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tagErotic CouplingsDaydream #2

Daydream #2


You run in the door from work, middle of the afternoon. You've been in a conference all day, so the boss sent everyone home when it ended.

You kick off your heels, working your toes across the carpet relaxing yourself from head to toe. A knock on the door. "What the fuck?"

You open the door, curious. And it's my smile greeting you. "What are you doin..." you can't finish the thought before I put a finger to my lips, silencing you. Then pull a thick joint from behind my ear. My eyes twinkle at our planned afternoon escape. You lick your lips.

I close the door behind me, lighting the j as I do. I pull two quick hits then pass it to you, my hand lingering on yours as I hand it over. You draw in, your eyes closing as the smoke fills your lungs.

"Ahhhh." you sigh. "Just what I needed". "No, this is what you need..."

I push you back into the chair, you giggle at my boldness as you toke again from the joint. You put it between my lips and I linger, dragging then letting the smoke play across my lips and up over your hand and arm. My hands are on your knees.

I bend to kiss your knees now. Pushing your skirt up to give myself a shot at your skin. My hands are at mid-thigh. My tongue drags across your left knee, my fingernails lightly grazing your right. My hands, and your skirt, are at your hips.

Your legs drift apart naturally now. My kisses traveling further and further up your legs. Bouncing back and forth like a tennis ball. My fingers are in your panties' waistband. My mouth is at your upper thigh now. Tongue licking your inner thigh, you shiver as I drag your panties down over your ass and finally off your feet. I hold your feet one in each hand. Kiss them softly on the tops then run my hands slowly, oh so slowly to the tops of your legs. My thumbs now drift to your glistening slit.

Already you're wet for me. Anticipating my next move. Millimeters separate my thumb from your clit, already peaking out. Hard and slick with your desire. My other is as close to your slit, But it's my hot breathe that touches you first.

I move in close, so close, and blow softly against your nub. You sigh your pleasure and frustration. You hump the air slightly and it's enough to bring your lips in contact with mine. I open to accept as much of your pussy into my mouth as I can. Your juice is already thick. It turns me on so much. I need more of it. More of you.

I'm lapping at your honey, while finally bringing my hands to join the party. My left hand spreads your lips apart allowing me to wrap your clit completely with my lips.

I start sucking you immediately. Just like it was a cock. "Biting" it with my lips, working it in and out of my mouth. Licking the head furiously as I suck.

You squeal, but not as much as you do when I sink my right forefinger into your twat. Curling up to stimulate your g spot, I press into and out of your tight, hot pussy. My hand working against my chin as my mouth ministers to your love button. My finger is large. Strong. Thick. Your cunt wraps tight around it, sucking it in and reluctantly releasing me again as I slide out. Now I tease you by rubbing your lips with my middle finger too.

"Yes, more, baby" you beg and I answer.

Two fingers now working your slot while my lips and tongue drive you higher and higher. Your skirt has been wadded up at your waist, occasionally flipping over my head. You tire of pulling it back to watch my tongue at work. You rip it feverishly tearing it apart in the front. It falls behind you. Cast off from our passion like your panties earlier.

Now you tug at your shirt. Exposing your breast as you raise your sweater and your bra with one motion. Your hand finds your nipple. You tug and tweak. Moaning as your other hand winds into my hair.

"Fuck me, baby. Fuck me with your mouth and hand. Oh, baby. Fuck! Yes! Just like that, make me CUMMMMMM!!" and you do.

My fingers still in your pussy. Holding pressure against your g spot, but not moving in or out. My tongue is the only mover. I hold the pressure against your clit. Sucking you into my mouth and lash you furiously with my tongue while your orgasm crests over you. Your juices flood my mouth. Wash over my chin and lips. I lap up every drop I can. It's my reward for a job well done.

"Holy shit!" you exclaim, catching your breathe. "I need a fucking smoke NOW!" you laugh stroking my hair as I gaze up at you from below.

"I like an appetizer AND dessert!" I retort as I produce another joint and light it. "Dessert!" you squeal excitedly. "Nah," I say, standing and unbuckling my jeans. "the j is MY dessert. Yours is RIGHT here."

My 7 inch cock flops free of my jeans. Hard and already Wet with pre-cum. You lick your lips again, as you slide down to kneel before me.

A good afternoon is about to be a great night!

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