A Dream Come True


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"Oh, really," Sandra knowingly smiled, "Did Amy tell you that we have a piano here in the house? Her father used to play, and when he was killed, I just couldn't bear to get rid of it."

"I'm very sorry for your loss," I quietly said, "My father was a fighter pilot during that shitty, um, I mean that terrible war."

"No, baby, you were right," Sandra softly replied, "The war in Vietnam was a shitty war...and the lives that were lost over there were all, entirely too many."

"I agree with you whole-heartedly," I truthfully replied, "My Mom said that it was a very scary time back then."

"She's right," she told me, "And there wasn't a single soul alive in this country that wasn't aware of it either, well, except for you kids maybe."

"All I remember is that Dad was away in the Navy," I replied, "But I do remember sitting in front of the television with Mom eating my dinner."

"Me, too," she said, "I was hoping that maybe I might by chance get to see my husband on the television because of all of the news cameras that were there."

All of a sudden, as well as allowing a much needed change in subject matter, Nikki appeared in front of me smiling, and said, "Did I hear Mom say that you played the piano, Michael?"

"Yes he does," Amy smiled, who'd also been sitting there silently listening to Sandra and I talk, "He also sings his ass off, too."

"Could you play for us, Michael?" Nikki sweetly asked, "I'd really like it if you would."

"Play something really pretty, baby," Amy smiled, leaning over and kissing my lips, "Please?"

"Okay," I grinned, "Show me where the piano is."

"Come with me, Michael," Nikki sweetly smiled, taking my hand, "I'll show you."


I sat down behind a vintage Steinway & Sons, nine foot, grand piano, amazed by the look of it. It was very clear to me that this piano had been very well cared for, and when I raised the key cover back, the keys were just as white as if they were brand new.

"Wow, this is a very nice piano," I smiled, "You've taken good care of it."

"Because it belonged to my husband," Sandra sadly smiled, "I made sure that it was well maintained."

"I understand," I quietly replied, "Thank you for allowing me to play it."

"You're welcome," she smirked, "Now, are you going to play it, or should I make Amy do something that I'm quite sure will embarrass you?"

As opposed to answering her, I simply began to play, starting off with "Moonlight Sonata" by Beethoven. Every note I played sweetly echoed from within this beautiful instrument that I'd been privileged to sit down behind; and for a slight moment, I felt as if I were in Carnegie Hall, or perhaps even the Royal Albert Hall, in front of an audience of thousands.

But instead, I played for three of the four most beautiful women that it had ever been my pleasure to know and/or play in front of, and when I was done, applause rang from all three of them, making me feel proud that I had pleased my beautiful Amy, by playing for her mother and baby sister.

"Play something you can sing to, baby," Amy tenderly requested, "Play the one that I like, you know, that song by Harry Nilsson."

"Okay, my love," I smiled, and then kissed her lips again, "Anything for you."

Oh, wow," Nikki softly smiled, "I hope I can find a boyfriend like him, when I go to college, Mom."

"You will, baby," Sandra giggled, "I've got faith in you."

Then I began to play the song, "Without You", by Nilsson, which has been covered by more than one artist by now; but back then it was still only a few years old. I played the intro, and when I began to sing the verses, I looked directly into Amy's eyes as I sang, giving me a feeling like none I'd ever experienced before.


"That was beautiful, Michael," Amy sweetly said, when I'd finished, "I want you to do me a favor tonight, though."

"Name it," I smiled, "You know that I'll do anything for you."

"Good," she impishly replied, "We're going to a party at one of my friend's house. She and I went to high school together."

"Uh, oh," Sandra interjected, "You're going to Emily Pike's house, and you know who else is going to be there so; be careful, young lady."

"What's she talking about, Amy?" I uneasily asked, "You know that I don't like trouble."

"Relax, Michael," Amy giggled, "You have nothing to worry about, trust me."

"Bullshit, Amy," Nikki strongly objected, "Roger Tamberlen is probably going to be there, and he's a well known shit starter."

"Who's Roger Tamberlen?" I cautiously asked, "And what does he have to do with Amy?"

"He's been in love with Amy since junior high school," Nikki said, "And he swore that he'd beat the shit out of anyone who came near her."

"Amy," I asked, "Please tell me that you're not taking me there specifically for the purpose of beating his ass?"

"No," she lied, "Of course not."

"Look," I told her, "It would serve you well to not start lying to me, because I'll turn around and go back to Houston right now."

"If I tell you the truth, will you promise not to get mad at me, Michael?" she asked, her eyes filling with tears accompanied by a look of fear that washed across her face.

"Of course, I won't get mad," I said, "What's bothering you, baby?"

It started my junior year in high school," she sniffled, "I went out with him against the advice of my friends, and he...he...he tried to rape me," and then she fell into my arms crying her eyes out, "I'm sorry for not telling this a long time ago, Michael."

"Shh," I soothed her, holding her closely to me, "I'm right here, and nobody's ever going to hurt you again."

"Amy, honey," Sandra said, alarmed, "Why didn't you ever tell me about this?"

"Tell me, mother," she angrily asked, "What would you have done? Huh, tell me?"

"I would've filed attempted rape charges against that little son of a bitch," she said, "And I would've made damn sure that he didn't do that to anyone else, dammit," and then Sandra began to break down crying, making me pull her, too, into my arms with her daughter.

"Let me ask you something, Amy," I said, "Were you underage at the time?"

"Yes," she sniffled, burying her face into my chest, "I was only seventeen, why?"

"Because I'm going to take his ass to the police," I angrily replied, "Also because there is no statute of limitations on rape of a minor charges, attempted, or otherwise."

"Is that right?" Sandra asked, "Oh, Michael, I would be eternally grateful if you would help us with this."

"I'd be honored," I resolutely replied, "This guy is a fucking animal, and something has got to be done about him, pardon my language."

"So, you'll go to the party with me tonight, then?" Amy hopefully asked.

"You're damn right I will, baby," I firmly told her, "And this asshole is going to regret the day he ever met you...if he has the balls to show his face."

"Oh, he'll be there," Amy giggled, "All I have to do is call Emily and tell her I'm coming, the rest will take care of itself."

"He can't know that he's going to be set up," I warned, "Otherwise he'll be on the lookout, and we don't want that."

"What're you going to do?" Amy fearfully asked, "I don't want to see you get hurt, because this son of a bitch is crazy, Michael."

""It's going to be alright," I assured her, "Besides, you've never seen me pissed off, and you don't want to either."

"I suggest you listen to your boyfriend, honey," Sandra said, "And stay close to him at the party. I don't want to see you hurt either, okay?"

"Yes, ma'am," Amy smiled, "I love you, Mom."

"I love you, too, baby girl." Sandra soberly replied, "Just remember what I said, okay?"


We arrived at Emily Pike's house around seven o'clock that evening, and Amy wasted no time in introducing the two of us.

"Emily," Amy smiled, "I'd like you to meet the love of my life, Michael Masterson. Michael, this is one of my very best friends in the whole world, Emily Pike."

"Hi, Emily," I cordially smiled, "It's nice to meet you."

"Hi, Michael," Emily conspiratorially giggled, "Amy's told me a lot of wonderful things about you; welcome to my house."

"Thanks," I grinned, "I'm happy to be here."

"Good," she smiled, "Why don't you and Amy make yourselves at home? Amy knows her way around so, make her get you something to drink, too."

"Come on, baby," Amy smiled, her hand wrapped around my arm, "There are some more people here that I want you to meet."

We'd been there for about half an hour when the asshole that Amy had mentioned earlier arrived, with an entourage of three other people in tow. They all looked exactly like the redneck assholes I'd imagined them to be, and it didn't take long before Roger Tamberlen made his way to where Amy and I were standing.

"Hi, Amy," he said, attempting to place his arm around her, "How's it goin?"

"Go away, Roger," she said, pulling away from him, "I've told you to leave me alone, you asshole."

"Wait a minute, bitch," he sneered, trying to grab her, "Come back here, dammit."

"I believe you heard what the lady said," I menacingly growled, stepping directly in front of him, and pointing my finger in his face, "If you leave her alone; then you'll live, if not, you'll be sorry."

"Who the fuck is this asshole," he laughed, his cohorts laughing along with him, "Get out of my way, boy, before I stomp a mud hole in you."

He tried to push me, but realized that I was a lot more solid than he'd originally thought so; he took a swing at me instead. However, I blocked his punch, directing his fist away from me; and then I quickly countered with a swift, hard kick, directly in the groin.

He immediately fell to his knees grabbing his balls and trying to catch his breath. On the other hand, as opposed to leaving well enough alone, one of his cronies decided that he wanted to be a bad ass, and jumped onto my back from behind. In reaction, I flipped him over my shoulder, delivering a hard kick with the toe of my boot to his face right before he hit the ground, not to mention also knocking him totally unconscious.

Then I looked at the other two idiots who came with Tamberlen and asked, "What about it, do either of you two dumb asses want to be as stupid as your two friends here?"

"No, man," one of them said, his hands in a defensive posture as he stepped back, "We don't want any trouble, dude," and the two of them swiftly fled.

"Call the police," I told Amy, "These two assholes won't cause any more trouble, I assure you."


Amy and I followed the squad car containing Roger Tamberlen and his friend to the police station, where Sandra and Nikki met us. They wanted to be there when Amy filed "Attempted Rape of a Minor" charges against Tamberlen, and assault charges against the shit head that had jumped on my back. After Amy gave her testimony to the local Justice of the peace, he assured us that the Roger Tamberlen would not only be denied bail, but would also be bound over to the grand jury.

And when the Justice of the Peace asked me for my testimony, I decided to drop the charges against the stupid shit that had jumped on my back, with the Justice of the Peace letting him off with a warning. However I assured that that he would receive another, more severe ass whipping from me if he messed with me, Amy, or any of her family again...Man, this kind of shit only happens in Texas, I swear...lol.


When we got back home Sandra, Nikki, and especially Amy, all three, seemed overly attentive to me, asking me if there was anything I needed or wanted. Of course, I gently told them that I was perfectly alright, and that it was necessary, nor was there any need for them to have to wait on me hand and foot.

"You don't understand, baby," Amy affectionately said, gently sitting in my lap, "By standing up to Roger Tamberlen on my behalf, you've earned a place in both Mom's and Nikki's hearts; and they've come to love you for it."

"What about you?" I knowingly smirked, "How do you feel about me?'

"Oh, my darling," she softly smiled, burying her face into the crook of my neck, "I love you now, and I'll love you for the rest of my life, Michael."

"Do you mean that?" I asked, "Do you really mean that?"

"More than ever," she tearfully smiled, "With all of my heart, baby."

"Good," I warmly told her, gently embracing her with both arms, "Because I'm going to marry you one day...if you'll have me, that is."

"Oh, Michael," she began to cry, "God, yes, I'll marry you," and then she continued to cry, her face still buried in my neck.

"Hey, hey," Sandra said, suddenly appearing from the other room and seeing her daughter in tears, "What's wrong, Amy?"

With happy tears raining down her face, Amy looked up at her mother and joyfully replied, "Michael just asked me to marry him, Mom, isn't that wonderful?"

"You told him yes, didn't you?" Sandra smiled, her eyes also filling with tears.

"You know I did," Amy giggled, "You didn't raise a dummy, Mom."

"What the hell is everyone crying about?" Nikki asked, coming into the room after hearing her mother and sister's voices.

"Michael asked me to marry him, Nik-Nik," Amy said, calling her sister by the name that she used when her Nikki was a baby.

"Oh, that's so sweet, Sis," Nikki said, also beginning to cry. Then she turned to me, and with a serious tone of voice, told me, "You'd better be good to her and treat her right, Michael, or I'll personally kick your ass, black belt or not."

"Come here, sweetie," I smiled, standing up and lightly dislodging Amy from my lap, as I tenderly placed my arms around Nikki and told her, "I promise you that I'll treat her very well, because I love her with all my heart. Besides, you're going to be my little sister, too...the only sister I'll ever have."

"Really," she hopefully asked, with her arms around my waist, looking up into my eyes, "Do you mean that, Michael?"

"I sure do," I smiled, and then very gently and softly kissed her pretty little cheek, "Is that good enough for you, baby girl?"

"I've never had a big brother before," Nikki sniffled, burying her face into my chest, "And I love you, Michael."

"Aw, it's okay, sweet girl, "I soothed her, while Amy and Sandra approvingly watched, smiling at the exchange between Nikki and I," I love you, too, baby girl."

"He's a good one, Sis," Nikki smiled, releasing me from the hug, "You better not let him get away."

"Yes, he is," Amy giggled, placing her arms around me, kissing my lips, "That's why I love him, and I'm not going to let him get away from me...not ever."."


Chapter Nine

That night as Amy and I lay in bed together, she wrapped her arms around me, and after tenderly kissing my lips, said, "My Mom thinks you're the most handsome man she's ever seen."

"She's a real sweetheart," I smiled, "And she's very pretty, too...just like you."

"I wish she had a man in her life, Michael," Amy said, "She could use a good fucking, that's for sure."

"I'll tell you what," I teased, "If I didn't love you so much, I'd be on your Mom in a heartbeat."

"That's because you're a perv," Amy giggled, "But I love that about you."

"Her and Nikki look so much alike," I said, "At least I think they do."

"Oh, God," Amy giggled, "Nikki told me that I sure as hell better marry you; because if I didn't, then she was going to."

"Aw, how sweet is that?" I grinned, "What a precious girl."

"Uh, oh," Amy teased, "I can already tell that Nikki has got you wrapped around her little finger...big brother."

"No more than you do," I teased her back, "Besides; I can think of a whole lot more terrible places to be besides wrapped around you and your little sister's fingers."

"Yeah, you wish," Amy half teased, half serious, while gently grabbing my hardening cock, "Mmm, baby, I can feel your cock getting hard at just the thought of it."

"Who can blame me?" I chuckled, still teasing her, but secretly delighted at the thought of having Amy and her sister at the same time, "Man, two hot sisters at the same time; shit, that's every man's fantasy."

"Oh, shut up," she giggled, slowly jerking me off, "You can be such an aggravating shit ass sometimes."

"Maybe so," I laughed, humping her hand "But you still love me anyway, don't you?"

"You know I do," Amy whispered, "Let me jack you off into my mouth before we go to sleep, Michael, you can pretend that you're fucking me and Nikki at the same time if that will make you cum quicker."

"I've got a better idea," I said turning her naked body around, "Let me eat your sweet little pussy while you suck my cock, and then we can cum together."

"Alright," she whispered, "But we've got to be quiet."

The moment she placed her pussy on my face, I felt her wet, warm mouth on my cock; and it was only seconds before she was cumming in my mouth, and moaning very loudly.

"Shh," I whispered, "You're going to wake every one up."

"I can't help it, baby," she whispered, turning back around to kiss me, "You make me so fucking hot, you big dick motherfucker,' and then without warning, Amy mounted my cock, driving it deep into her tight pussy."

"That's it, fuck me," she hotly whispered into my ear while she slowly fucked me, "I want you to think about shoving this big dick into Nikki's hot little cunt...Ooo, yeah baby. My Mom wants you to fuck her, too, Michael, I can tell."

I didn't know where all of this was suddenly coming from, but I loved the fantasy, no doubt so; I continued to listen to the filthy and hot, nasty things that Amy was telling me.

"That's it, baby," she hotly continued, I want to watch you fuck my Mom while my little sister sits on your face. Mmm, yeah, I can tell that this is exciting you, you nasty boy. It would make my pussy flood watching you fuck Nikki while Mom sat on your face and sucked her tits...would you like that, baby, hmm?"

"Oh, God, I'm cumming," I softly groaned, as I shot the queen mother of all loads deep into Amy's pussy, "Fuck, I love you so much, Amy."


"Ooo, that was hot," Amy breathed, as we both came down from our sexual high, "God, baby, I've never seen you cum like that before. You must've really enjoyed that, huh?"

"It was kind of hard not to," I chuckled, "Especially with all of the dirty things you were whispering into my ear."

"I know," she softly giggled, "We'll have to try that again sometime very soon."

Sounds good to me," I grinned, "Any time you want."

"Me, too," she yawned, "But I'm getting sleepy because you wore me out, baby."

"Okay, good night, baby," I quietly said, "I love you."

"Mmm, I love you," she sleepily purred, her head resting on my chest, "Nitey-nite, I'll see you in the morning, Michael."


The next morning I awoke to an empty bed, and Amy was gone. I laid there for a few minutes inhaling her scent from where she lay the night before. And in doing so, I thought back to the first time she and I made love. Amy had definitely become so much a part of me by this time, and like I've already said; without her I would surely whither away and die.


When I finally got out of bed, and put on a tee shirt and a pair of shorts, I slowly made my way down the hall to the den that adjoined the kitchen. However, as opposed to going into the kitchen, I sat down on the sofa and listened to Amy, Nikki and their mother, who were engaged in what sounded like an animated conversation.

"So," Sandra asked Amy, "How did you two sleep last night?"

"Oh, Mom," Amy purred, "Michael is so manly, yet so soft and gentle at the same time."

"I know, baby," Sandra smiled, "He reminds me so much of your father when he was that age."

"I think he's hot," Nikki giggled, "What's he like in bed, Sis?"

"Jeez, Nikki," Amy blushed, "That's none of your business, Miss Nosy."

"I think that your sister asked you a very pertinent question," Sandra teased, "Besides, I'm kind of curious about that now that it's been brought up."
