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Story of a milf discovering her slutty nature.
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Driving down the expressway Kris was amazed with herself at how easily she'd agreed to do what she was diving headlong into. Not that she didn't want to. Hell since the first time she'd seen him several years ago she'd thought about something like this happening.

Then at a school function when both of their oldest girls, hers thirteen and his fourteen had been barely five the chance came. It was a scouting round up and she'd spotted him all the way across the gym. He was signing up to be a leader and she had made a quick decision to do the same thing knowing it would lead to a better chance to get to know this guy.

Fate stepped in and they were even placed together as co-leaders and they became fast friends. Rod...Mister Rod to the kids was a very capable dad and during some of their more private conversations he revealed some of his lurid lifestyle details. He was married to a much younger girl and he hinted that they were swingers, meaning that they swapped sex partners. Kris had a few light experiences like this with a long past ex but it had always been forced and unfulfilling for her.

Rod seemed to be very relaxed with the whole thing and she was very at ease talking with him about it as time went by. Now all these years later he was separated and had been making more direct comments about how he'd always wanted her. Kris and her husband had had a couple of trysts with a friend that had been very pleasurable but Rod was saying things about how she was a "slut" deep inside and she needed to be set free. Kris was confused with that part...wasn't being a slut bad? She looked at the speedo and realized that she was doing eighty five and also at the same time had been kneading her fingers under her short skirt for the last ten minutes.

A speeding horny slut at that, she thought silently, damn, what am I doing?

They had been chatting way into the wee hours of the night for the past few weeks and he was very skilled at making her feel good about herself, even sexy again. She would complain about small perceived imperfections on her body and he could magically make her feel that he never noticed those things. He'd gotten her to masturbate while they chatted via text, sexting they called it and she even sent him a few very sexy close up pics of herself "down there" while she played. Now she was on her way to put the icing on the cake, so to speak.

Oh they had both claimed it was a chance to spend a bit of time alone together. He was taking her to the mall near his house and planning on getting her a belly button piece that said "slut" but she was planning on earning that title. Her eyes narrowed kind of dreamily at the thought and her legs squeezed together, fighting off the urge to release while she drove. Her exit was coming up quickly and she had to snatch her hand from its play place before she passed it.

She steered the car with the heel of her hand, holding the glistening wet fingers up daintily and nearly swerved into the car next to her as she stared at the slippery coating. Straightening herself back into her own lane she moved the hand to her lips and began to slowly taste them. She caught a movement from the corner of her eye and turned her head in time to see a guy, probably forty five or so licking his finger too with a broad grin on his handsome face.

She slammed on the brakes and let him pass before moving her car into the lane in back of him and then darting again into her exit lane. Thank God, she muttered as he continued straight and she continued her exit. Now she gripped the wheel and paid closer attention to her route. It wouldn't do to have an accident this far from home and dressed the way she was, not at all.

The last few miles passed without incident and she was making the turn into the driveway at his house. His truck, van and his big black bike were all in the driveway and she shuddered, hoping he didn't intend to take that thing to the mall. Even though it was the middle of august the back of a bike was no place to be in a skirt like she was wearing and no panties either.

He stepped out onto the deck in front of the house and stared at her for a moment before commenting. "Hey pretty girl. Glad ya made it." He made his way down the walkway and greeted her formally, taking her hand and kissing it before he wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her tight.

She absolutely loved to be squeezed like this and at the same time she was wondering if he'd caught her scent on her fingers when he kissed her hand. The excitement of being found out made her nearly melt in his grip.

"Mmm, you smell nice," he whispered into her neck, "real nice."

Even thought that didn't reveal anything the thought lingered in her mind. She wouldn't have minded one bit admitting that she'd been masturbating on the way out. Just a little more proof for him that she was a "slut" indeed. Ha ha.

"You ready for a ride?" he asked, indicating that she would be riding, ready or not.

"I'm wearing a skirt..."

"Yeah, and probably no panties under it either if I know my little slut."

She cocked her head at him in mock disbelief.

"Come on girl. Just press that lil thing against my back and nobody will even see it."

How could he always know these things?

"Lemme lock up the house," he said turning away from her before she could protest.

She stood looking at the bike and then down at her short skirt...damn him.

He came back out with a big grin on his face, knowing he'd made her squirm. "There's a helmet in the tour pak, and some sunglasses if you need em'."

Her tummy did the little squirm it did every time he was this close to her. She could smell him, his cologne and his hair. It mingled in her nostrils and she thought she could do without this ride right now. Other things were definitely on her mind.

He threw his leg over the seat on the big bike and turned it so it pointed down the driveway as she fastened the clasp on her helmet. When he started it she got another bit of a tremor in her tummy but it was from the excitement of the ride. It had been a long time since shed been on a bike and there was always that tug, that desire to be on the road.

She gingerly lifted her leg over the seat but all attempts at being ladylike were gone. Her skirt rolled up like a wide belt and exposed her entirely. She sat as quickly as she could trying to tuck the skirt under her ass but when her damp crotch came in contact with the cool leather on the seat she knew that the attempt had failed. She could feel him giggle and she slugged him playfully in the back.

Rod dropped the shifter down and let the clutch out and they were off. The bike eased into the flow of traffic and Kris felt as if she were flying even though she was constantly pulling the sides of her skirt down to keep from showing her ass to every car they passed.

As they relaxed into a steady pace he slid his hand back along her leg and crept up her thigh. "Keep your eyes on the road and your hands on the handlebars mister." She cautioned him jokingly. She really didn't mind the attention he always paid to her, touching her leg like that. He always told her she was pretty and sexy. He made her feel desirable again, something she was missing.

They rode for a bit and before long they were pulling into the malls busy parking lot. He maneuvered into a parking spot and when he shut the bike off he told her to get off first. How the fuck is this gonna work? Was the thought that crossed her mind. She slid as easily as she could off of the bike but the move exposed her yet again and the loud bike had already drawn a score of admirers. Her skirt was up and everyone got an eyeful before she could even free her hands to try to remedy the problem. A round of applause greeted her as she lifted the helmet from her head and shook her long blonde hair down.

"They like you." He said smugly

"They like my parts."

"I like your parts."

"You get an extra peek then." She said and she lifted the front of her skirt and showed herself again. She was silky smooth down there and as good as it felt to touch it she was getting an extra rush from revealing herself to this guy that she had desired for so long. She also noticed the growing bulge in his snug fitting jeans and knew he was getting a kind of a rush too.

"Oh yeah girl...that looks very nice."

She let her skirt back down, feeling the moistness spread again and leaned to him kissing his lips quickly.

"Tease." He grumbled with a teasing tone of his own.

They walked into the mall, pleased to find it not to crazy and crowded. Working slowly from store to store they spent time shopping and brushing against each other. Each was in their own way feeding the other suggestive hints and Kris soon took the lead. They were in a shop that only women's clothing and she was holding various things up in a mock try it on pose. Putting one last item back on the rack she turned back to him and just lifted her skirt up. He gasped in surprise as she held it higher than she had in the parking lot and gave him a good long peek at her most private treasure.

The young sales clerk, unnoticed by either of them had been watching from her own spot and when she saw Kris reveal herself suggested in a quiet voice, "If you guys wanna' try something on it's pretty slow here today. I'll keep an eye out."

Rod knew what she meant but Kris was a bit slow to react. He took her by the hand and pulled her to the back of the store where the dressing rooms were. Pulling her in after him he closed the door and wrapped his arms around her. She gasped, feeling him pressed against her like that and melted into him. He ran one hand up her back and grasped the back of her head. He held her like that and kissed her deeply, pressing his tongue against hers and devoured her sweet mouth. His other hand wandered up and down her side and finally around to her belly, pressing at the area of her belly button where she could feel the pressure on her dangling belly button jewelry. He slipped his hand lower as he continued his passionate kiss lifting her skirt and slipping his fingers into the hot moist flesh between her legs.

"Ungh, uhhh." She could barely moan.

"Shhh... Don't cum yet."

How could he know? How could he make it happen so easily?

He tugged her skirt up and dropped down to his knees, pressing his face between her legs as he lifted them up. He placed one foot on either side of the bench in the cramped room and locked his mouth over her already throbbing clit.

How the hell can he expect me not to cum? She wondered through her clouded thoughts.

His fingers probed into her while he moved his tongue around on her clit sending tingling shock like sensations all the way through her trembling body. He easily found her G-spot and pressed, working his fingers on a tickling kind of movement and she was racked with near convulsions.

"Easy," he cautioned her with his muffled voice. He slowly continued his torturous manipulation for a couple more minutes until he knew that even his most stern command would not hold her at bay. "Let it go baby, cum for me."

She had only to be given the signal one time and she released. Her sweet fluid came in a torrent, gushing and spurting as she unsuccessfully attempted to stifle her sounds of satisfaction. "Ahh. Uhh. Oh fuck Rod. I'm fucking cumming."

He stood when she was finished, her fluid covering his face and hand. He kissed her and she didn't resist. His hand still massaged her pussy, coaxing more convulsions from her twitching body.

She wished he was inside of her, fucking her right now. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him with a desire she hadn't felt in years. "Oh my did you do that?"

"Sluts cum easy." He said with a sly grin.

"What about you?" she asked, reaching down to touch the obvious bulge in his jeans. "How easy do you cum?"

"Not here. Save it for later."

"Ooo. No fair."

"I'll decide what's fair and what isn't."

"That's not fair either."

A tap came at the door. "Hey, you guys still busy? Can I open the door a little?" It was the stores clerk and she was more than just a little curious.

Rod reached over and pressed the door handle down and it swung open a crack. "Hi." He smiled at her when he said it.

"Oh," she peeked in with some disappointment. "I thought you guys were doing something."

He lifted Kris's skirt again and the young girl stared down at the smooth flesh and then at the glistening wetness that was on her inner thighs. "Something like this?" he asked her.

"Mmm, that looks nice."

Rod ran his fingers under the dripping slit and caught some of the fresh fluid, turning to offer it to the girl. As she took the fingers between her lips Kris gasped in amazement. He pulled the girl in and pushed her to her knees telling her that he would keep an eye out for a few while she satisfied her curiosity. She didn't hesitate for even one second pressing her face into Kris's exposed pussy and sliding her tongue under the wet opening.

"Oh fuck," was all that Kris could manage as the girl pushed one of her legs up onto the bench, giving herself better access to the sexy treat she was hungrily devouring. Her other leg was struggling to keep her upright and she looked to Rod for some suggestion as to what she should do and got little more than a smile. Hesitantly she let her leg drop till she was sitting on the seat with one foot on the bench and the other being lifted across the girls shoulder. She could feel everything that was being done to her with such a magnified sensation that it was less than two minutes and she was straining to release again.

In the store two guys had come in and were looking around for the clerk. They saw Rod by the dressing room and as they neared he held his finger to his lips in a shushing motion. Once they were closer he slipped the door open enough so they could see. Kris looked up with glassy eyes and Rod motioned the guys closer. The nearest guy took the hint and stepped into the open doorway and Kris reached up, groping at the front of his pants.

Helping her open his jeans he produced his quickly growing cock and her fingers wrapped around it. She tugged him into the fitting room and as soon as he was near enough she took him into her mouth. He watched the young clerk busily lick at the tender pussy while he began to work himself in and out of Kris's talented lips. Just as she was near to making him cum she arched herself up and came herself. The guy pushed her head away and moved the clerk aside taking up a new position between her wide spread legs. His thick cock barely touched her slick pussy and he plunged deep into her.

"Ugh," she grunted, "yeah. Fuck me. Oh yeah."

The guy pumped harder into her pussy and his buddy crowded into the room, pulling his cock free of the confines of his jeans as he moved.

The clerk moved back farther and then stood up, taking Rods hand when she did. He pulled her out of the room and kissed her passionately, tasting for the first time Kris' delicious sweetness on her lips. His hand slid down her back and he cupped her soft ass, pulling her firmly against him.

The second guy was all the way in the room now and offering his hard cock to Kris's hungry mouth while she sucked greedily on it. Her hips gyrated in response to the pummeling her pussy was taking from the first guy and her moaning increased.

"Damn dude", the guy gasped through his vigorous thrusting "your wife is fucking hot!"

"Hell yeah", the other guy hissed through clenched teeth, sliding his thick hard cock through her fingers and into her greedy mouth, "she's about to get her mouth filled with cum."

Kris's approval of that came in the form of a gurgling, gulping sound when the guy unloaded his thick sauce into her mouth.

Some escaped and Rod pushed the clerk forward, "Help her out with that." He suggested. The young girl needed no further prodding and she slid in next to Kris and licked the trail of creamy white fluid as it trailed down her neck. Kris held the fat cock in her fist and turned to kiss the girl, opening her mouth to share the treat she'd coaxed out.

The guy working on Kris's pussy put his hand on the girls head and pulled her down, withdrawing from Kris and taking his meat in his hand. Guiding it into the girls open mouth while he jacked slowly on it his own thick cum spewed first onto her chin and then into her smacking lips. She took it from his hand and continued to jack him off, catching all of his offering and then sucking feverishly on the dripping head.

"Mmmm" her eyes were as sex glazed as Kris's were when she got a load delivered into her mouth, "fuck, your stuff tastes so fucking good dude."

Rod assessed the scene before finally telling Kris that she needed to pull herself away. "C'mon girl, give these kids a break before they pass out."

Kris wiggled free of the pile and exchanged kisses with the pretty little clerk, "Thanks hon, I owe you the next time we come here."

"Oh my God...are you kidding me", she stammered, "I've never had anything like this happen before. Don't just leave." Her hips were being lifted and her tight fitting jeans were being pulled down as she struggled to continue the conversation, "Leave your number on the counter", she managed to gasp out just as a thick cock was being driven up her soft wet pussy, "please."

Rods hand ran under the edge of her skirt and into the cum draining from Kris's well used pussy as she fought to remain upright, "You can't just tease me like this Rod."

"What, you still need to fuck some more?"

"I need you to fuck Me damnit."

"I think you can wait a bit longer."

"Why...what are you waiting for?"

"We aren't done shopping yet."

"C'mon...don't make me wait like this." She was pleading like a little girl.

"Shhh...come on." He pulled her out into the mall and headed straight to a small jewelry kiosk a bit up from the store they'd been in.

Kris could feel fluid running down her inner thighs and rather than making her feel nasty and dirty like she usually did after sex she felt instead like she could fuck all day. All she could think about was more...just nameless, faceless strangers entering her like back in the fitting room. Fuck and fuck and fuck.

Rod pulled her up to the kiosk and as they stood there he searched the panels of the display. Kris realized it was a place that sold piercing ornamentation and while she watched she saw his expression light up.

"I need this one right here." He announced to the clerk. It was a dangly belly button piece that said "slut" in tiny little fake diamonds.

She happily brought it out and rather than put it in a bag he had Kris put it in on the spot. That only added to her yearning desire for more sex. What the hell is happening to me? She thought, still feeling the juice of pleasure trickle down her legs and onto the tops of her shoes.

The sales clerk must have seen it and Kris was now sure that everyone in the mall was in on the knowledge that she had just fucked two guys in a fitting room. She could feel hundreds of eyes on her but rather than embarrassment she felt even more aroused and her hand slipped absent mindedly under her skirt again.

" really sure you wanna do that here?" Rod asked.

Suddenly aware of what she was doing she snatched her hand away. But not before she had been seen by a group of guys standing in front of the sunglass kiosk a few yards away.

He paid the clerk and took the newly adorned slut by the hand, leading her to the small group, "Time to earn it girl..."

"What do you mean, earn it?" she tried to protest but they were already in the midst of the happy gathering.

"Hey guys..." Rod started off, "what do you think of my lil slut here?"

"Looks good to me" one of the group piped up, "she available or is she a private stash?"