Against the Odds Ch. 01


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Returning to her office and after dealing with staff enquiries, emails and phone messages, Ellis called Colin Wright at her former university and after the inevitable pleasantries asked the associate professor if he had a former graduate looking for work opportunities who had law and preferably also a degree in business management.

After checking the department's computer file for ex-graduates requiring positions either at the university or with former graduates operating in the business world, Colin said he was sorry but there was nobody at the moment.

"Except..." He tailed off so Ellis asked except what?

"No, you were one of my pet students; I couldn't put you at risk."

"What from - theft?"


"Personal misbehavior?"

"Not really."

"What then?"

"Troy Gardiner has returned home after seven years working as site business and security manager for a mining company in South Africa, well away from civilization. I don't know what it's called these days but the old word to describe him is hippie. I'm on the three-person panel that monthly checks out the applicants we list and chaired that panel the day he appeared. He was, as I said, hippie – both in appearance and attitude. Academically there's no problem as he graduated near top of his intake in business management and finished about median in law. But his brown hair was down to his shoulders; he hadn't shaved and looked dirty."

"Yuk, then why are we discussing him?"

"Because you pressed for more. He's into martial arts, doesn't want to work regular hours and wants plenty of the Great Outdoors so seeks to work in a small office with a sexy assistant – I'm reading my notes – and figures property management would suit him best."

"What?" Ellis said. "Please repeat that last bit."

"Figures property management would suit him."

Ellis scowled: To Be or Not to Be...a fool, she sighed, knowing she was a risk-taker. "I'll interview him providing he has a bath, shaves and wears clean clothes."

"We can't ask him to do that?"

"Can't you Colin? I'm would think a $5000 donation to the department even if I only take him on for a month's trial says you can do anything."

"I'll contact him personally," Colin said enthusiastically. "I'll speak only but good of you – what age are you thirty?"

"Always a charmer Colin; I'm thirty-three."

"Perhaps he'll make a suitable suitor," Colin laughed. "He's three years your senior."

"There's no way Colin I'd have a grubby hippie in my bed."

Two weeks later Ellis took a call. "Hi Miss Jefferson, I'm an hour out of town. Where should I meet you?"

"Miss Jefferson? Who told you to be polite?"

"Prof Wright at the university; he said he'd personally kick my ass if I blew this opportunity. He's put me up for seven interviews already."


"Quite, prospective employers find me, well, different. But Prof Wright but said you were rather unconventional yourself so we could hit it off as employer-employee with me becoming your business partner if I blind you with my work performance."

"Colin said that?"

"I made up the bit about a business partnership. That's really something for the back-burner until I sweep you off your feet. With sizzling job performance, I meant."

Oh yes, I bet, Ellis thought, losing her confidence. He seemed to be a jerk. Perhaps she shouldn't ask him to the office until she checked him out.

"Meet me on the corner of High Street and Martin's Way."

"I don't know your town – can't you do better than that?"

The cheek of him – he had eyes didn't he? Street signs were made large enough to read. Aware she was becoming a little cross she said, "Oh well then meet me opposite my office outside City Hall on Main Street; you can't miss it because it has two flag poles at either end at the entire building is colored apricot."

"Apricot – sounds my kind of building."

I bet, Ellis sighed.

He said, "I find you outside it in an hour's time. What color dress are you wearing?"

"Bright yellow so there should be little chance of you failing to see me and running me over."

"You sound lots of fun, not many women use humor on guy they've yet to meet."

"Humor? I thought I was using sarcasm."

"That's one up to you Miss Jefferson."


"Then Ellis it is. Bye."

'Then Ellis it is'...what sort of answer was that? Ellis thought. Oh, what have I done?

Almost an hour later she crossed the street in stand-out yellow. She expected he'd be late; a hippie being on time would be a world's first.

A guy on some kind of super-bike purred to a stop beside her just as the City Hall clock began striking. He flicked up the visor and took off his sunglasses. His motor-cycle was black, he was dressed in black and a huge wave of dread swept over Ellis. It was noon, right outside the site of the first town library where great-grandmother Irene had met her gunman one hundred plus years ago. There was a roaring in Ellis's head and as she heard the gunman say "Hello Ellis" the sidewalk rushed to meet her and everything went black.

* * *

Currently unemployed and not enjoying being ostracized by recruitment professionals who should know brain, skills, job successes and persona individually score higher than personal appearance and mannerisms, Troy Gardiner traveled the seventy-eight miles from his parent's home to his old university feeling a little grieved. Prof Wright had called him a fool – that's right – a fool for saying he wouldn't consider working for a lawyer in a one-horse town and a woman lawyer at that. But the crusty professor demanded Troy reconsider.

Colin had sounded almost too eager. "Come and be briefed about her – over lunch if you wish."

"A woman boss, no thanks Colin, you're out of your tree."

"Perhaps the best-looking female student to graduate in law from this university in ten years."

"Go on, none of them have looked near to being beauties."

"Okay, we'll go to a bar that serves light lunches."

"Now you're talking Colin. Why are you pushing so hard for this Ellis woman?"

"Because she's a worthy graduate and has an urgent need for a specialist in property."

"Why the urgency?"

"I wouldn't know although she mentioned she's landed a bundle of properties. I trust her to know when she has an urgent business need."

"You're making her sound interesting Colin. I'm on my bike like today?"

"Today will be fine."

Colin dropped in front of Troy a recent photo of Ellis taken for a brochure for the summer school where she lectured on community law. He glanced at it and his head froze, riveted. "Holy cow; is this the boss who wants me? Will you just take a look at those juggs!"

Colin went tut-tut and said Troy better moderate his language when with Ellis otherwise if she took it personally she may reshape his mouth.

"Sounds good advice but she wouldn't get close – I'm big into martial arts."

"So was she – pulled in two university women's State titles so if she caught you napping it could be your unlucky day."

"As I said, sounds good advice. You don't happen to have a photo of her in a swimsuit do you, preferably with her holding the swimsuit?"

Colin sighed and thought of his son in his late twenties who was little better than Troy in possessing an uncouth attitude to women when not in the company of women. "Let's have another beer, Troy and then we'll discuss how to meet Miss Jefferson presenting the appearance of a well-bred and well-mannered man, who smells beautiful to her, is without facial hair and has gleaming teeth and fresh breath."

"She's been talking to you about my appearance, hasn't she?"


"How's that?"

"She wondered why you had not succeeded in being taken up by at least one of those prospective employers so I felt obliged to tell her and then asked how you could enhance your chances with her."

"Oh Colin – I was about to whack you for abuse of confidentiality but what you have just said really could enhances my prospects. Let's have another few beers while I listen to you deliver your fatherly advice. I wish to work for Miss Jefferson more than anyone else in the whole world, Colin. I really do think she could enhance my life."

That evening at home Troy's mother looked at him faking terror. "Oh God, what have you done with my youngest son, Dracula?"

"Cut the crap mom."

"But darling, I haven't seen your lower face washed and shaven for at least ten years and look at your clothes – new instead of looking like something retrieved out of someone's trash can."

Troy endeared the wisecracks because his two married sisters arrived with their kids and that meant wine and nibbles would be served. Both sisters offered to set him up with a date now that he looked 'human'.

An hour and a bit out of Clyde, Troy called Miss Jefferson. His heart skipped a beat at hearing the honeyed voice. He intended trying to securing employment with her – four weeks tops – and by then he ought to have found a real job suited to his talents and presenting him with some real challenges. If he managed to dip into the honey pot while he was at it, well and good. Oh boy!

Troy approached City Hall and chopped down through the gears and he spotted the yellow dress.

Fantastic – boobs signaling their presence like a lighthouse. Her smile sank into his heart although she would have no idea this was him on a motor-cycle. Still, he didn't mind; it allowed him to see her unguarded and his heart flipped – he'd give anything to plow into this babe but the downside to taking a job in this hole of a town; its main social activity would be how to cope with boredom although it did have a neat looking City Hall – coloring it apricot would have wobbled the tits off old matrons in their outrage. Perhaps something was cooking here after all.

Troy flicked up his visor, removed his sunglasses and hauled off his safety helmet just as the clock struck twelve – it was noon in one of the most boring places, although he had no way of knowing, in the entire world. He called "Hello Ellis" at the beauty in the stunning yellow dress – God she was tall – and to his amazement her eyes rolled up into her head and she collapsed on to the pavement – fortunately her head landing on to her thrown out arm as she nose-dived, saving her face from major disfiguration.

Why had she fainted" He hadn't used his sexiest voice that made some women's knees behave like bar soap turning into liquid soap. Perhaps she'd found his black bike and his black gear a little over-powering? Or was she menstruating? He remained seated for a moment aware that he could be accused of having done something such as felling her with a fist. This was a disaster – a fucking interview ruined.

A fat lady rushed through the gathering group of curious onlookers peering down at the fallen woman.

"Ellis, Ellis," cried Fat Lady.

Troy leapt off his bike and kneeled beside Fat Lady.

"She was talking to me and her knees folded and she dropped like a stone."

Fat Lady had rolled over Ellis whose face was very white.

"She's had a shock – what did you do to her?" Fat Lady accused.

"Nothing – I'd just said "Hello Ellis" and she took a dive."

"Are you Mr Gardiner?"

"Yes, Troy Gardiner."

"Well don't just stand there, help me lift her."

"Stand back," Troy commanded and the ten or so people group tightly around them stepped back in alarm.

He then lifted Ellis. "Where's her office; she said it was just opposite here?"

Fat lady ignored him. She was patting the fainted woman's face quietly saying, "Ellis, Ellis."

Miraculously, or so it seemed to Troy, Ellis's eyes opened and she said the inevitable "Where am I?"

"You're with friends," Fat Lady said and in a very bossy manner said to Troy, "Follow me."

So he followed, carrying Ellis while the on-coming traffic stopped with Fat Lady holding up a commanding half raised arm and marching as if she were the Queen of Sheba – Troy read historical fiction. Amazingly traffic stopped in both directions and a clear path opened up ahead of them and someone called "Need a hand Molly?" but was ignored as Fat Lady – now Molly – completed her retrieval of Ellis whom she obviously knew.

Molly led them into the gray-stone four-level building opposite. By now Troy was aware Ellis was staring at him. He smiled, dazzled by the bluest eyes he'd ever looked into; color had returned to her face so it appeared unlikely she'd vomit on him thank God. He thought it best not to talk to her.

"Hurry up," commanded Molly standing in the elevator.

They went up just one level and stepped into the office suite of Jefferson at Law. The pretty receptionist who looked to be the age of happily married with two kids flew from around the desk crying, "Oh God, Ellis" and promptly burst into tears.

"Kelly, fetch the whisky bottle and a glass from Ellis's office."

In a louder, even more authoritative voice Troy countermanded that instruction: "No Kelly, fetch a glass of water and a wet towel."

Off scampered Kelly and Molly glared at Troy who kept his mouth shut. When guys went down as a result of industrial accident, brawls or mishaps at martial arts training the treatment was water and a cold compress before attempting to determine whether the medics should be called. Whisky came later when they celebrated their return to normality and drank with friends if they had any.

Troy placed Ellis on one of the sofas in Reception, pulled the hem of her dress down to a more modest level and stepped back as there was nothing more he could do; the fuss brigade who'd lift her head to allow her to sip water, hold the compress against her head and would hug and talk soothingly to her would take over. He walked out to remove his motor-cycle because all in front of City Hall was a prohibited parking area. Just as he reached it a police patrol pulled up beside him.

"Move it buddy."

Troy acknowledged with a wave and fired the 1800cc engine of his metallic black and shiny metal 6-cyclinder Gold Wing fitted with the luxurious comfort package which included body heating and satellite navigation and great audio with a six disc CD player.

"Love your chariot," called the departing cop in the passenger seat. "Very sexy."

Troy found the entrance to the underground parking area under the gray-stone building and left his machine in an empty space marked for Jefferson at Law Clients Only.

At reception Kelly looked at him like no young mother should. "Hello again, I'm Kelly. Thank you for helping to return our boss safely. Go through to her office over there; she'd been asking for you."

"Thank you. How are the children?"

"Lovely," she replied curiously. "Anna is at school and my mom is looking after wee Davy."

Well, Miss Jefferson obvious spent the money thought Troy, looking at the expensively tiled floor and plain walls mounted with pictures that definitely weren't prints and the pieces of furniture looked posh. Round face Molly admitted him to the office and held out her hand: "Hello, I'm Molly Drusovich; I was just leaving for lunch when I came across you and Ellis. I'm office manager."

Well, that's better form Molly, Troy thought. The bitch side is hidden away again eh? "Hi Molly," he said, ignoring the hand and kissing her cheek; he wished to make a favorable impression and knew she wouldn't be a flighty spinster as he'd earlier noticed the wedding and engagement rings.

Molly almost glared at him but settled for a slight smile. "This is Clark Jones, our disputes specialist, Sheryl Gambia who does specialist law plus medical and Karl Becker who looks after industrial and farm clients. They're in here to check on their leader's welfare. And this is the boss, Ellis Jefferson – she best kiss you for helping to retrieve her and for the embarrassment she caused you.

Troy turned and eyed the door. Ellis stepped up and kissed his cheek and thanked him, calling him Troy for the first time.

"How are you?" he managed.

"Quite okay – just an emotional jag that took me by surprise. Sit down everyone and I'll tell you about it."

After Ellis had related the story about her great-grandmother bringing in a hired gun to town and meeting the man dressed in black outside the town's small library at noon more than one hundred years ago Molly was unable to contain herself. "I get it; I get it. The original library was directly opposite us, where City Hall is today. You Troy are dressed in black, your motor-cycle is predominantly black and as Ellis fell to the sidewalk the town clock was striking noon – I remember hearing the peels."

Ellis smiled – "Thanks for not completely spoiling my story Molly but yes, that's true. I had the vision of my great-gran standing on the sidewalk watching the man in black dismount and walk towards her and then everything went black; I remember seeing the ground rush towards me."

As the chatting continued Troy looked around and knew while the boss wanted her prospective recruit looking good; she looked swell herself and her office was immaculate, one of the best he'd ever seen. Obviously she did no work and the wall paintings were tastefully few and each one probably cost more than Molly's salary.

The other people left the room, leaving just Ellis, Molly and Troy.

Ellis said, "Well Troy, you are clean, clean-shaven, smell nice and are very strong and can look into my eyes without flinching which not many people can do. Complete the paperwork after reaching agreement with him on salary and benefits Molly; he's hired."

"B-but we know nothing about his knowledge and skills in property management or about character or..."

"Molly, Prof Wright wouldn't pass on a lame duck on to me and Troy has met my minimum requirements regarding persona. Tell me this Molly – would you trust this man with your money and your life?"

"I'd like to think about that. I did trust him to carry you without thinking he might sneak a grope. But I..."

"Take Troy away Molly and complete formalities. If he turns out to be a big disappointment to us I'll not blame you. Troy, welcome to Jefferson at Law."

"Thank you Ellis."

"She remains Miss Jefferson to you until your appointment is confirmed after the mandatory three-month trial."

Troy grinned in such away that appeared to disconcert Molly. "I don't do trials."

"Ellis," Molly appealed.

"If he says he doesn't do trials then he doesn't do trials Molly. Please process him straight on to permanent staff.

"Thank you Miss Jefferson."

"It is my pleasure Mr Gardiner. Please ignore Molly's behavior – her role is to protect me from my foolishnesses and memory lapses. You'll find no co-worker more loyal and supportive than Molly – once you are on the right side of her."

"Lead on Mrs Drusovich," Troy smiled.

"Molly if you please," Molly said, not smiling.

Molly introduced Troy to her assistant and asked her to fetch them coffee, She then told Troy that he'd have the entire area of the next floor up once the four current firms had moved out by the end of the month to new accommodation arranged by Miss Jefferson.

"Who has been managing this building until now?"

"I have."

He was curious about that. "Then why is that role being handled over to me?"

"Because Miss Jefferson has inherited properties from her grandmother and her aged great uncle has granted her power of attorney to handle all of his commercial business interests which she will inherit upon his death. That means Ellis has jumped from having one building under her control to forty-three as from the 1st of next month – just four weeks away. So your role will be property manager. You'll have your own staff to take over the administration of all those properties, gradually taking them over from the present companies and individuals looking after the buildings. You will be responsible for rent collection, maintenance, refurbishment, structural upgrading and reoccupying premises that become vacant."