Ideas Please


Dream Maker
Apr 29, 2002
I am considering having a BDSM private party for My Dom/me and submissive friends this summer but would like to add a piece of furniture to My home that would not cost Me a fortune...could either blend in after the event or be stored easily in an apartment. Neither Myself or My slave has a clue about carpentry but I do have a submissive friend that could be helpful if I could get an idea of fun and attractive, safe possibilities. Any ideas?~
I have concrete walls and ceilings!
You can get a portable massage table for under $200 that works as a perfectly fine bondage table, and can be folded up and stashed away when not in use.
I would suggest that you check out ebay from time to time to get ideas.

There are some great pieces there now...
thank you James Blandings and cellis

..both ideas I had not thought of..and the massage table could be used for massages...arghhhhhhh...

I will look into both ideas and will definately be looking for a massage table.

~~~smile~~~ thank you so much for the wonderful pics and idea to present to the sub that ienjoys carpentry.

I truly do appreciate your effort to assist Me.
Here are a few sites that might have some furniture, Shadowsdream, of interest to you.
(ohhhh...this is a really cool site...the above is the main site addy instead of the one straight into the bondage furniture so you can see this site from the time it loads)

All this makes me wish i had a facility for working with wood, too.

Thank you for the wonderful links...I have put them all in My favorites and will enjoy looking at every single page this evening.

It is so wonderful to enjoy the interraction that comes so naturally in a secure BDSM community...which it so obviously is here in Lit.
Do you have Ikea over there in the states? their current UK catalogue has several things that made both our eyes light up immediatly!!!

Ah Ha...I had forgotten about IKEA...I actually saw a beautiful basket (cage size) last time I was there. Thanks for the reminder.

I am in Stockholm. Land of IKEA ~~grin~~