Spanking during sex


May 2, 2002
Hi folks,
I was wondering if anyone else had found the middle ground between punishment spanking (i.e. school girls, wives etc with no sexual content) and hardcore BDSM with all the pain, blood and stuff that i find a bit over the top for my own lifestyle.

I am looking to find videos etc of spanking during sex, just thighs and ass really... so far i have drawn a blank on this. I am trying to find hard core porn videos of women who enjoy being spanked during sex.

Any ideas??
Thanks for your efforts....please feel free to e-mail any replies if you like.

[email addy deleted by cymbidia, Forum Moderator]

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Call the Lit police.

Some pervert has just mentioned spanking!


Edited to say sorry, I was on the General Board before and forgot where I was. Sorry
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Hi Mike and welcome to Literotica's BDSM Forum.
I'm sorry i had to delete your email addy but we have a pretty firm policy regarding the inadvisability of posting personal info here, and that includes addys.

I don't know anything at all about the where's or how's of finding good spanking videos, i'm sorry to say, but someone else might. Keep checking this thread for an answer!

Additionally, i just gotta say that from my perspective, and speaking only for myself as an individual and one who has a lot of years and self-identity tied up in what many might consider hardcore BDSM, the concept of "hardcore BDSM" (whatever it is) surely cannot adequately be characterized as that which contains "all the pain, blood and stuff" that obviously makes you uncomfortable. To my mind, "pain" is sometimes a good thing, a thing of sublime eroticism and panting arousal. You and i probably won't have the same definition of what "pain" is, as a matter of fact, so your definiton is as false for me as mine is for you. Your wife-sub, the one on the other side of that spanking? She probably likes the sting and burn of what you do to her, doesn't she? There are a lot of folks who would think you were both a couple of serious perverts for even fdoing that, you know. Everything is always a matter of perspective with respect to sensation play, my friend.

Also, in playing power-exchange games, blood sometimes happens. We don't (usually) want it to happen and it usually doesn't happen with careful player who know what the fuck they're doing, either. Pretenders and wanna-be's, well, they're a different story. THEY can really hurt a trusting sub, don't you think?

In any case, someone here might offer you some info with regard to your quest for good videos. You'll have to come back here for it, though. We're a community of questioning, caring, growing individuals, not simply a place into which one can toss a question and then wait for the answers to roll into thier email box from all the various places in which it was posted.

Forum Moderator

Thanks for the in depth reply, can't say i disagree with anything you have said. In fact you have probably stated my case as well as you have stated your own in that respect. Many thanks.

mikeuk60 said:
Hi folks,
I was wondering if anyone else had found the middle ground between punishment spanking (i.e. school girls, wives etc with no sexual content) and hardcore BDSM with all the pain, blood and stuff that i find a bit over the top for my own lifestyle.


I don't think any of us here would classify 'hardcore' BDSM as involving blood etc but then Cym has pointed this out already. Also when you say spanking with no sexual content how are you definign sexual content. I would hope that the only way you spank your wife is within a sexual context - punishment with no sexual edge is what we do to children and criminals not our play partners!

heres a link to a thread I started on spankings and one other thread; there are plenty more on this board - have a look I am sure you will find something to help.

Regarding videos have you tried an online search - might be a place to start

enjoy yourself!!
I am familiar with two sites that offer spanking videos. One is at and the other is at Each of these sites advertizes spanking videos that I suspect fall in the middle ground you're seeking. You can download a couple of samples for free at the impressions site.

Have fun!
Hi again folks,

Sorry, i dont seem to have made my self clear at all and i get the feeling that i might be sending out the wrong message.

So to clarify; the sites i have found at present are such things as and These sites contain videos of ladies being spanked with all sorts of implements, invariably they are titled "punishment spanking" "schoolgirl spanking" etc. This isnt what im after, it is too authoritarian for me because the ladies involved never seem to get any "standard" sexual pleasure from it...

What i am looking for is videos/dvds/downloads of spanking during "standard" sexual acts. i.e when i have sex with my parther from behind she likes me to spank her as i penetrate her, she also likes to be spanked while i perform oral sex on her. These are the kinds of videos i would like to see and as of yet am unable to find.

Thanks a million to all who have replied so far...hope this helps clarify what i am looking for.
In the meantime...

I'm gonna have me a look at some of those links! o)

Mike, not so sure you're going to get lucky on this one. Spanking during nilla sex is probably going to be classified as "hardcore," not "spanking," for the very reasons that you're having problems with. Spanking as discipline attracts a larger audience than spanking as incidental play. Sorry I can't help you; but you might want to thoroughly investigate those links in case something nilla slipped in.

Edited to say: OMG who in the world would be so CRUEL, so HEARTLESS, so TERRIBLY KINKY to have a tickling fetish?! That's just wrong. I protest.

Incidentally, nope, none of those links were remotely nilla, and few of them even sold videos.
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Hi Mike, it's me again.

I don't know anything about spanking videos, as i've already confessed, but i know something about BDSM videos.

It's illegal in the United States to show bondage -and- sexual penetration in the same video.

In a video, one can be bound, then have all sorts of mean nasty cruel spankings (or whatever) happen to her/him but CANNOT be penetrated vaginally or anally. (I don't know where oral penetration fits into this law.)
In a video, one can be penetrated vaginally or anally - but NOT be bound or BDSM'ed upon.

One cannot, in the US, have both.

Due to this law of keeping BDSM activities (and spanking is often considered one of them) completely separate from fucking activities, your spanking-while-fucking video might be harder to find than you think.

I hope not, for both your sakes.

Thanks for that, i dont suppose i should be surprised by a law like that either in the US or the UK. Nevertheless it does seem kinda strange seeing as i have only ever thought of the two as inseprable......ahh the search continues......thanks again for your help on this!
I readily confess to having nothing close to Cymbidia's vast knowledge of all things BDSM, but I believe she may have overstated the legal prohibitions of combining bondage with penetration on video. I am reasonably confident that no statute exists which contains this limitation and am more confident that even our conservative Supreme Court would have something to say about it if such a statute were enacted. Rather, I suspect the comparatively few videos which combine these two practices relates to an unwritten but wise convention in the porn industry; to wit, combining bondage with penetration on video supplies all the necessary evidence should the "star" of the video later claim to have been raped. To the extent I am correct, a strong likelihood exists that some U.S. porn producers have chosen to buck convention and that you would be able to find such offerings.
When I find "mild" spanking in a movie I consider it a bonus because I got the movie for the sex and it just happened to have this subject in it. I don't know about the legal issues, but I can tell you that the only way I find this subject is by hit-or-miss. I have a few adult movies that have this in it but they are all over 15 years old, so it would be tough for you to get a hold of them, plus, I would have to watch all the ones I have to find them again. I know I'm not much help, but the best I can do is say,"Keep renting the adult movies and when you find one that has the type of spanking you like in it, buy it."
There is nothing sexier

Than a subs well spanked butt.My preferance is bare hand or a little thing I found and named the "STINGER" it's nice and wide but is light and easy to handle but gets results VERY quick.
For a large gallery of spanked butts try
gomeade said:
I readily confess to having nothing close to Cymbidia's vast knowledge of all things BDSM, but I believe she may have overstated the legal prohibitions of combining bondage with penetration on video. I am reasonably confident that no statute exists which contains this limitation and am more confident that even our conservative Supreme Court would have something to say about it if such a statute were enacted. Rather, I suspect the comparatively few videos which combine these two practices relates to an unwritten but wise convention in the porn industry; to wit, combining bondage with penetration on video supplies all the necessary evidence should the "star" of the video later claim to have been raped. To the extent I am correct, a strong likelihood exists that some U.S. porn producers have chosen to buck convention and that you would be able to find such offerings.
I bow to gomeade's obviously logical and well-presented case. In my statement, i was repeating something i had heard discussed at a munch. I wasn't a contributor to the conversation, simply a listener - and those people may not have had thier facts correct either.

Thank you, gomeade. I'm going to do some digging to try to ascertain the facts in a more definitive manner, just so we'll know. Knowledge, as has been said, is power.
Hi folks,

Please bear in mind that i know nothing of the law relating to this in either the UK or US, but i was on good a minute ago and this was the quote above the BDSM video titles.

"BDSM" as a description can grace any erotic activity, but its key element is ritualized play of sexual dominance and submission. These tapes will give you a slice of the tremendous diversity of erotic power play. Very little of the genital contact is shown "up close" because of the oppressive legal restrictions regarding depictions of BDSM along with conventional sex."

Hope this adds a little fule to the fire!

