A Bastard's Thankgiving

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Thankful for a drunken neice.
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All characters are over 18 years of age. This was inspired by a recent Thanksgiving of mine. The names have been changed. This is a corrected version posted in August, 2016. I corrected a few annoying spelling and grammatical errors.


It was the Monday after Thanksgiving and Stuart was back at work. His boss asked, "How was your Thanksgiving?"

His question was a throwaway line, replacing the usual "Hey, how are you?" greeting. The expected response was, "Good and you?" A wry smile broke out on Stuart's face as he recalled the eventful weekend. He answered truthfully,

"I was a real bastard."


(The previous Thursday -- Thanksgiving night)

"Goodnight. I'm off to bed," Stuart announced. It was 10 p.m. The football game he was watching was a blowout and no longer held his interest.

"You sure you don't want to join us in the hot tub?" his good-natured brother-in-law Charlie asked before taking another healthy slug of red wine.

"No thanks," Stu declined. "The tryptophan is kicking in. I'm sleepy."

Stewart yawned and rubbed his stomach. It was still full from the turkey feast. As he headed up the stairs, his niece was coming down. She walked gingerly. Stuart asked,

"Sadie, are you okay?"

"My tummy hurts a little. The warm water in the hot tub will do me good. You should join us. It's great fun being in 100-degree water when the outside temperature is only 30."

"Thanks, but I hear my bed calling," Stuart responded.

"Night," Sadie said with a smile. Her long blonde hair tickled Stuart's neck when she leaned in and gave him a quick goodnight kiss on the cheek.

"What a sweet girl," Stuart told himself.

Earlier that evening, before his wife had gone out to take advantage of the special Thanksgiving night sales, she had said,

"Stuart, can you give me a break tonight?"


"Your snoring has ruined my sleep the last two nights. Please sleep in the office so I can get a good night's rest."

Stuart had responded, "Yes, dear."

That was the reason Stuart was walking down the hall leading to the office. Along the way, he passed a pile of stuff in the hall by room used for storage. Sadie's grandparents were spending the night and they were ensconced in her bedroom because it had its own bathroom. Sadie had been relocated to the storage room. She had taken a few essentials from her room. The pile contained essentials like clothes, shoes and toiletries. On top of all the items was a box of Tampons.

Stuart chuckled to himself, "Did I say a sweet girl. I stand corrected. Sadie is a woman. Let's see Sadie must be . . ." The conversation in his head stopped as he did the math. "Twenty-one. She is twenty-one years old. Good God! Since I am 30 years her senior, that means that I must be an old man". He chuckled.

Stu glanced inside the room. He saw the pretty pink outfit Sadie had worn that day neatly folded and placed on an old chair that sat beside the fold out cot. On the floor, he spied her underwear casually lying on top of her boots. She had tossed them there when she changed into her swimsuit for the dip in the hot tub.

Stuart paused, captivated by the zebra patterned underwear. They looked so small and so much more fun than the white, utilitarian granny panties his wife of 32 years wore.

"Stop looking at them, you dirty old man," Stuart castigated himself. He didn't stop. He escalated things by stepping into the room and picking up Sadie's discarded panties. He continued his conversation, "How about that, a thong. I've heard about these things, but I've never held one."

He examined it carefully. He touched the small strip of material that a few minutes ago had been in between his niece's firm thighs and up against her pussy. That realization caused his loins to stir. Upon further examination, he noticed a reddish brown stain on the panties' cotton liner.

"Ah yes, that explains the box of Tampons," Stuart mused.

Then, like a wine connoisseur, he sniffed Sadie's soiled panties. Her musky perfume filled his nose and made his penis lurch. However, his joy was short-lived. Stuart heard footsteps on the stairs. He attempted to toss the panties back down to the boots. A finger got caught in the elastic waistband and the panties were catapulted across the room. Stuart didn't have time to retrieve them. He had to quickly retreat into the hall so he wouldn't be discovered in a place he had no business being.

Sadie appeared and said," I forgot my music."

Stuart mumbled, "I . . . I'm sleeping in the office tonight." His hand and penis pointed down the hall to the room mentioned.

Sadie reached into the stash on the floor and pulled out her iPhone. "Shit," she said after her hand knocked over the Tampon box and caused them to stream out of the box and onto the floor.

"God, this is so embarrassing," she said. She knelt on the floor to pick them up.

Automatically, Stuart's eyes attempted to look down her top. She was so flat chest, there was no cleavage to ogle so Stu bent down to help. Sadie exclaimed as if in pain,

"Please! Let me put them away." Her face was crimson red.

"Okay," Stuart said. He stood. He gave her head an understanding pat and said, "Sadie, there's no reason to be embarrassed. You've grown up to be a beautiful woman. We understand all that that entails. Don't be ashamed that you have a period. Someday you'll have children and you'll be thankful you are the way you are."

Sadie smiled and felt a little less embarrassed. She finished refilling the Tampon box and then went outside to join her dad in the hot tub.

Stuart entered the office. He stripped down to his underwear and got into a makeshift bed on the sofa. Instead of counting sheep, Stu recalled all his impure thoughts involving his pretty, young niece until he fell asleep.


"Uncle Stu. Uncle Stu!"

Stuart awoke to find Sadie kneeling beside him and shaking him gently.


"Sorry to wake you," she said. Cool water dripped off her long, blonde hair and landed on his face. He sat up slowly and wiped the liquid away.

"Can you help me with Dad? He's . . . Well, he's too drunk to walk."

"I see. Okay. Let's get him to bed," Stuart said still groggy with sleep.

He pulled the blanket aside and stood. His flaccid dick flopped out of the opening in the front of his boxers. In his sleepy state, he didn't notice.

Sadie giggled, pointed to his crotch and said, "I see your pee-pee."

Stuart looked down and saw a slim, 3-inch long cock with a mushroom-shaped head sticking out of his underwear. "Good grief," he said embarrassed. He stuffed it in his boxers and then he quickly pulled on a pair of shorts. "Ready," he announced.


Sadie and Stu waded into the hot tub. He said, "Come on Charlie. Up we go."

It took both of them to help the big man walk into the house and to his first-floor bedroom.

"Sadie, I've got him. You turn down the bed," Stuart said. He struggled, but managed to hold Charlie up. The water running off both of their wet body puddled on the floor.

Sadie pulled the bed covers aside. "Wait. Wait a minute," she cried out. "Mom will be mad if the bed gets all wet." She went into the bathroom and returned with a towel. She dried off her dad's head, torso and arms as Charlie lurched about.

"Sadie, I can't hold him much longer," Stuart warned. Charlie was 4 inches taller and 70 pounds heavier than Stuart.

"Okay. Okay," she said. Sadie knelt and rubbed the towel on his bathing suits. "This isn't solving the problem," she said.

Charlie tilted precariously and almost fell on her. "Sadie!" Stu cried out in alarm. He strained to hold the 260-pound man upright. He just managed to keep him standing.

"Almost done," she explained.

She grabbed her dad's trunks and pulled them down. His prick flopped out and hit her nose. It continued to bat her about the face as she helped her father step out of the wet garment. She wiped the towel across the front of his lower body.

When she put it on his backside, Charlie started to laugh. Then he pulled her head into his crotch. He shoved his dangling manhood against her lips. In heavily slurred words he said, "Suck it, Evelyn. You know you want to."

"Eew! I'm your daughter, not your wife!" Sadie exclaimed.

She brushed his hardening dick aside and quickly ran the towel down the back of his legs. He bent down, put his arms around Sadie and pulled her up. She struggled to free herself from his grasp. Sadie's frantic movements caused the three of them to topple onto the bed.

"Hey!" Stu cried out in alarm as they were falling.

Charlie gleefully said, "Whee!" as if falling was some fun, carnival ride.

Stu was pinned under Charlie's bulk. Sadie found herself on top of the pile in her father's amorous embrace.

"Evie. Oh, my darling Evie," Charlie murmured as he kissed the cheek and neck of the woman in his arms. His wandering hands unsnapped her bikini top. Sadie attempted to escape by sliding out of his grasp. As she did so, her top came off. She almost escaped. Charlie stopped her by grabbing her long, blonde hair.

Then, Charlie sat up on the edge of the bed. This move allowed Stuart to get free. Stuart rolled off the bed. He was hurt. He had had the wind knocked out of him. He sat on the floor recovering.

Charlie's mind was now fully occupied by thoughts of sex. He laughed loudly as he intertwined his fingers securely in Sadie's hair. Charlie shoved his now fully hard cock against his daughter's lips and said,

"Oh Evie, we're going to have some fun. Suck me a bit and then I'll fuck you doggy style. Rough, like you like it."

Sadie took her Dad's free hand and brought it to her non-existent breasts and said, "Charles, listen to me. It's Evelyn, your fiancee. You've had a lot to drink tonight, but even so, you can tell I am but a young girl. I've no womanly bosom. "

"Evie, we're married and have children."

"Charles, could these breasts have fed a child?" Sadie rubbed his hand across her flat chest then continued. "I am still your virgin bride- to- be. Our wedding day is two months off."

Charles was drunk. Now he was confused too. He could have sworn that he and his beloved Evelyn had been married for years. His alcohol infused mind tried to make sense of all the data. He knew for certain that he was drunk. His memory was that Evelyn had had a modest bosom when they married, but over time and after the birth of their children, she developed a decent set of tits. Tits much bigger than what he was groping now.

Sadie was relieved. It seems her words had some effect on her dad. She hoped to avoid intercourse. From past experience with her father, Sadie knew that she wouldn't escape this situation scot-free.

Stuart sat on the floor and was shocked at what he was seeing.

Sadie said, "Soon Charles, you will take my maidenhead." Sadie grasped his penis and stroked him. "I see you are inflamed with passion. I will give you relief, but my father will cut these off (Sadie lifted up Charlie's hairy balls and squeeze them to emphasize her point) if I can't wear white at my wedding."

Sadie then took her father's prick into her mouth. She twirled her tongue around the head licking the bulbous crown and then she licked the sensitive spot on the underside of his dick. Charles groaned with pleasure and said,

"Oh my beautiful girl, perhaps my mind is playing tricks on me. I definitely am drunk and these boobs are not those of a mother. So our marriage is not far off?"

Sadie took a break from cock sucking and said, "Soon Charles. Soon." Then she continued her sexual efforts. She sucked and stroked his cock. Dumbfounded, Stuart watched this charade play out. His dick was fully energized by what he saw.

Sadie worked her father's penis conscientiously until he blew his load. She swallowed what she could and the rest dribbled down her chin.

The sated big man said, "Evelyn, you're the best." He rolled on his side and released his hold on Sadie's hair. Charles began to snore. Stu and Sadie crept out of the room.

Immediately after leaving the bedroom, Sadie declared, "I need a drink." She went to the bar and poured vodka, straight from the bottle, into her mouth. She gargled with it and then spat it into the sink.

Stuart stared at her bewildered by everything he had just witnessed. Sadie was still topless and Stu's eye's absorbed every detail of her tiny tits. Her boobs were just a slight, almost imperceptible rise of flesh on her chest. While her breasts were small, she did have large, pink nipples. The nips were erect. The tips were long and thick. She also had a dark beauty mark below her left nipple.

"Well?" Sadie demanded. "Get a good enough look? Can I have a glass of wine now?"

Stuart was embarrassed. She had caught him staring. He stammered, "Ah . . . sure. Red or white?"

"The chardonnay."

Stu poured them both a large portion of wine and they gulped it down. Sadie went to sit on the sofa, but stopped herself because the bottom piece of her bikini was wet.

"I'm too wound up to go to bed but too wet to sit on the furniture," she complained.

"Me too," Stuart said. He was worried about her and felt he should stay with her a while. He looked around for a solution. He spied two robes.

"Your robe is on the sofa," he said. "And I see Charlie's on the arm chair. We could wear them."

He went and got Charlie's robe. She grabbed her bathrobe and said, "Turn around."

"Will do."

She turned her back to him and wiggled out of her wet bikini bottoms. He also turned about, but he snuck a peek over his shoulder. "Oh my! That's a tight ass," he said to himself as he viewed Sadie's booteus maximus. She threw on the white, fluffy robe. Stu stripped and put on Charlie's robe. It was a couple of sizes too big for him.

Dressed in robes, the pair sat on opposite sides of the sofa. She picked up a pillow and hugged it to her chest. She looked like a scared little girl clutching her favorite stuff animal. She then took a long sip of wine and let out a long sigh. Both were quiet for many minutes. Sadie finished her glass and got another.

Finally, Stuart broke the silence by asking "Are you okay?"

"Oh, let me think. Sure. Three men showed me their penises today and the good news is, I only had to blow two of them."

"What?" Stuart chirped.

Sadie explained, "You flashed me when I woke you. You know about Dad and then there was my boyfriend. He came over this afternoon. He was hoping for a booty call on his way from Thanksgiving with his mother to Thanksgiving with his divorced father."

Stuart nodded. He remembered the young man had stopped by.

Sadie continued. "He got mad because I wouldn't let him screw me. I told him I was on my period. He sulked until I gave him a blow job."

Sadie down the rest of her wine. She was drinking more than usual because she was dealing with the day's traumatic event. Stuart found himself drinking less because he was so shocked by what he had witnessed.

Sadie got more wine and returned to the sofa. She was quiet for a minute and then announced, "I have to pee."

She went to the bathroom. Stu sat on the sofa thinking, "This has been a crazy night".

When Sadie returned, she finished off her glass and got a re-fill. After plunking herself down on the sofa, she said,

"Maybe things are looking up for me. My period is over." She downed a large portion of her drink and ruminated more on her life.

A bit later out of the blue Sadie blurted out, "My father's not a monster and I am not a slut."

Stuart didn't know how to respond to her outburst so he remained silent.

After taking another sip Sadie explained, "My dad is not a horrible guy. Sometimes when he drinks he gets confused and he thinks I'm Mom. We are the same height and have the same color hair. People are always telling me I look like her when she was my age.

"The first time it happened, I didn't understand what was going on. I kept saying 'Hey! I'm your daughter Sadie! Stop!' It didn't register. He didn't stop."

Her voice went silent. Tears filled her eyes. Sadie paused and remembered the horrible incident. Then she continued,

"I found myself bent over the sofa with my panties around my ankles. He shoved his tongue in me. He licked my sex until my juice ran down my thighs. All the while I protested. My objections seemed to amuse him.

"Then he stood behind me. Suddenly, he was inside me. With one hard stab, he burst through my hymen. I shrieked in pain, a virgin no more. He laughed and said, 'That's my girl. You like my big dick, don't you? Oh Evie, you have one fine, tight pussy.' Slowly, in a determined manner, he drove all the way into me.

"I thought he was going to split me in two! Then the slow stuff was over. By then I was in a daze. I still remember the sound and the feel of his balls slapping my ass as he fucked the shit out of me. "

Sadie went silent again. She sobbed a bit, drank and wiped her nose with a tissue. After a moment, she put on a brave face and said,

"That happened the day after my 18th birthday. Not exactly how I thought I'd lose my virginity. Since then I have learned it is useless to try to reason with him when he's like that. If I'm lucky, I can limit him to a blow job by telling him the story I did today. If he thinks I'm his wife, I get fucked. If he thinks I'm his fiancée, oral sex is enough. "

Stuart nodded sympathetically and muttered, "Mmm, sad. I'm sorry." Then he found himself picturing her bare-assed and draped over the sofa. Lewd thoughts danced in his head. He started to get wood. He was brought back to the moment by shouting.

"Hey!" Sadie shouted angrily. "I don't need your pity. I'm tough! Women have to be. You know, it isn't easy being a woman. You have to be pretty and smart and thin and nice. Then there's the upkeep: All the shaving and every month your vagina bleeds for days!" Sadie took another draw on her drink.

"And then you have to deal with men. Now, that's where you've got to pick your battles. Sometimes you go along with what they want, sometimes you slap the hell out of them and sometimes you ignore their bad behavior."

Sadie gave Stuart a hard look before continuing, "Do you know how often a woman is hit on? All the time! If men aren't copping a feel, they are trying to look up your skirt or down your blouse. "

Stuart was startled by her outburst. He said defensively, "Surely, not every man."

Sadie interrupted him, "Are you going to try and tell me, you weren't fooling around with my underwear earlier today? Somebody moved them."

"Ah...emmm," Stuart stammered guiltily. His face was now bright red.

Sadie said in an accusing manner. "You couldn't keep your hands off my panties even though they were stained with my menstrual blood. I bet you sniffed my dirty underwear."

Sadie looked at him for confirmation. She saw the guilty look in his eyes and exclaimed, "Gross!"

"You're right, " Stuart confessed. "I found your thong on the floor. I did pick it up and inspected it. I'm sorry."

"What you did was disgusting. What I'm doing is disgusting too. Your behavior is indefensible. I think mine is."

Her face and mood softened. She tried to defend her actions. She said, "I'm trying to keep my family together. This doesn't happen because my dad is some pervert, it happens because he loves his wife so much. He gets confused and mistakes me for my mom. You heard him. He talked to me as if I was his wife. He called me by her name.

"He hasn't always been like this. A couple of years ago, he started having panic attacks. He had one while driving and he crashed his car. Thank God no one was hurt. His doctor put him on Xanax. The anti-anxiety medicine has stopped his panic attacks.

"I blame the Xanax and his refusal to stop drinking for the incidents. I've read on the internet, that the combination of alcohol and Xanadu impairs brain activity. This can lead to mental confusion, impaired judgment and produce unusual behavior. One expert said, drinking while on the drug is a recipe for a potentially disastrous experience."