A Simple Round of Golf


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The truth is that there aren't many erotic options available in a truck cab even one with the mini back seat available. At that moment I wished I had a camper on the back but I didn't. The best I could do was fully recline the seat which allowed us to lay back with each other at an inclined angle. We scooted around enough so that we were lying face to face. That also gave me the freedom of movement to begin moving inside her. When I started that, she smiled and pulled my head to hers and we kissed tenderly and lovingly. There no other way to describe how I felt at that moment. In spite of the physical awkwardness, I felt at home. I belonged here, next to her, kissing her, inside her but also with her, going to dinner, meeting after classes, on the golf course, everywhere. I had never felt this totally comfortable with any one like this. She was now a part of my life. I knew that we needed time, but that I would give willingly to make sure that this was permanent. She began to cum again and that triggered me to fill her up once again. Then we lay still.

Finally she said, "That settles that; the next truck you get needs to have the two full sized seats and maybe a camper in back. A real camper, not just a topper and a mattress."

"I'll get that after we finish building our house together."

Her head popped up and said, "Repeat that."

"You heard me."

"I know; I just want to hear it again."

"We are going to need a house to raise our babies in."

"If you are teasing me, I am going to make major readjustments to your body that won't be pleasant."

"If I am teasing you, I will let you do just that; but I am not teasing you."

She nestled down on my chest again and I felt wetness running down my skin. A few minutes later, she pulled off of me and said, "We better go. I told Momma that we would be home by midnight."

"Are you ok?"

"Honey, I needed you badly and we took care of that the first time. After this last time and what you said, I am so much more than ok; I don't have words to describe it. Let's go home."

We rearranged ourselves and pulled the seat back up and I started driving home. As we neared the exit, I said, "We didn't need to rush."

"Why? Momma will be expecting us."

"I doubt it. That is Dad's truck parked over there. That's why she didn't want us to come out here tonight."

"You're kidding! Well good for Mom and Dad."

"They tried to keep it hidden from me, but I have known for a long time that they come out here. They go somewhere and have a quiet dinner just to get out of the house and do something besides work the gardens."

"You better continue that tradition with me when we get older."

"Yes ma'am, but we will have a camper to make it more comfortable." She just grinned.

The next day was one full of surprises. We worked the center until 3:00 when Mom came out and told Dad that she needed him to do something in the house. That had never happened unless there was a real emergency but she didn't act like there was one. Lucy and I just finished the day ourselves and locked up. When we went inside, Mom was fixing dinner and Dad was drinking a beer. There were two more on the table.

Mom said, "Just wash your hands and sit down. We are having a simple dinner and then we are having a family discussion."

I knew something was up. If we had one, family discussions were usually on Thursday nights because Fridays and Saturdays were busy with the center open late. By Sunday night, everyone was too worn out to talk. So Thursdays became discussion and decision night. Lucy and I washed our hands in the kitchen sink and sat down next to each other. Lucy took my hand and I could feel her lightly trembling.

Momma brought over four bowls of hearty soup and a platter of grilled cheese sandwiches and we all ate quickly. Dad remained quiet during dinner. I knew that something important was about to happen.

When we finished, Mom took the floor as she always did. "Ricky, I understand that there is something you want to talk about school this fall. What is on your mind?"

I wasn't really prepared at that moment but started anyway. "Well my roommate left to join the Army. Rather than try to find someone else that I could get along with, I found a small garage apartment near the campus that I can rent for a reasonable amount. I think that if I watch my spending, I can actually save money over the dorm."

Dad asked several questions and I told him what I thought. I felt Lucy's hand tighten on mine as everyone looked towards Mom.

Mom looked at each one of us and then said, "I don't like that idea very much." My heart stopped beating. Mom was still babying me. Lucy's hand tightened even more as I felt that she was feeling what I felt. Then she continued, "I think that Lucy's idea is much better." Lucy's hand suddenly relaxed and caressed the back of my hand.

Dad said, "All right Lucy, what is your idea?"

I felt Lucy turning to look at me so I looked at her and found her smiling. "Ricky, I told you that I was looking for a roommate and that I had someone in mind. That someone is you. Would you like to be my roommate this year and maybe a lot longer?"

Without even thinking, I just said "Yes, very much." Lucy laid her head on my shoulder and stroked my hand.

Dad said, "Ok, Momma, tell us what you are thinking."

"I am thinking that Ricky thinks that I mother him too much. He is my baby and always will be; but I know that he is a grown man. I was married to you and we were the same age that he is. If it was any other girl but Lucy, I wouldn't like this very much even though I know that Ricky wouldn't be spending much time in his own place. I am not a prude or totally out of touch. I am just careful about my family. Ricky, you don't know this but your Dad and I lived together for six months before we decided to get married. I am a strong believer that you can't really find out how two people can get along until they have lived together for awhile. I know that Lucy and Ricky love each other; that is not the issue. I want them to find out now if they are compatible together on a day to day basis."

Dad replied, "I understand and agree; but what else Momma. There is something you are not saying."

Momma looked straight at Dad and said in a quavering voice, "Lucy has come into our lives and I don't want to risk losing her." Then her tears flowed.

Lucy was up in a flash and sat by Mom and took her in her arms. "Momma, that isn't going to happen. The only way I would even make this offer is if I wasn't fully prepared to go the distance with Ricky. All I have to do is convince him to get down on his knees and ask me. He has this kind of hard head about understanding women."

"I know, he got that from his father. It took me that whole six months to convince him that I was the best he would ever find."

Dad replied, "And she was right."

Momma said, "Go sit with Ricky, honey. I'm not through yet." Lucy came back and sat down and once again took my hand. "First, Ricky I expect you to pay half the rent and bills. We always take care of our part of our responsibilities."

I replied, "I wouldn't have it any other way."

Lucy said, "Well there is a little problem there. The guy who manages my trust funds said that I should buy the condo rather than rent it. When I graduate, I could sell it for close to what I paid for it or more and would save money that way. So it is bought and paid for; no rent and no payment."

Momma responded, "Then Ricky, you pay the bills and buy the food for the two of you." I nodded but felt that Lucy was about to say something and added, "Of course Momma, that is the right thing to do and I wouldn't have it any other way. Right, Lucy?" I felt her relax.

"Yes, honey; if that is the way you want it."

"That's the way I want it."

"Good. That is settled. Now, and this is non-negotiable, I don't want anything to come between you and graduation, either of you; so no babies until after graduation. It will be hard but I will try to keep myself in check."

Lucy replied, "Yes Momma. I started taking birth control pills the day after our first golf class." It took a minute for that to sink in but when it did, all I could do was smile. I really was her target from day one.

"Finally, I had Poppa move the queen bed into Ricky's room this afternoon. There is no sense in you sleeping in separate rooms any more. But I expect to see both of you down here often. And I want a schedule of all Lucy's games this year. I want to be able to come see as many as I can."

Lucy responded, "Fine but only if you stay in our guest room. That is non-negotiable too."

Momma replied, "Accepted. Poppa, do you have anything to add?"

"Old woman, you amaze me more and more every day. You really are the best that I could ever find. The only thing I would add is that I think we all need another beer and Momma needs a glass of wine; sort of a celebration." He got up and poured a glass of wine and put it in front of Momma and then opened three beers for us. I was flying so high, I barely tasted it. All I felt was Lucy next to me and a happiness that I had only dreamed about.

When we finally went to bed, Lucy looked around my room and said, "I really like this room; I am going to love coming here often. Now come to bed and let's get started on convincing you that you need to get on your knee in front of me."

"You don't need to convince me. I already know when that is going to happen."

"Are you going to share that bit of information with me?"

"Sure; New Year's Eve."

"Oh that would be perfect. The only time any better would be tonight but I don't want to rush you. But if I haven't said 'yes' and have a ring on my finger by New Year's day, I might throw you out." She paused. "Not!"

"Come here to me, woman."

"Oh I like that. It makes me tingle all over." Then we made each other tingle all over. And unless I was mistaken, Mom and Dad were tingling all over downstairs at the same time.

Friday turned out to be very busy. It was worse because Lucy took Momma to breakfast and didn't come out to help until almost 11:00. When we finally went to bed that night, I noticed a suit bag hanging in the closet that I had never seen before.

"What is this, Lucy?"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. The sorority thing I have to go to when we get back from west Texas is sort of formal and since you are my permanent date now, I decided that you needed a tuxedo. So Momma and I picked one out Wednesday when we went shopping and I picked it up this morning. You will look really good in it. I'll probably have to beat my sisters off of you."

"Uh, I don't know how well I will do in the fraternity/sorority world. I'm not much of a socialite."

"I'm not either; but you will do fine. You are already a gentleman and that is more than I can say about most of the guys. You just be yourself and remember, I am there with you."

"I will never forget that."

We decided to work Saturday and leave to go home at 5:00. Momma cried as we loaded the truck with our things. Dad handed us each an envelope which he said was our paychecks for the week. He always paid me with a little extra when I helped out when I was home. It came in handy. Lucy tried to say no but he insisted. She finally put the envelope in her purse. Then we started the drive home. We were half way home when something he said to Lucy struck me. I handed her my envelope and said, "Honey, open this for me please. I have a funny feeling."

She looked at me and then opened the envelope and said, "Ricky, it is for five thousand dollars."

"OK, open yours too."

"Damn it Ricky, turn around. I am going to go back and kill you father. It is for five thousand also."

"I thought so. When he gave it to you, he said that it was a little seed money. He wants us to start out our lives together with a nest egg. He and Mom started with nothing and built it slowly. That is his way of giving us his blessing. Don't hate him for it. It is just his way."

"Crap, I love him; not hate him but….but….Shit, no one has ever done anything like that for me before. I just don't know how to say thank you."

"When they come up, we'll take them to dinner at the place you took me. If you dance with him, that is all the thanks he will need."

"Alright, but these go in a joint savings account Monday."

"I like that idea except that I will want to use part of it to buy you the ring that you deserve."

"Ricky, all I want is you. The ring can be simple and small and that is all I want or need. I don't need a 'show it off' ring."

"I know but I still want a special one for you."

"Ok. I will accept that. Now let's get home, take a shower together; then pizza and a night of fucking. Tomorrow we move you in. Then we go see grandma and grandpa on Monday."

"I like that plan."

It turned out to be a one trip move between her car and my truck and we had my things in her condo, I mean our condo, before we went to lunch. On the way home afterwards, we stopped and had keys made for both the front gate and the door. We went home and swam in the pool and then played nine holes of golf at a nearby municipal course. I fixed dinner for us and she announced that she was going to love it when I cooked because that wasn't her favorite thing to do. So supplying the food and preparing it became my normal job although she frequently prepared simpler things like salads and sandwiches.

On Monday after breakfast, we left and were at her grandparent's house by noon. They turned out to be very nice people and I felt very comfortable with them and they seemed to be comfortable with me. They actually lived on a 200 acre ranch just outside of the city limits. Lucy and I rode horses everyday and she showed me a pond surrounded by trees and we made love there twice during our visit. When we left, we have promised to visit again during the Thanksgiving break.

She snuggled with me on the drive home. Three days later, I was standing in my tuxedo eagerly waiting for Lucy to come out but also nervous about the event we were going to. It was a rush party for prospective pledges so that the sisters could get a first look and impression of the girls before they began their more casual day-to-day rush activities. When she finally emerged, she had the shy look on her face that I had come to realize she wore when she was uncertain of something.

"So how do I look?" I couldn't take my eyes off of her.

"Lucy, honey, I have seen you in your uniforms, school clothes, jeans, and sundresses and I have been enchanted with you in every one of them. But tonight you look like a movie star or a princess or something. I can't believe how beautiful you look tonight. You are almost a fantasy come true."

"I am not a fantasy; I am just a girl who wants to please her man."

"You have taken me far past pleasing me."

"Thank you, I love you so much. And you look even better in your tux than I expected and I expected a lot. Let's go and make all of the others jealous."

"I'm not going to let anyone wearing pants anywhere near you."

"And I'm not going to let anyone wearing dress near you either."

We drove her car to the sorority house and entered with her on my arm. We were met with a variety of shrieks and comments that included "You two look magnificent." Who is that hunk you are with?" "Does he have a brother?" "Lucy, I haven't seen you smile that big since you have been here." Needless to say, we were both surprised and pleased by our reception. For the first fifteen minutes, Lucy introduced me to the returning sisters, several of whom I recognized from various classes but none of whom had I ever talked with.

We got a glass of wine from the bar and sipped it together as she explained, "In a little while, I need to join the others as we welcome the new girls. I think that you will be safe while I am doing that. When we are done, we will just mingle and later dance a little. The guys that are here right now are the boyfriends or husbands of the sisters. A number of the girls aren't attached so you are going to be surrounded by beautiful women tonight."

"There is only one beautiful woman here tonight and I am with her right now."

"Hold on to that thought."

A few minutes later, one of the sisters said, "Ladies, shall we see what we will see?"

All of the girls went and formed a receiving line. Lucy stood next to a tall blonde woman who would probably come in second to Lucy in my eyes if anyone asked me to judge. I watched as the new arrivals entered. Each one was announced by name as she went through the receiving line. Several of them were in formal dress while most were in stylish evening attire. Several looked like gawky high school girls going to their senior prom and several others looked like they were cruising for a pickup. The others looked nervous but tried to appear sophisticated. Several came towards the bar where I was standing and I just naturally asked if I could get them a glass of wine. They smiled and allowed me to order a glass for them. Those that accepted my offer I felt were more likely to make an impression on the sisters than the ones who refused. I had no reason to know why I felt that way, but I did.

It didn't seem long before I felt an arm slip under mine and my favorite voice say, "Hey sailor, want to buy a girl a drink?"

"Sure lady but you have to sleep with me tonight to get it."

"You drive a hard bargain but I accept. I was really impressed that you just assumed the role of a gracious host. I liked that and so did my sisters. You seem very comfortable."

"I felt like an idiot just standing here and it seemed natural to just do something like that."

"Well your response to feeling like an idiot is excellent. Don't lose those feelings. So of the ones who came over this way, who were you impressed with and who turned you off?"

"I have no way to judge what you are looking for but most of them are a little nervous but the girl in the green dress and the tall one who walks like she is a model seemed like winners. The one in black seems like a lounge lizard on the prowl and the one in yellow is scared shitless and seems to wonder why she is here. The others didn't make an impression on me one way or the other."

"My, my, my; my man has a good eye. Those are exactly my impressions too. As I told you, this first impression is really important but we will give them all some time because some of them are like me and will take a while to come out of their shell."

"What do you look for? I guess since I never went through this, I have no idea what fraternities and sororities look for."

"The fraternities mostly look for guys who fit in and will be successful. Some are jock fraternities while others are more business oriented. The sororities are more varied. Some are a haven for the socialite crowd. Others are more for career oriented girls. One of them is pretty strongly lesbian oriented. Ours is fairly varied. We have some of all of those but mainly focus on girls that we are comfortable with and who will work with us and become long term friends. Some are focused on careers and others are more focused on a normal life like I am. I am comfortable with all of my sisters. We tease each other of course but we also support each other a lot. Many of them come to as many of my games as they can. Several of them commented that they remembered you from last year's games."

Several of the prospects came up to talk to Lucy including the one in the green dress. Lucy introduced me as her boy friend and the girl in green thanked me for getting her the wine. She declined a refill. I was impressed with the way she talked even though it was obvious that she was trying to impress Lucy. Later the one who looked scared came over. She looked more relaxed now. Lucy introduced me to her and she apologized for not accepting my offer of wine. She said she didn't drink much except at meals and she was nervous because her mother had talked so much about sorority rush. Lucy explained later that she was a legacy and would probably be accepted anyway.
