Abbey the Horny Lawyer


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As she hung up the phone, Mike asked, "Who will you see Friday evening. You have a hot date."

"You're a smart ass, young man. I do not have a date on Friday night. We're going to sign a lease on an apartment for next semester."

"How did you get that done so fast and without even looking at the place?"

"Do you remember the place where we lived when you started grade school?"

"I just barely remember living there; but I remember it from when we visited Gary and Jeannie. They don't live there anymore though."

"They don't have to live there to own it. We don't have to look at it. That building is paying for about one-third of your college education and it provided us with three years of free rent. It has also bought two new houses for Gary and Jeannie. The reason that we couldn't reach them when we were there last month was that they were moving. They had just bought a new house. They have a two-bedroom apartment opening in December."

Abbey then looked at Katie and said, "Now, are we going to reconsider our position on staying in school?"

Katie replied, "I don't have any choice. You want me to stay in school; Mike wants me to stay in school. As much as you're doing for me, I have to do what you want. I also have to admit that you have pressured me into making the right decision. Quitting seemed so easy; but now I can see that it is just dumb."

The three of them discussed their plans for the following day and then watched television for a while. Abbey told them, "I have to be at the office by nine in the morning and I will meet you back here between nine-thirty and ten. Now, I am going to go to bed." Before going to bed, she got her son alone for a moment to tell him, "If tonight is the night, be gentle. Remember, her first time only comes once and you don't want to spoil it for her."

Mike replied, "I know, mom. I just hope that her first time can be as fantastic as my first time."

Abbey gave him a quick kiss and said, "Thank you, Mike. I learned today why you care so much for her. She's a sweet girl."

As Abbey was trying to fall asleep, she heard the sounds of passion coming from her son's room and she was somewhat jealous of Katie at that point. She dozed off; but she opened her eyes when she thought that she heard her bedroom door open. Abbey was on her side and she saw her nude son approaching the side of the bed. Mike began to get under the covers with her. Abbey asked, "What's Katie going to say about you being in bed with me?"

Abbey felt the covers behind her moving and heard a voice say, "Katie can't wait to join you." Abbey then felt a firm pair of breasts pressing into her back and a small hand covering one of her breasts. Mike kissed Abbey and nudged her toward her back. Abbey looked up and Mike's lips were trying to kiss her from one side and Katie was trying to kiss her from the other side. One of Katie's hands slid down and began to caress Abbey's pussy. Abbey asked, "Can I assume that Katie decided that she was ready to feel my son's cock inside of her?"

Katie murmured, "Yes, I did and it was great."

Then Abbey asked, "Can I also assume that Mike spoke to Katie about our sex habits?"

Katie looked into Abbey's eyes and said, "Don't you remember when I said that I thought that sex with anyone that you love was all right, even if they were family members? If I'm going to be with Mike as long as I hope that I will, I want to love his mother as much as he does."

After Katie and Mike kissed Abbey and sucked on her tits for some time, Katie moved between Abbey's thighs and began to kiss the edges of the older woman's pussy. Mike was working on his mother's tits with his mouth while Katie's tongue moved inside of Abbey's pussy. It was not long before Katie was attacking that swollen clit and soon Abbey began to cum. When Katie's face moved away from Abbey's pussy, Mike was waiting to slide his condom-sheathed cock into that waiting hole. Katie positioned her pussy over Abbey's mouth and Abbey began to try to give the teenaged girl as good of a pussy eating as Katie had given her. The three of them came at nearly the same time.

As they all snuggled together, Abbey said, "This has been fun; but if you two plan to keep this up you're going to have to go in the other room. If you're content with just going to sleep, you're both welcome to stay the night. I have a lot to get done in the morning and I have to start fairly early." Mike and Katie simply snuggled close to Abbey and the three of them went to sleep.

Shortly before seven-thirty, Abbey was in the shower when she saw the shower door opening. Katie stepped into the shower, joining Abbey. Katie started to soap Abbey's body and Abbey began to do the same for the younger woman. When Abbey had soaped Katie's tits and had worked her hand between her legs for a while, Abbey said, "I'm sorry, Katie; but this is going to have to do you for the morning. I have a lot to do this morning. As hectic as this day is going to be for all of us, I think that we will all need some relaxing when we come back this afternoon. I will be more than happy to join you then."

Abbey had almost finished drying off when Mike came into the bathroom. Abbey opened the shower door a crack and said, "Katie, I think that your playmate just arrived." As Abbey started to walk away, she saw that her son's cock was already hardening. As she left the bathroom, she wished that she didn't have so much to do that day. The sight of that cock was making her as horny as hell.

Abbey was sitting at the kitchen table preparing a list of things that needed to be done that morning when she heard a knock at the back door. When she opened the door, Abbey was not that surprised to see her father standing there. She poured her father a cup of coffee. As she handed it to him, Reggie said, "I had to come over to find out why the staff was busy yesterday afternoon preparing subpoenas and motions to file in court for an emergency hearing on Monday on behalf of a client that I have never heard of. Then late yesterday afternoon, I find out that the off-duty policeman that we use for serving papers has been scheduled to come in at nine-thirty this morning."

"Daddy, it is a complex matter and I didn't have time to consult you ahead of time."

"Do you care to tell me who this Katherine something Hawkes is?"

"Yes. She's Mike's girl friend. She was getting ready to run away from home and quit school because of a lot of problems at home. Her parents are screwing her out of the money in her education trust. Daddy, the only thing that I can do about Katie's other problems is to comfort her and provide her with a place to live so that she can stay in school. On the trust problem, there are things that I can do. Everything that is done on this matter, except my time, should be billed to me. I'll take care of it."

"No everything will be billed normally. I handle it the same way that I handle all of the pro bono work."

"What pro bono work? I don't recall seeing any since I've been with the firm."

"That's because I handle all billing on those matters. No one except me knows what work is pro bono. Some people tend to not put as much effort into something when they know that the client isn't paying for it. Now what else can I do to help on this matter."

"Daddy, you're already doing what you do best in matters like this. You are providing your support and your blessing."

"I have to go into the office this morning anyway. Why don't you ride with me and you can update me on everything on the way. We'll take care of what has to be done at the office and then when we get back, maybe I can meet this girl that my grandson is so smitten with."

Abbey kissed her father on the cheek and said, "Thank you, daddy. Let's get to the office."

Abbey and Reggie spent about twenty minutes at the office and then returned to her house. Mike and Katie were dressed when Abbey and Reggie returned to the house. When Reggie was introduced to Katie, he commented to Abbey, "I understand why your son likes her so much. She is very beautiful and polite; she seems to be quite intelligent and appears to have class."

Abbey replied, "You're right, daddy. On all counts. She seems to care as much for Mike as he does for her."

Reggie said, "I think that the three of you have something that you need to do. I'll see you when you get back."

Katie got into Mike's car with him and they followed Abbey who was driving her own car. As they drove down the street, a third car followed them. Abbey and Mike parked their cars in the Hawkes driveway. The third car parked on the street. Abbey got out of her car and stood near it. Mike and Katie started into the house. The driver of the third car approached Abbey and asked her, "Should I go in with the kids?"

Abbey replied, "No. They should go in alone. You need to be alert when they come out of the house and you might be needed on their subsequent trips into the house."

He and Abbey stood by the car while Mike and Abbey were inside. A short time later, Mike and Katie were coming out the front door with boxes in their arms. A man who appeared to be about fifty followed them out the front door and hollered, "Don't think that you're getting back in here to get anything else. When I get good and ready, I'll dump it all on the curb and you had better hope that you can get to it before the scavengers or the garbage men get it."

Katie was in tears as she started to put boxes in the back seat of Mike's car. Abbey simply said, "John, do your thing."

The man who had been with Abbey approached the front door and said, "Mr. Hawkes, I am Officer John Noble of the Kingsport Police Department." John then showed his badge and continued, "At this time, this incident is being treated as a domestic disturbance. I have to inform you that any interference with them trying to remove their personal possessions will be construed as domestic battery and you will be immediately arrested." Officer Noble then moved inside the front door to observe the process, as the remainder of Katie's belongings were removed.

When the last of the boxes had been loaded into the cars, Officer Noble took some papers from his pocket and handed them to Mr. Hawkes. He said, "Lewis Hawkes, you are being served with a subpoena to produce certain records that are purported to be in your possession or under your control. You are also being served with notice of a hearing to be held at the county courthouse at nine a.m. on Monday. If you have any questions about the contents of these documents, I advise that you consult an attorney. It is also my duty to inform you that failure to comply with any of the notices that you have received could result in you being held in contempt of court. Good day, sir."

They all returned to their vehicles and drove to Abbey's house. Reggie had apparently been watching for them because he walked to the driveway when the cars began coming down the street. As Mike was getting out of his car, he said, "Geez, mom, I didn't know that you were going to have a cop with you."

Reggie told him, "Mike, sometimes the legal profession is like being in the boy scouts; you have to be prepared. Your mother learned her lessons well from her mentor."

Mike said, "I'm sure that must have been you, grandpa."

Reggie laughed and then turned to Abbey and asked, "Was John at the top of his game as usual?"

Abbey chuckled, "He was so good that I almost believed some of it."

John told Abbey, "Abbey, wait until this case is over and then pay me whatever you recover for the service fee. I've had dealings with this guy before and it made me happy to stick it to him." John turned to Katie and told her, "I'm sorry that I'm saying these things about your father; but in my opinion, he is a slime ball."

John left and Reggie and Abbey went into the house. Mike and Katie were busy for some time unloading Katie's belongings from the cars. As Mike and Katie walked in with the first boxes, Abbey reminded them, "Make sure that all of Katie's things go into the guest room. I want to be able to be honest about her having her own room here if it should come up during this whole ordeal."

Reggie took his daughter by the arm and led her toward the kitchen saying, "That is a very good idea. Make sure that if she sneaks into his room at night that she double checks to make sure that everything is out of there."

Abbey told him, "Mike will be leaving some time tomorrow and hopefully everything will be over before he comes back again."

The sat at the table and Reggie asked, "What are you going to do next?"

"I plan to spend the rest of the day and most of tomorrow preparing for court on Monday."

"You're only half right. I want you to get as much done today as possible and then spend Sunday briefing Derrick on the case so that he can handle it in court."

"Daddy, I'm perfectly capable of handling this case in court. I don't need Derrick to handle it for me."

"Abbey, you're probably more capable of handling this case than Derrick is; but this isn't a matter of capability. You're too personally involved. The axiom about a lawyer who defends himself has a fool for a client can be expanded to the lawyer's family. You are treating Katie like she is family and I don't want your emotions getting in the way of your brain on this. I want you to be the primary on this. You take the lead on all negotiations and filings; but you being involved in court could be a detriment. I want Derrick in court; but I want you right there with him. You know this case better than he does and you know this area of the law better than he does."

"Dammit daddy, you piss me off. I finally get a case that I am going to enjoy appearing in court for and you take it away from me. What pisses me off even more than that is that you're right. I'll do the work and Derrick will argue it in court."

Abbey gave her father a hug and said, "Daddy, I love you."

Reggie held his daughter and said, "I've done both of my jobs well today. As senior partner in the firm, I am supposed to mete out case assignments based on the best interest of the client and the firm. I think that I have done that. As a father and grandfather, I am supposed to help all of you and support your actions while providing proper guidance. I'm also supposed to love you and be loved. Everything is working out the way that it is supposed to."

Abbey had picked up several books and some other papers when she was at the office. She spent most of the day working on this case. Derrick Rynell had called her during the afternoon and they planned to meet at about one o'clock the following afternoon at Abbey's house. It was nearly seven o'clock and Abbey realized that she had not seen much of Mike or Katie that afternoon. She was aware that there was a lot of rearranging to do in that room; but Abbey was sure that they had found a little time for some fooling around. She had instructed them to set the guest room up as Katie's room; but she could sleep in either room.

Abbey hollered for Mike and he came out of his room. Mike was wearing a pair of shorts and Katie followed him wearing a T-shirt. It appeared that that was all that she was wearing. Abbey asked, "What do you guys want for supper?"

Mike suggested, "Why don't we just order a pizza?"

Abbey said, "You go ahead and order it. I should be finished with what I'm working on by the time that it gets here."

Katie asked, "Does that mean that we can have sex then?"

Abbey laughed, "I thought that is what you had been doing all afternoon."

Mike made a guttural sound and said, "I wish. Katie didn't think that it would be fair for us to be having sex while you were busy working on something that was for her benefit."

Abbey told them, "That was nice; but you didn't have to wait on my account. I'm quite tired tonight and I don't know if I will have the energy. You know, Katie, Mike is leaving tomorrow and you need to make sure that he gets enough to hold him until next Friday."

Katie remarked, "I wish that I was going with you next Friday."

Abbey gave her a funny look and said, "What makes you think that you weren't going. The only thing that will keep you home is your own decision."

Katie replied, "I thought that you were going to go up there and sign the lease and come right back."

Abbey grinned, "No. I plan to stay the weekend. I'm going to sign the lease and visit Mike. Then I'm going to visit some friends of mine from college. You might get a chance to see the apartment that you're going to be living in.  Mike, I think that you should consider coming home every other weekend for the rest of the semester."

Mike answered, "I was thinking about every weekend."

Abbey argued, "No. You need to stay there a little more than that. I notice that neither one of you has done a lick of homework all weekend. I don't want either of your grades to suffer because of these weekend trips. I'll make you both a deal. If you will both spend part of each of the weekends studying, I'll drive Katie to Grafton every other week and Mike can come back here the weeks that we don't make the trip."

Mike was quick to say, "You've got a deal, mom."

Katie said, "I definitely will agree to that."

The pizza had arrived during their conversation and they were almost finished eating. Abbey had stacked her papers and books neatly on her desk before she stood up. She said, "There is one more thing before I go to bed. Mike, you haven't been to see your grandmother since you have been home and the only reason that you saw your grandfather was because he came here. We're going to see your grandmother at about nine-thirty in the morning so that I can get back in time to get organized before Derrick comes at one." Abbey turned to Katie and said, "Katie, you should call Mike's grandmother, Mrs. Robbins. She'll eat that shit up for about an hour or so and then she'll tell what she wants you to call her. If she's in the wrong mood, she just may tell you to call her bitch."

Mike laughed, "It's a good thing that grandma's bad moods don't last that long."

Abbey said, "You didn't know her when I was a teenager. One bad mood lasted six and a half years."

Mike told his mother, "Come on, mom. Katie's going to be so scared of grandma that she won't want to go with us tomorrow. Really, Katie, grandma really doesn't get bad mood that often; we just like to tease her about it."

As Abbey started toward her bedroom, she told the kids, "If either of you are awake at about seven-thirty or eight in the morning, I might be rested by then." Abbey got to the doorway of her room and turned around. She took one of the books from her desk and carried it into her room. Abbey studied more trust fund cases for about two hours and then went to sleep.

Abbey was sitting at the kitchen table drinking a cup of coffee at eight-thirty thinking that the two kids must have gone at it for quite a while the night before. Abbey laughed as she thought that neither of them had made it to her room this morning to take care of her needs. Abbey figured that Katie would probably be available after Mike left for school late in the afternoon. Abbey heard a voice ask, "What's so funny?"

"I was just thinking that no one showed up this morning in my bed at seven-thirty."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry. I didn't expect anyone. I made that comment last night more in jest than anything. I was sure that you would both be pretty tired this morning.  You'd better tell Mike that he needs to get moving pretty soon. We need to get to his grandparents' house."

"I think that he's in the shower now. I'll tell him to hurry up."

When Abbey introduced Katie to Amanda, Amanda said, "So this is the girl who has been causing all of the hubbub around here for the past day or so."

Katie said, "I didn't mean to be any trouble."
