Bit or Ball Gag?


Really Experienced
May 4, 2002
Which do you prefer to use on your sub, or if you are a sub, which do you prefer to be used on you?
C) Neither.

Bit gags don't fucking muffle anything.

Ball gags make me drool in a copious manner, something that makes me self-conscious.

I prefer a penis gag.
I have a question now or maybe a couple of them...

Do gags really muffle sound that much?

and Is it hard to breath with a gag on? the reason I ask this one is I have bad allergy problems and sometimes can't breath well through my nose....has this ever been a problem for anyone?

Gags can muffle the sound.
Depends on the quality of the gag, to be honest.

Anything that just sits at the surface of your mouth and looks pretty? Well, it's for looks. It's for the heat. It's for play.

A gag that actually works needs to go into your mouth and fill your mouth in some manner so it can interrupt the flow of sound before it gets out of your body -OR- it ineeds to be able to absorb the sound after it comes out of your body but before the sound escapes into the air.

Screaming into a pillow works but if you lose the pillow in the heat of the moment, you're screwed.

A mouthful of washcloth works but it sucks the moisture from your mouth and you end up drier than the Sahara.

Some penis gags work but only if they fill your mouth enough.

I don't use gags when i have a cold or my allergies are acting up. In essence, i don't often use a gag if i've got anything at all unusual going on with my respiratory system. Why take the chance of your partner not seeing your RED ( as in: I CAN'T FUCKING BREATHE!) hand signal?
Yahooooo cym!

Penis gags are My preference to use both on males and females...they certainly do build up a drool..or is that release a drool? Of course My fav of the moment is the double penis gag..

I have yet to find a gag of any description that can truly silence completely but those nice little muffled whimpers are endurable...and I have veryyyy sensitive ears I might add! Not that ears have much to do with gags..or do they?

well actually ears do supply a place for those cute little leather straps to sit on top of when they are finding their way to the back of the head so the shiny buckle can be...well you get the idea!

O O I think I am over tired...none of this makes Me usual sense!
I use a O ring gag that goes in my mouth and holds my top teeth and bottom teeth open, it doesn't really muffle sound it just makes it very hard to make any sound, I can yellow or red while wearing it, it hurts my jaw to do but it can be done. I refused to wear a gag for awhile due to the inability to safeword,(I had a hard time with hand signals because of some wrist surgery) but I found this gag and wore it around the house until I figured out how I could safeword with it in. It doesn't get used much but I have it if needed.
cymbidia said:
Gags can muffle the sound.
Depends on the quality of the gag, to be honest.

I don't use gags when i have a cold or my allergies are acting up. In essence, i don't often use a gag if i've got anything at all unusual going on with my respiratory system. Why take the chance of your partner not seeing your RED ( as in: I CAN'T FUCKING BREATHE!) hand signal?

Master says I make too much noise at times....:devil: And I do I know I do, can't help it. He's talked about wanting to gag me, but I worry about the breathing aspect because normally only one side of my nose works at a time anyway. I get kinda light headed from the lack of oxygen....maybe that's a good thing, hmmm. Anyway, that's my concern.
No gags for me. I have asthma and I'm petrified that I'll have an asthma attack and die because I can't talk.
I also have asthma and so we don't use gags. we did go out an buy a ball gag because i wanted one just to have one, ya know like when one kid gets something and teh other just has to have one to sorta thing so nayway he bought me one just so I coul dhave one and I have even had it on me but I put it on myself and I took it off myself just to see what it was like but he won't use one on me himself becaus eof my asthma and I'd be afraid I'd have an attack and not be able to breath and die if he did so we just don't use them at all.

*thinking did I even say what I was trying to say*
I don't have least never been told I do. I do have some minor breathing difficulties due to allergies and such tho. Never had an asthma attack but have seen them in others....they look scarey.

I'm kind of interested in trying this, but don't want to spend on something we may not have a use for again. Are there safe ways around the money issue?

edited to add......very nice thread tr65
Here's an inexpensive way to try a gag:

Go to a pet store or your local large grocery store with a well-stocked pet aisle. Look for a plastic wiffle ball type dog (bird? cat?) toy. (They're usually white and hollow and made up of, well, they're holey, really holey.) Tie ribbons or soft yarn or something to the sides. (This is why you want a holey ball and not one that's dense and solid.) Fill the ball with something like paper towels or socks or yarn or something to absorb sound - the denser you get it packed in there, the better it will work as a gag. Tie it onto your head. Presto! Instant ball gag for the price of a cheap plastic dog toy!

(I know i must have read about doin this someplace but i also just kinda sorta made it up as i was typing the words. Let me know if it works or if it's the suckiest idea in the world, okay? ;) )
Practice golfballs from Walmart work too, with a leather boot lace and a toogle off an old coat hood tie (so you don't have to tie it) or you can buy toogles at payless shoes
I paid $8.00 for my ball gag at a shop close to where I live and have seen them online from time to time for about the same price and you can find them onsale from time to time too I know that prices vary from place to place but if you do some searching you can find them at reasonable prices.

but thenyou can also make or improvise with objects around your home

not sure what type of gag you would want to try but you can look around places like walmart or $1.00 stores, feed stores, hardwares stores etc and find objects that will work too.

a scarf can be used as a blind fold or a gag either one, not sure how much sound it will muffle but it could work.

but then like I said we don't use them becaus eof my asthma, the one we do have we only h ave becaus eI saw it and wanted it just to have it.

but anyway I guess this is just my warp sided two cents worth, and who knows maybe it was helpful in someway. maybe
Actually we have thought about getting a plastic golf practice ball like you would hit in your front yard. Its just like a whiffle ball, only smaller. Tie a ribbon or whatever like Cym said and there you have it, classic ball gag for little or no money.

As far as the bit goes, I actually like seeing my sub drool all over the place occasionally. We haven't tried a penis gag yet. Hey Cym, can you get those with a head harness?
I have never tried this at all! I dont like hoods because i dont like feeling enclosed too much (but he likes my eyes to be visible so that doesnt matter!) and Ive always used the pillow biting myself (that's an insult over here but hell i dont care. it's how it happens)

might have to give it a go now. good thread:D
Wow great ideas.

Cym I'll let ya know how it works....Walmart here I come....LOL

Lilred...also a very good idea.

Great Thread!!

Master will be so proud.......I hope...;)
What about a slightly damp washcloth? I've never tried it but I would think that it would still have the same sound muffling properties, might even look good, and wouldn't dry out your mouth so bad (because it's damp...funny how that works. Yes, I am a smartass. Someone spank me.)
Ah, Gags!

Hm. I occasionally have sinus problems, so gags aren't always an option. My favorites (That I've tried - I've never had a penis gag) are ball-types, both for look and feel. I've got a home made rope head harness that I can thread different balls onto. I've got a wiffle ball, a lacrosse ball and a racketball (I had to drill the lacrosse ball and use a penknife on the racketball).

None of these does a damn thing about noise, but they're all drool machines. I can clearly articulate around the racketball, but I've got a big mouth. (I mean, really. I can fit the lacrosse ball inside and close my lips around it.)

A couple of other home made gags I've used lately are a hand exercise ball (Y'know, those soft, foamy ones?) wrapped up in a bandana. Tie the ends of the bandana around your head with the ball in your mouth. Decent muffler; doesn't dry you out too bad.

And a couple of times recently, I've stuffed two damp bandanas (I told you; big mouth!) in my mouth and then mummified my head in an Ace bandage. I really like that one, though even with damp cloths, you end up dried out. Plus, the serious stuffing made my jaws ache pretty quickly.
Shadowsdream said:
Yahooooo cym!

Penis gags are My preference to use both on males and females...they certainly do build up a drool..or is that release a drool? Of course My fav of the moment is the double penis gag..

Excuse my ignorance here. A double penis gag? Anybody have a picture of one?
Re: Ah, Gags!

SpectreT said:
<snip> Plus, the serious stuffing made my jaws ache pretty quickly.

Ok now here is something I really hadn't thought to ask before now...

I also have jaw troubles...meaning soreness quite a bit. Can't even really stand going to the dentist because it hurts my jaw. How much would a ball or penis type gag add to this? I mean some sensations are't bad, but a jaw ache isn't fun to me.

Any thoughts on this?

I know, I'm falling apart.....LOL
ha! panties are good.
I like to use the penis gags, especially with male subs, cause sometimes they get whiny about it, which makes putting it on them double good. For those with breathing problems, you can get penis gags with holes in them to let the air in and out.

I saw this thread and started to hyper ventilate... I cannot help it.

Ok I am a bad sub... I make too much noise and I cannot use a gag...

Sometimes Himself just covers my head with a scarf, for that hooded look.... he loves that...

I have looked at ball gags and penis gags... and told Himself that maybe we should get one just to have and he could just take it out occassionally...

Just the thought it... well...
MzChrista said:
For those with breathing problems, you can get penis gags with holes in them to let the air in and out.

It's not the breathing I'm worried about, it's the complete inablity to speak while my mouth is stuffed with whatever, that scares the fuck out of me. If I can't speak I can't say: " RED!!! untie me, get my inhaler, I can't breathe." And if I can't say those things it's a very very real possibility that I'll end up either: 1. Dead or 2. In the ER explaining that we were having rough sex and I was bound and gagged, I had an asthma attack and by the time my Man realized it, it was too late and my inhaler didn't work. Or a nasty combination of the two. These are very real examples of things that can happen. I'm not about to tempt fate.
lilfrk said:

It's not the breathing I'm worried about, it's the complete inablity to speak while my mouth is stuffed with whatever, that scares the fuck out of me. If I can't speak I can't say: " RED!!! untie me, get my inhaler, I can't breathe." And if I can't say those things it's a very very real possibility that I'll end up either: 1. Dead or 2. In the ER explaining that we were having rough sex and I was bound and gagged, I had an asthma attack and by the time my Man realized it, it was too late and my inhaler didn't work. Or a nasty combination of the two. These are very real examples of things that can happen. I'm not about to tempt fate.

I don't blame you for not wanting to tempt fate with a serious condition like asthma. I wouldn't tempt fate either in that case.

However, I did pick up some practice golf balls today at the store, some with the holes and some foam ones. Will keep everyone updated as to how these work. :devil:

Made out a new list of things I'd like to try for Master today...gags are on there...;)