A Dish Best Served Cold Ch. 07


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Ashley dumped the clothes in a pile on the daybed, before she realized Marco’s mess hadn’t been cleaned up. She shrugged and went to the mantle to grab the key to the cuffs holding Don down on the hassock.

As she was unlocking the cuffs, Marco grabbed Don by the hair. “Well, nephew, it looks like you have a new job,” he paused, “or two.”


“You’re my new chauffeur and my official cocksucker. Brock was right, it feels different, and I prefer it, especially right after I fuck your ass; make that job number three.” He walked over to the daybed to dress, and cursed Ashley for dropping his dark silk suit in his cum.

He dressed in a hurry, pushing Don to do the same. “You need to get me home in a hurry, to change those accounts. What time is it?”

“Quarter to four. We’ve got lots of time. We can go to my place to access the accounts,” Don pointed out.

“Hmmh. No, get me to my office in Northport. We should have plenty of time. Just don’t dawdle.”

“Uh, Uncle Marco, can’t we go to my place. I really need to take a dump...

“So do I! Just hold it. I don’t have time for you to take a half million dollar shit. Now, get he fuck movin!”

Lee quickly apprised Max and the other two women of what he had learned. The quartet quickly dressed and took off for the hospital as soon as Marco and Don were out of the house. They arrived in the waiting room a few minutes after the doctor informed Pete of the medical team’s success. Pete relayed the information the doctor had given him, holding back any mention of the baby.

The small group stood in the center of the reception room, silent, as is common in this situation, no one really knowing what to say. Finally Pete broke the silence, “I, uh, I gotta get outta here, get some air. Rosa should be upstairs in a little bit. Tell her I’ll see her later, okay?”

“Sure, Pete. Are you okay?” asked Lee. “Want someone to drive you home to crash for a bit?”

“No, no. I’m fine; I’ll grab a cab and go back and get the car. Thanks, anyway.”

He gave each of the women a hug, and walked out of the hospital.

Marco had insisted Don take the two-lane from Riverview to Northport, claiming, with less traffic, it would be faster. As soon as they were clear of the town, Don goosed it up to 65 and held it there, the Caddy taking the curves like a race car.

They were about halfway to Northport when the cramps started in Don’s abdomen. He could feel the gas moving in his bowel. It was nearly as painful as when Lee had raped his ass. Sometimes, it was almost enough to make him pull his knees up, pulling his feet off the gas and brake pedals.

If Marco noticed, he didn’t say anything. He was sitting in the back, trying to clean the white cumtraks off his black silk suit. It wasn’t until he felt the vehicle veer suddenly, that he paid any attention.

Don was white knuckling the steering wheel, his face seemingly buried in its center. His knees pulled up and pushing on the back of the steering wheel, forcing it off to the right of the road.

“Goddam it, Don! What the fuck do you think you’re doing? Straighten the fuck up before you hit the fucking bridge! Don! Don! Dooooon!” The left wheel of the Caddy left the road and started up the bridge’s superstructure.

Just before the rear wheel followed it, the weight of the Caddy overcame the forward inertia and began to fall sideways into the inlet. It wasn’t very deep. In fact, the Caddy’s wheels stuck up out of the water. If either man had been wearing his seat belt, one or both of them might have survived, but broken necks and water are a lethal combination, especially on seldom traveled roads. It was two days before the car was seen.

Back at St John’s, Lee, and his party were gathered about Rosa’s bed. She was too groggy from the surgery to be aware of very much, but she did realize Pete wasn’t there. She heard Lee telling her that he had needed to go home and get some rest. It just barely registered that the nurse told her that her baby was fine.

Lee heard that information, too, and felt his stomach sink. During the days their friendship was forming, Pete had lamented that he’d never father a child. Being sterile was great fun when you were out sport fucking, but he knew he’d rue the day he had lost his balance on the pommel horse and come crashing down on his testes. He wondered if that was what had been bothering Pete when they arrived.

Lee drove past Pete and Rosa’s apartment on his way home, after dropping Ashley and Thelma at their places. He explained his concerns to Max. “Do you think he’d really hold it against her, even when you had essentially traded partners?”

“I don’t know. Some times Pete can be pretty old school about things. I know he was upset because he couldn’t have his own, but he never talked about adoption.

“I remember one time when we were on the road together, we were watching some cop show about something happening at a sperm bank. He said you’d have to be crazy to go to one of them. Said you could never be sure what you were getting.”

“But, if she was telling the truth, he knows who...”

“And maybe that is part of the problem. He’d always be wondering about me and Rosa, and if I wanted to be more than just a seed donor.”

“Would you?”

He looked at his twin. “Only with you, love. Only with you.”

Rosa was released from the hospital the next day. When she arrived home there was a note from Pete saying he had to go away, to think about the baby; that he’d be in touch with her soon.

By the first Friday in April, she still hadn’t heard from him.

Max and Lee had decided to stay in New York and take over the management of Carruthers Machine Tool. Since they were regarded as distant cousins by most of the community, there had been no problem in getting a license and a minister to marry them a few weeks after Don’s death. Now the baby was due in a couple of weeks.

Max had come into the office for a shower being thrown for her and the twins by the women there. Edie had been invited, but, unusually, was running late. As she hurried into the office from the parking lot, she saw an out of state rental car. Looking closely at the driver, she thought she recognized him, and approached him from the rear.

“Peter Adams! What are you doing out here? Why aren’t you inside?”

Pete nearly jumped out of his skivvies. “Wha...oh, Edie. Christ, you scared me.”

“So, what are you doing here?”

“I, uh, wanted to talk to Lee.”

She pulled the car door open. “Fine, come with me and you can talk to him inside. There’s a baby shower for the twins today, so if you wait out here, you might be waiting until dark.” She reached in and pulled him from the car by his ear.

“Owww, alright, alright, I’m coming; you can let go.”

“I will, as soon as we’re inside. Now, come along.” Inside, she released his ear, only to take hold of his arm, and dragged him to the office suite. She pushed him through the swinging glass door, where he stopped to take in the scene.

To the left, in front of Lee ‘s office, he, Ian, and a police patrolman were laughing, and chatting, half standing, half sitting on the hip-high dividing wall which separated the offices from the open lobby.

Across the floor, in the center, grouped around Max, were Thelma and a younger black woman he assumed was her daughter. They were together on Max’s left. On the other side were Ashley, who, he would eventually learn, was engaged to Tommy Davis, who was being hired to replace Don as manager of the sales department, and Rosa, who had recently come to work as Lee’s secretary.

What was remarkable about the woman’s group was their pose. Max was standing with her right hand lightly resting on her baby bulge. Each of the other four women were standing exactly the same way, all of them at least six months pregnant, all with the same Madonna-like smile.

Edie pushed him toward the three men while she made her way to the women’s group. Before he was half way across the floor, he felt their eyes on him. He looked at the women, and found all of them following his progress.

He stopped, and turned to walk to the female gathering. Five of the women withdrew to a nearby office, leaving Rosa in place. When he got to her, he said nothing, but simply fell to his knees.

“I’ve been an ass, Rosa, and I don’t deserve it, but can you forgive me?”

“You’re right, and I don’t know. Why are you here?”

“I needed to talk to Lee, to find out what his intentions were about your child.”

“Why not ask me? What has he got to do with anything?”

“He’s the father...”

“The father is who I say it is,” she said firmly. “All he did was deposit a seed. That doesn’t make him the father, any more than a bird shitting out a cherry pit makes it the father of a cherry tree.

“The father is going to be the man who helps me nurture and care for my son; who shows him how to be a man and take care of the people he loves; who stays and deals with his problems together with me.” She sniffed. “I thought I found him once, but I was wrong.”


“He was a good man, right up until he found out I was carrying a baby. Not his baby, not from his seed, and apparently that was all that mattered to him, because without talking to me, or to anyone else about it, he ran away, leaving me alone at a time I really needed him. At a time, I came to realize, when he probably needed me, too, but he was gone and out of reach.”

She looked down at the slight blond man. His hair was too long, ragged, and he looked like he hadn’t seen a razor in at least a week. He was wearing the same suit he had been wearing when she was attacked right after New Years Day. It badly needed cleaning. “You look like hell. Where have you been?”

“Here, there; I went out to Walla Walla to see my sister and her husband, then down to Arizona to see my folks. I went back to Cedar for a few weeks, but didn’t talk to anyone important.

“I know what I did was...cowardly, wrong, weak. I was scared, and in shock. I had almost lost you, and I had just killed a man because he had hurt you, tried to kill you. I felt no remorse, haven’t felt any, not a drop, and it scared me, that I could do something like that, and not feel anything.

“On top of that, I realized my best friend had got the woman I love pregnant. I know it must have happened the day he and I both made love to you, but I still resented him for it. Resented the idea of anyone but me doing that to you.

“It doesn’t make any sense because I know I can’t, but it should have been ‘me’ who did that to you. And it hurts, hurts so fucking bad.” Rosa could hear he sob just under his voice.

“I had to come back to see what he was going to do; what you were going to do.” He looked up at her.

“‘He’ isn’t going to do anything, because I don’t want him to do anything. If the man I loved doesn’t show up, then I’ll raise my baby by myself. Lots of women do it. It won’t be easy, but I’m smart, and I’m strong. And I’ll have some help. The five of us have promised that we’ll all support each other.”

“The man you loved? Who...”

“He was kind and generous, sensitive, funny, and he promised to love me, no matter what happened...”

“Rosa, I can be all that again, if you’ll...”

“You’ll have to prove it, Pete. And it will take some time. Are you willing to try, knowing everything?”

Before he could answer, Max screamed and crumpled to the floor. “Oh, my god!” she cried, “my water just broke.”

[Author's note: it had been my intention to stop here, but the first question my test readers asked was "were the babies ok?", so:]

Christmas, eight months later:

Lee and Max have taken over managing the plant, and have moved into Ian’s house. Ian and Edie are visiting them for the holiday, but spend most of the year living on one of the Carribean Islands, financed by the money in Don’s special accounts. Patsy Caruso was convinced to disclose the presence of three more accounts which brought the total up to just under 1.1 million.

Lee and Max invited Pete and Rosa for Christmas, but they felt their ‘son,’ little Rosa, was too young to travel from Cedar, and promised to get back for a visit next year, barring any problems with Pete’s recovery. He was scheduled for a new type of micros-surgery, to correct some problems with his epididymis.

Tom and Ashley Davis were at dinner, as were Thelma, who had left the plant to become Max and Lee’s live-in nanny, and their babies, both little girls. Teesha was in Florida. Right after her son was born, she convinced Thelma to let her go down to live with her aunt and go to school to be a nurse. So far she was doing well.

Ron and Virginia were also invited. They had stayed on at Carruthers, overseeing the second shift. In a private conversation with Lee, Ron had learned about penile implants, and was waiting to see a urologist in Rochester.

The twins, Charlie and Judy, had weighed nine pounds, give or take an ounce, at birth. Bright and energetic, at eight months they were beginning to try to walk. They would babble back and forth, then take off crawling as fast as possible toward who knew what.

Sue had advised Max to shut down her baby factory. Looking at his harem’s output, Lee had agreed, and volunteered to have the surgery, since it would take him less time to recover. OUCH!


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AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Loved it! An actual story, with love, sex, violence; what's not to like? 5 stars. Will definitely read more of yoyr stuff.

Granpa42Granpa42over 1 year ago

very good. This is my first comment after reading on the site for over a year. I will be reading more of your submissions. Keep up the good work

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Very good, enjoyed it immensely. Good thing you put the right closure to it. Otherwise, the ending would have been left hanging.

Rancher46Rancher46over 2 years ago

Good story, well written. 5 stars

mrdata9770mrdata9770about 3 years ago

This was a very nice story. It seemed a bit rushed at times, especially the last two chapters and the end itself. There were too many things happening at once with too many characters at times. It also seemed to me that the author wanted to include as many types of mainstream erotica (if there really are such things) as he could in this story. The story morphed from a loving sibling theme into a cornucopia of erotica turning the lead male character from a virtuous loving brother into a king with his own harem. Which is not a bad thing in itself, but not what I was looking for or expected. IMO, the villain's comeuppance was surprising and strange. I wasn't expecting a gay scene in this story. I have absolutely no problem with the style of the writing and use of grammar. This is not a commercial web-site publishing professional authors. I’m giving this last chapter 4 stars only because of the gay scene, that I actually read. Please don’t misunderstand, I’m just not into it, and was not looking for it when I was pulled into an interesting narrative in the first 6 chapters of this series. Which goes to show how well this story was presented. Oh yeah, I feel sorry for the Grammar Troll haunting all seven chapters. They should get a life.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Thank You!!

Thank you for writing a story with a plot. I look for stories thst have more than wham bam thank you mam! It was a pleasure to read this.

dikupinyadikupinyaabout 4 years ago
great writing

too bad it ended. room for more chapters.

Rapier875Rapier875about 4 years ago
Brilliant !

My only regret is that it was too short and that consequently I've got to the end........


Gwyllrad_DraegonGwyllrad_Draegonabout 7 years ago

Hey julybear7, are you still around? Nothing new since Feb 2014. Are you still active?

I come across this story a few years back, an enjoyable good read, had me laughing quite a few times throughout the pages, and chapters. There were a few scenes where though could have been extended, or worded a little differently, but in the whole, I thoroughly enjoyed them.

I thought the scene dealing with Don and Marco was funny, although that type of scene is not the normal I read, it suited the comeuppance due to those two characters perfectly.

I have read this story at least a 1/2 dozen times in the time since it was published/I first discovered it, and no doubt I will re-read it again. Keep up the good work.

Gwyllrad_DraegonGwyllrad_Draegonabout 7 years ago
Hey, Anonymous Cunt Fuck!

To the Anonymous Cunt Fuck, 04/14/16, you are an abstract, fetid, rancid, excrement-eating, vomit-spewing waste of genetic material, using up precious oxygen that is better served for more enlightened individuals.

The stories published on this website are, wait for it... Amateur Stories, created by Amateur Authors, with NO Professional Editors, Proof Readers, etc. So there are likely to be errors in linguistic usage. While a decent spell check can remove all glaringly obvious errors, a grammar checker, as well as re-reading your story a few times before sending it out can pick up other subtle issues with the language used.

Another factor you have to take into account, is the author's themselves, as well as the characters they are creating. Not everyone is at a professor level of understanding, and usage of words. There are cultural, societal, as well as colloquial terms, and grammar usage at play.

The fact remains, as this is an amateur story site, the contributing authors are NOT going to spend upwards of tens to hundreds of hours, or more, creating a masterpiece, to then spend countless hours re-checking their work over and over again, the same way a professional author does. There is NO Financial reward for posting on this, or any other amateur site.

You obviously have a serious problem with this author, and their stories, so if you dislike him/them that much, why keep criticising every chapter?

The simple answer is this, if you dislike the choice of words used, the story, the author, or even the genre, DON'T READ IT.

There are 2 specific authors on this site that I cannot abide, 1 of them I absolutely detest any and all of their work, solely on the premise that ALL of their work is just rehashed from previous submissions of theirs, and they have a flawed, super inflated opinion of themselves, and ALL their stories feature the same, arrogant, misogynistic overtones. Yes, I have read numerous stories of theirs, so I know that view to be fact, and not just a supposition.

Do you know what I do when I come across their stories?

Well, do you?

You're not sure, are you? No?

Well, ok then, if your that dense, I think I'll tell you. If I see their name in a search listing, or when I click on a link and I find out the story is one of theirs, I immediately skip past the story, or close out of the page. I will not put myself through the hassle of reading gutter-shite. What is the outcome using this tactic, there is no stress, frustration, annoyance, anger, etc. In other words, no fucking drama!

Do everyone a favour, stop posting your inane shit. Yes, we know most stories posted have some form of errors, most are very little, and are easily overlooked with little detraction from the quality of the story. Get over your pedantic childish nit-picking, take your incessant cyber criticisms and go jump off a cyber cliff into the cyber-void of nothingness that to which your comments are destined to mean to ANYONE in the REAL WORLD.

timelord1963timelord1963over 7 years ago
great story

I think the add on was a good move, it tied up a lot of loose ends. I am not into gay stuff so I was not thrilled by that section, but I am sure some will. I do not rate stories any more, Lit rating system needs reform. It only works if you get a large enough sample size, say forty or fifty.

it is a shame there are so many jerks out there. if they think it is a bad story they should give you constructive reasons why it is a bad story. Then you know how to become a better writer.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Good story.Found I was skipping the sex scenes to get back to the story line.Thanks.

tantalisetantaliseover 7 years ago
brilliant story

hi julybear,

thank you for a great story , I enjoyed it thouroughly. most chapters got 5 stars from me.

i refused to let that pedantic twerp "anonymous" ,upset or interrupt my enjoyment ---- if he or she found it so bad why didn't they just move to another story --- it is very easy to be critical ---but please don,t be put off or deterred.

well done.

kindest regards


denbidenbialmost 8 years ago
Thoroughly brilliant tale from start to finish.

I honestly believe that this is the most entertaining and enjoyable story I have read on Literotica. Well crafted with empathetic, (and pathetic!! 😁) characters, who caught the imagination and fueled continuing interest. My only problem was with the ; obviously; mentally deranged, ' anonymous.' Whom I decline to grace with capitalisation. 😻 Meow (tuttut, my claws are showing 😁)

All praise and congratulations to Jb7 for entertaining us with such a captivating novella.

All power to your pen, well done and keep up the excellent work. All the best Den

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

I want more! This was a GREAT story! I loved it! I wish you could add just a touch more, but having read the postscript you added to this chapter I totally understand and will just have to reread this again!


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