After the Tournament


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"No, silly," Bobbi replied. "Just tell me your guess. Then go get me my drink. When you return to the table, look underneath, and I'll show you if you are right or not."

"Okay," Brad replied with a broad grin. "I'll guess black. Now, what would you like to drink?"

"Sex on the beach."

"I should have guessed," said Brad as he headed for the bar.

Bobbi watched as Brad ordered their drinks. Her head was still swimming, and her heart pounded with anticipation. She stared at his firm round ass, and thought of how it would feel in her hands later. She imagined herself on her back, her hands on that ass, as she would pull him deep into her, over and over again as he fucked her.

Brad turned, a drink in each hand. As he walked slowly back to his stool, he paused when he saw he had a clear view under the table. Bobbi smiled, and uncrossed her legs. She felt the air against her swollen lips, protruding from her shaved pussy, paused long enough to be sure Brad had gotten a good look, and recrossed her legs.

Brad took his seat, leaned over and said with a grin, "No fair. It was a trick question. I should win the prize by default."

"We'll see," Bobbi whispered into his ear. "But for now, you get a consolation prize, at least." Bobbi moved her lips from his ear to his mouth, and offered him an open, wet hungry kiss. Brad's hand made its way up her thigh. As they kissed, Bobbi parted her legs slightly, just enough to allow access. His touch sent electric currents throughout her body.

His fingers gently moved along her wet swollen lips. Gently pressing, and slowly moving upward, then down. She kissed him harder, their tongues dancing together.

He began to massage her firm clit, now fully protruded from behind its pink rose petal folds. Bobbi began to moan softly as she continued her desperate kiss. Now her hand began searching his thigh. She unzipped Brad's jeans and gently reached in to caress is large cock, now fully erect.

They broke their kiss and opened their eyes. They stared each other in the eye, their faces only a couple of inches apart, grins now replaced by looks of intense sexual hunger, of desire. Bobbi's breathing became deeper and faster, as Brad's two fingers slipped in and out of her pussy.

Bobbi closed her eyes, bit her lower lip and pressed her legs together as she came. All the while, gripping Brad's cock tightly.

She loosened her grip and opened her eyes. "I think we should finish this somewhere more private," Bobbi suggested, still breathing heavy.

"Good idea. But first I've got to make a visit to the little boy's room."

As Bobbi watched Brad disappear into the crowd, she heard a familiar voice over her shoulder.

"There you are. We've been looking all over for you. We've got to get back. Come on, Carlton already has the van running, and were are all waiting for you." It was Deb.

Oh shit, Bobbi thought to herself. She had not yet given Brad her hotel and room number. She had no choice but to go with Deb. At least, she thought, she had something to share with her husband, even if she was left frustrated tonight.

Bobbi had not given much thought as to the time. The rest of the group had to get up early to drive home for work the following day. Bobbi did not. She had arranged to take Monday off.

The rest of the group headed of to their rooms. It was already after 11:00. Bobbi closed the door, and slipped off the dress. Not bothering to put anything on, she just slipped under the covers into bed.

The problem was, she just could not get to sleep. It was now after midnight. She was still too awake, too over-stimulated and just too damn horny to sleep. Then, Bobbi remembered the hot tub. Maybe the soothing jets of hot water would help her to relax. Bobbi got up and looked in her suitcase for her bathing suit. No luck. It had to be there; she always packs one. Looking through everything for the third time, it occurred to her that maybe this time, she forgot.

Just great, she thought. The one time she really needed one, she forgot to pack it. Still, she had never seen anyone in the tub the whole time she was there. And it was very secluded, hidden behind several large shrubs, and shielded from view by the lattice work of the gazebo.

She peeked out the window. The main lights were off in the courtyard. Only the ankle-high lights along the winding brick sidewalks were on. The veranda, just a few yards away from her door, appeared dark and deserted.

Bobbi walked back to the bathroom and took the thick white robe from off the hook behind the door. Putting it on, the thought to herself that if there was anyone in the hot tub, she could just go back to the room. If it were empty, surely it would remain empty for the night. She could just slip off the robe by the tub once she was safely hidden within the gazebo.

She slipped the room key into the pocket of her robe, and quietly closed the door behind her. Bobbi walked as quietly as she could the few feet down the lush winding path to the hot tub. Sure enough, it was dark and empty.

Bobbi's eyes adjusted quickly to the darkness. She found the controls for the tub and set the timer for maximum. Looking around once more to be certain no one could see, she slipped quickly out of her robe and into the soothing hot water of the tub.

In no time, the sound of the bubbles, the hot water and the massaging jets had Bobbi's mind drifting. She felt herself relax completely. Her mind began to wander. What would her husband say when she told him of her adventure?

She began to daydream, thinking about what it might have been like to feel Brad's warm mouth between her legs, lapping and sucking on her swollen lips; his tongue lightly flicking her clit. How would his cock have felt in her mouth? She imagined taking in the head and slowly circling her tongue around it, over and over, driving him wild. She imagined him on top of her, feeling his large cock enter her for the first time.

With these images swimming through her mind, she began to react to her body. Under the cover of the bubbling water, her hands began lightly stroking the body; fingers tracing down her belly, along her thighs. Her left hand found its way between her legs, and began caressing her velvety lips and swelling clit.

After a little while, Brad wasn't Brad any more. Now he was the handsome competitor from Orlando she had seen earlier at the tournament. She remembered the look of his bare shoulders and torso, and imagined her own hands lightly running over his finely sculpted muscles.

Her right hand began massaging her breasts, tweaking her nipples. She imagined herself walking up to him, as he had stood earlier on the competition arena floor. This time, instead of watching him change shirts from a distance, she saw herself walk up to him. She imagined herself taking the fresh shirt from his hands and dropping it to the floor. Then she ran her hands lightly over his muscled chest, down the sides of his abdomen, and slide down his pants.

In her daydream, Bobbi saw herself kneel in front of this handsome naked man right there in the arena in front of everyone, and take his large pulsing cock into her mouth.

Now she had each hand on a nipple, just hidden below the surface of the water. Then both hands together pressed along her torso and ran down to her pussy. Both hands went to their work, with two fingers of the left hand sliding inside her, while the fingers of the right stroked her swollen clit.

In her dream state, Bobbi was not completely aware that she was even doing these things. Nor was she aware that she was no longer alone.

She opened her eyes and thought she saw a figure by the opening to the veranda, on the other side of the hot tub. It took a moment for this to register in her mind, and as she began to return to reality, she opened her eyes again.

At first, Bobbi thought the figure before her was a part of her daydream. Standing before her, wearing nothing but a swimsuit, was the very man she had been daydreaming about: the lean muscular competitor she had been fantasizing about. His handsome face grinned from ear to ear.

"Sorry to disturb you," he said, "but you looked like you were having a really good time."

Bobbi knew she had been caught in the act. Despite her embarrassment, there was no use in trying to hide what she had been doing. Still, she slipped a little deeper into the tub. With the memory of what she really wanted to do to this young man so fresh in her mind, she thought 'what the hell.'

"Well, since you are here and you have already interrupted me, you may as well join me," she said with a smile, trying hard to hide her embarrassment.

"But," she added, "you are way overdressed. If you are going to join me, it would only be fair for you to wear no more than me."

"That's fine," he replied. "I'm not a bit shy."

Bobbi had been looking over his lean, perfectly proportioned body while she spoke. To her amazement, he simply slid his suit down and stood there a moment looking back at her. What she saw was even better than what she had imagined. There above his muscular legs was one of the largest specimens of manhood she had ever seen. Only semi-erect, it still had to be six or seven inches.

He stepped into the pool, and her view was gone. For a few moments, they both just sat there, on opposite ends of the tub, he with his eyes closed, Bobbi trying not to stare. She was not sure what to do next. Those awkward seconds seemed like minutes.

Then, she thought she felt his foot brush against her leg. And then she felt it again. Now she was sure he was trying to stroke her leg with his foot. She now noticed a slight grin cross his face.

She decided to be bold. She moved around next to him.

"So, what brings you out so late," she asked.

"I couldn't sleep. Thought this might help. And you?" he replied.

"The same. The truth is, I was horny as hell, and thought this might help me relax." She couldn't believe she had just said that. But, there was no going back now.

"And did it help?" he replied.

As he spoke, Bobbi became aware of his hand beginning to gently stroke her thigh.

"Not really. And that's only going to make it worse," she said.

"Do you want me to stop?"

Bobbi gently grabbed his hand and circled herself around from beside him to directly in front of him, right between his knees.

"No!" she said firmly, "I want you to finish it!"

She placed his hand between her legs, and leaned over to kiss him. If he had any doubts before, her kiss answered them with complete resolution. It was an aggressive, hungry kiss, full of passion and sexual energy.

Bobbi opened her eyes and looked directly into his. Her look of pure desire made her intentions obvious. She stood up, took him by the hand, and led him up the steps out of the tub. Pausing only to pick up her robe, she pulled him by the hand to her nearby door.

Finding the key in her robe pocket, she opened the door and gave him a gentle push inside, shutting the door behind them. They embraced, and resumed the sexually charged kiss they had begun in the tub. Her arms wrapped around his wet, naked body, she could feel his erection grow larger and larger against her belly. Her arms encircled him, and she began running her hands down his wet back, feeling firm muscles beneath tan skin. Her hands came to rest on his firm round rear. Cupping his ass in her hands, she pulled him tight against her.

Bobbi broke the kiss, stepped back half a step, and gently pushed him back, backing him up to the edge of the bed. She then gently pushed him down. She took a moment to gaze at the prodigious manhood standing erect before her. Now fully erect, it had to be at least nine inches or more long, and was quite thick as well, making it look perfectly proportioned.

Bobbi climbed onto the bed beside her fantasy man, and gently took his cock into her hands. She gazed at it and stroked it lightly, enjoying the texture and taking in every inch, every curve with her eyes and fingers. As she held it gingerly in one hand, she let the fingertips of other glide over its length, exploring every inch, from its base, along the long broad shaft, around the crown of its large smooth head.

Bobbi then lowered her mouth over the round purple head, so that her lips were just over its edges. Her lips found the valley running along the underside of bulbous tip. She then ran her tongue around its edges, and then circle it, again and again, relishing its smooth texture.

She then released it from her lips, and began running her tongue along the length of the shaft. Slowly up one side and down the other, lightly running her tongue along the head each time. With each pass, his organ became increasingly lubricated with her saliva.

Once again, Bobbi slipped the bulbous head past her lips. She then began to take in as much as she could - only a few inches at most. Grasping the shaft in one hand, and using the other for support, she began stroking his length with her mouth. First taking as much is as she could, and then slowly withdrawing him until she felt the edges of the head against her lips. Then down again. Then slowly out again. She began stroking the lubricated shaft as well, in time with the motions of her mouth.

Bobbi began to feel his cock gently spasm in her mouth, and she could taste his pre-cum. She withdrew its length completely, and began slowly, firmly stroking it in her hand. She looked him in the eye and said, "now its my turn."

Releasing her grip, Bobbi crawled up further on the bed, and climbed atop him, sitting on his face. She didn't have to say another word. Placing her hands on the headboard to steady herself, she felt his mouth immediately upon her.

He began by licking her from the very bottom of her opening all the way up to and past her firm swollen clit. His strokes were slow and firm. Again and again, with measured sure firm strokes he licked her. His tongue pressing firmly, parting her lips, it would make its way past her firm clit with a flick.

Next, he took her engorged lips into his mouth, gently sucking them and rolling his tongue over them. He felt their rose-petal velvety texture as he rolled them around and around with his tongue. Bobbi could feel him run his tongue first along one side, then along the other. Then he resumed rolling it in circles, gently parting and tugging at the soft engorged folds.

Bobbi's abs began to tighten, her nipples felt electric. Each roll of his tongue past her clit sent a wave of electric charge through those nipples. She moved her hands to her own breasts, and began pressing them, massaging them, and gently pinching the nipples in time with his rolling tongue.

He then turned his attention to her now firm, protruding clit, itself. Gently drawing it into his mouth with light suction, his tongue began to explore - first the sides, then the top, then the bottom, avoiding the sensitive nub itself.

Bobbi felt she was starting to cum. When his tongue at last found and began to stroke her sensitive tip, she exploded with wave after wave of spasms. Finally, she had to raise up, to get him to release her from the intensity.

Still breathing heavy, she rolled over and grabbed a condom from out of the suitcase by the bed. Taking the latex sheath from out of the package, she then rolled it down over his swollen head, and down his shaft, now fully upright again.

Bobbi rolled over, pulling him on top of her. She reached down and found his hard shaft already nearly in perfect position. She grasped it in her hand and placed its head against her swollen lips. She began slowly rubbing it up and down the length of the slit, again and again, before she felt him press his way in.

She felt his large round knob slip into her portal slowly. He paused a moment, then began to enter her very, very slowly. She could feel him stretching her, inch by inch. She felt as if he filled her completely, yet he still kept sliding slowly in, deeper and deeper. At last, she could feel his pelvic bone pressing against hers. Bobbi could not believe that she had been able to accommodate his entire length.

She held him there for a moment. Then, she felt him begin to withdraw. He slowly backed out half his length, and then plunged back in completely. This sudden sensation of being so completely filled took her breath away.

He repeated this motion, pulling out slowly, so slowly, further and further each time, and with each stroke, plunging back in fast and firm. Bobbi began rocking her pelvis, meeting his strokes. Within minutes, she began to feel an orgasm welling up. At last, she gripped his ass and firmly planted his cock deep within her and held him there, while wave after wave of orgasm washed over her. Bobbi's inner walls contracted in spasm after spasm, gripping this large cock, as if to prevent it from leaving.

He reached his own orgasm in time with Bobbi's. As she moaned and shuttered, the young man tensed up, his entire existence concentrated in his shaft, buried deep within Bobbi. He exploded deep within her, pulsing over and over again.

They held each other, as their panting slowly became breathing once again. They kissed deeply, and held each other a moment.

But the heat of their bodies and their desire began to rekindle quickly. His shaft still buried deep inside her, the young man raised up slightly and moved his mouth down Bobbi's chest, until it came to one of her erect nipples. Cupping her breast underneath with his hand, he began alternately sucking and nibbling her nipple. The sensation sent electric shocks directly to Bobbi's pussy. He then gently massaged her breast, and nuzzled into her neck.

Bobbi's muscles completely relaxed, and he withdrew his still erect tool from deep within her. Bobbi purred, and rolled over, raising her rear end high into the air.

"Take me from behind," she said.

He repositioned himself behind her. She could soon feel his massive cockhead pressing against her sex. She pressed back against it, pulling him just inside. It was all the invitation he needed. With one long sure stroke, he filled her again, completely.

He began stroking her long and hard. Faster and faster, pulling almost all the way out, and then plunging back again. Pulling out, then plunging deep. Pulling out, plunging deep, all the way in. His arm encircled her, his hand finding its way to her breast, pressing it hard against her, lightly pinching her nipple.

Bobbi was nearly out of breath now, as he increased the pace, stroking, stroking, stroking, stroking...until at last she could feel him plunge in deep, and explode inside her. Bobbi met him stroke for stroke, and as he pushed his way in deep and hard for the last time, she had pressed back against him, tensing in her own waves of orgasm.

Bobbi collapsed under him, and he lay pressed up against her back. She purred, as he gingerly kissed her neck.

She didn't remember falling asleep. But when Bobbi awoke the next morning, the clock read 9:30, and her mysterious daydream-cum-true lover was gone. As Bobbi packed her bags and prepared to check out, her sore legs told her that it was not all just a dream.

She certainly would have a good adventure to share with her husband. She had no doubt it would turn him on completely to hear her describe it in full detail. It was sure she would get a repeat performance that evening from him after hearing all about it. Bobbi could hardly wait.

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