A Promise Kept Ch. 04


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"I always knew that you were a good lad," he conspiratorially smiled. Then he turned to one of the bodyguards and instructed, "Manfred, be a good lad and bring the luggage please."

"Yes, M'Lord," he dutifully replied, "I'll see to it at once, sir."



After hiring them a limo to take them to their hotel, I stuck around and made certain that Lord and Lady Wickham's accommodations, The Presidential Suite, met with their approval before I turned to Natalie and told her, "I have to be on campus in an hour. What would you like to do, my love?"

"I'll stay here with Mum and Dad," she conspiratorially giggled, "Catch them up on all of the latest news until you return to pick me up."

"Is that right?" I knowingly grinned, "And I suppose that you want to keep staying at my house, too."

"Have I ever told you how brilliant I think you are?" she teased, "Because if not...you are."

"Have I ever told you how beautiful I think you are?" I countered, making her grin from ear-to-ear, "Because if not...you're the most beautiful girl I've ever met."

"Mmm," she purred, hugging me, "I love you, too, my darling...my beautiful Knight..."

"And I love you, as well, M'Lady," I softly told her, as I held her firmly against me, "And I'll never stop loving you either...not ever. Do you hear me?"


1:00 PM

"Hello, Coach," Alyssa Carsley said, when I passed her in the hallway on my way to the gym, "How are you doing today?"

"Wanting to talk to you," I knowingly grinned, "If you have the time, that is."

"Of course I do," she smiled; "I was on my way to the gym to get in a good warm-up, as you call it, before class this afternoon."

"Good then," I grinned, taking her hand, "Come with me...quickly..."


"What can I do for you, Professor?" Alyssa smiled, once we reached my office.

"I wanted to thank you, sweetie," I genuinely smiled, "From the bottom of my heart, thank you."

"There's no need to thank me, Sir Michael," she sweetly replied, "I am an unabashed romantic so; I had to do something. Natalie was so happy when I called her and told her where you were."

"But I would think that with her connections within the English government," I began, "She would've been able to find me."

"No," she quietly interrupted me, "When she discovered that you and the late Miss Matlock were engaged to be married, she backed away and left you alone. It was very sad, really. She cried for several weeks because she thought that she'd lost you forever."

"She never lost me," I explained, "But I wanted the best for her so; I went back to my own country and moved on with my life so as not to interrupt hers."

"Interrupt her life," Alyssa grinned, "You were her life, sir, for many long years. Why do you think she never married?"

That was when it finally hit me, and made me realize that Natalie had been the one for me all along. It's been said that destiny has a way of making itself prevail at all costs, and if this was not a case of destiny making way for itself, then I didn't know what was.

"You love her," Alyssa sadly smiled, "Don't you, Coach...err...Sir Michael?"

"Yes," I quickly replied, "I think I've always loved her...I know that she's the most beautiful woman I've ever known."

"Then don't be stupid and let her get away from you this time," she laughed, "I know you're a lot smarter than that...after all; you are a college professor, aren't you?"

"Yes, I am," I knowingly grinned, "And I owe you a very big thank you for what you've done for us, young lady."

"Yes, you do," she smiled, standing up, "But I think a kind, gentle hug will suffice quite nicely."

Needless to say, I swept Alyssa into my arms and gently hugged her, saying, "Thank you for everything, Alyssa. I can't begin to tell you how grateful I am."

"I know you are," she sweetly replied, gently kissing me on the cheek after the hug was broken, "And you can repay me by taking good care of Nat and never do anything to make her sad."

"I can do that," I grinned. Then I looked at my watch and smiled, "It'll be time for class in about forty-five, girlie. I suggest you get your self into the locker room and get dressed out if you want to get a good warm up in before practice."

"Aye, aye, Sir Michael," Alyssa teased, giving me a mock salute, "What ever you say, sir," and then she scampered away towards the ladies locker room, girlishly giggling the whole way there.


That afternoon was full of surprises, as right after Alyssa disappeared, Jayne stood at my office door with a bright smile on her face, and happy tears raining down her cheeks, causing me a slight feeling of alarm.

"Don't get upset, Michael," Jayne softly smiled, "It's just that I wanted you to be the first one to know that Matthew asked me to marry him, see?" and then she held up her left hand, where on her left ring finger, sat a nice, one carat, Diamond solitaire ring, in a platinum setting and mounted onto a twenty-four carat, gold band.

"Aw, Jayne, honey, congratulations, baby girl," I smiled, jumping up to hug her tightly, "I'm so happy for you...and I know that Kara would've been happy, too."

"Thank you, Michael," she smiled, and then looked at me and sadly asked, "Can I talk with you before class? We've still got a good forty-five minutes before class starts."

"You know my door is always open for you," I smiled, closing my office door before I sat back down, "What can I do for you, sweet girl?"

"This is about that English girl I've been hearing so much about lately," she began, "Do you love her, Michael...I mean, do you really love her?"

"Yes," I plainly answered her, "I've loved her for a very long time...I just thought that she moved on after I left England so many years ago...but it seems not, now, doesn't it?" Then I saw a strange look on her face, which made me ask her, "Why, Jayne, do you not like her?"

"No, it's not that; hell, I don't even know her," she said, clearly upset, "I just don't see how you can forget about Kara like this."

"I haven't forgotten Kara, and I never will," I replied, looking into her eyes, "But Kara has been gone for almost three years now, and its past time for me to move forward. You want me to be happy, don't you?"

"Of course, I do," she began to cry, "It's just that, well, when you move to England, and I know you will, I don't want you to forget about me...you're part of my family, too, Michael, and I'll miss you terribly," and then she laid her head on my shoulder and wept like a new-born.

"I've got an idea," I smiled, "Would you like to meet her? I'm quite sure that Natalie would be tickled to meet you?"

"Are you sure?" Jayne warily asked, "I mean, she's English Royalty for God's sake, and why would she even bother with a common girl like me?"

"I'll tell you why," I pointedly, yet gently replied, "She's going to want to meet you because you're a member of my family, too, as far as I'm concerned..."


"Hello, my darling," Natalie cooed, throwing her arms round my neck the moment I got to Lord Tomas' and Lady Sarah's hotel suite, "How was your day?"

"It was great," I smiled, "But there's something I need to talk with you about, my love," and then I proceeded to tell her about Jayne, and the relationship that I'd built with her over the past few years before Kara was murdered.

And when I was done, Natalie wiped the tears from her beautiful hazel-blue eyes with the handkerchief that I'd given her, and then she looked at me smiling and said, "I can't wait to meet her, my beautiful Knight...especially if she's as gentle and kind as you say she is..."


10:00 AM

"Hullo," Jayne sleepily answered, after I'd called her.

"Good morning, sweet girl," I cheerfully smiled, "Rise and shine because Natalie and I are on the way over to your house to pick you and Matt up and take you two out for breakfast."

"Oh, shoot, Matthew is at work," Jayne regretfully replied, "But I would still like to go. Is that alright?"

"Of course it is," I grinned, "How much time do you need to get ready?"

"Only about an hour," she smiled, "I washed my hair before I went to bed last night so; it won't take me too long to get ready."

"Good deal," I chuckled, "A car will be there to get you in an hour then... and I want you to be ready to spend the day with us if your schedule isn't too full...okay?"

"Really," she wistfully asked, "Oh, Michael, thank you...I can't begin to tell you how much this means to me."

"You don't have to tell me anything, baby girl," I tenderly replied, "It means just as much to me to have you with us today. Besides, Natalie told me to tell you that she can't wait to meet you..."


"Hi, Jayne, sweetie," I smiled, greeting her at the front door of Lord Tomas and Lady Sarah's suite with a big hug, "I'm glad you could make it."

However, before Jayne could reply, Natalie came into the room wearing a huge smile, and after gently placing her arms around Jayne's waist, she tightly hugged her and said, "I'm so glad to meet you, Miss Jayne. Michael's told me so much about you that I feel like I've known you for years."

"Uh, hello, Lady Natalie," Jayne nervously replied, "It's nice to meet you, too."

"Please," Natalie sweetly smiled, "You can dispense with the title...it's just plain old Nat henceforth, alright, love?"

Jayne's face broke into a huge smile as she looked at Natalie and told her, "Wow, you're very beautiful. No wonder Michael loves you the way he does...he told me about you a few years ago, but I never thought I'd get the chance to meet you in person."

"Well, here I am," Natalie tenderly replied, taking Jayne's hand, "I hope you're not too disappointed."

"Hardly," Jayne smiled, that smile that I loved so much, "I've never been this excited about meeting anyone before...well; maybe except for the time I got to meet Eric Clapton after his last concert here not too long ago, but he wasn't English Royalty though so; this is a lot different."

"My goodness," Lady Sarah smiled, entering the room, with Lord Tomas coming in right behind her, "Who is this beautiful young lady, Michael?"

"Sir Tomas, Lady Sarah," I smiled, "Please allow me to introduce to you, a young lady who is like a sister to me, Miss Jayne Whitmore. I believe you had the pleasure of meeting her Uncle when we first met. His name was Lieutenant Daniel Reed."

"Of course, I remember, dear," Lady Sarah grinned, "If I recall, he was the other dashingly handsome one of your friends."

"The other dashingly handsome one," I asked dumbfounded, "What do you mean, M'Lady?"

"We always knew that you were the most handsome man out of the lot of you," she laughed, "Your friend was the other one."

"Oh, stop that, Mum," Natalie giggled, giving me a look of pure love, "You're embarrassing Michael."

"Indeed," Sir Tomas grinned, winking at me while he patted my back, "Please, Miss Jayne, may we offer you some refreshment?"

"Thank you, M'Lord," she politely curtsied, "A cup of tea would be very nice right about now."

"By Jove, I think you're right," Sir Tomas happilly grinned, taking Jayne's hand, "Come with me, young lady; I believe that there's a freshly brewed pot in the kitchen. You and I can have a nice little chat while we enjoy our tea."

"Thank you, M'Lord," Jayne grinned, getting into using Sir Tomas' and Lady Sarah's titles, "That sounds wonderful, sir," and then they disappeared into the kitchen area of their suite.

"What a dear sweet girl," Lady Sarah smiled, "And I can tell that she cares very deeply for you, Michael dear."

"As do I her," I smiled, "She's like a baby sister to me."

"Speaking of which, when do Natalie's father and I get the honor of meeting your family, Michael?" Lady Sarah sweetly asked, "Our Natalie tells me that your family is full of very kind and gentle people...and I, for one, am almost breathless with anticipation."

"I can set something up for tonight," I smiled, "If you have the time that is."

"Time, of course we have the bloody time," Lady Sarah girlishly laughed, "Why do you think we came here to America to begin with?"

"Aw, and I thought you came here to see me," I teased, "So, are you guys taking a vacation, or what?"

"Has he always been such a wanker?" Lady Sarah teased, talking to her daughter, "How in hell do you put up with that, Natalie?"

"That's an easy one, Mum," Natalie continued teasing, "He's got a beautifully big knob; you should see it," causing both women to erupt into a fit naughty giggles.

"Natalie, what's wrong with you?" I gasped, my face now a bright red color, "That's terrible."

"Look at him blush, darling," Lady Sarah grinned, "How absolutely adorable..."


Chapter Nine

I went back to my house a little later that afternoon, with Natalie of course, and called Mom and Dad to let them know that Natalie's parents were in town and wanted to meet them.

"That would be wonderful, sweetie," Mom cheerfully smiled, "Just tell us where we need to be, and when we need to be there."

I'd planned on having a cook out a my place anyway, and I also wanted to invite my girls on the Karate team, they cared for me very much as I did them so; with that in mind, and in order to coincide with the instructions I'd given to my Mom, I called Jayne and told her what I had planned.

"I'll take care of getting everyone on the team over to your house, Michael," she excitedly replied, "We'll see you in a few hours," and then she hung the phone up before I could respond.

"Silly ass girl," I laughed, as I placed the receiver back into its cradle...


5:30 PM

I introduced Sir Tomas and Lady Sarah to my mother and father, which, when they got on the subject of fishing, Lord Tomas and my father seemed to get along famously, and needless to say, that because of my mother's love for Natalie, and Lady Sarah's love for me, they discovered that the two of them were sweet, and gentle kindred spirits. Natalie and I wanted to make sure that our parents got the chance to get to know one another, or at least meet each other and have an hour or so to talk tog ether before the hoard of my girls on the Karate team descended upon us all...


I think that shocked would be the best word to use to describe my girls' appearance when they showed up at my house. They were each and every one, very properly dressed, very well mannered, and last but not least, very respectful in front of our parents when they all arrived.

"Damn, ladies," I teased, "How come you never act this nice when you come to my class?"

"Because it's just you, Coach," Jillian Hendricks teased, which elicited a snicker from not only Natalie, but also Mom and Lady Sarah, "Besides, this is an opportunity for us to meet both of your parents...Sir Michael," which was followed by a whole slew of female giggles, where Mom and Lady Sarah were laughing so hard, they were holding their sides...


Natalie and I were married a year later on the beach in Malibu where we first met one another. Dad stood as my best man, and Alyssa stood as Natalie's maid of honor. Both of our mothers cried, which, I guess that's what Mom's do. I finished the semester out at the U of H in Houston. My girls went on to win not only the state finals, but also the nationals, where Jillian Hendricks made the Olympic Karate team. She went on in 1988 to win a gold medal in Seoul Korea; and Natalie and I made sure that we were both there to cheer her on, too.

A year later, Natalie gave birth to a beautiful baby girl that we named Chloe. I live in England with my beautiful wife and daughter, and little Chloe's Aunt Brittany is coming to stay with us this summer to spoil her rotten I expect...

Oh, I almost forgot...Old Judge Clayton Anderson received a life sentence for ordering Robert Dresden to hire James Kindler and Howard Nash, both of which are in the witness protection program, to bomb my house with Kara and me inside of it.

I thank God daily for the fact that I don't have to worry about assholes like than anymore. Besides, my life is great these days, and according to my beautiful Natalie, I kept the promise I made to her....the one where I promised that I would always love her...


I really hope you all enjoyed reading this series. One more thing, please don't forget to vote


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drachir53drachir53over 2 years ago

Read this series of love stories over last 2 days and laughed and shed a few tears as well! Great story by Moog Player! Five Stars since I could not give it any more! Baton Rouge Cajun Guy

oldgraycatoldgraycatover 2 years ago

Wonderful story with sad tear jerking parts and a lot of great happy parts. I just love these long stories so please keep writing them.

drachir53drachir53almost 4 years ago
A Promise Kept(4part series)

I just finished one of your best writings and was very sad again at the loss of 2 of his loves! Great writing and I am reading thru the entire group again!

Rich - Baton Rouge Cajun Guy

Rancher46Rancher46about 4 years ago
Best Love Story ever

This one of most emotional love stories that I have ever read. Two Fiances lost due to tragedies and then from Michael's past comes his soul mate Natalie to create a great happily ever after.

Well done MoogPlayer, this one of your best yet. Your romance writings are some of the best I have ever read. Another well earned 5 star+ vote!

flarebel2327flarebel2327over 4 years ago

maybe 5th time reading this series . still brings water to the eyes. The Seals , Marine force recon & Army rangers do a lot of thing the general public will never hear about .

drachir53drachir53almost 5 years ago
Great Romantic Story every time I read it!

In re-reading many of this author’s stories, I think this is obviously one of my favorites, if not the best one. Amazing story MP!

Baton Rouge Cajun Guy

drachir53drachir53about 5 years ago
Simply a Beautiful Story

Several loves, fiancées, girlfriends and finally a wife. Tragedy of 2 lost fiancées followed by long grieving periods. Great love story!

Baton Rouge Cajun Guy!

flarebel2327flarebel2327almost 6 years ago

they go into some terrible places knowing they may not make it back for this country & very little fan fare & they don't want it. don't know how many times I have read this story but every time I do still brings mist to the eyes .

drachir53drachir53about 6 years ago
All of them great, but the third, Lady Natalie, was the charm!

After more than a year, I read the 4 parts of this again and laughed and had a tear or two after the tragedies that occurred with loss of two lovers and team members, especially Danny Reed. A truly great love story with a happy ending!

Baton Rouge Cajun Guy

kd4uvckd4uvcover 6 years ago
Good Read!!

I thoroughly enjoyed the story. The spelling, syntax and grammar mistakes could be corrected with turning off spell check. The story flowed well enough to activate my imagination, therefore making it enjoyable. Keep them coming.

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