A Village Vampire Ch. 05


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The brightest news was that Mr Alonin did have an assistant. She worked business hours at his house, ran his diary and clearly was now our best shot at getting a meeting. Millie had also discovered she was separated from her husband living alone with a daughter. Time to spring into action once more. The PA was called Mrs Willow McKenzie.

So it was the following evening when Sarah and I in our van arrived outside Willow McKenzie's house. As we pulled up, Millie jumped into the van, to report she had seen Mrs McKenzie go into the house after picking her daughter up from school. It was now late enough to assume said daughter would be in bed, hopefully this would allow me to seduce Mrs McKenzie without interruption.

Kissing both Sarah and Millie I headed off with their good luck wishes. Millie was going back to work having worked on our unofficial case all day. Sarah would hang around, waiting for me, in case I needed her and also so I could get a lift home.

The house stood on its own surrounded by small grounds and so on a whim I walked down the side of the house wondering if perhaps I could gain access from the back. As I walked, I mused that so often these days I needed the talents of a housebreaker, something I was clueless about.

This time though housebreaking was not necessary as the backdoor was unlocked. Thank god for people living in areas they perceived to be safe. I quietly opened it, listening, straining all my super hearing. The house appeared silent except I could pick up a faint moaning from far away. Moving through the kitchen into the lounge I began to appreciate the moaning and heavy breathing that I could also now hear was coming from upstairs. The noise grew louder as I climbed the stairs and now I could also pick up the sound of slow breathing which reassured me the daughter was fast asleep in her room.

The door was a little ajar and so I was able to observe that Willow McKenzie was lying naked on the bed, one hand between her legs as she masturbated. She was softly moaning as her fingers moved feverously across her pussy. In the air was the scent of dampness and soap. This was a lucky night. She had even showered for me.

So I moved into the room managing to close the bedroom door behind me before Willow realised she was not alone. She sat up abruptly, but before she could scream and grab for her robe I was in her mind stopping her. The suggestion that she should lie back and continue to pleasure herself was readily received. So she lay watching me, stroking herself and moaning with pleasure, as I removed my clothes.

She had long brown hair and brown eyes and a face covered in the most wonderful freckles. She wore diamond earrings, which hung as a little globe from each ear and a necklace, which had a similar diamond ball hanging from it.

Now naked I moved to join her on the bed. I moved to kneel between her legs holding the top of her left thigh in my hand, settling down to lay on the bed I let my tongue slowly lick her pussy. She laid still, her hands above her head and her eyes closed as I licked. Up and down, round and round, went my tongue making her run her hands across her body and to bring her legs up so they were bent. The soles of her feet were flat on the bed.

Holding her head in my hands I kissed her. Her earrings slightly burnt the skin on my hand and so I made her remove them and also her necklace.

I kissed her again. Her lips were briefly hard and unresponsive but then she began to eagerly kiss me back. As we kissed I ran my hands over her breasts and her back before kissing her neck. She threw her head back with a giggle. My lips and hands explored all over her body before she finally flopped back onto the bed, her hands on top of her head and so I resumed kissing and licking her pussy.

She lay still as my tongue continued to probe her, making her moan and gasp with the pleasure. She resumed running the tips of her fingers all over her body before reaching down to caress my head. Pinching her breasts hard she slowly got up and got me to lie on my back. Kneeling over me she held my cock in her left hand and began to suck it. My hand stroked her ass and her back before she came up for a long kiss.

"Fuck me," she said. "Please, I want to feel you inside me."

She rolled onto her side with her back to me as I held my cock ready to enter her. She lifted her right leg into the air moaning softly as I entered her. Holding her leg in the air with my hand I began to move in and out of her very gently and slowly. Her hand stroking her clitterous as I did. Once again her hand played with her breasts as I fucked her, building up the speed of my stroke and lifting her leg higher as her wetness lubricated my cock. My head began to nuzzle and kiss her neck as her moaning began louder. Her hand rubbing my neck as I kissed her over and over.

I had never fucked a woman who used her hands so much, rubbing them all over her body. I could sense in her mind how much that turned her on and I loved the fact it did.

She rolled onto her front and I entered her from behind. My arms straight, fists resting on the mattress so I was above her body. Using my waist as leverage I fucked her with long hard strokes, her hands gripping the side of the mattress, eyes closed, breaths coming in short sharp bursts. I used my hands to grip her ass getting more leverage, making her scream with the pleasure of it. Sliding my hands under her I was able to lift her slightly off the mattress. The new angle giving her even more pleasure. Leaning down I kissed her back as she raised herself up a little to meet my lips. Kissing her on the cheek and cupping her breasts before she rolled over onto her back.

She lay on her back, head to the side as I kissed and licked her neck. I screwed her with fast, hard strokes as she wrapped her legs around me, begging me to carry on. As her left hand reached my ass to push me into her I bit her neck and began to drink her blood. She gasped using the other hand to push my head into her neck. I fucked her and drank her blood this way for a while. Her gasps became shorter and louder as she finally came.

Thinking I had drank enough of her blood I ceased, bringing myself more into an upright position and pulling her left leg onto my shoulder. I continued to screw her until I came too. I smiled, looking down at her gently rubbing her tits as she looked up at me. I realised how sexy her freckles made her look until I closed my eyes and lost myself in my orgasm. When I had shot my load into her I reached down to kiss her some more, on the lips and down to her breasts. Her hands holding my head as I did.

I imagined we were done, but she made it quite clear she wanted more by pushing me onto my back. She briefly sucked my erection back to full hardness then moving on top of me slid my cock into her again. She placed her legs either side of my body and leaning back on her hands she rode me. I lay still watching her fuck me. Her weight moved onto one hand so the other could pinch, pull and stroke her breasts.

When she was bored of this she got herself into a more upright position and screwed me that way, her hands resting on the top of her head. Again I loved watching her, eyes closed, moaning, hands running all over her body and mine. She gradually slowed the up and down motion as she came with such a strong orgasm it overwhelmed me as well as he . She stayed above me for some while stroking her breasts and body until I could stand it no more and I pulled her down, bit her again and drank some more of her blood.

It was an hour or so later when we had both recovered enough for me to start exploring how to meet Alonin. In the end it seemed easiest for me to visit the house when Willow was able to tell me that Mr Alonin and his heavies were there. The problem was it would be daylight. However there seemed no other way, so I left Willow with that plan and instructions to call me when the opportunity was there.

Kissing her one more time I went to leave with her pleas to come back and see her soon. I simply told her I would speak to her when she had some news about Jarvis. He was my priority, although she was an incredible lay.

Sarah waved at me from across the street as I walked across the road and jumped in the car. We were chatting happily on the way back to the hotel, relaxed and not expecting any trouble when suddenly a car overtook us and stopped suddenly. We had to brake hard and screeched to a halt. The road where this had happened was very quiet. Sarah and I looked at each other nervously. Sarah grabbing my hand as we both saw two heavy, thick set men had just got out of the car in front of us.

She went to grab the gear stick planning to reverse us out of trouble but I stopped her.

"It looks like they are on to us," I said grimly. "Wait here."

Yelling in my head for Millie to send help I jumped out of the car coming face to face with both Kronkin and Golov. Kronkin grabbed me throwing me against the car.

"You really don't want to do that," I said smiling.

"Oh yea," he smiled, "don't suppose I want to do this either." For me the next movements happened in slow motion. The joy of having vampire speed and strength. As Kronkin threw his right hand to punch me I caught his hand. He screamed as I crushed it, making him drop to his knees and then picking him up I threw him into Golov. As they hit the ground together, rolling apart as they fell. I was immediately on top of them, my fist hitting both of them in quick succession, knocking them both out.

"Not bad," said Sarah with a smile jumping out of the van now it was safe. She walked round to open the back of the vehicle so I could throw the two men in. I jumped in the back with them, unsure if they would come round quickly or not. Mentally chatting with Millie to arrange a meeting place as I did.

Millie routed us to an abandoned factory she knew. It would be very quiet and easy to spend as long as we needed talking with our guests. Perfect I told her as she promised to meet us there.

Time for a chat

It was a pleasure to throw the water into their faces and watch as they came round coughing and spluttering. We had cuffed them, but it was hardly necessary as I immediately took over their minds and bent them to my will. So very quickly we knew it was them that had set fire to the convent and it was Mr Alonin that had ordered it.

It was good to know after all this time and work that we had been right. A plan formed in my head and after an hour of chatting and agreeing tasks we sprung into action. My revenge was about to descend on Mr Jarvis Alonin.

A police car picked up the two thugs after Millie had created signed confessions from them. She had spent ages with them going over and over their statements making sure she had recorded every fact. Naturally it very heavily incriminated Alonin. The rest of us hid as Millie handed over the men to the bewildered police officers. Her abrupt waving away of their questions stopped the PC's awkward queries.

The confessions would have to be redone at the station, but with my control of them we knew they would follow the script.

Willow McKenzie could feel her heart beating fast in her chest as she drove up the drive of the house. It was not her style to drive fast or to order her boss around, but moving fast was essential and he was in great danger. She had phoned ahead and told Jarvis to get dressed and pack, so when she skidded to a halt on his gravel drive he already had the front door open.

He now sat fidgeting in the passenger seat.

"How do you know all this?" he asked.

"I told you," Willow replied. "Kronkin phoned me and told me they were going to the police and that I should do the same. I did some checking with a friend and its true they are both in the police station right now. I am pretty sure they are grassing you up."

"I don't believe you," he yelled. "They wouldn't, couldn't.

"I am sorry Mr Alonin but its true." Willow replied. "Trust me. Let me get you out of here," she continued. "You were there for me when my husband left so let me help you now."

She felt him relax a little in the passenger seat.

"You are a good girl." He said. "Thank you. I will kill those bastards if you are right." He threw an envelope onto the back seat. "That's the papers for the farm and the convent. Look after them for me in case I am not back for a bit."

The rest of the journey continued in awkward silence and it was not until they arrived at the airport and came to a halt beside a plane that Jarvis spoke again.

"That's not my plane." Alonin said looking confused.

"I couldn't get your plane. I told you that on the phone, so I hired a different one," replied Willow winding down her window. The sound of jet engines and the familiar smell of an airport hit their senses. However they froze when in the distance there was the sound of sirens.

"Quickly, get on and go," shouted Willow.

Deciding to wait no longer Jarvis Alonin did something he had never done before in his life, he ran. Running out of the car, up the steps and into the plane.

Willow McKenzie watched as the second Jarvis disappeared into the plane, the steps were pulled away, the door closed and it began to taxi. She stood watching as the plane thundered down the runway. A police car, now silent, stopping at her side, as she stood looking into the distance. A young woman got out.

"You must be Rosie." Willow said more as a statement than a question, she did not turn and look at the new arrival.

"Did it go as planned?" asked Rosie nervously.

"Oh yes, especially your siren, nicely timed." Willow replied and without saying another word she grabbed an envelope from her car, passed it to Rosie and then drove off. Rosie sat on the bonnet of the car. She was sitting there a long time before she stood up, shielding her eyes as tiny flashing lights reappeared in the sky, the sound of a jet plane reaching her ears as the lights grew brighter and then finally the jet landed, taxied and stopped by her car.

When the steps were reattached and the door opened I was able to run down the steps and join her. The hugs and kisses were wonderful.

"Its done then?" She asked.

"Sorted." I replied and it was.

The body would wash up on the shore in a few days. The press had a field day explaining who and what Jarvis Alonin was. How his own people put Mr Jarvis Alonin's name in the frame for arson and murder and how with the game up he had committed suicide, jumping from a jet over the English Channel. DI Millie Brown was credited with doing most of the detective work. The men who had confessed to the police were now remanded in custody awaiting trial for several counts of murder, demanding money with menaces and a range of other offences.

That was all in the future, but for now jumping in the passenger seat of the car I announced. "Take me home my love."

As she drove off Rosie passed me the envelope from Willow. I leafed through the paperwork that showed the late Mr Alonin had bought up all the land around the convent.

"It was about Fracking." I told Rosie. "The land he bought has great potential for Shale oil but he needed the convent for access and to ensure planning permission. He killed them to make himself even richer."

"What are you going to do?" asked Rosie.

There was a long pause as I tried to think what to do. I hated the idea of my village being ripped apart because of Fracking and then it came to me.

"Give the lot to the church." I replied. "Get them to rebuild the convent and use the farm to pay for it. That should make sure my little village doesn't end up as a Fracking site."

And that's what we did.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Very nice

I truly hope that this author continues on with this story. It could quite easily be able to be turned into a nice movie.

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