All Comments on 'She Made a Mistake'

by Astordatair

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RTR10RTR108 months ago

This made me cry. I wish so much time hadn't passed before their reconciliation but I guess it was needed. Excellent story!

BarryJames1952BarryJames19528 months ago

Really well done. Thanks for sharing this.

ctdansctdans8 months ago

I think it was written very well and from the heart. The way you wrote the story of these two I think he would have reconciled even if he did not cheat in the exact manner as Sophie.

What I think you did not cover that well was how he could look at Jacob now as his son and not have any reminder of what Sophie did. I get that you had him cheat so that any reaction he would have towards Sophie is very hypocritical and you made it clear that it is no fault of Jacobs. But the fact remains his cheating was to another innocent woman and did not destroy a family. Seeing Jacob is a constant reminder of what she did.

I have no real issue with them getting together. I just didn't see here how you had him really over come that fact and never get any anger issues or depression. I think they could get together, not have him adopt Jacob, and see how it goes for years - not just one year since the zoo.

Just_WordsJust_Words8 months ago

Powerfully well written! 5*****! Every step seemed genuine. I really believed it as a difficult journey of growth.

servant111servant1118 months ago

Very nicely done. Please continue writing. You have real talent.

5 stars

LenardSpencerLenardSpencer8 months ago

Thank you. A clear, well constructed and well written story that most people can relate to. None of us are perfect: we all make mistakes. I enjoyed this story. There were no BBC's, no Special Forces type revenge strategies. Just people recognising their own weaknesses and, in this case, a happy ending ensues. Cheers.

Boyd PercyBoyd Percy8 months ago

Wonderful story! Worked out well in the end.


FlynnTaggartFlynnTaggart8 months ago

A pretty enjoyable story. Felt pretty realistic, a story of humans making mistakes and learning from them. My only real complaint was the timeskip after the start of reconciliation, would have enjoyed seeing them both growing that ember into a fire rather then it happening off screen but otherwise a great story.

LadiesFirst01LadiesFirst018 months ago

Mother and child should have lived a life of misery. Every moment of every day as punitive as possible. Arguably, the first wife’s infidelity had a cause or relationship to his later infidelity with his fiancé. I think all his misfortune betrayed back to her behavior. His reasoning seems more like rationalization than logic. If he wants to be a cuckold he should just say I want to be a cuckold.

PrincessNutNutPrincessNutNut8 months ago

Really impressive story, the only quibbles I have about the tale are things that make us the different human beings that we are. No thought of a hospital visit to check for date rape drugs (not actually a factor) Sophie was so busy in her upset she didn't think about The Morning After Pill. Chris didn't give himself some allowance that Sophie had time to think about her response he was phoned when he was just considering what he had done.

The final paragraph "The whole party started to applaud." I'd say things like that are private and not for group involvement.

Cracking tale though a full 5 stars!

MightyheartMightyheart8 months ago

I agree with PrincessNutNut.

No morning after pills in the US.

Why does no one in Lit Stories have an abortion in such extenuating circumstances?

It seems USA is what Ireland was 5 decades back.

Otherwise, brilliantly written.

5/5 still

AllNigherAllNigher8 months ago

If I read correctly this was set in Montreal, which is in Canada not the US. But they, too, have access to the morning after pill I believe

I had the same thought, but many of the writers, either due to personal belief or plot necessity, have the characters emphatically against abortion of any type, including preventing pregnancy with the morning after pill.

I guess we wouldn't have this story otherwise, or it would certainly be much different.

I agree on the drug check as well, but I can see that. I think there is a lot of shame in going for these types of checks, plus the cost in the US... maybe not an issue in Canada. I think society should work to eliminate that shame... I suspect this is dramatically under reported which is really sad

Also, She may have been confident she wasn't drugged, though the description of that evening had me red flagging that as a possibility, her reaction as written made it seem she didn't feel that was an issue. Hard to believe you got so drunk you couldn't remember how you got to his house by drinking wine at a club... That really needed to be written differently, or expanded on... But then again... In life there's often slot of uncertainty... So maybe it's fitting

Nice story. Interesting twists. I have to say I've traveled a lot for work, and have had dinner with women who were work colleagues, taken classes and attended seminars with attractive women, and I'll talk to them but have never once been tempted to take it further than chatting once I was dating. But not everyone thinks the same way...

AstordatairAstordatair8 months agoAuthor

I deliberately chose not to mention the abortion pill nor the possibility of Sophie having been drugged. The reason is simply that this would have been an entirely different plotline. Sometimes, you have to make choices because you can't tell the history of the universe in a short story! 😉

MrGrumpy035MrGrumpy0358 months ago

Good work, for all those mentioning the morning after pill and drugging Sophie, let them develop their own plots and write their own stories. This one is good as it is.

AA82ndAAAA82ndAA8 months ago

I love this story telling. Your development of the plot along with the back and forth in his mind made it compelling. The slight twist with him cheating made it possible for the not an asshole type person to accept that they got back together again. Chris seems like a very intelligent person so it makes me wonder why it took 4.5 years to get his head on straight. All in all an enjoyable read.

6King6King8 months ago

I could tell after mention of her monthly cycle this was a skip to the comments story. Thankfully I wasted no more time.

6King6King8 months ago

⭐⭐⭐⭐ Ok, I'll admit when I'm wrong. I couldn't stop wondering about the middle of the story and read it all. It was confirmation that life is a shit show, and children deserve any protection we can give. Physical and emotional protection. That justified the whole story ending for me.

onlythelonelyloveonlythelonelylove8 months ago

“ had finally understood that shit does happen, and shit is part of life, so the choice is ours: either we live with it, or we don't live at all.”


I think that is a false dilemma. Shit may be part of life but another choice is to embrace a different kind of shit to the one you dealt with before!


Not all shit is the same! :)

Wavedave45Wavedave458 months ago

This right here is why you should stop dating and become a bitter cynical old bastard after getting cheated on. See how easily he lost all that wonderful moral high ground?

Bronco56Bronco568 months ago

Excellent story. Well written.


ncdeepdiverncdeepdiver8 months ago

Great Story!!

5 stars

orion2bear2orion2bear28 months ago

You would think he would have known better drinking too much in public is asking for trouble

Busman19639Busman196397 months ago

Sometimes life sucks and then sometimes it gets better.

EgregiousEgregious7 months ago

The story was a bit contrived but still enjoyable. Felt sorry for Jacob he couldn't figure out why the man who came to pick up Melodie looked like his father and didn't take him on outings as well. But it all ended happily.

NallusNallus7 months ago

Reality is a bitch.

All very plausible. Good story.

AethurAethur7 months ago

I was going to write how this story felt contrived, but I see that @Egregious stated the same thing 4 days ago. It was enjoyable, but him cheating the same way his wife did, followed by Daniel dying, was just too convenient and broke the emersion. I think you should have placed this in the LW section.

JustOneMansOpinionJustOneMansOpinion7 months ago

I can't help it I love a happy ending. 5-stars

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbos7 months ago

I sort of agree with some of the other comments here - this story is VERY tenuous. First off, Sophie has to be on no birth control, secondly she has forego any sort of emergency contraception (even after her husband basically says, "if you're pregnant, that's it" - da fuq?), then once she's pregnant and it's pretty obvious it's not hers, she carries the baby to full term. Then, Chris happens to make the SAME drunken mistake that Sophie made, but oh he did it worse because he lied so now he's a worse hypocrite and then finally, Daniel has to get turned into a road pizza so that everyone can move on. Basically the whole thing feels like a setup because there's very little conflict in the story, it's more like the author (you) just sets up a bunch of stumbling blocks between Chris and Sophie and then removes them one by one until they get back together. It almost feels like the characters themselves aren't real and don't have any agency. Why isn't Chris resentful that Sophie kept the child of another man? Why isn't Sophie angry that Chris couldn't forgive her BEFORE Daniel died? These feelings would rankle a normal person I think, yet instead we have a really crazily steadfast Sophie and a completely non-introspective Chris for most of the story and even then, towards the end he isn't really faced with any hard choices because he literally got to see the man who wrecked his marriage put in the ground. This story would have been better if the characters had removed their own obstacles somehow - having Chris cheat and then Daniel die just felt too much like deus ex machina. It was an okay story, but nothing better than a 3/5 because of this.

IndyOnIndyOn6 months ago

You have real gift for story telling....The only downside that I see is that you have not written enough stories! It appears that I am reading faster than you are writing...*5* again

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19696 months ago

shame they both fell to the same scenario... and they should think about giving up alcohol :)

consulting91consulting915 months ago

A fantastic story. I love how you wove it all together and he finally realized how easy it was to make a mistake.

Can’t wait to read more.

WargamerWargamer5 months ago

Too disingenuous for words

Just way to trite, the story had no life of its own to recommend itself to any reader.

Scores 2/5

Eaststand1306Eaststand13064 months ago

You write and produce the most horrible characters I have ever had the misfortune to read. The husband is always a man devoid of any back bone and is willing to accept any child his awful wife knocks out.

It is obvious you have never been betrayed by your partner/wife/lover as you would realise what you write is totally opposite to how someone actually feels.

Unless of course you are a man who gets his kicks bringing up other men's children, if so I have nothing but pity for you.

AstordatairAstordatair4 months agoAuthor



NicealloverNiceallover4 months ago

This is a beautiful story and it must have taken a lot of work to write. I thought it was well played. Despite the usual “take no prisoners” attitude of the loving wives crowd, I thought that there was a good balance and forgiveness was the right conclusion for Chris to arrive at. Sophie obviously was madly in love with Chris and somewhat unrealistically she never moved on. Chris was a bit stubborn in his beliefs and I think he could have taken a little less time to reconnect with Sophie.

gasperguy69gasperguy694 months ago

A very good story. I would have liked reading a little more on the doppleganger bit between Chris and Daniel. Obviously there is a backstory there.

AA82ndAAAA82ndAA3 months ago

Second read. I don't think Chris was a dick or was wrong to divorce his wife. I do think he was a dick to cheat on Rox, especially since he seemed to recover so quickly. I suspect he really didn't love her. Now to the story telling. It was well written, constructed and the flow was very even and thoughtful. I loved the little girl Melody's character and her prescriptive ability to bounce along and not condemn either of her parents..... Sophie was not an ideal wife and seemed to be a bit scattered. They got back together in the end because Chris always loved her in spite of her actions. finally the couple's lack of relative communications were more to blame than his excessive traveling. 4/5 with all the elements I like in an affair driven story. All The Way and thanks for sharing.

OldbuddyOldbuddy3 months ago

Excellent life story. Thank you

oldtwitoldtwit26 days ago

Nice story, plenty of truth in it as well.

I write for fun. I am not here to gather stars or likes, nor to settle a score with women. My characters make mistakes, and I like to make them grow through their mistakes. Just like intelligent people do.