All Comments on 'Home for Horny Monsters Ch. 074'

by writerannabelle

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tejingtejingover 2 years ago

You know, it occurs to me that if the egg was in the barn, Mike would have felt it (specifically the soul inside) when he was exploring his magic just before the big head showed up. He didn't notice it, so it must have already been somewhere else. But where? and who would have moved it? Emery, maybe?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great story. Applause.

JazHazJazHazover 2 years ago

Fantastic as usual. Please take a rest and recharge your batteries.

christi11christi11over 2 years ago

That was REALLY good. You almost made me cry at the end, dang you!!! <sniffles> Not sad, just emotional. Thank you once again for sharing, I'm delighted to have gotten to know all the people who make their home in your head. :-)

CH51143CH51143over 2 years ago

I'm on the edge of my seat awaiting the next chapter! Great story!

skippersdadskippersdadover 2 years ago

Oh my God,that was wonderful, you have a great way of putting feelings in your story, you have made me cry a few times, and to see Velvets father and his brother helping her ,I loved it thank you .

dwoelfledwoelfleover 2 years ago

The quality of your writing continues to amaze. Wonderful chapter. Thanks for sharing.

DivwayDivwayover 2 years ago

I fell in love with this story from the 1st couple of chapters. The way one is taken into this magnificent fantasy is magical. I so hope Mike and Beth get 'wed' and have children, so build a dynasty of caretakers to protect the house and other safe places. Annabelle, your creativity and imagination are truly magical. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


joshmosejoshmoseover 2 years ago

Quite fun. Well done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Beth's sex scenes are always spectacular. Keep her cumming. 🙂

Dwarfstar123Dwarfstar123over 2 years ago

Always leaving us wanting more!!!!!!Can't wait for more thank you so much for your story.👍👍👍😁😁😁

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This series is the single greatest thing on Literotica. Hands down.

Compelling characters, emotional investment, sultry sexiness, crazy-good inventiveness.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I have been a fan since the beginning. When I started, there were only four chapters. I couldn’t wait for each one to come out. So much I want say but I’ll keep it (for me) short. I absolutely love your work. I have printed it so I can read it like an actual paper back book (I have even drawn illustrations but fear they don’t do justice). I’m so invested in all the characters and am amazed on how the story has expanded. You have a gift, I hope you know that. I read a lot of other stories but keep being drawn back to HFHM. I like to remain anonymous and usually don’t comment but can remain silent no longer. You should take the leap and get published beyond literotica. I can’t wait to see how Book 5 ends. Love you ❤️ Annabelle Hawthorne. Thank you for bringing so much joy, intrigue, suspense, emotion and yes horniness to your faithful readers and fans. 👍Cheers from Florida 🌴🌴🌴

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Fantastic reading! Thank you for your work!

BuzzumbaliaBuzzumbaliaover 2 years ago

Oh, Annabelle! Everyone on my holiday gift list should be as lucky as your readers are every time you give us another chapter.

It astounds me, how much time and love you pour into the weaving and telling of these tales! Love, a swooning fanboy

thomasky2021thomasky2021over 2 years ago

Not a fan of this chapter. Need to end this thing in the woods and get back to the real story. The stuff happening at the house is turning into a twisty mess. Too many story lines to track and they are not as good as before.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I rather love this. I hope you continue.

BriteStudioMKMBriteStudioMKMover 2 years ago

Ha! It was great hearing Jenny manage to break the horsemen of the apocalypse into blubbering little bitches! I’m STILL laughing.

Honest criticism I have though, and to be fair this may have just been me, but I had a REALLY hard time following what the hell was going on in the last stretch there.

Like, is she stumbling blindly in the dark or hallucinating from lack of air? I honestly couldn’t tell

t6greent6greenover 2 years ago

That was such sad ending……….

t6greent6greenover 2 years ago

I started reading this 28 days ago and now I am caught up darn it! Luckily I have not read your other stories yet so much more enjoyable reading ahead, thank you Annabelle!

TaradarTaradarover 2 years ago

Holy chills batman. The realisation that Darren and his group had come to help velvet made my spine tingle. In the words of Peralta, chills, literal chills.

iseeyoufly1964iseeyoufly1964over 2 years ago

Great chapter, I've read everything you've written and this series is the best so far...5 stars.!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

In this chapter, Beth averts the apocalypse, resists possession, and has a sex scene. Mike's knee is hurt. The MC takeover is complete, Beth wins.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Now you are just teasing

fallensaviourfallensaviourover 2 years ago

man, velvet out here pulling a star lord

great story as usual :D

MrCharonSrMrCharonSrover 2 years ago

I am so looking forward to, and dreading, the last act of this wonderful play.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great chapter, but I’m worried Abelle lost her wing. I certainly hope not.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

You said this was the outcome of the show down, but another cliff hanger….. getting old

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

So lovely what you’ve created.

Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

So many thoughts...

First off...

Parts of this chapter were near brilliant...the idea that Pestilence is comprised of individual bugs and each of them dying as such tormented Pest into all-but-quitting is awesome. Great aspect of world-building.

To comment on some commenters...

Agreed, the full vacating of the throne by Mike to Beth seems about complete by the time Book 5 is done.

We will have gone from a weird virile fem-boy to pure grrlll power, only if Beth doesn't turn lesbian, what becomes of all the lady monsters and their libidos?

BriteStudio, you're not alone is losing track of the very ending. It seemed a bit rushed and scattered, though I'm guessing Annabelle will clean that up in the next chapter, because that is a rare occurrence in these books.

Speaking of missteps, though...

This TOTALLY is Velvet's fault for letting Leeds get away, like not going for Thanos' head, or as noted by another commenter, she went all 'StarLord'.

Just...dumb. The surprising part is that it was written that way, considering the spiders are clearly being given star-turn status in this book. (Even as the crowd is not uniformly matched and one wonders how many have dropped off because of them. The number of complaints about them seems to have dropped, but from reading them, it seems doubtful that is because they suddenly became beloved, more likely those non-fans just stopped reading altogether. Remember the 'Merry Widows'? Bet they bailed chapters ago...) Abella has been completely sold out as a character, and Velvet declaring "you're family" is very presumptuous and fairly insulting considering Abella predates Velvet being in her life by, well, four books. Who is Velvet to decide who is family?

The thing about growing the harem is that inevitably there is less 'space' for some of the originals. Logically we can accept that...

I think for those of us less enthused about the spiders, it is a matter of how some of the previous characters have gotten such short shrift. Tink has conveniently been sidelined, as has Cecilia...and the house nymphs. Shipping Zel off to have Mike's baby (we didn't forget about that) made some narrative sense, but as another commenter also noted, we need to get out of Oregon...this angle has gotten old now.

I do want to see Death and Bigfoot meet.

Beth and Asterion and Sully can wander off into their own house, they are all boring now, the latter two just stand-ins for dicks, the former doing a direct impression of Mike, and Mike not really contributing at all. He has no good plans, his dick causes more trouble than it solves, and his 'aw shucks, I'm tryin' persona has worn thin.

Honestly, at this point, I'm in this to see how it ends because we all knew it is ending soon.

Might as well see the big finale, right?

Maybe it is the story overall, but probably it is just this mix of characters (I hope).

Feels a bit like dragging the dead horse over the finish line, especially with the Oregon Trial playing out forever and a day. (Who needs Mike anymore? We've got...Beth...)

Guess we will see.

I'm sure if we could rate each other's comments, I'd be about to get buried with anger drops, but I've read these from the second chapter release and we are all entitled to our opinion.

Still a great series of books, but this one...not five stars from me, sorry.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The owl girl didn't even get to do it with Mike????? Maybe we're definitely dropping our sexual mojo in the series in favor of darker action and battles. Much prefer Mike as the sexual focus rather than Beth.....Mike basically did nothing in this story! Will he even get tondo it with the mummy lady? There is a history of him doing it with the bad guy ladies, I'm lookin at you, witch lady, and you, fairy queen!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Still with the complaints on the spider girls, and speculation that some fans have actually stopped reading this amazing series because of them. Mine is only 1 opinion, but I love the arachne, they're great characters that epitomize one of the points of this series, that it's what's inside that counts and you're not a "monster" despite what people may say. Let's take a look at far there's been exactly ONE sex scene with an arachne. Personally, I'm hoping for many more, but to actually stop reading this amazing story because of the arachne??? Please. I'm no fan of the cyclops, the dragon or Beth, but to actually abandon the story because of that???? No way. I do agree the the Oregon angle is getting old, hoping for Mike and Velvet to go back to the mansion and explore more of the house and greenhouse in future chapters. And hoping for many, many more chapters Miss Annabelle! Amazing work!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

more mike stuff, tired of skipping half the pages with beth stuff

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Do you know Mike Radley? The guy crossed the underworld on Cerberus's back before picking and winning a fight with the fairy queen... Yeah, the same madlad that defeated a demon and a whole coven of witches... Well, he took an arrow to the knee and was never the same again.

tejingtejingover 2 years ago

I love this series, and I generally say don't listen to the complainers.

The arachne are great. I was a little uncertain about them at first, mostly, I think, because of how they've been portrayed elsewhere, but I quickly warmed to them, especially Velvet.

Mike's not doing so well this book, but that makes sense as he's taking on a cabin-flavored challenge instead of a house-flavored one. The two places are fundamentally different and require different things of their champion. He's new at it and will stumble at first. It makes sense, and him growing in a new way keeps his character from getting stale too, though even a slight change in tone always disappoints someone, so damned if you do, damned if you don't, I suppose.

... But there might be a pointer to a growing issue in one of the complaints... Beth is starting to feel like the MC of her own story, instead of a part of Mike's story. I suspect this is because of the repetition of the "Beth and Mike split up and solve largely unrelated problems simultaneously" pattern. As things stand now, I don't think it majorly detracts from the story or anything, but it probably bears correcting, hopefully in the next book. Have Beth and Mike solve a major problem together for a change, and maybe advance their interpersonal stuff at the same time. It feels overdue.

You're a wonderful writer, and I'm honored to get the chance to plug into your imagination on a regular basis. Thank you so much!

BeowulffBeowulffover 2 years ago

That was wonderful. I read everything else, and was waiting for this chapter. The last of her Kind was ... a wonderful love story. Thank you for your writing.

MadDannyZMadDannyZover 2 years ago

The ending really got me. No man left behind. Just so good.

blkuserblkuserover 2 years ago

I really should be asleep but when I saw the number rise to 98 I forgot time was even a concept of my reality

Kir3n0Kir3n0over 2 years ago

Another truly stunning chapter. Thank you so much and looking ever forward to the next release.

GiantPeach06GiantPeach06over 2 years ago

Thanks for another glimpse of spider girl's hero father. Last of her Kind was a tear jerker.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

As always a great story.

I keep an open tab just for your stories, so I can check each day to see if a new chapter has been releases.

Again I anxiously await your next release.

qifiqfiqqifiqfiqover 2 years ago

To the people complaining about Beth taking over the story, I'd like to point out that the story is called "Home for horny monsters", not "Mike and the horny monsters". The MC can change in a story, and you can have multiple main characters (did none of you watch Game of Thrones ?!). That's actually a really good thing, since it avoids having every chapter follow a generic formula where Mike always saves the day at the end. Every character is needed at different points, and that adds depth to the story.

notStanleynotStanleyover 2 years ago

]] "We're not paying for their therapy," Reggie declared.

Yeah, screw those sore losers! Coming into our house, trying to start shit.

Is Velvet just having some hug time from Dad? She will be joining the house, yes?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

In response to qifiqfiq,  I dont think that people don't understand that the main character can change, but rather that there's a general consensus that Beth in particular isn't that interesting and, in a harem story like this, they'd rather see a male MC i.e., Mike. I know I would rather! Some think they see Mike being phased out on the horizon, but I certainly hope not!!! Kisa was made Mike's "familiar". Amazing angle, but we haven't got to explore that yet. Go, Kisa!! Lily returned from her adventure with Dana (Dead and Horny series, great story), and began to experience feelings of true love for Mike, something she thought was impossible. Amazing angle, but we haven't got to explore that yet. Go, Mike and Lily! There's lots of possibilities for Mike left! Some stories on Literotica have spanned more than 150 chapters without changing the MC, and I hope this one beats them all!! Go, Annabelle!! I'm loving the arachne!! If Velvet and Mike's egg got fried, that'll be the darkest, saddest thing I've ever read on Lit!! That's a nice little baby in there!!! Go, egg!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Ugh... teach me to binge a long story only to be stopped by catching-up to the author.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This story is AWESOME. The fact that you can so many characters with their own quirks and stories and then be able to mix them all plus grow them as characters is no small feat. You are a true story teller and I look forward to many more chapters. Both on the screen and in actual print in your books.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Addressing the "Beth won" and "Mike sucks now" comments I think the author is trying to address the narrative imbalance of having an uneventful first half in an arc and a heavy last half.

Mike doesn't do squat in the first half of the "Yuki arc", nearly dies, and gets dragged from one plot point to another by the girls. Then the arc ends with him nearly soloing the Jabberwock, saving the house with a daring plan, and blowing up a demon. This new arc "solves" this imbalance by having Beth win a high-stakes board game in the first half and having Mike save the day in Oregon in the latter.

Addressing the matter of "why Beth is disliked", I'd say it's because she has little investment in her harem. Both Asterios and Sullivan have less development than either Bigfoot or Darren. Asterios has about as much character as his ax and Sullivan is a gender-swapped Cecilia. It's hard to care for either of those dudes and why Beth-centric chapters feel longer than the Mike chapters. The fact that they take valuable screentime from more developed characters like Tink or Abella doesn't help either.

Stop wanking about "Mike sucks" this is "HfHM" not "The Last Jedi". And Beth is infinitely more likable than either Dana or Lily.

tejingtejingover 2 years ago

Hmm, I just had a bit more realization about the Beth vs Mike thing... My issue isn't the focus on Beth, it's the divide between her story and Mike's. This whole story is about belonging, intimacy, and unity, and so the divide feels thematically wrong.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

So. Freaking. AWESOME!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

There wasn't much of a plot to the story your dragging it to long hurry up with leds it is getting boring I mean how long?t.b.

arcamdiesarcamdiesover 2 years ago

Just pre-ordered book 3. I love your writing.

princecharmingslprincecharmingslover 2 years ago

Absolutely Brilliant storytelling. Can't wait for the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Fantastic! I always look forward to every installment.

AussieGuy52AussieGuy52over 2 years ago

Great work ! Thanks and please keep the chapters coming. Your imagination is stunning!

TJSkywindTJSkywindover 2 years ago

Great arc with the ghost of Darren and his twin, Dwayne, helping Velvet carry Abella through the caves to the exit tunnel. And sad, too.

Jenny's revenge on the Horsemen was positively brilliant.

Don't listen to the haters. There aren't that many, and you are doing just fine!

Thanks for sharing! 5* Slainté

IJS0904IJS0904over 2 years ago

I have binge read your series so far and the word that comes to mind is 'wonderful'! I love the characters but I have to say Tink is my favorite by far. I still want to know what kind of mischief she got into when she went trick or treating! I look forward to more. Thank you so very much for writing this series.

LuckyMeOriginalStoriesLuckyMeOriginalStoriesover 2 years ago

I occasionally come back to this series to get some literary inspiration. .out of my inspiration comes from Mangas, Manwhas, Webtoons and Japanese Doujins.

But as I kept reading the reviews for each chapter, I just couldn't help but laugh out loud at times. The people complaining back and forth about this and that from former fans and current fans helps me realize that I should remain consistent and focused on content with my own stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I have to say very well written story everytime there's a new chapter i reread the entire story and plan on continuing one of my favorite stories on here

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great chapter! Thanks for sharing

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This collection is honestly one of the best things I’ve read. I can’t wait for the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Dear Ms. Hawthorne,

Thank you, thank you THANK YOU for this story!!!! I love it! A perfect blend of fantasy and eroiticism. What man doesn't want to be Mike??? Can't wait to see what "Happily Ever After" looks like!

Fond regards,

Joe O'Donnell

Lenny20Lenny20over 2 years ago

I think this about every other chapter for a bit, but now I can definitly say: That was the best chapter in book 5 (so far). The death of the owl with her plea for the children of the forst was heart-wrenching. The finale of the Risk game against the horseman was fantastic. There is now a fucking mummy! And one of the hottest sex scenes, maybe the best one not involving Mike. Plus the mind games of the Jersey Devil were brilliant.

The only thing I'm concerned about in this wonderful chapter is the ending. I have the terrible feeling that either Velvet or Abella won't make it out of their situation alive. And the ending with singing just for Velvet gave me Cecilia chills. I really hope I'm mistaken, as I really love both spider girls so much ever since Last of her Kind.

Still, this one is one of the best of the series. And it isn't even the finale of book 5. So eager to see what the wrap up to the Oregon plot will be. Thank you for this awesome chapter!

Tea_timeTea_timeover 2 years ago

The egg must be okay, or this story was a waste of time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

So the owl lady got killed by the cacodemon head and opal imploded when the mummy tried to posses her.

And the egg velvet bet all of her hopes and dreams on got destroyed.

I think that's enough of reading stories on litrotica for today. I'm depressed.

ArcTalyxArcTalyxover 2 years ago

Jenny both scares me and makes me die laughing with her dark humor.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Loved Jenny’s tactics. Been waiting for this chapter to come out. Worth it

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

WTF! Why? The way the owl lady was killed was so brutal and gory. She barely appeared in the story and now gets murdered instantly? If you kill off Velvet or Abella i swear to god i will hunt you down and spank you until you say you are sorry Annabelle!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


For context, I just read chapter 75 and learned the gruesome fate of a beloved character after threatening her in the comments as a joke. I told you not to kill any of those girls off.

Oh well, atleast I warned you, now I'm going to have to spank you twice as hard as i was originally planning to.

After I figure out how to get into America first......

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Did you

No way!

CoyotecomCoyotecomover 2 years ago

Yeah I'm convinced at this point that Darren and the boys are ghosts.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Why would some asshat read ahead then come back here and leave a spoiler in the comments. Damn dick move.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Because he can and he did. You aren't the sharpest tool in the shed are you. Go wipe your tears on mommy's ass little bitch.😂😂😂😂😂😤😤😤😂😂😤😤😤🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🍆🍑💦

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Well, it is a well known fact that you can't make an omlette without breaking some eggs. The next chapter is gonna be hard one to read, i gotta feeling.........hoo boy, here i go.

Fenris420Fenris420about 2 years ago

Jenny is a BEAST! That was so well-done and the tension you build with each scenario is juicy.

I really hope Velvet's last egg is okay and that Velvet's vision of her child's future is true but I'm, again, tense at what might happen. And I have a bad feeling about Abella's damaged wing. If she loses it I can only think of Hiccup and what he did for Toothless in How To Train Your Dragon. Things are messy and I get the feeling they're about to get messier. this was another banger chapter of HFHM. Loved the scene with Abella and Mike "communing" with nature. Looking forward to some epic post-victory sex in the following chapters.

K_FletcherK_Fletcherabout 2 years ago

Ok that last part made tears appear. Awesome.

HoubovyJazykHoubovyJazykabout 2 years ago

This story is going to be the death of me. I’m at the edge of my seat and cannot put it down. Oh no oh no

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

What an epic game of Risk lol. I did NOT see that coming; it was both brilliant & hilarious

Ravey19Ravey19over 1 year ago

Just simple excellence. The twists and turns are diabolical. So where is the egg? Has Dana or Mike found it and moved it to safety?

Hearthfire223Hearthfire223over 1 year ago

Oh dear, this is going to be rough...

Had some worrisome suspicions earlier in the chapter on my first read, still painful now.

No man left behind, indeed.

Cant get away with not praising the dramatic shift from elation to disaster at the house.

Masterfully done!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Oh my God this story is just so amazing and just keeps getting better and better! Yet another night staying up way past my bedtime because I just can't put it down!! Please , please keep up the good work and keep writing this story!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I have a feeling that Dana found the egg and it is safe

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

What Jenny did to the Horseman was outright terrifying on so many levels, the implications Murray motioned more so. I don't know who I'm more scared of upsetting; Jenny or you, Anabelle.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

It's hilarious what Jenny did to the horsemen. They definitely underestimated her. And yes she's the champion! In her own way she was the heroine and no I didn't even guess what she was up to and neither did any of the characters.

It's too bad about the owl-lady, but then based on the story so far, Leeds is evil and so I'm not too surprised he betrayed the owl and had her murdered!

As for Velvet's egg, I'm torn. Part of me (a real small part) hopes it's okay, but a larger part hopes it was destroyed (I hate spiders)!

Beth's imaginary sex scene was both hot and humerus, I especially liked the way she tapped into her Nymph inspired magic to kick the evil wench from her mind.

I'm not sure what Mike will do about his missing house or the snoozing occupants, but I figure he'll come up with something unorthodox and unexpected just like he always does. So far he is the luckiest and most unusual hero I ever read about.

I really hope both Abella and Velvet are okay and will survive Leeds trap, but somehow I think I'm only half right. It's a real shame when a popular character dies in a story like this, but then again it's sad when anyone dies.

Again Annabelle, THANK YOU for a wonderful tale filled with magic, love, sex and of course humor! Please keep writing it because I'll definitely keep reading it!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

All expectations suroassed. Thanks Annabel, you are great.

The mummy is dammed, she she is going to get Death's wrath.

It seem that Abella and Velvet will f¡become best friends. But Will Velvet lend Abella one of her legs?

And Jenny is just to much Jenny and we are happy of it

JodailyJodaily9 months ago

Well,you had to know Jenny was just gonna piss em right the fuck off. She's so good at it. World save by a possesed doll 🤔.

And then there's poor little Beth, always getting the short end of the stick. Well, maybe not so little after getting the not so short ends of two big fat sticks 🍆. Way to stick up for yourself girl! 😅 You took it well.

Chromy2483Chromy24836 months ago

Another gripping finale to another great book! You really know how to leave us in suspense.

NovaMNovaM2 months ago

🥰 I love this isekai 💓💓💓💓

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Fantastic writing and storyline, even if the characters of Beth and Velvet are just getting more stupid. Beth seems to be just more a whore, never able to just say no to cocks. Velvet's behaviour is so silly she should just be Leeds stupid pet. Doesen't got much active braincells, obviously. I want to see what you got for us comming next :-)

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