A New Way of Seeing Things Ch. 20


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It was fortunate traffic was light as Gwen was enthralled by the performance, the sights, sounds, and she could swear, the smells, taking place right next to her. The orgasm ran its course, and Natalie's body went limp. "Whooo!" she exclaimed, flipping the blanket off of her and climbing between the seats into the back in search of her bag. "That was a good one." Gwen was very conscious of the bare bottom facing traffic right next to her face, and wondered if any of the motorists going in the opposite direction caught the show as well.

Natalie settled back into her seat, scrubs in hand, and stripped down to just her jogbra before reversing the process. In short order, she was again laying back against the seat, fully dressed.

"Thanks Gwen," she said as she settled in to nap. "That was just what I needed." She did not awake until they were again pulling into the Nelson's driveway.

Natalie languidly stretched, arms high over her head reaching into the back seat. "Thanks for driving, Gwen. The nap hit the spot. I always forget how much work it is to come back from vacation."

"The only reason you had to leave home at all today was me, remember?"

"Wouldn't have missed that for the world. Those were really hot photos." Gwen blushed but said nothing as she put the SUV in park. Both women got out, Natalie coming to the driver's side.

"I'll just make it to work on time," she said as she quickly hugged Gwen and kissed her on the cheek. "Are we on for a ride Friday?"

"I'd like that."

"Great. Same time then. Gotta go." The woman slid into the driver's seat, honked the horn, and was gone. Gwen waved and made her way to the office to check for messages. Finding nothing important, she weighed her next steps. The reviewing of the proofs and Natalie's performance in the passenger seat had left Gwen no doubt that she had her own needs to attend to. It was the very public nature of the actions she had witnessed that drove her to something different, something more daring. A quick glance at the clock gave her confidence she had just enough time before the trucks started returning. Gwen almost broke into a jog on her way to the barn and hurriedly saddled Dart, the horse puzzled at the speed at which the woman appeared and worked. In moments they were making the first turn into the woods above the house, Gwen peeling off blouse and bra as they trotted, thankful that she had worn jeans that morning. The solidness of the saddle between her legs pressed against her sex, both teasing and exciting her. She was in no mood to ride easy despite the heat this afternoon, and she kept the horse moving at a quick pace up the hill until the picnic table appeared in the clearing before them.

Gwen loosely tethered Dart to a nearby tree and quickly scanned the area for others, not bothering to redress as she did so. Satisified, the bare-breasted woman made her way to the table and sat down, relishing the feel of the sun on her skin despite the heat. She wanted more, though. Her boots were kicked off, jeans and panties boldly discarded, and then she was naked, far from home, where passerbys would see her if there were passerbys on this remote hillside. Gwen cursed herself for not bringing a blanket she might lay on the grass where the horses grazed during their visits to the spot, and instead, climbed on to the top of the table, lay back, and opened her legs in invitation to the valley below. Her ears remained on guard for any interruptions while her eyes closed and her mind summoned dirty thoughts, the fingers of one hand lazily turned circles on the skin of her stomach and breasts while the other found its way to her cleft, a single finger turning tighter circles around her nub. The events of her morning and the sheer audacity of her current state of dress and activity made her orgasm quick and powerful, one hand squeezing a breast while the middle finger of the other strummed her clitoris. A small squeak escaped her as the first wave rolled through.

The sound of Dart shaking his bridle and snorting greeted her return to her senses. Gwen lifted her head and looked back over her shoulder, the horse staring back as if amused at his human's odd behavior. She smiled sheepishly and quickly got back into her jeans and boots, leaving the shirt off until later. Horse and rider made their way back down the hill, slower than the ascent, but still quickly enough for Gwen to arrive before the trucks.

"No Mrs. Nelson?"

Cliff met the young apprentice on the other side of the truck. "Do you see Mrs. Nelson?"

Jordan looked at the ground, understanding his question sounded a little foolish. "No."

"Do you think Mrs. Nelson would be waiting for us if she were here?"


"Then no, no Mrs. Nelson. She's probably still out with her sister-in-law. Why, you want to ask for a raise?"

Jordan smiled. "Think she'd say yes?"

"I think she'd say no, and Tim would probably tell you you're lucky you still work here. Get that stuff off the truck."

"Hey Cliff?"

The plumber stopped his climb up the office stairs and whirled. "What!"

"Think I can go for a swim before she gets home?"

The large black man sighed and rolled his eyes. "I'm guessing you didn't bring shorts?"

"Well, no..."

"Get the truck unloaded and if she's still not home, then yes. But if she does come home while you're up there, for Gawd's sake get dressed. Last thing I want to do is explain why there's an apprentice up in the pool with his tiny dick out."

"I'm so big it'd be impossible to miss!" The young apprentice quickly set to work.

Walt's truck had pulled up while he had been talking to Cliff. "Hey Andrew, Mrs. Nelson ain't here! Wanna go for a swim?"

The apprentice stepped out from beside the truck. "Cliff say it was OK?" A quick grin and nod gave him the answer. "I didn't bring a suit."

"Neither did I. Just don't try and touch my junk or anything and we'll be OK."

"You wish." The two young men quickly finished their assignments and headed up the hill, a small cooler of beer in Jordan's hand. Cans were cracked open and swigs taken before the pair hurriedly stripped and dove into the cool water, climbing out repeatedly to reach the beers on the table before diving in again.

Gwen shivered in excitement at the idea of riding ever closer to the house topless. She knew it was dangerous, but there was an undeniable thrill at the idea of being so exposed while so close to where she knew the plumbers and the apprentices would be returning to any moment. She would dress again well before she exited the woods, to be sure, but still the thought drove her on.

She had almost reached the last turn of the trail before it descended into the open field above the barn when she stopped. Far enough, she decided. The Lady had already declared her insane a half-mile back; the fear that someone might come up the trail from the house overcame the excitement at the same thought. Gwen lightly dismounted, grabbing the blouse and bra trapped between her leg and saddle as she went.

She instinctively covered herself and froze as a sound came through the trees, the sound of splashing coming from the direction of the pool, followed by the sound of young male voices. Not Tim, she quickly realized, some of the apprentices...Jordan and...Andrew?

Gwen hurriedly dressed, fearing they might be able to see her through the thick underbrush, guessing they couldn't. Now what? Should she wait until they had left, or just ride back down into the yard, as though she was just late in meeting them? Maybe she should somehow announce her presence to let them know she was coming, just in case they weren't...decent?

Why don't you take a look for yourself, the Slut suggested. Go down behind that tree. Gwen hesitated, mulling the thought of the possible invasion of privacy. Maybe I should just go look before riding down, she decided, just to be sure, just so they're not embarrassed if I surprise them.

The rider tied her horse to a nearby branch and made her way through the brush in comically stealthy fashion, doing her best to avoid snapping twigs underfoot. Crouching behind the trunk of a particularly large pine, she checked about for anything poisonous, then carefully peered through a leafy bush to her left.

She was greeted by the sight of a naked back hoisting itself over the pool edge and on to the deck below her, less than a hundred feet away. A bare bottom followed, glistening in the sunlight, while a head covered in blonde hair bobbed close by, the body it was attached to preparing to follow the same route on to the wet concrete.

She watched the naked figure pad across the pool deck to the table where a cooler and some beers sat. Jordan, she decided. The compact, muscular body was familiar enough, even if it had always had a layer of clothing between it and her before. The young man grabbed for a can and turned to say something to the other body emerging from the pool. A quick look at his face confirmed her guess, but Gwen's attention was drawn to the rest of his body, to his well-developed chest just showing the first hints of hair, flat stomach, to his muscular legs, but most of all, to where his manhood hung.

Gwen gazed in fascination at the second real penis she had ever seen, the nest of dark wet hair surrounding a dusky length that was plainly visible despite the effects of the cool water, a tight sac drawn up beneath it.

Her attention shifted to the second figure emerging from the water. Taller and skinnier, she knew it had to be Andrew. The naked bum she had admonished herself for trying to peek at that day in the kitchen was to her delight, now in full view as made its way across the concrete to his beer. He too turned to look back at where he had come from, and she took in his body. While he easily had 4 inches in height on Jordan, he was not nearly as muscular as his counterpart, with a ribcage that nearly showed through the thin layer of sinew over it and colt-like legs. The effects of the cold water on his manhood was certainly more pronounced, a pink-tipped head sitting atop a stubby shaft just visible through the almost transparent thatch of blonde wet curls surrounding it.

Gwen didn't dare breathe as she admired the two nude bodies while they talked and drank, the Lady urging her to retreat back to the trail, the Slut advising that to move now might risk discovery. She found herself wondering what the things hanging between their legs might look like if motivated to grow...

"I wonder if Tim and Mrs. Nelson ever swim like this?"

Jordan looked over at his counterpart, a smile on his face. "What, like when they're drinking?"

Andrew looked down at his beer. "No, like with no clothes on. You think Mrs. Nelson ever swims naked?"

"Man, you are hung up on her. Yeah, she's probably hot as hell under all them clothes, but I'm tellin' ya, she's about as uptight as they come. She's probably got one of them bathing suits like they wear in the old movies, covers everything from ankles to neck. So hell no, I doubt it, and you in particular definitely ain't ever gonna see the goods. Now her sister-in-law on the other hand...I bet she'd let them puppies out to help her float if she were here. 'Course, I'd be happy to plug up her hole so she don't fill up and drown..." The apprentice emphasized his point by grabbing an imaginary pair of hips and violently thrusting forward.

"Hey, you two assholes finish up comparing your pathetic little cocks and get down here before Mrs. Nelson gets home! And don't forget to bring your empties with you!" Cliff's voice carried from below the hillock the pool sat on. She briefly hoped he might come and cool off as well, but she knew that was not likely.

"I was comin' down anyways," Jordan called back, looking over nervously to see if their boss might have overheard their discussion. "Andrew's startin' to get wood and it's makin' me nervous!"

Andrew blushed. "I am not! Fuck you!" he replied and reached for his discarded jeans. The two apprentices dressed and made their way back down the hill carrying their empty beer cans and cooler while Gwen crept back up to where Dart stood waiting.

Sound carried well across the open field the pool sat in up the wooded hillside, and Gwen heard their entire conversation, even a whisper of the dull slap of Jordan's penis against his stomach as it swung wildly when he mimicked grabbing Natalie's hips and "plugging her hole". The things he had said shocked her; that he said them did not. She had always seen the apprentice as a more traditional tradesman, rough around the edges and more than a bit bawdy. In fact, he reminded her of a young Charlie Mortensen. She just hoped Jordan didn't develop the beer belly and appetite for women Charlie had, although she knew both were distinct possibilities.

Andrew's interest in her came as a much bigger surprise, though. He was such a nice young man, quiet and polite, much like Tim had been at that age, but without the self-confidence her future husband had displayed. Gwen knew that young men—and old men—always thought about sex, but the fact he wanted to see her naked, a middle-aged housewife, when there were so many pretty young girls around, still surprised her. Was that all he wanted? She'd have to be careful around him. Although she found his interest flattering, Gwen certainly didn't want to give him any reason to look. Still, she could not suppress a smile as she imagined him viewing the photos she had been looking at earlier that morning.

The Slut suggested she ride in behind them, just to see their reaction, but the Lady counseled patience until all had left. She took the second suggestion and slowly made her way to the barn as the last car pulled away for the day. She was still in the tack room when Tim's truck returned a half-hour later.

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yarnspinnerryarnspinnerrover 3 years ago
Was disappointed Natalie covered up

But that was a big moment for those two.

Really enjoyed the peeping of the apprentices, I would imagine those two showing up in Gwen's dreams soon.

Hope so anyway ;->

col_lovercol_loverover 5 years ago
21 St Sept 2018

I am so glad i did not find this story until now. The way you write Busy B, is fantastic.

I am hoping Tim gets to see Gwen playing with a toy.

lazy_readerlazy_readerover 7 years ago
Go ahead; put the portfolio on the website

I hope Gwen finally gets the courage to let Barry put the pictures on his website. It will also be interesting if she poses for some more pictures, although that may lead to complications.

I love this story!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Why after she let it be known she does not want her picture posted anywhere? because shes afraid to get an adverse reaction from her husband ? So why are they still trying to get her permission to post them ? and why would she pose for that man again knowing he will break her marriage if given a chance.

MatcziewMatcziewabout 10 years ago
Wonderfully developing story

Being quite new to Literotica, I first saw this series a couple of weeks ago. It was so well written and Gwen's development so compelling (not to mention delightful!), that I have gone back and read all 20 chapters. :)

This work has been very well done! I see that Ch 21 has now been posted -- I can only say that I look forward to reading it!

BigBeanieBigBeanieabout 10 years ago
The consistency of this series is superb

A quieter chapter this time. A couple of storylines are winding down, and the seeds of potential new story arcs are set.

I love the way this series encompasses the full life of the lead character. Its not just about someone having sex, then its over. I'm already eager for the next chapter! But I guess BusyBadger taking the time to get it right instead of just churning out a so-so chapter every few days is well worth the wait for the quality of the end-product.

Sincerely, many, many thanks for writing this.

twosocks44twosocks44about 10 years ago
A great story

This ongoing story is one of the best. Be sure to start from the beginning.

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