when you know its coming.................


Really Experienced
Jun 21, 2002
you know its coming, you don't know when or what excatly its gonna entail but you know its coming and its coming sooner than you might really want it too or do you even want it to come at all and you know could have prevented it yet you chose not to and you know no amount of begging or pleading will change it because you did it whatever it was ya did and now you're gonna be punished by your Dom or maybe you are the Dom having to deal with it form the other side and the one having to give the punishment. How do you deal with it. physically and emotionally what goes through your mind, how does it make you feel etc. what does the waiting do to you in mind body and spirit. would you rather get it over and odne with right then.
Kirabeth said:
whatever it was ya did and now you're gonna be punished by your Dom or maybe you are the Dom having to deal with it form the other side and the one having to give the punishment. How do you deal with it.

As a Master,...I would have to consider many things. In the scenario of which you put forth, (that being my sub did SOMETHING knowingly, on purpose,...against my wishes,)...is a VERY serious situation.

I am not able to describe anything here that would be MEANINGFUL other than to say,..."A serious PROBLEM has arisen, it must be addressed as soon as I become aware of it, and the action I take to correct THAT behavior, would range from discussion
only,...to the most extreme punishment. Discussion would ALWAYS be entered into before a decision is made."

(in other words,...it all depends) :rose:
reminds me of...

a song i once knew...Something's Coming

But as for the subject at hand...i'll leave that to the more experienced and adept to answer...
When I have done something that I know full well that Master will not approve of, and I know I will get a punishment at some stage I just want it over and done with.

I feel sick - not because I am to be punished, but because I know that I have disappointed him and let myself down at the same time.
In our relationship as Master/slave, punishment is immediate if possible, as soon as possible after, if not. As I love pain, especially the whip, some would suspect to be given physical punishment would be a reward. Far from it. He can reduce me to a begging, crying mess from the first stroke, the pain seemingly impacted on by my sorrow at disappointing him an any way. Though the pain is increased this way, it is the emotional pain which makes me incapable of bearing it. The after effects can last mentally for days and as this does ot please Master, I am trying to work on that aspect. Thankfully there are not many instances where I have been punished.

my Master only gives minor punishments immediately...things like a firm face slap for speaking out of my place, forgetting a bit of protocol, something of that nature. but for my major punishments, those are never immediate...and i may have to wait up to a week or more between the time my misbehavior is "out" and the time i am punished. this gives me much time to think on what i have done, and how i can improve and prevent the same from happening again. also, it prevents my Master from striking me in anger, in which case he could very easily hurt me more than he wishes to. so there is a breathing/calming period for him, a period of fearful/nervous anxiety, and inner discovery and meditation, for me.

for the major punishments, of course i always know they are coming. i am always very fearful of what i will have to endure, whether it be physical or something far worse. there is also the relief that the world is in order once again...i have done something wrong, erred in some way, and now i am getting my just desserts. there is the relief that after the punishment, all will be over. my Master will no longer be displeased with me, or upset with me, i know he will not throw it in my face days or months later. once the punishment is over, it is over, period. but more than anything, like any sub, i am feeling the extreme sadness of having disappointed my Master, of not living up to his standards, of hurting him, if that is the case. and that is more pain than any punishment he inflicts.

For me the very worst thing is when I know I have been displeasing and disappointed Him and I too want the punishment over with as soon as possible. He is well aware of how much it hurts me to have displeased Him and this usually is taken into account when I am punished by Him for my actions.
As much as I push the bounds of being bad and deliberately disobeying Him, I hate being punished. As soon as he realizes that I've done something wrong and points out that I have to be punished, I going into a frenzy of panic. I beg with my whole body, kissing wherever I can, trying to make him not look displeased. That's the worst part, seeing the look on his face, knowing that he doesn't want to punish me but has to. The punishments themselves aren't too bad, it's the look on his face and the tone in his voice that hurt worst.