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tagBDSMA New Life Ch. 01.5

A New Life Ch. 01.5


A companion to Master Knight Fire's.

I can't believe I am on this flight. What was I thinking?

"Miss? Miss? Do you care for a drink?" the stewardess voice interrupted my doubts, crashing through making me once again aware.

"Um… yes please. Just bottle water." My mouth was suddenly dry. What if he isn't there? What if his wife hates me? What if I traveled all this way only to have to turn around and go home? What if….

"Miss here you are."

"Thank you."

With a deep sigh I open the bottle and gulp down half of it. I lean back looking blankly out the window seeing absolutely nothing. I remember seeing him in the chat room. He seemed polite enough then. I engaged him in conversation, yet he wanted to keep talking though I had spent more time than I expected on our first conversation.

Soon he gained my trust. We talked online, on the phone and eventually traded pictures. As other wannabe dominants approached and left me, he remained. I never knew he was interested in me as being his. I slowly saw how he took me under his wing and protected me. I let the others leave me one by one. Then he offered a collar of consideration. I delayed answering him because there were two others still interested and I knew it would be a matter of time before they too would go.

A month passed after he first offered, and him being the sole remaining Dominant in my life and I accepted his collar of consideration. He could have leapt through the screen with joy. Me on the other hand, I was nervous. I wanted to be his so badly but my current life is not ready for what my heart longs for. So another year passes before I even agree to meet him.

My hands all sweaty, my cheeks a little flush, I wanted to cry. I was so nervous and scared of rejection.


The sudden noise sending a jolt through my body, I look blankly at the lit up sign.

"Please fasten your seatbelt and return your trays and seats to the upright position. We will be landing shortly. We hope you enjoyed the flight and hope to see you again soon."

"Yeah maybe too soon," I say under my breath. Where had the 2 hours gone? The flight was way too short. Before I know it we are landing and taxied into the gate. I remain in my seat, first with the thoughts that I didn't feel like fighting my way out. Then I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Miss? You ok?"

"Umm… yes Ma'am… sorry, I was waiting for the crowd to go.'

"You are the only passenger left Miss."

I couldn't help but to blush. I numbly grab my bag that's under my feet. My tickets in my carry on bag, I reluctantly head out of the plane and try to give myself courage to see if he might actually be there.

Step after step I walk slowly down the jet way. My feet were as heavy as my heart. I was expecting the worse. I would hate to come all this way only to be left standing in the airport with nowhere to go.

Ok here is the moment of truth… I look up and I see him smiling at me. At that moment I wanted to run and leap into his arms. I was just so happy he was actually there. He takes me in his arms giving me the warmest hug I have ever had then kisses me gently on the cheek. I could have melted right there. That simple kiss took all doubts away; I knew my worth to him at that moment.

My voice soft, feeling now a little ashamed, "I'm sorry Sir, I was so scared that you wouldn't be here and I didn't want to get off the plane." Looking down at my hands I continue, "The stewardess made me leave."

We laughed at my silliness and headed towards baggage claim. I only had 2 other bags. As we walked he gently took my hand. His strength calmed me and I knew where I belonged… to him.

As the carousel went around I reached for each bag, yet he removed them. I know he wanted to get home but I wanted to please him. It was time for me to be his.

Tugging lightly on his sleeve like a child would, "Sir? I need to make a short stop at the ladies room."

"Not a problem, and while you are doing that I will call home and let your Mistress know you made it safely." His eyes were glowing with joy and his voice sounded as relieved as I had felt when I saw him.

Taking my little carryon bag to the ladies room I enter and look for the furthest stall from the door. Hooking my bag on the back of the door, I open it revealing the planned surprise.

On top of the neatly folded pile of clothes was my most precious possession. I never told him how much it meant to me and that I wore it all the time. It was the collar he sent me. My delicate fingers traced its lines lovingly before lifting it out and placing it around my neck. As it encloses my neck I feel the way my heart lightened knowing that all that I am about to do, I am doing as His.

Slipping out of my clothes I am standing there completely naked except the collar. My hand wanders to the collar once more lingering, feeling the love I know is there, as my other hand slides gently between my legs. My treasure is completely bare and smooth. I keep myself from the temptation to tease myself.

Snapping out of it and pull out the skirt first, holding it up inspecting it making sure it still looks good. Then slipping it on over my soft skin I pull out the bra. Yes it's a pushup but with my size gravity could be mean. Besides I want to present myself the best way possible to him. Once my voluptuous chest is now contained I pull out my favorite low cut shirt. Its silky and smooth and the fit accentuates all the right curves on me.

Now comes the part I am dreading slightly. I have always been a tomboy and I have been practicing walking in these things for a month now. I quickly slide on the thigh high stockings still staring at the 4-inch pumps. With a sigh I slip each one on and remind myself just to relax and not think about it. Taking my plain clothes and folding them and placing them in my bag, my sneakers tossed on top as I zip it closed, closing an old chapter on myself and beginning a new one.

Exiting the stall, I look in the mirror noticing how my clothes seem to make all my curves scream for attention. I catch a few dirty looks from a few other females. I just smile pleasantly at them knowing its not them I am dressed for, its for my Master. Taking a deep breath, my bag in hand I head out of the ladies room in time to see him hanging up the phone. Good I wasn't too long.

Walking slowly towards him letting him take in the view, I stop just in arms length. I smile sweetly trying not to let him know how I saw him stumble a bit surprised at the sight of me.

"I do hope Sir likes my attire." My voice sweet and innocent. I already knew the answer but continued the look of innocence.

"Why, yes My love, I do."

My heart leapt hearing him refer to me as His love. I could only smile as I stumbled out my words.

"Great Sir, I am dressed exactly as you have always instructed me to be when out in public."

We make our way through the baggage claim area and outside. His car was waiting and he opened the door for me. Sliding in the front seat I feel my already short skirt inch higher. Feeling his eyes upon me open my legs slightly offering him a peek at my obedience.

"Does Sir approve of everything?"

He nodded then headed around the car and got in. I couldn't help but to smile. He leaned over and kissed me, his hand wandering down searching between my legs. I wanted him so badly, I wanted to be theirs, and I longed for the ride to be over with.

"I see that my girl has gotten over her anxiety about this meeting."

"Ooohhh yes Sir I have," trying to keep myself from begging him to use me now. But I know the hardest meeting is yet to come. I have to meet his wife and my new Mistress. I tried to get some information out of him to calm my nerves, yet he didn't divulge any information.

As the trip progressed he told me to slip off those damn shoes, which was a blessing more than he knew, and to show the drivers what belongs to him.

I hiked my skirt up to my waist and presented the world what I had to show but give only to my Master and Mistress. Using my right hand I trace from my inner knee moving slowly up my inner thigh. Pausing slightly as I near my awaiting wet pussy. My body aching for touch, then when I slowly traced along its lips, feeling the wetness, preparing for the major tease that was ahead. I am not allowed to cum unless given expressed permission.

As my slender fingers part the lips I begin to rub myself for my Master. I close my eyes pretending it is his hands touching me; my body builds higher and higher. I bite my lower lip to keep myself from begging him to pull over and fuck me. I had waited this long I can wait a little longer. Besides if I wait Mistress may also be present.

I can hear the truck drivers now very interested in our vehicle. I keep my eyes closed to stay focused on my body as my two fingers slide deep inside me, searching and exploring. I am moaning as my hips rise forward to try and take my hand deeper. The more I get into it the more the drivers increase their interest. My hand is wet with my own juices. I bring myself to the edge and keep myself there. Waiting and hoping that maybe he will give permission to cum, yet he never does. Sweat forms lightly over my skin as my fingers continue to go deeper inside me.

I could have cried when I heard my Masters voice on the CB.

"I am glad you all enjoyed the show and have a safe trip." I heard most of the drivers come back over the CB with similar comments of them thanking us more. He looked over to me telling me to fix myself.

My cheeks were flushed and I was slightly disappointed. I fixed my skirt and put the heels back on. I hated doing so but that was his command. Making our way through the town I watched as turn after turn we came closer to his home, maybe even my future home.

I looked up at this house as we pulled into the driveway. My heart pounding in my chest knowing I still have one more very important person to not only meet but satisfy.

"Here we are my love, welcome to your new home, may you only enjoy love and happiness while you grace these walls." He sounded sincere and mildly like a greeting card.

"Thank you Master. My pleasure will come in serving you and all whom you say." I know I was being silly and replying like a greeting card but I really was nervous and my mind went autopilot on me. I knew that what awaited me in this house was truly a new beginning and a place my heart screamed for.

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