A Taste of Incest - Honey 05


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Muriel smiled. "Family is the point here, but with those masks you'll never know who is who. No talking, folks! Keep it a secret! Anyone afraid of this can sit it out. And it ends when you feel fucked-out and can't take any more. Then you climb out, sit back, take off your mask, have another drink or puff or three, and watch the remaining fun."

Nobody was sober enough to object or run. Muriel passed out the masks. "Put these on and I'll set you in your places."

Once her victims were masked, nearly blinded, Muriel led each to a place around the pool. She was careful. Teresa, Faith, Ron: dark-blonde-pale. Cynthia, Hope, Damon: red-blonde-red. Magdala, Lilith, Tony: blonde-red-dark. Walnut-haired Muriel herself was last. She could wait.

At the far end of the pool, ready to race to their first targets: Mediterranean Maria, walnut Judy, Saxon Ann, and brunette Pam.

Muriel snapped her mask on and took her place.

"Okay girls, start their engines!"

The race was on! Everyone won!

Teresa, Faith, Ron, and Cynthia were anonymously eaten in order. Ron came first, groaning nicely. Pam popped out to sit anonymously beside Muriel. Ron hit the water to do his best to whomever. He did quite well. Rubbing her feet while tongue-circling her clit was a real hit.

Step-by-step details here would be tedious. You get the idea. As the game progressed, guys blew guys and ate gals, and women gave much pleasure to their mothers or sisters or sons or brothers.

And nobody knew, although some guessed. Ron thought he recognized flavors (diluted by lightly chlorinated pool water) of many of the women, and he suspected it was Damon's semen he swallowed. He thought he recognized some tongue and finger techniques applied to himself but some also felt new, different, intriguing. The Devlins, he deduced. Or someone was experimenting.

Anonymous incest was Muriel's point. Well, unless you define incest only as a human male penetrating the vagina(s) of close female kin with his penis. In which case, no incest occurred here, only innocent fun. Nothing immoral. Trust me.

The Devlins likely slurped and fingered each other for the first time today. Did lovely Lilith nibble and gnaw her moaning mother or vice-versa? Did either blow Damon? Who knows for sure?

The rotation showed no pattern. Different pairs came slowly or quickly. Predict who would eat who next in this fluid situation? Impossible!

And the pace of the action exhausted nobody. Four targets for some minutes. Then the next four for some minutes. Then the last two and first two for some minutes. And around and around, amen. Time varied with expertise and stimulation. Time for recovery and anticipation.


Even being young and thus fast to revive, the guys could not endure forever. No more erections right now, nope.

Tony was first to climb out, to lose his mask, and pour another drink. Damon escaped next, his happily abused cock hanging limp and wasted. He reloaded his hash pipe. Ron, the youngest, lasted longest, until his big sister anonymously sucked him silly.

Pam knew who she blew. She had learned her little brother's flavor over the weekend. She was glad Ron ate chicken and drank clear liquor. No heavy beef or bourbon overtones.

"Holy fuck, that was awesome!" Damon wheezed.

"Yeah, these women are damn talented," Tony agreed.

"Let the good time roll," Ron smirked, freshening his drink.

The guys focused on the all-female action. Anonymous mothers and daughters licked and stroked other daughters and mothers to groaning breathy paradise. A scent of sex almost overpowered the pool's slight chlorine aura.

The Heinecke sisters, nearly telepathic, left the pool almost as one. Three blonde bombshells sauntered to three staring guys, enticing hips swiveling, Teutonic boobs rolling. Each had another drink and then stood before young man occupying half-reclined loungers.

"Got anything left, Tony, or has the raging bull gone dead?"

Faith pushed his hairy legs apart, knelt between them, and fingered his manhood, which twitched. She took that as a sign of life.

"Oh goody," she purred, and crawled just far enough. "Want a tit-fuck now?" she asked innocently.

Fine-figured Faith started without awaiting permission. Tony groaned and grew between her spit-lubed mounds of pleasure. Her tongue-tip teased the tip of his uncircumcised dickhead. More groans.

"Enough of that. I'm going to Lady Dracula you." She sucked, without fangs. But his life-force remained.

"My mouth still works, Damon. Is your willie warped off?"

Ann fondled Damon's wrecked, wrinkled scrotum - which miraculously expanded in her soft, warm hands. She bent to lick his uncut cock as it emerged from hiding in red brush. Finger pressure on his expanding shaft expanded it yet more.

"Nice baby," Ann hummed, and licked and sucked competently.

"You can't say no, Ron," Faith declared. "I'm gonna blow you till you pop like a circus balloon at ten-thousand feet." She scrunched up and swallowed him. Huff-and-puff, suck-and-blow, yum-yum.

The guys watched themselves and each other being expertly fellated. They watched their mothers and sisters eating each other. The lads were all stiff and excited but alas, their balls had nothing left to give. They would stay fruitlessly and juicelessly hard for quite some time.

The women could handle that.


Mothers and older sisters gave up next.

Teresa rolled from the firing line, shook herself like a lioness, stripped off the mask, glanced and grinned at the others' lesbianity, and walked smoothly to the kids. She tapped Hope's tanned shoulder, sultry under tawny hair brushing Tony's furry loins. Hope dropped Tony's cock.

"My turn now, sugar," Teresa said. "My boy. My turn."

"Thanks, Mrs Sabbatini; my tongue is starting to hurt. Take him." Hope stood and stretched. She always liked projecting her boobs.

Cynthia stalked from the pool, long red tresses dripping, face glowing. She nervously watched Teresa feed her breasts to her sexy son and then kneel to inhale his cock in her motherly mouth. Holy fuck!

Cynthia heard soft footsteps; Pam walked past her and tapped the top of Faith's head.

"Hey, he's my brother. Give him up now."

Faith creakily stood and shook. "More power to you. My jaw and knees hurt." She stretched, too. Nice tits!

Pam bent to give her little brother a slurp but he objected, "No, no, Sis. Not this way." He fully reclined the lounger. "C'mere," he waved, "on top, so I can taste you." She climbed aboard, pushed her pubes into his face and his cock into her mouth, and sighed. Their 69 pulsed.

They had only started having sex together a few days before. Pam felt like she had years of neglect to make up. Ron only felt lucky.

Cynthia heard more footsteps. Her girl Lilith hugged her from behind, full-press into her mother's back and butt, hands circling the maternal waist, then up under her mom's mammaries.

"Wow Mom, look at Ann go on Damon!"

Ann looked up. "I've been at this awhile. He's fun, like a candy cane but without calories. But I'm... hey, do you want him?"

"But he's my brother... and Tony is Maria's brother." Maria, fresh from the pool, knelt by her mother to double-tongue a gasping Tony.

"And Ron is Pam's brother," Lilith mused aloud, watching them make the beast with two backs and eight legs. Was she trying to convince herself it was all okay? "And sure, I've seen Damon naked, and sweaty, but not with a cock like that... oh fuck, let me at him!"

Perhaps residual hashish and alcohol helped her decision.

Ann made way for Lilith's stoned, desperate mouth. Damon watched his sister's head bobbing, felt her mouth slobbering, felt his cock throbbing. He gasped when his mother leaned over his head and gave him a freckled boob to suck while she nibbled and pinched his nipples, then pressed his hand to her bright red muff.

"Holy fuck," Cynthia thought. "What am I doing?"

The scene overwhelmed her.

Mother, daughter, and son: Teresa and Maria fellating Tony, one on the fluttering head, one on the gleaming shaft, then trading off.

Brothers and sisters: Ron and Pam's noisy 69; her own daughter Lilith firmly blowing and fisting her own son Damon's compelling cock.

And Damon! He looks so much like Liam! God, those strong legs! That long cock! Those firm muscles! And she could smell him! Oh fuck!

Of COURSE she had dreamed of Damon, and Lilith, and even Muriel and Judy, the foxes! Of COURSE she had suppressed those perverted dirty dreams. Of COURSE she never told anyone what mental images she masturbated to. Of COURSE she was a moral woman, raising her kids right, doing it alone, doing everything for them.

"Holy fuck," Cynthia thought. "Where am I going?"

Residual hashish and alcohol may have helped her choice, too.

"If loving them is right, I don't want to be wrong," her uninhibited heart told her. No angel and devil on her shoulders arguing morality. Only the impulse. Only the love. And the lust, still alive after this multi-orgasmic earthquake afternoon.

Cynthia's uninhibited heart walked her behind Damon's lounger, bent her over her lovely son, fed him a lush nipple, aimed her mouth and hand at his own pink nubs, and brought his hand to her pubes.

Cynthia pressed his fingers inside her. He twitched, then fiddled, then probed into her striated passage, his gateway into this world. A finger brushed his mother's clitoris with an electric shock. Cynthia gasped. A finger found a roughened spot deep inside her. Cynthia cried into her son's chest, as she had into his father's.

Damon suckled his dear mother's dear breasts with infantile intensity. And moaned. And trembled. And felt the unmistakable fore-warning. And blew a last, thin, burning, eternal stream of drowned sperm into his big sister's molten mouth, lost forever, amen.

"What have I done?" Cynthia moaned.

"I am dead, just fucking dead," Damon gasped.

"That was fun. I think I want to fuck you later," Lilith said.

Ron pushed his own fiery finale, a flash of ecstatic pain while Pam choked on his cock as his tongue tortured her beyond endurance. Teresa and Maria drew a subdued last blast from Tony, too. Tickling his anus helped.

Women fell beside their suck-toys' loungers. They all wheezed.

The pool was empty now. On a big clean soft shaded pad, the four Heineckes, mother and daughters, combined in the usual ever-shifting daisychain. Muriel and Judy nibbled at each other beside them. Discarded masks floated on the surface; Judy could net them later.

Ron and Pam found strength to flex their exercised thighs and calves, stumble across the tiles, and join Muriel and Judy's nibbling. It was fun, especially starting at toes and tracking out to fingertips, and all points between. Then Ron nibbling Muriel's worn pussy while Judy and Pam sucked her breasts till she almost screamed. Ron rubbed the girls' feet. They seemed happy.

"Y'know what I want, bro?" Pam whispered. "I want to fuck you blind."

"My eyes! My eyes!" Ron cried quietly. He stroked his sister's thighs. Then he sang:

"Tonight, tonight,

Won't be just any night..."

"You know Australian foreplay, right?" Ron set up the punch line, "Brace yourself, Sheila!"

"I'll be braced for you," Pam promised. Magdala groaned. Judy giggled.

Shadows lengthened. The afternoon was still hot. Back in the pool, everyone! Splash away sweat and other juices. Then shower, grope, shower again, dry off, and dress in something, anything.

Dinner and generated electricity await us. The doctor will be home sometime. Do not blow his mind too much. Do not fuck too openly, indoors or out front. Do not scare the neighbors. Do not worry about breaking the beds - they are sturdy.

That evening would be interesting. What a way to spend a disaster!


Muriel administered espresso to the survivors to clear their brains enough that they would not seem TOO stupid tonight. But so what if some clothes do not match?

Traces of debauchery were cleaned or concealed from the house and yard. Judy netted the pool, gathering discarded masks and random eucalyptus and oak leaves, and set the pump for power. She gathered towels to launder for the next poolfest.

Muriel powered the home generator when the bloated red sun kissed the western horizon. The pool needed pumping. Clothes and towels needed laundering. The house needed air conditioning. The refrigerator and freezer needed boosts. And interior lights were cheerful.

Ann loved mind games. Giggles and laughs approved her scheme.

Dr Elliot arrived home sometime after nightfall, bone-weary. He closed the door from the attached garage and walked tiredly through the kitchen. Four mothers in sensible dresses and three sons in tees and jeans worked to assemble dinner for fifteen. Grins greeted him.

The dentist grunted a hello to all, kissed his beautiful wife, patted her firm fanny, and walked on into the spacious living room en route to the master suite. And stopped. And blinked.

Seven nubile young women wearing only the brightest and briefest of miniature bikinis sprawled, bare-butts-up, on the huge soft fur rug by the big decorative electric-log fireplace. All rolled, and sat up cross-legged, and wriggled, and waved, and sang in unison, "HI, DADDY!"

The room had cooled enough that stiff chilled nipples adorned every thin straining bikini top. Well, maybe they had cheated a bit, pinching nearby nips just before his entrance.

Dr Elliot did not recognize them all. He was blinded by flesh, by bouncing boobs, exercised legs, spread thighs, bare feet, twitching toes, and gleaming smiles that gained his professional approval.

"Errr, did you girls have a nice day in the pool?"

Again, they sang in unison: "YES, DADDY!"

They waved and wriggled some more. He blinked again, shook his head, and retreated. Well, he stared a bit first. Wouldn't you?


The house had cooled. All dressed for dinner, in tees (over bras or bikini tops on the women) and jeans or medium skirts at least. Dr Elliot relaxed just enough to go barefoot with the rest.

The radio ran earthquake news before dinner but not while eating, nor after - "to avoid ruining their digestion" was the excuse. Let us have more Mexican ranchero music, please. Softly, sweetly.

What news there was, was bad and good. The good: fewer reported casualties than feared - not even many looters to shoot. The bad: gas and power utilities, water supplies, rails and roads, would be disrupted indefinitely. Stay tuned for more bulletins. Stay home if possible.

"That's impossible," Dr Elliott said. "A rash of broken teeth today, all rush-rush, and very likely many more tomorrow. People have been biting down too hard. I think it's stress. It'll be another long day."

Ann waved a three-finger gesture.

"WE'RE SORRY, DADDY!" the girls sang.

Then they DID laugh. Laughter was a great sauce for dinner.

After dinner, small groups flowed around the house. Students, except Tony and Pam, spent the evening staying current with schoolwork, clustering and conferring as needed. Family and guests wandered on various missions. Finish today's laundry. Arrange bedrooms, furniture, and tomorrow's necessities. Check fuel and batteries on the motor vehicles. Steal kisses and caresses. Prepare for Lights Out, maybe read until then.

Ron had reason to walk past the master suite. The door was open. He heard sounds. He peered in.

Muriel lounged naked in an oversized, overstuffed easy chair with low, wide, padded arms, her fine legs spread wide, eyes blinking, lungs gasping as she twisted her nipples. Another twist, and she moaned.

Dr Elliot, wearing an unbuttoned silk pajama top, crouched on his hands and knees, his face buried in Muriel's trimmed bush. A towel was spread underneath.

Judy bent over behind her father. She wore only a tee rolled up over her juicy breasts and a double-ended dildo connecting her pussy with the dentist's anus. One hand steadied their pleasure toy; the other circled his fat but short cock, jerking, jerking.

A signal invisible to Ron passed among the family. Judy moved the toy faster within her, deeper, and then stopped, and moaned, and panted, and drove deeper and harder into her father. Muriel scooched and reached to pinch his nipples, an obvious trigger. He grunted, and spurted on the towel. Judy continued pounding and jerking him.

Muriel opened her eyes and saw Ron. She smiled and waved. He waved back and left. He needed to see no more. That was enough.


Ron leafed through an Encyclopedia Britannica volume in the house library when Judy came in some minutes later. A simple tee and skirt covered her. She closed the door.

Judy crouched so their faces were level and kissed him, a long, slow, mouthful of a kiss. He pushed the sturdy oak chair back from the long leather-covered table. She sat in his lap, facing him, kissing him again. He noticed that no panties obscured her wet delta. She raised her tee and placed his hands on her breasts. Her mouth rejoined his.

He broke off. "Uhhh, what? Ahhh, I mean-"

She kissed him again, wet lips, and sat up.

"You are probably wondering. Wondering what goes on. Wondering how and when it started. Wondering why." Another kiss.

"But first, I need you. Here." She pulled his mouth to a nipple. "Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Now the other." He complied. "And that toy just is not enough. I need your long hot fully-alive dick. Now. Right now."

She raised herself, slid his loose jeans and briefs down, grasped his now-stiff cock, and guided him into her. "Oh yeah." She slid down fully onto him. "Fuck yeah. You're what I need. You, Ron. Now, Ron. Hey, keep sucking!"

She leaned back. Her softball breasts beckoned. Ron suckled. Judy gyrated in small slow ovals on his cock. He pulled her forward, finger-stroked her nipples, and bit her neck in just the right place.

"Oh. Oh. Oh yeah. Yeah." She gyrated faster. "Oh. Oh fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Ahhh..." She exhaled and went limp. He stayed hard.

Judy pulled their tees off and pressed against him, arms around his neck, mouth demanding, tongues dancing. She leaned back minutely after a timeless time and stared into his eyes.

"You are probably wondering-"

"Stop. You don't have to tell me anything."

"But I WANT to! I don't fuck Daddy. I suck him, and jerk him, and sodomize him with toys, but I do not fuck Daddy. He is not Glee Club. And I only started a few months ago. Mom gave me the double-dildo for my 18th birthday and showed me how to use it. On women. On men. On Daddy. She's been fucking his ass for years now. I'm just helping her have fun and keep him under control. He gets real sulky otherwise."

"You don't have to justify-"

She leaned in for another kiss, to shut him up.

The door opened. Ron's big sister Pam walked in.

"Is there- oh, I'm sorry. You're busy. Looks like you're keeping my kid brother happy, girl. I'll just-"

"Don't go! I haven't used him up. There's plenty left for you. Hey, c'mere! Take your shirt off! Yeah, right here."

"You're sure?"

"Fuck yeah!"

Pam's boobs were a bit larger than Judy's. Her mid-thigh skirt also concealed no panties. She stood near so Ron and Judy could suck tits, fondle buns, and tease labia. Pam's breathing was hard. So was Ron.

"Okay, he's all yours now! I saved plenty for you. Try this on for size."

Judy stood and wiped herself with her short skirt. Pam descended on her brother, facing him as Judy had. Judy guided Ron's ramrod into his very sister's tunnel of love.

"Mmmm, this is nice. Thanks, Judy."

The door opened again. Tony stepped in.

"Is there- oh hey, don't let me bother you."

"Ron and Pam just got started, guy. You can get in on this too. I bet you all can have lots of fun here. Hmmm..." Judy looked around and pointed at a low credenza. "Yeah, just the right size. There's a blanket in the bottom drawer. Let me spread it. But first..."