

unrepentant pervert
Mar 8, 2001
Given that i'd not actually had a singletail used on me, ever, i think my rather apparent hesitation and bit of consternation might have been appropriate, don't you? Additionally, my being hooded (something that includes, in my hood, an optional blindfold and gag - both of which he chose for me) meant that this was our first time sceneing with me gagged. We got the hand signals worked out and i knelt at the foot of my bed.

He began by doing some kinda popping thing with his singletail whip, strokes that came *very* close to my skin but didn't touch it. The noise was bouncing crazily in my brain, though. The CRACK of that whip made me go still, my heart racing, and i felt the kiss of air as it passed just over my skin.

Several more strokes, one right after another:

I jumped after each one, my body taut with anticipation and some fear, blindfolded and gagged, my hands fisted into pillows. And then a new sound, a wholly new sensation CRACK, and i screamed wildly into my pillows.

Breathe! he ordered me, and i did, great lungfuls of air. I hadn't realized i'd been holding my breath.

A lightning jag of sensation, focused and fine, personal and skilled, striped my back. Another joined it. I tried to stay still as each one in succession began to peel away the protective layers of my carefully social response.

Finally i was screaming into the pillow through the gag, sweating inside the hood, as the stripes accumulated one after another after another. They bloomed on my back, an ever-increasing garden of red spikes, hot and searing in the intensity of sensation they offered.

Two quick ones on my butt, high up onto my hips, sent me into screaming, hand waving, yellowing spasms.

He slowed. He came around and touched me, his hands gentle against the leather encasing my head, and over the welts on my back. You've done well, he told me, unsnapping the gag. I drew air in raggedly, halfway sobbing, my body trembling and shaking, and terribly aware that there was moisture spreading down the inside of my thighs from the throbbing of my clit at my core.

His hands continued, opening the laces of the hood and pulling it off my head, then smoothing the tangled sweaty hair from my cheeks. A little more, just to see if you like it better hooded or unhooded. Be strong. he whispered to me, his lips against mine.

NO! i almost shouted, and on the heels of that impulse came an equally compelling need to beg for that more to come...and so i bent to the demands of neither impulse. I was silent.

He lifted my chin and looked into my eyes, smiling. You liked it, he said, the words a statement of fact, a hint of smugness in his tone. I know you did.

I nodded and he kissed me again - and then moved behind me. I clutched into the pillow, aware of the sounds from outside my house, of the room air on my damp hair and skin, of his eyeing my already striped back with something like an artisan's appraisal, i imagined, of a work of art that wasn't quite right yet.

Can i please have some water? i blurted suddenly, my words sounding a little desperate even to me. He made no comment as he retrieved the water bottle for me, though, and when i was done drinking, he poured the rest of the water slowly over the hot thin welts on my back while i gasped at the exchange of temperature they offered.

And then he took his place again. Again with the testing strokes, me trying not to flinch with each one. It's a mindfuck, isn't it? he whispered, coming up close behind me, his skin against mine. And then he moved back.


I was moaning and jumping and crying out into my pillow with every hot stroke. Give me big shoulders, he insisted a time or two when i hunched in on myself. Breathe.


And then i was screaming YELLOWYELLOWYELLOWYELLOWYELLOW. I think i must have meant red though, and i think he knew it. He stopped. He dragged the singletail over my skin and gathered me to him and told me i'd done really well.

And that, my friends, was my introduction to the business end of the singletail whip. Today.

I like it, too.
Oh yes indeed.
Anyone else gonna race me to front of the "hell, yeh! i'll take a go-round with a singletail!" line?
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Originally posted by cymbidia

And then i was screaming YELLOWYELLOWYELLOWYELLOWYELLOW. I think i must have meant red though, and i think he knew it. He stopped. He dragged the singletail over my skin and gathered me to him and told me i'd done really well.

And that, my friends, was my introduction to the business end of the singletail whip. Today.

I like it, too.
Oh yes indeed.
Anyone else gonna race me to front of the "hell, yeh! i'll take a go-round with a singletail!" line?

Ain't life grand, cym?? i'm in on that race....:D My Dom has promised me that we are going to go much further the next time we play.. unfortunately, life is very busy for the both of us, so, it may be some time before that happens.. Oh well.... anticipation... he is out toy shopping right now.. :p
glad everything is going so well for you cym!!!

(edited because once again, i got the damn quote wrong.. maybe one of these days, i'll be able to quote without editing.. sorry cym)
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CarolineOh said:
I am weak in the knees just from reading that post. Whew.

Good, because this is something I am very interested in learning about using.
I'm sorry.
It works on my system.

Try these google search terms: "single-tail workshop handout" "consensual basis" all together in the same search. That ought to do it.

I don't think I am ready for that yet ...

(oh my! I said yet!)
Rapt attention here...

WOW! i'm so glad you can express yourself so eloquently. You really provide a feast for the hungry mind's eye.

This is one of my major interests in the array of BDSM experiences, mostly from the handle end of the whip. The sounds, the precision of control required, the smell of the leather and the scents released by the reciever, these all appeal to me greatly.

i'm one, (i've discovered) who would have to know both sides of the experience to be satisfied that i've learned something. It looks like that will require some committment. (well...i SHOULD be committed, if i want to try this)

This is definitely going on my "List of Experiments to try". Thank you again for broadening my horizons, my education, my interests and even my appetites.

You do cook up a spicy mental stew.:rose:

Awed, and a little odd,
Oh man, that was a good post. My husband/Dom is really wanting to learn to use one of those. There are actually classes here (aren't we lucky???). I am both intrigued and terrified at the same time. He hasn't even started learning yet, so i guess it will be awhile, and i can't decide if that is good or bad.

I will post my experience when I get home from class. &(*&*^ summer school. College math really bites, you know that? Oh well, I AM a budding maso, after all.
The first time I had a singletail used on me it was in such a wonderful built up session after a horse race and a horse ride, and he had me worked up and I nearly begged to have it used on me.
It was soooo intoxicating! And after about the 6th time I was still begging for it.
Don't forget to explore the other variations of anything there are open doors everywhere. And Home Depot is just an adult toystore in disguise!
i would never want something like that

however i just wanted to say i appreciated everything you wrote cymbidia and what it meant for you and the sexual energy you felt from it that came across to me in your words was beautiful ... i really mean that
MMMmm, cym. You captured the experience, perfectly, with your words.
I can't decide which is more delicious; the singletail or rubbing salve into the welts, afterwards. :D
Tell me cym, did it bounce you over the limit then?

And now your body has retolerated itself to absorb the higher crack and tickle of pain... and the release of pleasure that comes with it. And now that you can feel the aftereffects on your back and tween your thighs... its a given that you want it again?

Thank you for your amazing prose on what sounds like an awesome experience. I aspire to be at your level, yet knowingly go slow...

I'm still sorting through the rush of the singletail experience, i had yesterday, i think. Wolf and i talked about then, a lot, and have talked about it on the phone since then. I've mulled it over and relived it.

The after part is always the best.
No, no, no - the during part.
No, the after part, for sure.
Well, maybe not for sure.

Chef, he pushed me pretty hard, but i want to play hard and he knows it. I need the pushing and crave the freeflight into that rushing headspace i can only get from this kinda play, with someone who wants to play just as hard as me. I'm a masochist, a submissive masochist. I've never claimed to be anything else. And yes, oh gods yes, i want more of this.

To those of you wondering if you ever want this: take your time. Not everything is for everyone. Some of us don't like whips. Some of us don't like restraints. Some of us don't like physical pain. We all need different things. Your needs will change as you progress but may not ever include the need for this kinda sensational play. Don't sweat it; there are enough kinks to go around without you doing them all.

Sierra, Caroline? Oh girly-girls. You're gonna love this...

Here are a couple pics. Do not click on these pics unless you want to see pretty mild (relatively speaking)(i think) whip marks on my back.

These pics were taken after the first round of whipping was completed, before (obviously) he removed the hood. The second round included more of the same (and on already-tenderized skin, as you can see) but the strokes were sharper, more biting, and deeper. I safeworded out sooner during that second go-round, too. Cluck, cluck, cluck.
The second (and last) pic...and a Lit first, one of my two tats.

oh my, cym.. those marks are beautiful!! ( i am in awe of you, Wolf!):p
hmmm, gives me some ideas about next time my Dom and i play.... take along the polaroid!!
Thank you for the pictures, cym.
Caroline I hope you are paying attention to the lady!
MotorCitySam said:
Thank you for the pictures, cym.
Caroline I hope you are paying attention to the lady!

Darling, you know by now that I hang on her every word.
I do love the pics, cym, thank you for sharing them with us.
Wonderful Pictures, cym

Having read a your posts, i don't suppose we'll be seeing your other tattoo soon. lol :eek:

From the looks of your marks, it seems as if your new friend is a very talented practitioner of the art of whip wielding.

Could you tell us something about the type of whip he was using? Especially the thong and/or cracker at the end your the most familiar with.

i'm really getting interested in this. :D