Aaron's Summer of '77 Ch. 16


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"Money and stuff Mom. Money and stuff. What's it all about anyway?"

"Is your Mom still up here, sasq'? I tried calling you when I had some free time over lunch break and there was no answer. Did you go out with her for lunch?"

"Ummm... no baby. She hadta' get back to Brockville and I just hadta' get outta' here myself for a bit. I laced on my skates and was on the Canal. The season's almost done now. Think this might be the last of it 'til next year. The ice was fuckin' lousy. When are ya' comin' home?"

"I was going to head over to Wallack's to pick up some stuff for my presentation boards for my retail store project. You sound really strange Adam. Is everything OK? What did your Mom want to talk to you about?"

"C'mon home Aaron. I need you... like right now baby. Fuck Wallack's! Come home. The walls in this place are closing in on me without you here. Pack your shit up there and get your butt back here with me. I need you here... now!"

"I'm on the way... "

"Toss that jacket on the floor cookie and then get your tight, fuckin' little ass over here! I'm gonna' have every piece of clothing offa' you in thirty seconds and my dong's gonna' be in ya' even faster than that. I need to feel you... like right now honey! I need to feel something real... anything..."

His hands are all over me, wildly tugging and yanking at my sweater and shirt and then jerking the zipper on my jeans as he grinds himself into me. I can feel his heart beating and with one violent motion he rips his shirt off and pulls me into his hairy, heaving chest. The sound of buttons clatter across the wood floor as he pulls down my jeans and aggressively forces me up against the wall.

"Lube my dick up babe! The KY just fell off the top of the dresser there. I hafta' be inside you! This day's been unreal. The only thing keepin' me from losing my mind is the thought of you Aaron! I need you and I'm gonna' fuck you. My cock is yours and it wants ya'! And your ass is mine! Now... rub my dick with that shit honey. I'm gonna' ram your ass 'til I bust a load and you're gonna' need to be extra wet and juicy down there to take what I'm gonna' shove into ya!"

I can feel his passion and urgent need radiating like heat lighting from him and reach down to grab onto his throbbing cock. The crotch of his pants is moist and pungent and feels like 110 degrees. The texture of those old grey suit pants he must have slipped on for me in anticipation of this is sending signals to my cock and making me as hard as he is right now. I have to get down on my knees to rub my face back and forth across them to smell his masculine scent. I'm biting and sucking his dick right through them and I can hear his soft moans every time I rub his strong inner thighs with my hands that seem have taken on a life of their own as they work themselves all over his hairy pleasure trail and scrotum. The tight seam that rides up his ass crack tells me he is free-balling and all I can think of is his hairy butt cheeks and furry pube bush and my mind is obsessed with having his heady, cloying scent all over me. I pull his zipper down and start to work his pre-cum leaking, hairy, hard cock with my tongue. Wave after wave of his intoxicating and overpowering male essence fills my nostrils up with his fresh sweat and spicy 'Adam Blanchard' aura. Then he groans and grabs onto my neck and shoulders and forcefully thrusts his cock deep inside my mouth.

"I'm gonna' make sure every bit of my cum is gonna' be in your mouth or up your ass baby. I just gotta' know you're mine and what we have is real! Nothing between us... nothing to hide... just you and me Aaron. Lick my cock head and suck up that juicy man spunk baby 'cause it's all for you and no one else!"

His pants are lying in a wrinkled heap on the floor beside him. I grab on to them and bury my face inside their hot, aromatic, sweaty crotch and look up at him with a look of pure lust on my face.

"I'd know your smell anywhere sasq'!"

"Cookie! You make me fuckin' crazy! Rub your face in my pube bush and lick the sweat that's on my tight balls... then in between them and my ass baby! You wanna' rim me or do ya' want me to shove my dick in ya'? Ahhh... fuckin' fuck Aaron! I'm gonna' fuck ya'! You can do whatever the fuck you want to me after I shoot my cum load deep inside ya'."

There's no time to make it to the bed, so he squats down with me still on my knees and pushes me onto the hard floor on my back. I can feel every inch of him on top of me as his hands move over every part of me... eventually clawing and grabbing onto my butt and hoisting it up off the floor. His lips and tongue work my nipples into hard, sensitive points of hot, burning pleasure and all I can think about is having his big cock thrusting inside me.

"Baby... you're gonna' wrap your legs around my shoulders 'cause I wanna' see your face when I'm inside ya'. I hafta' see your eyes when I'm fuckin' ya' honey. Somethin' real... somethin' honest... somethin' special... just you and me!"

The KY that fell off the top of the dresser when he threw me into the wall lies right beside him on the floor. He grabs it and twists the cap of it off with his mouth and spits it out, only to see it roll under the dresser.

"Fuck that... I'll get it later!"

The lube is warm on his fingers as he plays with my ass hole. With three of his fingers inside me attacking my sphincter muscles, he keeps working my ass and then urgently exclaims, "No time for foreplay baby. I just gotta' be in ya' like right now!"

Then he rams his massive "King Kong Dong" deep into me with one continuous, thrusting motion. It feels like it's going deeper and deeper into me and never going to stop.

"You'd better start moving that thing back and forth because you're rubbing my prostate and I'm going to cum really fast if your cock keeps banging it that way Adam..."

"Ahhh fuck... I can't hold back any longer honey! Fuck! Fuck! Fuckin' Jeezus fuck!"

I can feel his throbbing cock erupting and shooting his thick, copious cum load deep inside me. I can feel every muscle contraction of his pulsing cock as he groans and cries out my name.

"Fuck Adam! I'm cumming too!"

My back is arched up off the floor. I'm shaking and vibrating with jerky, involuntary movements against Adam as he keeps thrusting his big cock into me. He is panting... his chest continues to heave against me while his strong heart beats an irregular pounding rhythm of need and passion into my soul.

Collapsed and breathless on the floor together... fully spent and satiated... with arms and legs entwined and carelessly ripped and tossed clothing all around us, Adam sighs and says to me. "Aaron... honey... cookie... I love you."

"I love you too, sasq'."

"I needed you and ya' dropped everything for me and came right away when I begged ya' to. I'll always be here for you too Aaron. Always baby... I'd never leave you." Just then I look into his eyes and can see that he is on the verge of crying. Tears are starting to well up and he is blinking to hold them back. He pulls me in tight and close to him and buries his head into my shoulder and exhales deeply so I can feel his hot breath on my neck. Then I feel one single tear drop onto my shoulder.

"What went on earlier today with your Mom Adam? You were a crazy man with me just now. It was perfect... but I know you sasq'. Something happened here today. Is your Mom OK? Are you OK? Talk to me... I'd never leave you either. Never Adam... What's going on?"

"Oh honey! I don't know how to start. Suddenly he starts to cry and his sobs touch something deep inside of me. "Adam... you once said to me you'd always be there for me and you've never let me down. Let me be here for you now. I love you. Just start talking. Doesn't matter how long it takes to get it out... I'm here now and listening. Take your time."

"My Dad died, Adam!"

"What? I thought you didn't know where he was Adam..."

"Mom and me didn't know for sure. That's why she came up here today... to tell me that."

"I'm not going to interrupt you... just keep talking."

"Baby... she told me he was bisexual and that's why he left her and me years ago!"

It's taking everything I have not to ask him questions. But I know he's hurting and has to get this out in his own way and in his own time. All I can do is put my arms around him and hold him close as he continues to tell me what happened here earlier today.

"He died of cancer and was sick for a long time. He was livin 'with some guy out in Edmonton and some Lawyer called Mom yesterday asking her for my phone number 'cause they needed to get in touch with me."

"Go on... "

"Well honey... seems he died and made me Executor of his estate. They want me to fly out there to settle his affairs. He's getting cremated and I'm not gonna' be able to make it out there beforehand. He made all his funeral arrangements and didn't want a service... "

The tears keep flowing and his shoulders are shaking and all I can do is to keep holding him.

"Mom says he left a life insurance policy and some money and a car and stuff for me in his will. I don't give a fuck about any of that shit! So many years wasted. He shoulda' been there for me! I coulda' been there for him. Fuck Aaron! What a lost opportunity for us to get to know each other!"

"Hoist yourself up onto the bed there Adam. I'm going to make us some coffee. It's cold in here. Take that duvet and wrap it around yourself. I'll put the water on and be right back."

"The hot cup feels good in my hands Aaron. Thanks baby."

"No problem... now slide your sexy man butt over and let me sit there too and keep telling me what else happened today and how you're feeling."

The mention of his butt got a little smile out of him. Mission accomplished.

"Well honey... Mom said it was up to me whether I wanted to go out there and that I didn't have to if I didn't want to. This man he's been living' with... I'm freakin' out with having to go meet and deal with him. And then there's havin' to go through all his stuff... some man who is my Dad that I didn't even know... fuck! I just don't know if I wanna' do that Aaron. Mom left me a piece of paper with the name and phone number of some woman from the Law Firm that has his will. They want me to fly out there and take a week or two to settle his affairs. I'm kinda' fucked up over this cookie. Do I go or do I just say fuck it all and forget about him?"

"How is your Mom handling this Adam? She must have been totally shocked when they called her."

"She was pretty upset and told them she wouldn't pay for any outstanding debts and neither would I. Then they told her about the insurance and money and stuff and said she didn't need to worry about that. She was really upset and had a hard time telling me about Dad and their marriage and why he walked out on her. She never knew for sure about him and other men. At least that's what she said to me. It was hard for her to talk to me about her life with him. She told me she'd pay for a plane ticket though if I wanted to go."

"Well, Adam... you've got a few weeks before you have to start your new job with the Department of Health and Welfare."

"A bit more than that baby. They want me to start there April the 10th... the week after Easter Monday. That gives me about six weeks or so to get everything cleared up there and back here before I hafta' start.

"That's good then Adam. If you go, you can start the new job with a clear head. And if you decide to go, don't worry about me here. I'm not going to tell you what to do. You need to figure this out for yourself. I'll support you in whatever you decide. I love you. And as you say to me all the time... I'm here for ya'."

"It's just somethin' I gotta do Mom. Maybe not so much for him as for me. He was my Dad and even though he's gone now, maybe I can learn some stuff from his life and maybe that might help me to figure out my own. Do you understand that at all Mom?"

"Not really... no Adam. You're a grown man yourself now and about to make an exciting new fresh start in life. I don't know what you think you could possibly learn from how he lived his."

"Maybe how 'not' to live mine Mom. That might be all I discover. Besides, I think it's kinda' my duty as his son to make sure his affairs are all settled. It's a matter of respect and him being family and my Dad after all. Dontcha' think he woulda' done that for me if the situation was the other way around?"

"I don't know Adam. But if that's how you feel, then I'll get your plane ticket for you here in Brockville and have it sent up so you can pick it up from a Travel Agency there. When do you want to go darling?"

"I'm thinking in the next couple of days. I called that Miss McCarthy woman and she told me I could stay in Dad's apartment until everything gets settled. It'd just be me there. That man Dad was with... well... he has his own house and only came over to stay there when Dad wanted him to."

"I don't want to hear about any of that Adam. If you have to go, then go. Wrap everything up quickly though and then get back here to us before Easter and ready to start your new job. Promise me that please."

"I will Mom. I promise. And thanks! I love you, you know."

"I love you too darling."

Tuesday, March 7th, 1978 and Adam has a suitcase and his knapsack packed, waiting for Ronnie to pick him up to take him out to Uplands Airport to catch his Canadian Pacific Airlines flight direct to Edmonton for early that evening.

"Are your sure you don't wanna' come out to the airport with Ronnie and me to say g'bye there cookie?"

"I'm kinda' like Mom that way Adam. I'm not good with good byes."

You're gettin' more and more like your Mom every day honey."

"That's a terrible thing to say!"

Adam laughs, pulls me close to him, wraps his arms around me and says, "You know baby... the next couple of weeks are gonna' be hell without ya'. I left a couple of my sweaty shirts in the laundry basket in the bathroom. You can wear them and pretend I'm here with ya' while I'm gone. Does that work for ya' cookie?"

'"It's going to be a pretty lonely bed without you in it Adam. Call me when you get there and let me know you're OK. "

"I will baby."

"And remember... I'll be down in Brockville with Mom and Dad over Winter Break."

"I will baby."

And remember... I'll be seeing Calla and Rob and John when I'm there."

"I will baby"

"And remember... call me the second you know you're coming home."

"I will baby."

And remember... I love you!"

Just then Ronnie honks his horn outside and Adam laughs and says, "I will baby. Oh... meant to say... I love you too!"

The big Canadian Pacific Airlines Douglas DC-8 jet with the distinctive red and orange markings flowing along the bright aluminium fuselage and up onto the tail rudder is out on the tarmac. Luggage is being loaded into the cargo hold of the plane as its turbines slowly rotate with a high-pitched whine inside the massive jet engines on each wing.

Hmmm... Aaron would laugh if he knew both our favorite colours were on the plane. Fuck! I wish he coulda' come with me to say good bye here. I love that fuckin' little twink!"

Adam hands his boarding pass to the flight attendant and heads down the gangway to board the non-stop flight from Ottawa to Edmonton. Five hours and three time zones... Eastern Daylight, Central Daylight and Mountain Daylight since we just turned the clocks ahead an hour and I should be on the ground in Calgary by nine o'clock their time. At least I think I'm right. There just better be a damn decent meal on board and I could sure use a beer once we get up in the air.

Half-way into the flight the jet engines drone on monotonously and then suddenly change octave as the pilots force an ascent to a higher altitude to avoid brutal turbulence over western Manitoba. Eventually Saskatchewan lies hidden below the thick cloud cover as darkness envelopes the DC-8 with the sinking sun disappearing into the western horizon. It's turning out to be one long, stressful and unnerving flight.

The final descent into Edmonton International Airport is just as rough.

Strong side winds and gusts pummel the wings of the big jet as the lights of Edmonton below start to poke through the clouds. The pilots struggle to keep the plane on course as it begins its final approach before landing. The blue lights of the runway flash and seem to mock Adam as he watches the ground rise quickly up to meet him.

It's a scary touchdown with one head-jerking, sickening thud... then a stomach-turning, sudden bounce and then another slightly less violent thud as the reverse thrusters start to scream.

After a few tense moments the plane eventually slows down as the end of the runway ominously looms into sight. Finally the DC-8 starts to taxi, turn and limp off the runway and over toward the terminal. Most of the debarking passengers are deathly pale as they slowly and cautiously head down the mobile stairway from the plane onto the tarmac and into the stark, frozen, bitterly cold Alberta night.

Luckily Adam's suitcase is one of the first to come down the carousel. With his backpack slung over his shoulder and his suitcase firmly in hand, he strides through the noisy and overly bright, fluorescent-flooded main concourse of the airport and out through the sliding exit doors. Taxis with steamed-up windows are idling away... their heavy exhaust fumes add to the nauseous stench of jet fuel that the Chinook winds coming off the Rockies relentlessly blow like piercing needles directly into Adam's exhausted face.

Welcome to Edmonton Adam, he says to himself with a grimace as he shrugs and hails a cab.

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