A Domme Submits


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Jenna turned from the table, a stunned look on her face. No one had spoken to her like that in years. In fact not since her destruction in the scene with Melissa. Slowly her stunned look turned into a thin smile, this was going to be fun.

"So? Think you're hard do you bitch? Well I'll make you a deal, If you can last one hour without saying the words 'I submit Mistress' to me not only will I untie you but I'll let you put me in your position and let you run wild on me. Are we on?"

"Damn right we are you blonde skank! The only problem I see is if you're too scared to go through with it once I last you out!"

Jenna pointed to a clock on the wall in front of where Melissa lay.

"OK then it's now showing as 2pm if you haven't submitted by 3pm then I will release you and take your place."

Melissa nodded vehemently, she was determined now, she had a target in mind and was sure she could handle anything this bimbo could throw at her. She watched as Jenna withdrew a thin bamboo cane from a rack behind her and stroked its length as she came round behind Melissa, the battle was on!

In a wild frenzy Jenna delivered over a hundred strokes with that cane to Melissa's backside. It took less than five minutes and by the time Jenna finally relented (her arm too sore to continue for the moment) Melissa's delicious arse had been turned from a series of thin red lines into one large, throbbing scarlet area that discernible heat was rising up of. Throughout the rush of blows Melissa had bitten down on her lower lip and somehow managed not to make a sound. Yes her body had shaken and quivered as the strokes arrived but she had somehow kept her silence throughout and it had unnerved the dominant blonde somewhat.

"Think your tough bitch? That was just for starters!" screamed Jenna, but even that pleased Melissa she knew she had rattled her foe already, could hear it in her voice, knew the blows had been scattershot rather than measured and besides Melissa hoped she would concentrate on her ass rather than other areas of her body, she was sure of her ass.

And indeed it was Melissa's ass that was the target when Jenna's right arm had recovered, this time utilising a riding crop. And this time she did elicit a verbal reaction from the immobile figure that she was whipping. Melissa gave off a series of high pitched yelps after a few harsh slashes from Jenna with the crop. This brought a smile back to the blonde, she enjoyed hearing her brunette rival in pain but what she didn't know that although Melissa was yelping, she still could have kept quiet. Yes the blows hurt but she was s till able to take them but by doing this she was sure the dumb blonde would continue to focus on her ass for longer.

Sure enough the tactic worked. Jenna spent another ten minutes whaling away at Melissa's ass with the riding crop turning it a darker shade of ugly red but eventually as Melissa's yelps lessened and the blonde took the time to observe her 'victim' she saw a certain smugness about her and realised that attacking her ass was not the best way to go about winning this challenge. This realisation really set Jenna off, she threw the riding crop to the floor, stormed round to face Melissa spat right between her eyes and the bitch slapped her as hard as she could while cursing her with every name under the sun while Melissa laughed up at her.

"Don't laugh at me you old cunt! You motherfucking slut! I am going to destroy you! Fucking break you like a twig!"

Melissa just laughed back at her, knowing that she was buying herself more and more time. Finally Jenna got back her composure and realised her mania was costing her dear. She turned her back on her bound foe and took a moment to get herself together and try to clear her mind. Did she dare spend more time thrashing that ass? Or was it time to start elsewhere on the bitch's body? She knew time was ticking.

A glance over her table of instruments gave her the answer. There glistening were a brand new set of stainless steel crocodile teeth clip nipple clamps.

"Ok let's see how these work on you bitch, shall we?"

That seemed to wipe the smirk from Melissa's face. Indeed her nipples were the place to attack if you wanted to put the pressure on the brunette. Ever since her boob job they had been funny, more sensitive, like they had been stretched and from the look of those clamps that was not a good thing. Jenna squatted down so she could get good access to Melissa's tits, Melissa squirming to keep them firmly on top of the bench. She managed to waste a few seconds but Jenna hooked her hand in her hair and ripped it up, lifting her head and torso up so she clipped the firs then the second clamp firmly in each nipple and watched as Melissa felt the pain hit her. They were tight and hard and cold and Melissa felt like she had been hit with a jolt of electricity. Jenna noticed the tightening of Melissa's features immediately and knew that this was a far better avenue to explore in breaking her into submission.

And Jenna was no mug using them either, no sooner than they had gripped into Melissa's sensitive nipples and sent the pain into them had she pinched their tops to take them off to allow the blood back into them before clamping them back on, this time even sorer. The third time she did this she finally got a facial reaction from Melissa that pleased her, a pained grimace of apparent discomfort. And this time it was real discomfort. Melissa squirmed on the bench, desperate to get the clamps released but unable to do a thing. Jenna squatted down to eye level with her captive and taunted her face to face.

"Come on you old witch! Quit now before I really break you! Quit and tell me how superior I am and how pathetic you are! Tell me I'm the most dominant porn star ever!"

Jenna lifted the clamps three more times as she said this snapping them back into place each time. Melissa screwed up her face and tried to spit at the blonde but the angle wasn't right and she ended up dribbling her own saliva down over her chin. Which just made Jenna laugh at her efforts. After a few more pinches with the cruel clamps Jenna started twisting and turning them when they were on Melissa's nipples. For this she was rewarded with the sight of her foes face twisted and contorted into a look of anguish as she tried to hold back any groans or screams. She did not want to give this blonde bimbo any encouragement at all. She must not make a sound.

They were past the half hour mark now and although Jenna was happy with how things were going she knew she was going to need more to get that submission from Melissa, who was proving more resilient that she had expected. She left the clamps on Melissa's nipples and moved to her table again this time coming back with an ice bucket.

"I wonder if your other most sensitive parts are able to withstand my attentions slut? Let's see, shall we?"

With that Jenna took a handful of ice and pressed it up inside Melissa's pussy. It was as shocking and breathtaking as it was unexpected and that finally forced Melissa to break her silence, more through surprise than anything else.


"Hmm. So you can speak bitch. Nice to know. Now how about telling me that I am the better dominant. That I am your superior and that I am your Mistress an you are just a dumb pain slut?"

Melissa's blue eyes flashed with rage as she shook her head.

"Never, bitch! Yeeeaaarhh!"

This latest noise came from Melissa as Jenna attached a third crocodile clamp, this time on her freezing cold clit. With all three clamps on and tight Melissa's body was pushed to it's limits and this time when Jenna picked up her cane and began to lash it against Melissa's bright red ass each jerk of the brunette's body brought fresh intense sensations through her tits and pussy. Jenna pointed to the clock as she spoke.

"You've got just over twenty minutes left bitch, think you can hold out that long through this? I don't. I know you're going to quit, going to cry and beg me to stop and beg to be my pain slut so why prolong this? Just give up and admit I am the better woman and I can end this. Give up!"

"NO! You can kiss my ass slut!" was Melissa's defiant shout.

"Kiss it? No, I'll not kiss it but I will fuck it slut. I'll ass fuck it like never before!"

Jenna stormed over to her table and swiftly strapped on a huge strap on dildo. She was getting ever more desperate now, the clock was inexorably ticking towards the hour and she knew in herself that if she failed to break Melissa in that time then she would have failed. She knew that she would honour the bet and would then be completely at the older woman's mercy and just the thought of that video shoot all those years turned the blondes blood to ice. There was no way she would allow that to happen. She was in the strap on harness in seconds and had the tip of the thick plastic dick positioned at the tight entrance to Melissa's ass even quicker. With her right hand she jerked back on Melissa's long, dark hair and hissed in her ear.

"You get one chance bitch! One chance to submit and tell me what I want to hear or I will ass fuck you like you've never had it before! You know I will!"

Melissa knew it, her entire body was giving back bad signals now, her defences were lowering, her determination sapping away but still she would never surrender to this novice, her pride would not allow it. In a gasping breathless voice she spat out.

"Do it then bitch! Do it! I'll never quit!"

Jenna froze for a moment, stunned by the determination and venom in her rivals voice. She was struck by the notion that, perhaps, she was not going to win this challenge after all and it scared her. After a moment though she fought down her panic and rammed the dildo home. Melissa jerked her entire body as she was anally invaded by this large intruder, she was a porn star, yes, and had taken dick in her shitter before but she didn't like it and tried not to and certainly she had never taken anything quite the size or ferocity of this. Jenna pulled back on the brunettes hair with her left hand as she started ass fucking her with a vengeance while with her right she reached around to twist the three clamps, increasing the pressure on Melissa further. Every thirty seconds demanding then imploring her to submit.

The more time went by the more desperate Jenna was sounding and Melissa just gritted her teeth and tried to block out everything that was happening to her body. There was one thing though that was annoying the hell out of her and she voiced her annoyance in a gasping, venomous threat.

"Get..your fucking...filthy hands.. off my hair.. you bitch!"

Jenna was surprised, here she was with harsh clamps on both her nipples, another on her cold clit and a monster dildo fucking her asshole and this bitch was complaining about her hair being pulled. There was just about ten minutes left before she would lose the challenge but suddenly a lightbulb went off in the blonde's head. A memory, barely heard or thought about at the time but suddenly brought to the surface. How Mistress Melissa, Queen of Hellfire Sex (as she was) was so proud of her long, black mane of hair. How she always had a different style, pulled back severely, worn up, in a ponytails whatever it was a huge feature of her Domme persona and from somewhere Jenna's mind dredged up that memory. But what to do with it?

Melissa was braced for an onslaught in that last ten minutes. A final desperate attempt from the blonde to break her. And she was ready, there was nothing she could do that would elicit a submission from Melissa, in fact Melissa was already thinking about what she would do to Jenna, it would make the last hour look like nursery activities in comparison. But what she was not expecting was for Jenna to suddenly pull her fake dick out of Melissa's stretched asshole and for her to walk away from her bound rival and actually leaving the room.

"What's the matter bimbo? You given up already? I knew it! You're nothing! Fucking noth...."

Her taunts were broken off by Jenna returning and taking her unfastened strap on and jamming it into Melissa's open mouth.

"Here, taste your own stinking ass for a while. And no, I've not given in just yet."

And with that cryptic comment Jenna left the room and left Melissa gagging on her own shit.

Melissa was totally baffled. Yes, she was still being punished by the clamps and the dildo in her mouth was hardly pleasant but was that dumb bitch just giving up? It had totally thrown her and she wondered if Jenna had taken off, scared of what Melissa would do to her once that hour was up. But with five minutes left on the clock Jenna re-entered the room with something hidden in her hand and a big shit eating grin plastered on her face. From her uncomfortable position plus with the thick end of that strap on jammed in her mouth Melissa could hardly make out what her rival was up to but could ascertain that she was plugging something into a wall socket. What the fuck was she doing. Less than five minutes remained.

As soon as Melissa saw what it was that Jenna had been fiddling with her blood ran cold – it was an electric shaver. As the blonde held it up for the brunette to get a good look at she explained.

"Lucky I saw the boys using this earlier, eh? Now bitch when I remove that dildo from your mouth you will quit. You will submit, You will admit I am the better, more dominant woman and that I own you. Then we will get the crew back in and film the most degrading, humiliating bondage film I have ever made where I break you on camera and make you my slave. If you don't and want to hold out to win our bet then fine but by the time the clock runs out I will have shaved your head completely bald."

As if to emphasise the point she held the shaver right against Melissa's hairline on her forehead and pressed it into life, the buzzing sounding extremely loud to the bound brunette. Every bit of colour dropped from Melissa's face as the threat sank home in her mind. She had felt she could withstand anything Jenna could throw at her but never expected anything so extreme as this, and she so loved her luscious, long black hair.

There was less than three minutes left when Jenna carefully plucked the dildo from Melissa's lips and the words could not come out quickly enough for the older ex-dominant.

"OK! You win! I give up! I surrender! I submit! Please don't touch my hair! Please, I'm begging you!"

Jenna smirked and still held the shaver to Melissa's hair.

"And what am I bitch? Tell me!"

"You are my Mistress! Please don't, I submit to you! Please!"

Despite the stressful conditions that had made Melissa submit the very fact that she had was a hammer blow to the older woman's psyche. Her face showed the shock and horror registering with her as the full implications of her submission hit her. She had been through so much yet had not had the mental strength to hold out that little bit longer. It was obvious to Jenna that any resistance would now be at it's lowest. She lowered the shaver but kept it in her hand.

"I'm going to get the boys back in here in a minute and we'll shoot the video I want. I won so I expect you to stick to your side of the bargain and do and take anything and everything I tell you to. We are going to make the most vicious, nasty BDSM movie imaginable and you will be the most weak, feeble, pathetic submissive slut in it, understand?"

Melissa's entire future changed in the next moment. The confident, brash, dominant Alpha female of before was gone to be replaced by a timid, cowering, craven coward. Defeat at Jenna's hands had done something to her and her answer was given in faltering, whispered words.

"Yes Mistress Jenna."

It wasn't just the words, it was the voice they were spoken in, the slope of her shoulders and the body language that spoke of her abject defeat and submission. Jenna smiled as she grabbed a handful of Melissa's dark tresses and pulled them to force her to look up at Jenna. A dismissive slap followed to Melissa's face before Jenna left to get the crew back in.

These next few minutes alone were like hell to Melissa. That cruel bitch Mistress Jenna (god, she had thought of her as Mistress Jenna in her mind!) had left the clamps still in place but she barely even thought of them, her mind was full of failure and defeat.

When Jenna did return with her crew and began filming for real she took complete control and for the next four and a half hours filmed the complete and utter physical and mental submission of Melissa to Jenna. By the end Melissa was wearing the thick collar and crawling around like a dog as Jenna led her by a leash. She was taking multiple cocks in whatever hole Jenna ordered and was saying anything on camera that her Mistress demanded.

The film ended with a close up of Melissa's cum covered face, lifting up from eagerly licking Mistress Jenna's boot and staring into the camera and admitting.

"I was Mistress Melissa but now all I am is Mistress Jenna's little bitch."

Mistress Jenna smiled at this, sensing the truth in the words and already planning a series of film degrading and humiliating the old bitch, culminating in tattooing her and making her get rid of that hair that had been her downfall. But those were all in the future.....

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AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Part 2?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
A sequel

This story is still amazing and it needs a sequel. Would love to see what tattoo Jenna hasin mind for Melissa.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Stupid because of hair...

That bitch cheated, and was not going to break her in the hour.

Melissa should have took the haircut, then did the same to Jenna (and worse) during her hour of torture... Melissa could allay wear a wig.

Still was hot that after the additional 4 1/2 hour of filming she broke.

Is there a connection between this and your other Mistress Melissa work?

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Any chance for part 2 ?

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

I can't wait for Mistress Jenna to get more extreme on her ass!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

brilliant..totally loved it !

Tiffanyisaslut6969Tiffanyisaslut6969almost 13 years ago

Is there anything better then a Mistress being broken and degraded by a former sub. the plot is sooooo delicious LOVE it

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

plz continue with the story, i like how ur mind thinks

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Great! Continue this series, please.

TheDarkCloudTheDarkCloudover 14 years agoAuthor
Jenna Jameson v. Melissa Lauren

The two main antagonists in this story are loosely based on Jenna jameson and Melissa Lauren, two of my absolute favourite porn stars!

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