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After 8...


I knew he would be there, and when Paul knocked on my door later in the evening, I knew what he was there for and that I would let it happen.

We'd been downstairs for drinks all evening and rather than going home, he had seemingly waited to see me.I hesitated when I opened the door. We didn't say anything for a while, just considered each other.

'Fancy a nightcap?'he asked, smiling.I regarded him for a few more seconds, weighing up what I was probably about to do.I opened the door for him, and closed it firmly behind him. Looking at the back of the wood for a moment.

I poured us both a g&t, and sat in one of the easy chairs across the room from him. We chatted, drank and chatted some more, until he suddenly stood up and came to me, leaning over my chair and kissing me quickly but gently. He hesitated, then did it again, his fingers on my jaw. His mouth became urgent, and he pushed his tongue past my lips, tipping my head back and moving his hand to the back of my neck. His other hand went to my waist, encircling and lifting me out of the chair.His hard body held me and i let my hands rest on his chest. He ran his hands up my back, his arms like steel around me, trapping me to him. My hand went around his neck. His fingers pulled at my skirt, and by the time he was lying over me on the bed he was urgently pushing at my underwear.

I caught his hand and he pulled away from me, 'Jesus, what am I doing?' I whispered. He stopped, looking at me, gently but with increasing force, taking my wrist and pressing it into the bed at my head. His fingers slid under the material at my hips and he buried them inside me, his thumb on my clit, making me cry out. His other hand caught my wrists, holding me down with the weight of his body on my side.

He shifted, his movements definite, firm and quick. He is above me now, pushing my knees apart, his fingers still buried inside me, but now he rises a little, his other hand taking out his large, hard cock. I'm empty with the anticipation of it. he holds the base as he presses at me, then forcing at me, smoothly slides inside me, he is hot and dry, stretching me as I coat his cock in my juices. His smooth push buries his cock deeper and deeper inside me, as he moves to hold my hips, pressing them into the mattress, so he can push into me to the hilt.

His cock, long and thick, presses at my cervix, but he pushes to bury himself inside me fully and thrusts at me, until he is buried deep inside me, rubbing at my clit, with his balls resting on my ass. He pulses, his hands anchoring me down as he pushes against me.I wrap my legs around him, tightening my grip on his cock and he groans, I do it again, and he laughs, 'fucking hell' he growls at me, reaching up to my shirt and ripping it apart, my breasts spilling out of the clothes so he can bite then lightly.

He rears up, and withdraws so that he can force himself back inside me, harder, deeper, making me cry out. He rolls over me, fucking me harder and faster. 'Jesus' he growled at me as I squeezed my muscles around him. His body on my clit is driving me mad, driving me towards climax, and he knows it. His teeth bite at my neck and throat and nipples as he moves above me, inside me. My body is on fire, urging him on, deeper, harder, squeexing at him until he raises his head to look at me.

"Let me come in you" he pleads, "I want to force it deep into your cunt."

"Do it, i want it..." I whispered squeezing at him harder.

He moans, as I climb to my climax, the anticipation of his hot thick come exploding against my cervix, pushing me to release. I'm moving urgently against him, clutching at him as I near the edge. He is lying over me, his arm up my back, with his hand on my neck, the other hand gripping my hip bone as he thrusts at me desperately, 'oh god, yes' he growls through clenched teeth, fucking harder and deeper until just as I reach the abyss before my cunt spasms my orgasm through my body, he groans, and thrusts one last time, impailing me to the hilt and holding me there, as he shudders and drives his come into my cunt, making me cry out as my climax wraps around my body from my pussy, spasming against his still hard cock. He moans with its hard contractions, pulsing into me with every spasm.

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