

So its been a whole year since I updated my profile. Another Masters has come and gone...Spring is springing, very slowly in my neck of the woods, and I'm finding time to explore this deviant hobby again.

Truthfully, I never really gave it up, I've just had the habit of starting stories and then stopping for various reasons. So I'm about to do a little crowd sourcing, and publish two of those stories. So feel free to read and tell me what you think. Or don't...and don't. Entirely up to you.

Also, I should warn people that I have a deviant side and a sweet, sappy romantic side. As you can probably tell, my stories tend to explore one or the other. These stories will definitely explore the deviant side.

So if that's not your cup of tea, you may want to sit these out. I do plan on revisiting the characters in When You Know at some point. Actually, I already have, its just not anywhere near being ready to publish. Perhaps you want to wait for that, rather than trying to figure out how the guy who wrote that story can then write these stories. Frankly, I'm not even sure myself.


Jersey, either the state or the Island in the English Channel



Author Stats

9 Years AgoMember Since
A Long Time AgoUpdated
10My Favorites
40My Comments
4Series Published

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