked.

"Want my parents and Aunt Cindy there for this," Jason said and quickly called his parents.

When they returned, they wouldn't tell the girls were they'd been, but did tell them they had dinner reservations for seven thirty at Tokyo Gardens.

"Ooh, I love that place, but I got to go home; I don't have anything here to wear for there," Kylie complained.

"Me too," Jamie agreed.

"Okay; pick y'all up at seven; Jamie you want to just meet us there?" Jason asked.

At their apartment, Kylie looked around, slightly displeased.

"God, seemed fine before," she finally said as she wiggled out of her jeans. "But now; place looks kind of small, huh?"

"Yeah, a bit," Kyle agreed, also slipping off his clothes.

"Hey, we uh, we haven't had a whole lot of time, just you and me," Kylie said as she looked at her watch.

"Yeah, well, happens when you fall in love with other people," Kyle agreed.

"But you know I still love you most of all, right?" Kylie asked, kissing him softly.

"And you know I love you most of all, right?" Kyle agreed, gently squeezing her nude body.

She pulled him to their futon and the two kissed for a few minutes.

"Make love to me," she begged, laying down and pulling him on top of her.

He slid into her wet pussy in a long, smooth stroke, then they thrust at each other.

Then they showered and dressed.

"That Jamie is so beautiful," Kylie said as they tramped down the stairs to Jason's waiting car.

"Telling me? She's almost as beautiful as you," Kyle agreed.

"God, you are a liar!" Kylie smiled and stood on tip toes to kiss Jason. "I'm nowhere near as beautiful as she is."

"Agree to disagree," Kyle said, playfully slapped Jason's ass and scrambled into the rear seat.

Just as they finished their dinner, Jason nudged Kyle.

"I uh, hey uh Jamie, uh, when I asked you the other day to marry me?" Kyle stammered.

Jamie looked up, shocked that Kyle would mention anything about it in front of her mother.

"I uh, I meant it," Kyle said, pulling a small jewelry box out of his khaki trousers.

"What? He what?" Aunt Cindy asked.

"I mean it," Kyle said a little more forcefully. "Jamie Scandurro, will you marry me?"

"Are you, this is, this isn't a joke, huh?" Jamie asked.

"It's no joke," Kyle said.

"But you, you two just met; you can't..." Aunt Cindy sputtered.

"Then yes, yes I will marry you," Jamie shrieked, kissing Kyle hotly.

"We uh we went 'rock paper scissors' and he won so he got to go first," Jason said as he turned to a crying Kylie.

"Wait, what?" Kylie asked as she tore her eyes from her brother and her brother's new fiancé.

"Wait, what?" Barbara Eagan asked, tearing her eyes from her niece to look at her son.

"Kylie Truesdale, when I met you, I finally understand what love is supposed to feel like," Jason said.

Kylie smiled, leaned over and kissed Jason.

"Yes," she whispered into his ear. "Yes, I will marry you and be your wife."

The seven returned to Craig and Barbara Eagan's house so that they could make the plans.

"Uh, Kylie and me, Kylie and I get out of college in nine days," Kyle suggested.

"Wow, no kidding? Me too," Jason teased.

"Brother in law's kind of a butt hole," Kyle said to his sister.

"The twentieth," Aunt Cindy said, putting her cell phone into her purse. "Reverend Naughton said he's got one at eleven already; we'll be at four."

"Mr. Craig, you give me away?" Kylie asked quietly.

"I uh, you uh don't want your own father to do that?" Craig asked, shocked.

"He cut us out of his life when he married our step-mother," Kyle said.

"Oh! I'm going get Uncle John give me away," Jamie declared.

"I know he'd like that since he and Shirley only have boys," Aunt Cindy agreed.

It was well after midnight by the time Kyle, Kylie, and Jason climbed into Jason's car. Jamie waved from the door of the Eagan house until she couldn't see Jason's taillights any longer.

"Oh my God! We have to get you a dress!" Cindy Scandurro screamed out.

"And me a dress!" she realized.

"Wear a grocery bag; ain't nobody going be looking at you," Craig teased.

"Barbara, really? You couldn't find no one else marry you?" her baby sister complained.

"There were a few," Barbara agreed, entwining her arm around her man. "But he was the best looking."

"Then her eyes filled with tears.

"I can't believe, I just can't believe my baby's old enough be getting married," Barbara choked out.

"Thank God he's not marrying that Megan girl," Craig agreed.

Chapter 10

Kyle and Kylie stood behind the counter of the 'Sweet On You' shop. In just five days, they were going to be married, but in just four days, they would also be unemployed. Mr. O'Quinn had taken a good, hard look at his finances and had come to the realization that the candy store was not as profitable as he'd hoped.

"Unless y'all would be willing to take a cut in pay?" he listed as he informed the twins of his dilemma.

"Half? Half of what we're making now?" Kyle asked.

"Mr. O'Quinn, we barely make anything," Kylie quietly said. "We don't even have insurance, except what the college gives us. And you want us to take a pay cut?"

"Fine, then you'll get nothing? Like that better?" the man snapped.

"Well, thank you for this opportunity," Kyle said magnanimously.

"We really appreciated working here," Kylie echoed.

When they'd told Jason and Jamie about their job loss, Jason and Jamie had smiled and assured the twins everything would be fine.

"Good; you can come work for me," Cindy Scandurro told her future son in law.

"Fine, you can come work at the office," Craig Eagan told his future daughter in law.

"Wonder why they want to see us," Kyle asked for the millionth time that night.

Craig had called Kylie's cell phone and stated he'd be picking them up from work that evening. Jason had said he didn't know why but assured Kylie it would be fine.

"Hmm, let me pull up the 'Crystal Ball App' on my phone and... Damn, it's down again," Kylie said.

"Ever since you got that ring on your finger? You been a pain in the butt," Kyle teased and she smiled a nervous smile.

They saw the large pickup truck pull up and bustled to complete the evening's tasks.

"Hi Mr. Craig," Kylie called out, putting on a cheerful show.

"Hi Sweetheart," the man agreed.

He drove them to his home, asking about their day, about their final exams, idle chit chat. So when they arrived at his home, they still had no idea why he and Miss Barbara wanted to see them.

In the living room, the twins sat on a couch. They resisted the temptation to hold each other's hands but did sit close enough together to feel one another. Miss Barbara smiled a reassuring smile, but her smile did little to reassure the twins.

"I uh, I called your father," Craig said after taking a sip of his bourbon on the rocks.

Kylie felt a plummeting feeling in her gut. Kyle's shifting on the couch next to her let Kylie know her brother felt it too.

"I uh, told him about the upcoming wedding," Craig went on.

He took another sip of his bourbon.

"You asked me, asked me if I would give you away at the wedding, and Kylie, nothing would give me more pleasure than to give you to be wed to my son," Craig said. "Hell, I already think of you as my daughter."

"And I think of you as..." Kylie quickly started to say.

"But I couldn't in good conscience take that honor, that joy away from your father," Craig continued, speaking over Kylie's declaration.

"Shit," Kylie muttered under her breath.

"He uh, he had some very interesting things to say," Craig said and the plummeting in Kylie's guts turned to a heavy ball in her stomach.

Kyle shifted again and Kylie resisted the urge to cling to him, to comfort him, and to seek comfort from him.

"What a horse's ass," Craig spat. "I mean, forgive me, I know that's your father, but what a horse's ass. And he calls himself a Man of God?"

Craig turned and looked at his glass of bourbon, quickly finished the drink and poured another.

"Guess they left that silly part about forgiving one another out of his Bible," Craig said. "Guess they left that stuff about 'Let ye who is without sin cast the first stone' out too, huh?"

"What Craig's trying to say..." Barbara started to say.

"Uh, Craig hasn't left the room," Craig said to his wife. "I'm pretty sure Craig would like to say what Craig's trying to say."

"Then why doesn't Craig just hurry up and say it, instead of making everyone wait for Craig to get around to it?" Barbara teased her husband.

"Craig's wondering why he puts up with Barbara," Craig said.

"Because Barbara's the best thing that ever happened to Craig," Barbara said.

"Kylie, before Barbara interrupts Craig again, I'd be honored to walk you down the aisle, be honored to give you away," Craig said.

"Oh thank you!" Kylie whooped.

"My uh, my dad and me? We uh, we have the same mom," Craig admitted, a hot blush forming on his face.

"What?" Kylie asked, not sure she'd heard right.

"My uh, the woman that's supposed to be my grandmother is actually my mother," Craig admitted.

He forced himself to look at the twins.

"My dad, my dad and I? We carried that shame around for a long long time," he admitted.

"So, come on Kylie; we've got a bachelorette party to talk about," Barbara smiled, pulling the girl to her feet and out of the living room into the kitchen.

"And believe me, we're going to have a heck of a bachelor's party," Craig assured Kyle.

He craned his neck to make sure the women couldn't hear them.

"Ever been in Tijuana Jack's?" he asked and Kyle shook his head no.

""Well, know how Oakleaf's got them damned laws, can't show no pubic hair, can't show no nipples? Tijuana Jack's never heard of them rules," Craig whispered.

"O boy!" Kyle smiled.

"Hey, woman, need take the kids home; they're probably exhausted," Craig called out.

"Be there in a minute; you've had two drinks, you're not driving tonight," Barbara called back.

"Jamie's last name might be Scandurro, but I tell you now, she's a Priestly through and through," Craig warned Kyle. Priestly women? "Thinks they know everything and they're never wrong."

"O.M.G! I'm a Priestly?" Kylie said.

"Through and through," Barbara assured the girl as she grabbed the keys for her Cadillac.

"God to say, really admire y'all; minute that boss of yours said he was cutting y'all, I would have walked out," Craig admitted.

"Maybe, but that wouldn't be right," Kyle shrugged.

"And your father said y'all have no morals?" Craig thought to himself.


The four honeymooned in Jamaica and all enjoyed getting horribly sunburned. Jamie especially loved it because her husband, and her sister in law rubbed the soothing lotion all over her sunburned body.

Jamie's previous experience with sex had always been so shameful, and so devoid of any passion. This wasn't just sex, though. This was love.

And although Jason's cock was certainly longer than her husband's cock, Jamie could tell the difference between sexual pleasure and emotional connection. It did give her a thrill, knowing that Jason was her cousin, that she was fucking her cousin. It certainly did give her a thrill watching her husband making love with his sister. But in the morning, feeling Kyle's loving arms around her gave Jamie a feeling of contentment she'd never felt before.

Jason, for his part, loved Kylie, loved making love with her, loved making her laugh. He felt like he could just sit and watch her for hours as she frolicked on the beach in an obscene swimsuit.

But it was Kyle's sweet ass that made Jason's cock grow so hard it hurt. It was Kyle's cock, thrusting in and out of his mouth that really got Jason's motor running.

"Don't even think about it," he warned himself, even as he pounded his cock in and out of Kyle's clutching ass.

Kylie was in love, love with her handsome husband. She was also in love with being Mr. Craig's daughter in law.

Clients that walked into Eagan Equipment were introduced to the slightly chubby brunette with Mr. Craig declaring proudly, "And here's my daughter in law, Kylie Eagan."

She loved being Miss Barbara's daughter in law, Barbara's confidant. Often, Kylie didn't even work a full day at Eagan Equipment; her mother in law would drop by and 'kidnap' her for long lunches, shopping excursions, movie matinees.

Kyle enjoyed sex with his brother in law; how could he not? It felt good, being fucked hard. It felt good, pumping a load down Jason's hot throat. He loved Kylie; had loved Kylie from the moment of conception.

But looking into his wife's eyes, seeing the absolute devotion the gorgeous blonde had for him, Kyle felt complete. Jamie completed him, Jamie made Kyle feel like a man.

Cindy Scandurro sent her son in law out with a crew. The crew determined that they could slack off; the kid wouldn't know.

"You," Kyle called out to Joe, the leader of the crew, the chief instigator of the crew's behavior. "What's your name?"

"Joe," Joe smirked. "Joe Tonisetti."

"Oh, okay, Joe Tonisetti," Kyle said, no smirk on his face. "Pick up the pace, or start walking. And it's seventeen miles from here to the unemployment office, hear?"

Then he turned to the rest of the crew.

"And if Joe slacks off? You're all going to start walking. Do I make myself clear?" Kyle said.

They picked up the pace, worked at an almost feverish pace. This kid was no pushover.

When they finished the job two and a half weeks ahead of schedule, the client did pitch a fit with Kyle about having to pay the full price as agreed upon.

"Yes sir, and if we had gone two weeks over, would you have been okay with paying for two more weeks' labor?" Kyle asked.

Then, Kyle took the bonus Cindy gave to him and split it with his crew, even Joe Tonisetti.

Part of the wedding present from Cindy had been Condominium #4, right next door to Jason and Kylie.

Jason and Kyle knocked a hole in the wall between the two upstairs halls and put in a door. This joined the two units, but gave either unit the right, the ability to close the door. (The door was never closed.)

Jamie and Kyle lived in Unit 4, but were more often than not to be found in Unit 3. The four of them usually slept in Jason's large bed.

Within weeks of marriage, Kylie was upset; she kept packing on the pounds but her brother, her twin, was slimming down.

"Sweetheart, real simple solution," Jason said, pulling her down the stairs to his exercise room.

But the pounds just wouldn't fall away. No matter how many miles she logged on the stationary bike, no matter how may reps she did, she just kept seeing that needle on the old bathroom scale swing slightly higher.

Then the morning sickness came and Kylie wept with joy.


**Author's Note: I write these stories for my pleasure; I post them here for your enjoyment. I do thank you sincerely for reading my stories.

I especially thank those that take the time to rate my stories, and those that leave comments.

Have a candy coated day.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

This is so amazing I love this so much I never saw anything like this on here absolutely incredible!

darkvision29darkvision29over 4 years ago

Thanks for the great story.

VorossVorossalmost 6 years ago
That was.........

Really, really great story, maybe the best I read on this site.

InsinityInsinityabout 7 years ago
Good job

Very interesting and entertaining story. Thanks for sharing.

FYRFZZFYRFZZover 7 years ago
Sexy and fun

Well written and enjoyable as well as sexy as hell. Hope to read more soon.

RamthientRamthientover 7 years ago
Good story

This made cumple the hardest I had byou myself in quite a while. It was a great story. Hopefully more gets introduced.

NKKMDNKKMDover 7 years ago
Good job

**Author's Note: I write these stories for my pleasure; I post them here for your enjoyment.

Well, congratulations!! At least I enjoyed it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Male/male is fine, as long as...

... there's warning of it, so I can take a pass. Thanks for the warning.

itsaysmoopsitsaysmoopsover 7 years ago

You lost me at piss slit

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