Zia is Recruited by Mars Ch. 02

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Zia’s Education & first night.
5.7k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 05/19/2024
Created 05/16/2024
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This is a work of pure fantasy; nothing is real, and all characters are adults. Comments are enabled, and all constructive comments are welcomed; even if you think my story sucks, tell me how it sucks so I can improve the story and as an author. This story has some BBC themes (in chapters 2 & 3) but isn't the main focus of the story.

Zia is recruited by Mars.

Chapter 2

Zia's Education

Evan was a tough but fair principal; his job was to weed out weak candidates before The Martian Colony project invested too much money and resources into them. Students would take computer-based or instructor-led training and be tested every few days, a week at the most. They were given two chances to pass each exam. Fail both, they were eliminated from the program. The same questions were not asked on each exam, but the material tested was the same. A typical graduate of his Martian academy attended class for two months. At the end of training, they were well-versed in the general operations of the Martin Colony, as well as specialized training in the field they were hired to support.

Imagine his surprise when he was told that they were sending him a student he had to get ready for the Martian Colony in less than a week and that he was not allowed to fail her. He could quiz her verbally, but there were no exams; she was guaranteed a pass on all subjects. He objected, of course, but was overruled. It didn't matter if she couldn't string two sentences together; pass her.

So the first time Zia walked into the academy to attend classes, Evan took an instant dislike towards her. He figured she must have slept her way to the top. He only had her for a week, but he was determined he was going to make her life hell for that week. He would try to convince her to drop out of the program and save him the blemish of his perfect record of consistently providing high-quality, educated colonists for the Mars project. His was not the only training academy on Earth that trained Martian-bound recruits, but he, by god, was going to make it the best.

Zia entered the classroom, looking around; no one else was in the classroom except a short man dressed in a preppy shirt and pants at a desk in the front of the room. Seeing someone clothed was almost strange to Zia now, having seen so much nudity recently.

"You're late." The man told her, annoyed.

"I'm Sorry," Zia said. "This is my first day of class, and I had trouble finding this classroom."

"Save you pathetic excuses for your boyfriend. Come to the head of the class and sit down. We have a lot of material to cover and very little time to do it," the man said.

Zia did as she was told. As she sat down, she introduced herself: "My name is Zia."

The man rudely told her, "I know who you are."

Zia expected the man to introduce himself, but he didn't bother. After a minute of silence between them, Zia asked, "What is your name? Where are the other students?"

"Your peers for shuttle launch 5821 graduated class weeks ago, and you're eight weeks late for class," the man responded. He then said, "You can call me Master. It's fitting that I'm the head Master of the school, and you're the waste of space I've been forced to teach."

"I like that," Master continued; your name is now 'Waste of space' until I deem you worthy of graduating.

Zia was dismayed at how he was treating her; she didn't know who pissed in his cereal this morning, but it looked like it was she that would have to endure his insults. After all it was far too late for her to back out now.

And so Master began teaching her; he skimmed over the history lessons on how the colony was started and the many mistakes the colonies made in the early years of the settlement. He concentrated on core topics that she would find helpful, and even those were less in-depth than he would have liked to teach her. He talked quickly; Zia had trouble keeping up when he verbally quizzed her; any wrong answers would be rewarded with insults. Haven't you been listening? 'Waste of space'; her correct answers were not praised. After five hours of this nonstop treatment, he finally said, Classes are completed for today; be back here at 8 am sharp, not a minute late. Corporal punishment is allowed here; if you're late, I'll take a cane to your ass. He was lying, of course, but she didn't know that. All in all, it wasn't a bad day; she wasn't completely incompetent, it seemed. Maybe he could make something out of her with the limited time he had.

Zia's first night

Lisa was waiting for Zia as she exited the class. Doctor Bennett instructed her to take Zia under her wing until she learned her way around the center. Doctor Bennett also told Lisa that if she could get Zia to play ball, or more specifically, allow Dr. Bennett to ball Zia, she would be rewarded for her efforts. Lisa was all about getting ahead, so she assured the Doctor that she would have no trouble corrupting Zia.

"Hi," Lisa happily greeted Zia.

An exhausted Zia returned her greeting. She was not much for small talk; she just wanted to get some rest. Lisa continued chatting to Zia. She told her that she was taking her to the dorms and that she could share Lisa's bed with her.

Zia was puzzled, "I don't get a separate room?" she asked

"Nope," Lisa answered. "It's one big room filled with double beds evenly spaced; no curtains or walls are separating them. It's to help us get used to co-mingling with the other sex nude as it will be on Mars."

"Wait, What?" Zia stopped her, "It's Co-ed?"

"Yep," Lisa answered. Pulling Zia along again.

In short order, they arrived at the assigned dorm, which had twenty-five double beds equally spaced in a large room in a five-by-five configuration. As she entered, Zia saw dozens of naked people milling about socializing, both men and women. Lisa told her there were 50 people assigned to this dorm; these would be the same people to be launched on shuttle 5821 to the spaceship bound for Mars.

Lisa pulled Zia up to one group of people and introduced Zia to a man, "This is Erik, my Boyfriend."

"More like fuck body," Erik responded.

Lisa grabbed Erik's dick with her hands, "Boyfriend, fuck buddy, it's all the same to me, long as you stick this in me again tonight," Lisa teased.

"Who is your new friend?" Erik asked.

"This is Zia," Lisa answered, "she is a recruit."

"It's a little late to add anyone to the roster; we launch in less than a week," Erik said.

"Zia is a last-minute replacement; you heard what happened to Lee, didn't you?"

"Yea, I'm missing her tight pussy already," Erik said. "I tried to get into the infirmary to help get her mind off her injuries, but Doctor Smith wouldn't allow it. He doesn't want her to do anything to hinder her recovery. I couldn't even give her oral sex. I promised the doc I'd be extra gentle."

"The way she orgasms, I can see why Doctor Smith wouldn't allow it." Lisa joked, "But you can give me oral any time you want." Lisa snuggled up to Erik.

Erik turned to look at Zia, "What about you? How tight is your pussy? I know how to satisfy two women at the same time. I've had practice." He boasted.

Zia blushed with embarrassment.

"Stop," Lisa slapped him playfully; "you're so bad."

Just then, a black man approached the trio. He walked right up to Zia and placed his hands on her breasts, "Damn girl, you be fine. I'll take you for a ride you need." He then lowered his one hand, took his dick in his hand, and presented his dick to her. "Start sucking slut."

At first, Zia was totally flabbergasted to react; how dare this black man touch her, then present himself like she was some kind of slut eager to suck his dick. Zia pulled back and roared, "Don't touch me! How dare you!"

He stepped back, confused at her response.

Lisa, trying to salvage the situation, stepped forward, "Zia, this is Jerald." "Jerald, this is Zia. She is new; give her some time to adjust."

Jerald said, "A brother can understand that, but advertising like that—you're always supposed to be ready—false advertising, that is. When you're ready, you know where I am." And with that, Jerald wandered away.

Zia was puzzled by what he was talking about. Maybe it was her Tramp Stamp; she had no experience with having one. Perhaps all men acted that way toward women who had them.

Lisa led Zia around the room, introducing her to other men and women in the dorm. Zia was starting to enjoy herself; being nude now felt perfectly normal. She also noticed that most of the women had large breasts like her. There were too many to be a coincidence.

"I've noticed most women are rather large-chested." Zia said, "Does Mars only recruit women with large breasts?" she asked.

Lisa laughed, "No, silly. It's one of the perks you can get for being a colonist. They will pay to get you a breast enhancement if you want one. Most women go bigger. I know I did. I love my 36 C's. My tits were tiny before. Unfortunately, it's too late to upgrade yours; a week is not enough time to get the surgery and recover, but it doesn't look like you need help in that department. You lucky, you have wonderful tits already."

Zia met most people in the room; one of the last people Lisa introduced her to was Booker, a big, muscular black man. Zia, trying not to seem too standoffish, politely shook Booker's hand when she was introduced to him, but after a firm handshake, Booker didn't release her hand.

"I saw you turned down. Jerald. I think I'm more the type of man you're looking for." Gently, he began pulling her hand, leading her to a nearby bed.

Zia had no doubt what he intended. She pulled back firmly. It took her some effort to free her hand from his. She gave him a firm "No, thank you!"

Booker looked at her questioningly. "You're not going to find a bigger black dick than mine he boosted."

He continued. "But once you feel me inside you, you'll dump whatever brother you're fucking."

Zia gave him a confused look, "No black man has ever!" She stopped speaking, outraged that he would talk to her like a common whore.

"None?" Booker said, then he got a massive grin on his face. He realized the Doc was fucking with her; she had no idea that a large Queen of Spades tattoo was in the center of her back between her shoulder blades. And if she did, she had no idea what it symbolized. He glanced over at Jerald across the room. He knew Jerald would not give up so easily; he would be hitting on her again soon enough. Booker would sit back and enjoy the show. Booker walked away laughing to himself.

Zia had no idea what was going on. Were all black men pigs? None of the white men she met acted like they owned her when first meeting her.

The lights in the room were dimmed, signaling it was time for bed. Lisa led Zia over to her bed, and they both lay down on the bed. It was late, and Zia was tired, at least she should be. She didn't feel like sleeping yet. A few minutes after they laid down, Erik came over to Lisa, and they started making out on the same bed she was on next to her. She didn't know if their lust was contagious or what, but before long, Zia was touching herself. As she watched them, she was feeling herself getting horny.

When Erik rolled Lisa into a missionary position, she spread her legs for him, and he entered her. Zia's lust intensified. She continued to watch them, fucking. Zia felt herself getting hornier and hornier; she had never felt so much lust before. She, of course, watched porn before, but seeing it in real life was so much more intense.

Doctor Bennett was watching this all unfold from a monitor in another room nearby. She was about ready. The shot of hormones and submissive-inducing drugs he had Nurse Lisa inject Zia earlier in the day was having the intended effect, just as he had planned. It was now time for him to make his entrance.

Zia continued to play with herself; she was losing control, and lust was becoming unbearable. She heard herself say to the couple making love next to her, "Please, Erik, Fuck me next."

Lisa looked over at Zia and smiled.

Then Zia heard a voice next to her bedside, "Erik is busy at the moment, but my dick is available." She recognized the voice; it was Doctor Bennett. She looked at him with complete lust, "Please fuck me." she begged.

Doctor Bennett was more than willing to comply. He slid onto the bed and into Zia, thrusting his big rock-hard dick inside Zia in a few thrusts. She was his to use, and use her he would. He intended sex to be rougher than usual; no one turns down Doctor Bennett when he wants sex without suffering the consequences. He fucked every woman that passed thru his office doors, sooner or later, before they graduated their training and launched on a shuttle. Either by drugs, coercion, or outright blackmail. Bennett didn't care; women only had one purpose in life, and that was to satisfy their urges.

Bennett was immediately surprised at how tight Zia was. While he fingered her earlier in the day, he did not appreciate the full effect. For a woman her age, she should be a lot looser; he was confident he could count on one hand the number of times she had sex before. He would have to quiz her about it later, as strictly doctor-patient privileged information, of course.

Zia was in pure bliss; Bennett's dick was so big it stretched her pussy more than she had ever experienced. She loved the feeling of it going in and out of her. He pressed his mouth against hers, and their tongues intermingled. It went on and on; at times, he grabbed her breasts and leaned back. And pounded her in quick, short thrusts others; he put his total weight on her, slowed down his pace, and they French kissed. Zia had an orgasm so powerful that she wondered if it was the first real orgasm in her life. The feeling was so powerful. She was in the missionary position the entire time, just minor variations on how Bennett fucked her. Finally, after what seemed like an hour, he pounded her with all his strength and came inside her. Zia could feel his cum covering the inside of her pussy. Afterward, she drifted off into a blissful sleep, completely satisfied.

Zia awoke surprised. She opened her eyes and expected Bennett to be taking her, but she realized it was Erik, not Barry. Zia asked, "What are you doing?" she asked in a confused voice.

Erik replied, "You did beg me to fuck you next last night, I'm just fulfilling your wishes."

Zia remembered last night and what she asked him to do. She wasn't quite into sex now as she was then but offered no resistance as Erik had his way with her. "God, you are tight" Erik was saying, enjoying her. Erik didn't last long before he came inside her.

Zia had a moment of panic, "Wait, I'm not on the pill."

"Relax," Lisa said to her, watching them. "All the women here have been given pregnancy prevention medication, including you; you will not be able to get pregnant, no matter how many times you fuck. Once we get to Mars, you will get pregnant then."

"I don't plan on having children any time soon," Zia replied, relieved.

"Good luck with that," Lisa responded, "Birth control is illegal on Mars. Why else do you think they wanted to make sure you were fertile?"


After showering, the three of them headed to the dining hall; as they were in line, getting breakfast, Zia was surprised to see another couple fucking against the wall. A woman of Asian descent was leaning up against the wall, and a white guy was taking her from behind. She didn't recognize either one; they must be from another dorm. Lisa noticed Zia was staring at the scene.

"You'll get used to that; being nude gives us the freedom to act on our urges," Lisa told her. "Anytime, anywhere."

I wonder if it will be like this on Mars, Zia wondered.

They sat down at a table, Lisa and Erik with their backs to the wall, Zia across from them. A black man with a massive erection walked up to their table; he practically thrust it into Zia's face. Zia leaned away in her chair.

"It needs sucking, suck it slut." The black man told Zia. She looked at him disgusted, yet another Black asshole that thinks he's god's gift to the earth.

"Fuck off," Zia told him.

"Bitch, who's your owner? He's got to teach you some manners," he said aggressively. "You can't wear the colors without obeying all your Masters. You are not one of those crazy white bitches that think it means a powerful woman who controls her destiny, are you? Your destiny is to crave black cock slut." The black man said.

Zia was afraid he would try to force himself on her, but he stamped off, muttering to himself. Zia again thought it had to be her Tramp stamp; that was the only thing she could think of as to why black men were hassling her. Why didn't they bother other white women the same way? Maybe they did, and she didn't notice?

The encounter shook Zia; strangely, Lisa and Erik didn't say anything about it like it was totally normal to have a black dick waved, in your face, first thing in the morning. Zia finished her breakfast and rushed off to class.


Zia was in class, listening to the 'Master' lecture about reverse engineering everyday products produced on Earth so they could be recreated with materials available locally on Mars. He talked about how the alternative designs tended to be more primitive and unrefined, but as long as they met the same functionality, the goal would be achieved.

Zia Interrupted his lecture with a question, "Master, why is birth control illegal on Mars?"

Master looked at her, annoyed more so that the question was not on the topic he was currently teaching.

"Well, 'Waste of space' humans have only been living on Mars for 30 years. There are no long-term studies of the results of lower gravity on the human body and child development. Given the limited time available to make the Martian colony successful, it's necessary to speed up some research projects; instead of time, having more test subjects is required to yield useful data." Master answered

"So we are lab rats," Zia questioned.

"In a way, yes, we learn by observing the world around us. You have to understand that we are not operating under ideal conditions; if we had centuries instead of decades to establish a viable Martian colony, we could be more careful and more informed of the risks involved and how to address them instead of charging ahead," Master answered.

"Why does the Martian project have a short time limit?" she asked, confused.

"Mars doesn't; Earth does. Despite the propaganda, the government tells the public that things are getting better; you only have to observe the world around you to see that things are getting worse, a lot worse. We are well past the tipping point on the environment for Earth. There is no saving it; we are fast approaching the day no life outside of an environmental dome can survive. It will take at least ten thousand years and as many as a million before Earth will be able to support life again. Fear not, life will return to Earth, but it probably will not be humans around to benefit from it." Master finished.

"So we're fucked?" Zia said

"We are if we attempt to hide in Environmental domes on Earth. It is a slow decline until extinction goes that route. But if we can create a self-sufficient Martian colony, we can grow, prosper, and eventually colonize the stars. The Master said with hope. "That is why the Martian colony is so important. It's our best chance at long-term survival. Our only chance as well." He answered her question. The Master then continued with his lecture, as she never interrupted him.

Doctor office

Zia was again in Doctor Bennett's office. She was sitting on the examination table; he had just given her some more injections. Cum was dripping out of her pussy; he had just finished fucking her again in his office as she bent over his desk. He asked her to stand up; he wanted to add more decoration to her body. She did as he told her; she didn't know how, but he had some sort of control over her. After only a few days she was his to command. He picked up a tablet and typed a few commands; a Spades symbol appeared just above her pussy, with a Q in the middle. Then the words "BBC only" above the spades symbol.