Toy Bag

James Blandings

Literotica Guru
Feb 23, 2002
Dr Blue said he wished he had a toy bag, so here's a few tips for him, and others, to start building a nice collection with one good shopping trip.

Start out at the local hardware. A couple thick dowels and a handful of eyehooks , and you can make a couple nice spreader bars in a few minutes. Pick up a handful of large metal clips while you are there, some big paint stirrers (great stingy paddles!), clothespins,candles,a nice length of chain, and some rope. (If you can get different colors of rope, cut them in color coded lengths, so say, red rope is 10 ft long, white rope is 4 ft, etc.) Those little bungee cord things are fun to use for bondage too, and have a great advantage. The sub will be able to move around less and less as they tire out pulling against them, creating the illusion that the bondage is getting tighter (subs forget you read that)
Another great place to stop is a fabric store. Cotton batting comes is rope type lengths that are both very stong, and very soft.
Next stop, the pet supply store. Dog collars come in all sizes, from big enough to use for collar to small enough for wrist and ankle restraints. And of course, you want to buy a leash.
Kitchen supply stores. I recommend William-Sonoma. The kitchen utensil aisle might as well be labelled Paddles. Those big pizza spatulas make great paddles.
Tack stores. Even if you live in the big city, there's one not too far from you. Riding crops are not expensive, and don't worry what the salespeople think, they've sold hundreds of them to people they know don't have horse. Take a look at the harness rigging, you never know what you might find that can be rigged into restraints or a strap. Oh, and grooming gloves, excellent to wear when giving a spanking.
OK, so, stopping at those few store, spending maybe $100 and taking an hour or so to put thngs together you've got the following for your toy bag:

spreader bars
spanking glove.
Pretty good start I'll say, and since you didn't spend much, maybe you can afford one expensive toy, a whip or a flogger.
And , also, if you put together a toy bag, include a first aid kit.
James Blandings said:
Dr Blue said he wished he had a toy bag, so here's a few tips for him, and others, to start building a nice collection with one good shopping trip.

Start out at the local hardware. A couple thick dowels and a handful of eyehooks , and you can make a couple nice spreader bars in a few minutes. Pick up a handful of large metal clips while you are there, some big paint stirrers (great stingy paddles!), clothespins,candles,a nice length of chain, and some rope. (If you can get different colors of rope, cut them in color coded lengths, so say, red rope is 10 ft long, white rope is 4 ft, etc.) Those little bungee cord things are fun to use for bondage too, and have a great advantage. The sub will be able to move around less and less as they tire out pulling against them, creating the illusion that the bondage is getting tighter (subs forget you read that)
Another great place to stop is a fabric store. Cotton batting comes is rope type lengths that are both very stong, and very soft.
Next stop, the pet supply store. Dog collars come in all sizes, from big enough to use for collar to small enough for wrist and ankle restraints. And of course, you want to buy a leash.
Kitchen supply stores. I recommend William-Sonoma. The kitchen utensil aisle might as well be labelled Paddles. Those big pizza spatulas make great paddles.
Tack stores. Even if you live in the big city, there's one not too far from you. Riding crops are not expensive, and don't worry what the salespeople think, they've sold hundreds of them to people they know don't have horse. Take a look at the harness rigging, you never know what you might find that can be rigged into restraints or a strap. Oh, and grooming gloves, excellent to wear when giving a spanking.
OK, so, stopping at those few store, spending maybe $100 and taking an hour or so to put thngs together you've got the following for your toy bag:

spreader bars
spanking glove.
Pretty good start I'll say, and since you didn't spend much, maybe you can afford one expensive toy, a whip or a flogger.
And , also, if you put together a toy bag, include a first aid kit.

I great list. I also put some alcohol in a spray bottle to clean the toys with very quickly. I like to use wooden spoons too! And I have gotten a nice ping pong paddle at the Dollar Store.

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Hey Jesus! it's fucking Christmas again!!

Mr. Blandings i humbly thank you. i'd offer myself as a "live human target" to learn the proper use of these things, but i think you live a ways away.

And my dear sister Ebony, great idea about the alcohol. i don't drink any more so i know it'd be there if i needed it.<larf>

i think i even HAVE a couple of ping pong "paffles". (sorry, i couldn't resist, you owe me a spanking)

This'll save me a fortune! And make me seem pretty well prepared for a newbie when i finally meet some of my local community.

Don't worry, i won't get too cocky.:rolleyes:

What a great thing to do!
i'm gonna end up turning pink permanently.

Very good advice, Mr. Blandings. Saving money on the basics will allow us to get the expensive toys we really want. Like those killer snakewhips and electrical toys. *g*
Re: Hey Jesus! it's fucking Christmas again!!

DRxBlue said:
Mr. Blandings i humbly thank you. i'd offer myself as a "live human target" to learn the proper use of these things, but i think you live a ways away.

And my dear sister Ebony, great idea about the alcohol. i don't drink any more so i know it'd be there if i needed it.<larf>

i think i even HAVE a couple of ping pong "paffles". (sorry, i couldn't resist, you owe me a spanking)

This'll save me a fortune! And make me seem pretty well prepared for a newbie when i finally meet some of my local community.

Don't worry, i won't get too cocky.:rolleyes:

What a great thing to do!
i'm gonna end up turning pink permanently.


HA! HA! I corrected my typing, that is what I get for not reading what I post BEFORE pushing "submit reply"
i'm sorry i made fun of you Eb...(pout)

The :devil: made me do it.

i'm convinced that mistakes can creep in AFTER you push "Send".

Does this mean i don't get my spanking :confused:

(Bigger Pout!)

Re: Re: Toy Bag

Ebonyfire said:

I great list. I also put some alcohol in a spray bottle to clean the toys with very quickly. I like to use wooden spoons too! And I have gotten a nice ping pong paddle at the Dollar Store.


Good catch, Ms. Ebony. Always want to keep your toys clean, especially if you have multiple play partners.
Thanks fo rhte tips, I remember going to my local store to buy;
clothes pegs, clingfilm, vaseline, washing line and a fly-swatter - the looks I got at the checkout convinced me there was more than one perv working there!
petrel said:
Thanks fo rhte tips, I remember going to my local store to buy;
clothes pegs, clingfilm, vaseline, washing line and a fly-swatter - the looks I got at the checkout convinced me there was more than one perv working there!

oh bother - now I've got a mis-spelling - do I get a spanking too?
A couple other ideas to add to the very goodones already mentioned:

The medical supplies aisle of your local supermarket is an amazingly erotic place. Pick up some ace bandages for quickie bondage situations. They also make fine gags and superb blindfolds - and they come off and go on really quickly and easily, too.

You know those pressure wraps that are put on your arm after you give blood? You can buy those in that same part of the store and they come in a wide variety of colors for those of you who view color as an important part of the experience (you preverted photographers, you!).

One must always have both rubbing alcohol and hydrogen peroxide in one's toybag, too, i think. The former for sterilization purposes and the latter for the off chance there;s any blood spilled. (Hydrogen peroxide takes blood out of clothing like nothing you've ever seen.)

Disposable earplugs and rubber gloves, the kind you wear to clean toilets, are *great* for sensory deprivation play. There's something intrinsically erotic about being blindfolded and then having your senses taken from you, one at a time, while the play heats up, that puts me into a wildly sub headspace in no time at all.

Important to us all are a ready supply of condoms, of course, something both men and women should keep on hand, right? Even with a permanent partner in a monogamous relationship, on occasion a condom is kinda nice tohave (like, perhaps, for anal play when there's been no time for a thorough cleansing beforehand).

Finally, what's life without lube? You can buy astroglide, sure, but your store brand works just as well for a fraction of the cost and comes in a bigger container.

Thees things, while not as fun as spreader bars and rope, are definitely basics - and inexpensively available in your local grocery store, too.

This is a wonderful thread!

Did you know taping quarters to a male sub's nipples or placing quarters in a female sub's bra is an excellent and cost effective way to keep them thinking about their dom/me in the work place?

Everytime they more the friction against the quarter makes the nipple stay erect. The sensation is very erotic (or annoying depending on who it is!)

And you do not even need to carry them in your toy bag!

i feel myself in the company of kinky Goddesses (and Gods) here...

i kneel in humble devotion, as i absorb your words of wisdom.

Gee my nipples are getting erect! Shoulda shaved before i tried this. It's gonna hurt when i pull this tape off....hmmmm. Ooo mmmm


My world is definitely changing shape,

Re: i feel myself in the company of kinky Goddesses (and Gods) here...

DRxBlue said:
i kneel in humble devotion, as i absorb your words of wisdom.

Gee my nipples are getting erect! Shoulda shaved before i tried this. It's gonna hurt when i pull this tape off....hmmmm. Ooo mmmm


My world is definitely changing shape,


Spoken like a true horn dog, bro!

For those of you living in 'NillaVille, USA

Our toy box has slowly expanded to become the toy closet, but we're still always adding to it. This thread got me thinking about how tough that might be if one lived in an area with repressive blue laws, or nosy Bible-thumping neighbors, rather than in seen-it-all southern California.

Yesterday, we went to Home Despot (;)) and a fabric store and came home with:
*four lengths of chain, cut to our specs
*inexpensive but strong padlocks
*a "safety match", for getting down in heavily-used candles (I'm a fire-bug)
*Paint stirrers
*rat's tail (craft people know this stuff, it's kinda like tiny silk rope--great for CBT, as I'm learning)
*low-temp bulk paraffin

All in all, many hours of fun play time to be had with these things, in a one hour shopping trip that wouldn't hit the radar screen of even the most 'nilla town in the country.

Total expenditure: $13.28
Re: For those of you living in 'NillaVille, USA

RisiaSkye said:
Our toy box has slowly expanded to become the toy closet, but we're still always adding to it. This thread got me thinking about how tough that might be if one lived in an area with repressive blue laws, or nosy Bible-thumping neighbors, rather than in seen-it-all southern California.

Yesterday, we went to Home Despot (;)) and a fabric store and came home with:
*four lengths of chain, cut to our specs
*inexpensive but strong padlocks
*a "safety match", for getting down in heavily-used candles (I'm a fire-bug)
*Paint stirrers
*rat's tail (craft people know this stuff, it's kinda like tiny silk rope--great for CBT, as I'm learning)
*low-temp bulk paraffin

All in all, many hours of fun play time to be had with these things, in a one hour shopping trip that wouldn't hit the radar screen of even the most 'nilla town in the country.

Total expenditure: $13.28
Aaaah the joys of pervertible shopping... I just love it! And in play... I love to use those <cough> harmless things :D
And of course you save so much money. OK for somethings you have to shell out some money in a fetish/adult shop, like plugs, dildoes etc. But I'm not willing to spend an enourmous amount of money on i.e. rope, I can get that cheaper and in better quality at a marine supply shop. They usually have high quality hardware as well. And there isn't any difference between a crop for horses and a crop for your subs butt, except the pervert surcharge.

The main thing to remember is: You don't have to spent a small fortune, just look around in 'nilla shops with perversion in mind.

Monika :devil:
Just got to subscribe

bumping this thread and eager to hear more about toys for him and her and of course pics of the more exotic ones?

I had a heck of I time finding this thread, so I decided to bump it as it maybe of interest to others also.
Ebay is a great place to find toys. I found this quirt there for $7.00.. it would have cost me over twice that at a tack shop.


I also got a slapper for $8.00

Another good place is

Great quarter I know where to put My money..where it will do the most good.

Damn smack dab in the middle of a nipple..or two if I can find another quarter.
Laughing Out Loud!

Shadowsdream, it is really lovely to have You here at Lit!

Love the Av, Mistress.

You know that a couple of Loonies might work even better, eh?

Somehow, i find the idea quite appealing.

Oh! i wasn't thinking about Your....uhh bosoms. (whistling)

Wait! You weren't planning on using them on Yourself, were You?

Hmmm...if it would please You....:rolleyes:

i'm thinking...

you never mind who I am going to use them on! Thinking this is one little newbie that a could enjoy a bit of sandpaper glued to the inside of those quarters! All kidding aside Blue, your posts are always full of insight or humour.

I am pleased that you like My av...the pic was taken in Stockholm and I must confess is already a year old. My how time flies.
Re: Re: Toy Bag

Ebonyfire said:

I great list. I also put some alcohol in a spray bottle to clean the toys with very quickly.


Good idea! Can never be TOO clean:p

my question this safe for all types of leather? If not what else should I use?
