A New Beginning Ch. 06


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The first trickle of water felt strange as it entered, more a change in temperature sensation. It wasn't unpleasant but I wouldn't have called it earth shattering really. I lay back and let my mind wander to this afternoon, and Master taking me back to collect the last item I wanted to bring here with me. I was desperately trying not to think about why I was getting cleaned out. The image of those butt plugs was swimming around my subconscious and thats pretty much where I wanted them to stay.

I suddenly felt a tightening feeling in my lower abdomen as the water began to worm deeper and deeper inside my rectum. Glancing down at my tummy I could see it had expanded, I couldn't tear my eyes away as it seemed to grow beneath my gaze. It was such an erotic vision, the warm feeling around my colon was spreading through me. I could feel my cunt muscles starting to clench as the arousal flooded through me as fast as the water was slow.

"How are you feeling now pet?"

"Hmmm feels so good love." I managed to say, I was too busy enjoying yet another sensation to form words into sentences.

"Good! Nearly done now, a few more minutes and I will get you over to the toilet." Her smile was huge and a look of pride shone deep in her eyes. I smiled back trying to show her just how much I appreciated the guidance, help and support she had given me from the moment I stepped into the house.

Her last words wiped the smile from my face, I hadn't processed the need to get rid of the fluid, and what goes in must come out right? I didn't relish the thought that all this water had to be expelled whilst Silky was with me. I could only imagine that it wasn't going to look, sound or smell pretty.

"Its ok, I will help you over to the loo and leave you in peace for a while!" I could barely make out her words through the peals of laughter. "Right then, I'm going to release the bag from the hook, I would advise you to put some pressure on the nozzle to keep it in place till you reach the toilet. I will follow with the bag and then leave you alone. Expel what you can but don't strain, if you feel the flow stop just sit for a little while and relax."

"Thanks Silky." I gulped, as I moved feeling the water slosh around in my stomach. The short walk to the toilet was going to be interesting I summised.

We walked side by side to the partitioned toilet area, where I noticed a pile of books by the loo and an ipod dock.

"Well you may as well be comfy and relaxed when your expelling right?" Silky laughed catching my questioning look as my eyes rested on the literature and music system!

"I guess so." I chuckled back.

"Sit down before you pull the nozzle out and pop it in the bin by the side of the toilet, all the enema supplies are one use only.There are some sanitising wipes just to the side of you, use one after you've disposed of the equipment. We will tidy up properly when you are done. If you need anything just pull that red cord and I will be right back." She pointed out the long red cord to the left hand side of the cistern, turned on her heels and glode from the room.

I'm sure anyone who has ever had an enema has no desire to read what happened next, nor do I really want to describe it in any detail! I settled myself down with the latest Robert B Parker and hit random play on the music system, while nature and gravity did their thing.

I replaced the book and switched off the Ipod. I felt empty and strangely cleaner than I ever had. Then again I've never had my insides cleaned before!! I returned to the wet room and jumped in the shower for the second time that day and washed quickly. As I rinsed the soap off my body I tried to remember what happened to my clothes earlier. Stepping out of the shower and wrapping myself in a towel I looked round the room. Just as I located my knickers, Silky returned looking rather pleased with herself accompanied by Master.

"Don't worry about getting dressed little one, I want to see that beautiful ass bent over in the playroom, trousers, however figure hugging they are, will only get in the way." He smiled as he took hold of my hand in his and led me into the main dungeon area.

"Sir, is Silky coming too?" I questioned, I wanted her with me. Her calming nature had helped me get this far and I couldn't imagine the next step without her.

"Not at this very minute, but I have promised her some serious playtime when we get back from our little errand later. I'm sure then she will be cumming lots!!" He chuckled.

I could barely speak for laughing, shaking my head trying to compose myself. Letting go of his hand as I brushed the tears from chuckling so hard, away from my eye.

"I should have said, 'Is Silky coming with us into the dungeon Sir?'"

"No sweetie, this moment is between you and I, Silky is going to clean up while I get to play with that squeaky clean little ass hole of yours."

"Oh, I see, yes. That sounds like a plan Sir, yep for sure..." Heavens ,I know English isn't my first language but I doubt I could have made any more sense in my native tongue. This was the moment that the whole morning had been leading up to and although everything so far had been far better than I could have hoped for, I still had reservations.

"Take a moment." Master whispered, putting a comforting hand over mine. "There is nothing to fear little one."

I knew I was trembling, I was perfectly sure I wanted to further my experiences with this wonderful man standing beside me,but my mind was a riot of emotions. I was nervous, excited and slightly daunted by what was going to happen next.

As I closed my eyes a fleeting image of Dietmar appeared in my mind, he was standing there looking proud and happy.His hand raised as he gave me the thumbs up. A sign we had used to signify that all was good. An simple sign that worked no matter where we were; in play or out in the vanilla world.

"I know Master, and I am ready Sir." I smiled, a tentative smile but it reached my eyes and conveyed the trust I had in him.

"Good girl, now, let's get this show on the road."


The sight of her stood naked, trembling in trepidation and anticipation, had me rock hard. God was she beautiful. I Gently took her hand and led her over to the spanking bench which I had previously moved to centre stage in the middle of the room, before bending her over, fitting her wrist and anklets and securing each of her hands and feet to the legs of the bench. She was now firmly secured to the padded top with minimal room to move except for some minor squiggling.

Her head was resting cheek down on the top, her breasts squashed beneath her, but more importantly her ass and sex were raised and open to my gaze. Close inspection showed that her pussy was gaping slightly open due to the position and it was immediately clear that she was completely aroused. Obviously being tied down was one of the things she loved. Her pink rosebud was also clearly visible and clamped firmly shut. I chuckled inwardly and thought about how I would soon rectify that state of affairs.

"Beautiful little one, absolutely beautiful. You have no idea what the sight of you bound and presented on the bench does to my arousal levels. Did you know that if I look closely I can see your tonsils from this end?", the latter being said as I carefully pulled apart her pussy lips and took one long swipe up her slit with my tongue. Her answering chuckle told me exactly what she thought of my idiocy, but it had done the trick though in removing the last of any fear she may have had.

"Ok dear Alannah, I am now going to lube you little bottom hole with my fingers before fitting you with the butt plug. Any major discomfort then don't hesitate to safeword, but I want you to breathe through any minor pain and accept it. Understand my lovely?"

Her confirmation was all I needed to hear. Reaching to the side table where all the goodies had been pre prepared, I took the tube of back door silicone based lube and squirted a generous dollop onto her little star, before gently massaging it around the surface area.

"This particular gel has both a mild form of sting relief as well as a muscle relaxant. I am going to carefully rub it around your ring before working it inside with one finger. You can wiggle your bum if you like, I enjoy the view," I chuckled. Surprisingly, after a few circles with my finger, she did just that and I saw her cheeks lose their muscle tenseness as she subtly tried to move her hole back onto my finger.

"Good girl, now just relax your hole and bear down slightly as if you are going to the toilet," and with that my index finger popped into her anus straight upto the second knuckle. I immediately stopped all movement and felt her muscles grip my finger tightly before relaxing again with a soft sigh. My precious gem was enjoying this and I couldn't have been happier. My philosophy in life is that things should be fun and I sooo wanted her to enjoy this too. It opened up so many possibilities for the future.

Slowly I started to pump the finger in and out while drizzling more lube onto her star. Within a minute it was freely pistoning the full length with no resistance so without further ado and with another drizzle, I pulled her anus further apart with the thumb and forefinger of my other hand, pulled down with the inserted index finger and gently placed the middle finger of my business hand alongside the buried digit. A soft grunt and a slight tensing again had me stopped, but after a few seconds she relaxed allowing me to carefully pump both fingers the full length of their reach. More lube had me twisting the fingers at the same time as pumping them, the entire episode with me giving words of praise and encouragement.

It's at this point that I have to be careful not to daydream. The visual of my fingers pumping in and out of her anus, her pussy opening and shutting in time to my hand like a little goldfish, usually has me thinking of what I plan to do next; imagining the tight feel of her ring as it gives to my cockhead. But today was all about Alannah and her feelings, so I resolutely pushed that thought down into my subconscious.

"Well done my dear. You've taken two fingers like a trooper. I am now going to fit you for the buttplug." With that I removed my fingers and showed her the training plug which had a maximum circumference of about three inches, before tapering back down to a more comfortable size. In time to come I would introduce her into a varied routine I had for injecting some humour into these scenarios; namely pretending to take a run up or throwing it like a javelin, but today was not a time for jesting.

Instead I liberally coated the plug with the silicone and began to gently work it into her butt, in and out, millimetres deeper at a time. Her sighs and grunts were becoming increasingly more breathy as she relaxed into the exquisite feelings I knew she was experiencing.

"Only a few more millimetres to go and we're in. So so beautiful my darling," and with that I gave one last gentle push and with a faint plop, the plug passed the widest part and her ring gave to fully accept the intrusion.

"IT'S THE BULLSEYE" I crowed as it sank into place.

"ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY" She cried back, and we both burst into a fit of the giggles.

"Oh so well done my lovely, hold still," and I grabbed the camera to take some shots for her album...ok...my album too if truth be told, but I was so proud of her right this minute I just wanted her to look back on this day with pride and fond memories.

Going round to the top end, I took her head in my hands and kissed her deeply to which she reciprocated with abandon.

"Now for your reward my lovely." Taking a vibrator from the table I gently worked her pussy and clit until she had an ear-shattering orgasm. She can sure make a noise when she comes can my lovely Alannah.


I slumped as much as the restraints would let me as the orgasm finally stopped flowing through my body. I realised I was still biting my bottom lip in an attempt to stem the moans and cries from the orgasmic sensations that had overcome me. I was noisy, always had been. Dietmar loved it, he had said he would rather hear my pleasure rather than wonder if I was liking what he was doing, but I knew many Dominants expected silence. The only way I was likely to be silent was if I was gagged!

I smiled and sighed happily as I felt Masters fingers gently undoing the bindings that had held me in place. I adored the feeling that being bound brought me, adding to the delightful helpless feeling that being submissive brings me. He really had made the fitting of the plug an experience I had enjoyed far more than I had thought possible.

"Right then my precious gem, are you ready to stand up?" His voice still full of pride, widening my smile further.

"Yes Sir. Thank you Sir, I really enjoyed this morning. I can't believe that thing fitted Sir!"

"Oh I had no doubt it would fit precious, and trust me 'that thing' will become a good friend of yours I'm sure." He chuckled as he helped me off the bench.

"I think you may be right Sir." I blushed as I stood waiting for my legs to steady themselves before I attempted to walk.

"Right then, I want you to try and keep the plug in while we have lunch, no more than ½ hour for the first time though. So you had best eat fast little one!"

We walked hand in hand to the stairs that would lead us back to the kitchen and Silky, every step seemed to vibrate through the plug and I was conscious I was walking like I had just got off a horse. The sensation was a touch uncomfortable but far from unpleasant, a fact confirmed by the moisture that was starting to seep from between my legs again. I was suddenly aware I was still naked, in all the excitement I hadn't noticed my lack of clothing!

"Erm, Sir. I need to get my clothes on before lunch, only I can't remember where I left them?"

"Oh no little one, I think Silky is very much looking forward to seeing that lovely addition to your squeezable bum. You don't want to disappoint her now do you?" The smile on his face telling me it wasn't only Silky that wanted me naked for a wee while longer.

"No Sir, you know I wouldn't disappoint Silky for anything Sir. I just hope the kitchen's warm, I'm terribly nesh Sir." I chuckled back at him.

"I'm sure you will warm things up if its not already hot enough!" His laughter echoed up the stone stairs.

Silky was laying the table as we stepped through the door, the wonderful aromas surrounding my senses and making me realise just how hungry I was.

"Mmmm Silky that smells grand indeed!" I murmured as I tottered further into the room.

"Hello pet! How are you feeling? Did you enjoy it? Can I see?" Her voice rising with every question, her excitement flowing through her words.

"Hello silky! I'm feeling dandy thanks, yes I enjoyed it." I looked over at Master before answering her last enquiry, a slight nod answered my unspoken question. "Yes Silky you can see!" I giggled as I bent over the chair raising my ass in the air and wiggling slightly. The room was filled with laughter as Silky swept over and knelt by my side.

"Oh that looks lovely pet, I will have to show you mine later..." Her words interrupted by a small cough from Master.

I stood back up as the exchange was taking place, looking between the two of them as I wondered what Silkys plug was like.

"Good idea sweetie, but lets keep it a surprise eh? Now lets eat, Alannah and I have a mission this afternoon plus I don't want her to keep the plug in too long for the first time.

"Yes Sir." She replied happily ushering us to our places and dishing out lunch.

I sat gingerly as the plug made contact with the wooden chair, seeming to nudge it further up inside me. The banter at the table and the delicious food soon took my mind of it and we settled down to a lovely lunch.

I ate listening and half joining in with the various conversations, but my mind was filled with the knowledge for the first time in a long while I had so much to look forward to.

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dsmlasergirldsmlasergirlover 9 years ago
Love this!

I am excited to see where this story goes! You are a great author!

Shysub412Shysub412over 9 years agoAuthor

@Les7699, Thank you! I have been beavering away at chapter 7 and hope to have it submitted on Monday at the latest. Fingers and toes crossed!!

@Anon, Thank you, more coming soon! I've been up the wall r/t so sadly the time for writing has been hard to find but I've been a good girl and knuckled down the last couple of days!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
More please!

I love this story!

les7699les7699over 9 years ago
Chapter 7

Please hurry! I love your writing style as well as this story line <3

Shysub412Shysub412over 9 years agoAuthor

@justahole- thank you. Love, laughter and trust are the three most important things to me in a D/s relationship and I wanted the story to reflect this. It's a nerve racking time for a sub when new things are introduced and I for one wouldn't say no to a bit of Silky lol.

@Alwaysyes- Thanks, I'm blushing and smiling and trying to finish the next chapter without too much banging my head on the table! Hopefully next week will see it posted.

@STG- You are always welcome to the party, we are all in the kitchen; you did bring cake? Right??

Thank you for the stars and the comment, I'm glad the chapter came across as it did, and the relationship is showing all the aspects I wanted it to. The next chapter is in the wings and resisting the urge to make it fly out the window with lap top attached lol.

small_town_girlsmall_town_girlover 9 years ago
late to the party

@shysub - i'm so sorry for not having commented sooner! i have read and fully enjoyed this chapter when it was up on the 'new' list and gave it its well-deserved 5 stars but then something came up and i didn't write the comment i wanted and then... well, i forgot! how lame am i?!

so, my apologies for this inexcusable tardiness. would it help if i said i really loved this chapter? it was gentle and caring and sexy, all at the same time. i love how both MA and Silky take their time with Alannah and ease her into her new life and her new experiences, and how MA navigates between his two subs, creating space for 1:1 intimacy for all of them (in all combinations! LOL), as well as time for playing all together.

beautiful writing as ever. thank you! {hugs}

always_yesalways_yesover 9 years ago
Warm and comforting!

These two are exactly what Alannah needs! Sweet and warm and comforting while still having the dominance that makes all the subs so very very happy! I loved how real you made her first anal experience from the nerves to the excitement!! Can't wait for more lady!

jhollanderjhollanderover 9 years ago

Another lovely chapter shysub! It's warm and sensuous. I love the open communication and true affection felt by all three. Eagerly awaiting the next chapter!

Shysub412Shysub412over 9 years agoAuthor

@Mel. Thank you once again. The next chapter is taking shape...slowly!!

@Seraphine. Oh there is plenty more in store for Alannah and her um believe me!!

Thank you for making me smile yet again!

@Ham_sandwich. I can see it now 'open your text books to page... As the teacher realises it's an English class!! Thank you for your comment, I'm flattered and blushing.

@bearslady. Chuckles I hope you and hubby had a good morning!! I wanted it to be real to life as I like you detest the 'shove it in' attitude that porn has in regards to anal.

@MasterfulJim. Thank you i aim to please and MA aims for the bullseye every time. Very competitive he is!!

@Anon/Cragia. Thank you, this chapter took a bit longer to write as I was trying to get the right balance. I'm glad it came across as it did.

@Apple_of_Eden. Thank you, life is too short to be taken too seriously and I wanted it to be a loving, caring fun experience for her. Damn health and safety gets everywhere lol but I hate when little details are missed so I snuck it in.

Chapter 7 is getting there and am aiming to get it finished by the end of next week.

Apple_of_EdenApple_of_Edenover 9 years ago
Erotic, Fun, and Sensual !!

I love these characters~!! I can't imagine any other "threesome" making a first time experience with anal seem so safe/painless, fun, and exciting at the same time. Your story telling is fun loving and still erotic and sensual. Each of these characters brings a different dimension and view point to your story line. Please keep this series going as long as possible. Too enjoyable to end !!!

P.S. The health and safety tips were nicely incorporated!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Well Done

Can't add too much to previous comments other than to agree fully. You've taken a clinical lesson in enema/butt plug and made it into a sensual story segment with interesting by play between and among the three characters.



MasterfuljimMasterfuljimalmost 10 years ago
I can only agree

The previous comments have nailed it ...lovely descriptions and the humour too...

ITS THE BULLSEYE....brilliant, just brilliant.

Please get scribbling soonest shy one. I can't wait.

bearsladybearsladyalmost 10 years ago

So many men, and women, think anal sex is as simple as what they see in porn. No lube shown, maybe a finger, then cock shoved straight in and everyone has screaming orgasms. Then they can't understand why it doesn't work that way in real life. You have shown exactly how it should be approached and raised my temp a few degrees (now where is my hubby at the moment? :-D)

You never fail to please shysub. Well done

ham_sandwichham_sandwichalmost 10 years ago
This ought to be required reading!

The care and the concern that these characters have for one another is so touching and uplifting. They're SO HUMAN! If there's one thing I despise, it's guys who push women into anal sex before they've been prepared for it, and these men ruin a potentially wonderful source of ecstatic pleasure for both these ladies and all their future partners. What woman wouldn't come to love anal if it were done the way MA and Silky did it? For that matter, what woman wouldn't love to be a sub at their house? Shysub, babycakes, you just wrote the definitive book on how to begin to do anal and why it's great. I'm giving you five stars under my user ID and five more as an anonymous.

Serafina1210Serafina1210almost 10 years ago
Love it

So beautifully paced, so loving and positive. I can't wait to find out what Master and Silky have in mind next for Alannah and her, um, you know.

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