A Cloak of Lies Ch. 12


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"Here's how we play it," Niko whispered when the guards were out of earshot. "I'm going to walk straight up to the door. You two hang back and wait for reinforcements. As soon as Hansen gives the signal, try to take out as many of the patrol as you can before all hell breaks loose."

"That's your plan?" Brick growled.

"I don't like it," Olan said.

"Got any better ideas?"

"Yeah. We get the hell out of here," Brick muttered.

"Niko," said Olan. "You'll never make it. Those bastards will shoot you on sight."

"I doubt it," Niko returned. "Oleander wants me alive. He's got plans for me. When he gets his hands on this little box," he patted the bag again, "he's going to want answers."

"He's going to want to cut you to shreds, you mean."

"I'll take that chance. Partner, if I don't make it, get Camille out of here. Make sure she's safe."

Olan nodded, knowing that the chances of any of them making it out alive were slim. He held his tongue, deciding it would be better not to point out the obvious. Niko slapped his shoulder before darting into the open clearing.

He made it halfway across before a shot was fired. Brick and Olan watched helplessly as Niko was set upon by what appeared to be half a platoon of armed men. There was nothing they could do.


"Something's happening," Camille whispered as she pressed her face to the glass of the window.

"What?" Lorette asked as she joined Camille.

Both women watched as bright search lights flashed on. Men far below were all running, most of them in the same direction. Something had raised the alarm.

"I don't know, but whatever it is, it can't be good. Remember, stay close to me, Lorette."

They continued to watch the scene on the ground, but from their limited viewpoint, they really couldn't tell what was happening. They couldn't hear anything from this distance. Frustrated, Camille began to pace, reaching into her pocket every so often to touch the key. It was a strange item, not shaped like any key she'd seen before. It had to fit a very unusual lock, which left out the door to their room.

There were footsteps in the hall. It sounded like many people running in panic all at once. Checking to see that Lorette was still watching the people outside, Camille quietly opened the wardrobe where they stored their few items of clothing.

"Put your shoes on," Camille said as she tossed a pair at Lorette.

Both women had not bothered to put shoes on during their endless confinement of the last few days. It had been a choice for comfort, but at this point, it would be best to be prepared. As Lorette bent to slide the shoes over her slender feet, Camille pulled the hidden handgun from her pair of black flats. She slipped it into one pocket of her dress and the clips into the other one while simultaneously leaning into the wardrobe and jamming her feet into the shoes.

The effort cost her. Her raw flesh scraped painfully against the fabric of her dress, causing her to wince. She bit her lower lip to stifle the moan and did her best to ignore the discomfort. She had to be ready.

Ready for what, she had no idea. It seemed to take forever to find out. After an indeterminate amount of time, the door swung open to reveal Alma and Olaf.

"Come on," she said, waving a hand at Camille. "The man wants you."

Camille took Lorette's hand, pulling her along.

"Just you," Alma said.

"I'm not going anywhere without her, so you can get that through your thick head right now. She comes with me, or you'll have a fight on your hands."

The woman seemed to consider this for a few moments before shrugging her shoulders. She stepped back from the door to allow the women to pass.

"What do I care? You want the simpleton to watch what happens, that's your business."

Olaf led the way to the elevator, stepping back to let women enter first. Alma stayed behind, a smirk on her lovely, cold face. She looked a little too smug for Camille's comfort.

The doors closed after Olaf entered. Camille draped an arm about Lorette, hoping to give the quivering woman some much-needed strength. Olaf gave her a meaningful stare, capturing Camille's full attention. A sound came from the man, a hum of tuneless dimensions that seemed to make little sense. His voice sounded like a rusty hinge, attesting to its lack of use.

He repeated the sounds, still holding Camille's gaze with his own. A pattern emerged, the sounds stringing together to almost create a phrase. She could only frown in confusion, but listened intently. She recognized from his expression he was imparting something important. Finally, she hummed the phrase with him.

Olaf seemed satisfied as he turned to push a button on the elevator. He didn't look at either woman again until the lift came to a stop. He gave Camille a stern expression just as the doors opened. She nodded and stepped through, allowing him to lead them to a room where he locked them in again.

"What's going to happen now?" Lorette whispered.

Camille felt real pity for her. The poor woman had been through so much. Fear and uncertainty had become a way of life for her. But Camille wasn't in much better shape. It was all she could do to remain calm and keep her mind working.

A few moments later, they heard voices outside the door. One was Alma's, the other belonged to Gerhardt. Gerhardt sounded enraged, while Alma's voice was cajoling, as if trying to calm him down. Though it was difficult to make out all that was being said, it was obvious that their discussion was connected to whatever had triggered the activity outside the building. The volume of the voices rose and dropped, but even with her ear pressed to the door, Camille could understand little of it.

After they went away, Camille turned to Lorette with a small smile. "Niko's here," she said simply.

"How do you know?"

"Only Niko can cause such a commotion or make people that mad. He's here. Stay close, Lorette. When the time comes, be ready to run."

It wasn't long before two men entered the room to drag Camille out. She fought hard, wrapping her arms around Lorette and refusing to let go. In the end, they took both women to their new destination.

They entered Oleander's immense study. Lorette let out a cry when she was separated from Camille and held in the iron grip of one guard. The other pulled Camille back against him, holding the blade of a knife up in front of her face while his arm encircled her neck to hold her fast.

"Let her go."

The low, menacing voice pulled Camille's attention from the glittering blade. Her heart skipped more than one beat when she looked into the face of her husband. He didn't look directly at her, but at the man who held all the strings behind the giant desk.

"She's got nothing to do with this, Oleander. Let her go."

"Ah, but I'm afraid I can't do that, Mr. Pavli. I'm a patient man, but my patience is wearing thin. You have something of mine and I want it back."

Oleander's voice was more cold than usual. All pretense of congenial host was dropped revealing the soulless man who demanded total obedience. When he stepped from behind the desk to face Camille, a cold shudder of revulsion coursed down her spine.

"My dear," he said without a trace of emotion. "Your husband has proved to be very uncooperative." He held up a gray metal box for her to see. "All that I ask is that my property be returned and instead he brought this obvious replica. What do you think I should do to convince him?"

Camille only glared at him. She had no intention of giving him the satisfaction of an answer.

"Cat got your tongue?" Oleander said. "No matter. I'm sure we can convince your husband to divulge his secrets."

He nodded at someone behind her. Within moments, Olaf opened the door to the study, admitting Emil Gerhardt. The ruined visage that glared at her nearly caused her stomach to rebel. The carved side of his face had scabbed over, looking worse than when Oleander had done it. It was his eyes, though, that nearly pushed her over the edge. Never had she seen such hatred as that which this man aimed at her.

"I will ask you one more time, Mr. Pavli," Oleander said. "Your failure to answer this time will result in Mr. Gerhardt having his way with your wife. Be assured that it will be anything but pleasant. Now, where is my hard drive?"

Camille looked at Niko's face; saw the pain and the rage he kept so tightly controlled. She knew he would not tell Oleander anything. She finally understood why Niko had been trying so hard to protect her, what it was that kept him on the run. No matter what he did, no matter what he gave Oleander, the man was still going to kill them both. There was no way to stop him and he would stop at nothing to get what he wanted.

Gerhardt took a step closer. He was actually salivating at the prospect of causing her pain and death. She could see it in his eyes—and in the drool that seeped from the corner of his mouth.

"Keep your hands off my wife," Niko ground out.

Camille glanced over to see her husband advancing. The two men that flanked him grabbed his arms, pulling him back as Gerhardt reached out wrap his fist in her hair. He wrenched her head back and to the side, his mouth descending to grind harshly against hers. She barely heard Niko's roar over the rush of blood in her ears. Her hand stole into her pocket, clutching the grip of the handgun Olaf had given her. If she was meant to die, it would be under her own terms.

The next sound she heard was strange. It started out as a long, keening whistle. It seemed muffled, as if coming from a great distance. Then the world began to shudder, the very air around them trembling. If not for the two men holding her, she would have crashed to the floor.

Then all was chaos. No Fourth of July fireworks display had ever prepared her for the violence of this explosion. Clouds of smoke and dust filled the air as chunks of debris rained down on her head. She dropped to the floor before she realized she was free.

In the next instant, she was on her feet, choking on the foul air while she tried to find Niko and Lorette. She couldn't see her hand in front of her face. Someone grabbed her arm, the grip too strong for her to fight, but fight she did. It was only after he got her arms pinned to her sides that she saw the white gloves on the hands. It was Olaf.

"Where's Niko?" she asked, but the butler only stared at her.


He pointed the way, leading her to where he'd seen the other woman fall. Voices were screaming all around—some in pain and anguish, others in pure rage. Men seemed to appear from nowhere, bumping into her, nearly toppling her in their haste to reach safety. There was another explosion, this one farther away, that shook the mansion to its rafters once more. Chunks of brick and mortar made hissing sounds as they flew past.

Finally, Camille could see Lorette. She was curled in a ball on the floor, her arms encasing her head in an effort to protect it.

"Get up!" Camille screamed, tugging on the girl's arm. "We have to get out of here now."

Lorette stumbled to her feet, her hand clenched tightly around Camille's. Prying her fingers loose, Camille shoved Lorette at Olaf, turning, then, to search for Niko.


That one lone cry showed her the way. As more explosions tore through the building, she managed to find her husband, to feel his arms close about her. For the briefest of moments, all sound ceased to exist. His heart beat against her cheek, his scent filled her nostrils.

"Camille," Lorette yelled over the din. "We gotta run."

The next explosion was too close, sending them all sprawling in the rubble. Niko was the first to his feet, pulling his wife up along side. As he began to drag her toward what he thought was safety, she stopped him.

"We have to take Lorette and Olaf," she shouted over the din.

"My dad," Lorette said. "I have to find him."

"Who are these people?" Niko yelled back. "There's no time. We leave now."

Lorette was already heading back into the rubble of the building with Camille on her heels. Niko let loose a stream of Greek curses designed to bring her up short, but she only grabbed his hand to drag him along.

"Damn it, Camille," he yelled. "This whole place is coming down."

"I promised to help her," Camille yelled back.

Olaf was at the front, leading the way deeper into the house. A man with a gun stepped into his path. Quick as a flash, the silent butler grabbed the man's head and snapped his neck. Glancing back at the women, he stepped over the body to continue along his path.

"Who is that guy?" Niko demanded.

"He's a friend," was all Camille said as she followed.

"Pavli," a voice called out.

Niko rounded, ready to fight whoever was behind them. Camille turned to see a man of such gigantic proportions she had to stop and gape. He was beyond enormous, dwarfing even the immense size of the stone-lined hallway in which they stood as well as the enormous weapons he carried. If she hadn't been so shocked, she might have had the presence of mind to be scared.

"Brick," Niko yelled back. "Where you hiding Olan?"

"Ground troops are on the way," Olan said.

To Camille's relief, Niko's partner stepped out from behind the behemoth. She wanted to hug the very breath from his lungs. Before she could voice her relief, they heard shouting coming from a room ahead. Olaf waved everyone back against the wall as he peered around the corner. He turned back to give Camille a meaningful look before sidling into the room.

Camille distinctly heard Oleander's voice, as well as that of Emil Gerhardt and several others. There was another series of small explosions at the front of the house. It sounded like a battle scene from a Vietnam War movie. Lorette put a hand over her own mouth to stifle a scream at the sound of gunshots in the room.

"Olaf," Camille said softly.

"Who's Olaf?" Niko demanded.

"He saved my life," she said. "We have to help him."

She pulled the small gun from her dress pocket and fumbled with the loaded clip. Niko, one brow cocked, took the weapon from her, loaded it and handed it back to her.

"Don't be afraid to use it," he said.

"I won't."

She dashed forward only to be stopped by Niko.

"Where are you going?"

"To help him. Oleander will kill him."

"Stay put," Niko ordered, waving to the men behind. "Let's get him, boys,"

The three men charged into the room in a volley of gunfire, leaving the two women behind to worry about their fate.

"This is bullshit," Camille announced. She moved in front of Lorette and edged her way to the door. "Stay behind me."

The sounds of explosions and gunfire to the rear were getting louder, the battle drawing closer. Lorette made no sound, but Camille could feel her shaking in fear. Soon there would be no place left to hide.

She heard more shots in the room, peeking around the corner to see that Niko and his men were pinned behind an over-turned table. Oleander was behind a pillar, his gun drawing a bead on a bleeding Olaf. Camille fired first.

She missed Oleander's skull by mere inches, the bullet lodging in the wood of the pillar. It was enough to draw the creature's attention as he turned the gun on her. She ducked back behind the doorway, panting in fear. Another volley of shots rang out.

When she chanced a glance again, Olaf was on his feet; his large frame heaving while he stumbled toward Oleander's hiding spot. At that moment, Gerhardt stepped from behind a large file cabinet to take aim. In one shot, the silent butler lay on the ground, his eyes staring sightlessly at the ceiling.

Camille let out a cry, pulling herself back behind the wall.

"What happened?" Lorette asked.

"Olaf. He killed Olaf."

There was another explosion—this one too close—that had the women dropping to the floor. More shots were fired inside the room. Camille was in a crouched position, the gun clutched in her sweating hand, with Lorette clinging to her dress.

"I can't stand this," Camille said.

Shaking Lorette's hand loose, she duck-walked forward to get a better look. Three hired guns still had Niko and the others trapped, while Gerhardt was making his way around behind them. Oleander remained in his hiding place, allowing his mercenaries to do his dirty work. The man looked positively unruffled.

She took a shot at Oleander, then dashed across the doorway to get behind the other wall. Now standing at her full height, she had a better view of the snake that intended to kill her husband. He was almost in position. His weapon was raised; his eyes alight with a vicious gleam while shots rang out between Niko's side and those that had them pinned.

"No!" she screamed as she stepped from cover.

She fired several shots, even after Gerhardt fell. Another explosion sent chunks of brick and mortar crumbling down, forcing her to duck and cover. A round of gunfire burst around her in a deafening cacophony. When the smoke cleared, it was Niko's hand that lifted her to her feet.

"What the hell were you doing?" he yelled.

She was shaken, her eyes wild with fear. Running her hands over his body, she looked for any sign of blood. When she saw that he was in one piece, she threw her arms about him.

"I thought he was going to kill you."

"Damn it, woman. If I need you to fight my battles--"

"Your battles?" she screamed as she stepped back. "Where the hell do you think I've been all this time? This isn't just your battle anymore."

She stopped, glancing across the room at the bodies strewn about. When she located Gerhardt's, she shuddered in revulsion.

"I told him I'd kill him," she said softly. "I told him I'd do it for ever touching me."

Niko pulled her close, feeling her wince when he hugged her tight. He loosened his grip, took a long look at her.

"Is he the one who did this to you?"

She could see the rage and the pain in his eyes. She knew she looked horrible, her face and body battered. All she could do was nod.

"Poor Olaf," she murmured. "He saved me."

"I owe him a debt I can never repay," Niko said.

"Niko," Olan called out. "Brick's hit."

"Oleander?" he yelled back.

"Out that door there," Olan said, pointing to a back entrance. "The son-of-a-bitch wasn't even touched."

"Lorette," Camille said, suddenly remembering the other woman.

She found Lorette in fetal position once more, covered in bits of rubble and dust. She pulled her to her feet and through the door. Another round of gunfire sounded from down the hall. This time it seemed that fewer shots were returned.

"It's World War three out there," Lorette muttered.

"Camille," Niko called out. "Brick's hit in the chest. Can you help him?"

She rushed to comply with Lorette still attached to her arm. Both women dropped to the floor beside the fallen man. Lorette let out a startled cry at the amount of blood pouring from the gaping wound. Without hesitation, the woman tore the man's shirt open, using a piece of it to stem the flow of blood.

"I must be dying," the big man growled, "because you sure look like an angel."

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fiammettafiammettaalmost 15 years ago

I've been waiting forever for this chapter! And it met all of my expectations! Keep going with this great series.

PennyWhackerPennyWhackeralmost 15 years ago
Thanks Molly

Thank you for updating the story. Love it and want more!!

PrincessErinPrincessErinalmost 15 years ago

Was excited to see this chapter posted then realized I had missed the last three. Great reading - thanks so much.

DesertPirateDesertPiratealmost 15 years ago
Better & Better!

Glad to see this. The cliffhanger makes me wonder what you are going to do to Brick.. Getting close to the end, I really want to see how you tie it all up. Great Story!

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