All Aboard Andi's Dream Ch. 04


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"Missile Toast!"

"Well, we're married now," said Andi, wrapping her arm around Paul. "we get to be kissy all the time now."

"Ew," cried Sandy, but Madeline had a dreamy look in her eyes. "Do you HAVE to be married to be kissy?" she asked.

"Yes. Especially you," said Paul. As they came around the edge of an inlet, Paul pointed to the beach that opened up before them. "Look, there's Yi," he pointed out, and there she was, in her naked splendor, jumping and waving to them.

"Hi Yi!" said the twins as they waved back to their governess.

Paul suddenly shifted so his back was toward the beach. "What's the matter?" taunted Andi. "I thought you liked naked Asian women."

Paul grimaced. "I do, but Yi was with Macy."


"So, after the trauma you've been through, the last thing you need is your husband drooling over a young Asian woman and his brother's wife. And to be honest, I'd much rather look at you and watch your nipples get hard."

Andi blushed and smiled, and his words had the desired effect on her. Her nipples began to crinkle and grow hard. "God, how your tits make me hard," groaned Paul, which made her nipples even harder. "I'd love to tie your hands behind your back and suck on your nipples as long as I want."

When he said that, a thrill shot through Andi that went straight to her clit. They both heard her gasp in lust at the thought. They were both shocked at her reaction, especially after her history of being tied and raped. But giving complete control to this man, her man, the man she chose, was not a terrifying proposition. It was desirable. It was something her body suddenly craved. Frank was a lecherous piece of scum and Andi went along with him tying her up because she was bored, but then the beatings started, and she was trapped in a cycle of violence that she couldn't avoid. But this man, her man, her daddy, has her heart and her trust and the idea of giving him free rein over her entire body was suddenly something she wanted dearly.

"Why don't you?" she finally said. She was trembling with apprehension and desire at the same time.

"Let's take it slowly. You still have your safe word, right?" Andi nodded, then Paul said, "let's ease into it before we give it a try," said Paul with a flick of an eyebrow to highlight his smile. His answer was exactly what Andi wanted to hear. "Not to break the mood, but I have two questions about Frank. Can you deal with it?"

"It depends on the questions," she said.

"Don't answer if you don't want to, but did he ever take you to Las Vegas or Tahoe or anyplace like that outside of Colorado?" Andi frowned and nodded her head. "Did he do the same thing with you there?" Again, she nodded. "Ok, that's all."

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After watching the sunrise on Sunrise beach and thanking the Lord for another day, Paul got up and turned to Andi. She was walking around the island bare breasted like all the other women were now, Sandy, Macy, Yi and Lucy. Justice Atherton started it, they claimed. "This is how it should be," sighed Paul. Both were barefoot and were wearing only shorts. "It's going to be hard to get used to swimsuits again." He draped his arm over her shoulder and gently cupped a bare breast.

"Wait until gravity sets in and they're pointing at my toes," said Andi, as she handed Paul a cup of coffee.

"I don't care, as long as they're available and they're part of you." They were walking back to Andi's Dream.

"So, what is this meeting all about?" asked Andi.

"I'm not sure. It's something John dreamed up, and that's all they'll tell me." Paul was as much in the dark about this as Andi was.

When they arrived at their boat, they stepped onto the pier and stepped aboard. On board were the usual suspects; Lucy, Gus, Macy, John, Stan, Sunny, and they were joined by Nicoletta and her husband, Donald. It was a reunion of sorts. Paul and Andi have been in seclusion for the past two days, spending their time in long discussions over their past and their future, and gentle yet passionate love making.

John came up and patted him on the back. "How ya doing, bro?"

Paul rolled his eyes at John's use of the frat boy term "bro" but smiled. "We are getting better. Took care of the C.E.S. as well." He gave Andi a little hug, then a little tickle on the ribs, making her giggle and twitch.

John grinned and held his fist up and they fist bumped. Andi gave Macy a hug and quietly asked her, "What is C.E.S.?"

Macy grinned. "Cloudy Eye Syndrome. Paul brought that term back from the Air Force and John holds it over my head occasionally."

"Ok, I don't get it. What's Cloudy Eye Syndrome?" Andi was getting confused now.

"Silly! You know - Boules bleues, blue balls." Macy could see from the blank look on Andi's face that she wasn't getting it. "Sacré bleu! You doctors can't operate in society without 18 syllables." She leaned over and whispered in Andi's ear, "Testicular vasocongestion, does that ring a bell?"

"Oh!" said Andi. The look on her face showed that the clouds parted and understanding now reigned. "What does that have to do with eyes?"

"You're going to have to talk to Paul about that," said Macy, shaking her head. "He's the cardiologist." She added that last bit, just to confuse Andi even more.

They all gathered around the dining table up on the galley deck where John put forward his proposal; "We sell this as a total package. The customers who want to fish fly to Miami, Melbourne, Orlando, Atlanta, wherever. A-Line then flies them to the Jupiter house where they spend the nights and from there, they board the Gazinta, Stan's fishing machine, or Andi's Dream, and go harvest fish. For those that want to cruise, A-Line brings them here to Nisi Arcadia where they spend the night in a cabana on either Sunset or Sunrise side, then board Andi's Dream for the cruise part, or one of Miss Nicoletta's Hunter Legend sloops."

Sunny proposed several cruise routes that would keep a honeymooning couple happy, and Stan showed his proposal for fishing cruises. Yi finished the presentation with several proposed menus. All proposals included cost estimates and price suggestions. "We will, of course, miss this year's spring breaks," Yi concluded.

"Good," responded Andi. "No drunken undergrad revelries on my boat."

"Agreed!" said Stan, who, like many Floridians, was fed up with everything to do with the spring break bacchanalia.

"Could we advertise this as a break from spring break?" asked John.

"I like it," said Miss Nicoletta, "and what shall we call our little enterprise?"

As people pondered that question, Paul opened the laptop Andi handed him and he opened up a document that contained several columns of words that either have little meaning or are long out of use. He selected one and using Microsoft Publisher; he designed a quick logo. "How about this?"

"Andelon Luxury Cruises," read Sunny, "not bad. What's an Andelon?"

"It's an old Spanish masculine name that fell out of use a few decades ago."

"That's the name of the company Veronica works for," said Andi.

"Oh damn," groaned Paul, "You're right, I thought it sounded familiar. How about Accrado Luxury Cruises?"

They looked at the list of meaningless words, and the only thing they settled on was that Accrado wouldn't do.

"Tortuga," said Yi firmly. "Everyone likes sea turtles."

"Built-in appeal, I like it," said Judge Atherton. "We could do a special tour allowing visitors to watch the babies hatch. One of my beaches is a turtle nursery."

"Tortuga... taken... taken... taken..." said Josh as he scanned the list of existing businesses on his laptop. "How about Tortuga Grand Tours?" No one in the salon looked happy with that choice. "Tortuga Executive Cruises?"

"That'll work," said John.

"Give me an hour and I'll have the LLC paperwork drawn up." With a general vote of consent, he scooped up his laptop and headed down to his cabin, where there was a work desk. About forty minutes later, the printer in the salon came to life and spit out page after page of the incarnation of Tortuga Executive Cruises.

After the business wrangling and paper signing were complete, it was time for Lucy, Gus, and John to head back to New York. They all had to go back to work. As the luggage was loaded on the A-Line Beechcraft goodbyes were said all around. Paul and Gus discussed the additional work Paul wanted on the house. His primary instruction to Gus was, "I don't care how long it takes. It needs to look like it's always been there."

"I hope to get the 'ugly' work done as quickly as possible, the railings are going to take a while to fabricate, hardly anyone does work like that anymore," said Gus flipping through the emails on his, phone, "It looks like we have all the materials, including the flooring, so we may get a start by the time you get back. Are you going to be ok?"

"Yeah, we're good. You know how it is, you have to work a few things out when you first get married," said Paul.

"Keep her away from the ta-killya!" the friends hugged then shook hands.

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Praying that the next days were quiet and trauma free, John worried and fretted the entire flight to Melbourne. Even looking forward to a reunion with Wonka and a week alone to prepare a sermon didn't lighten his mood. Then he realized that most of his worry was because this would be one of the longest separations from Macy during their entire marriage. He thought back to their last conversation and decided that she was right. A baby may be what was in store for them next.

After Donald took off in the Beechcraft to fly John, Gus, and Lucy to Melbourne for their flight home, Yi and Macy took the twins to the Sunset side beach to swim and play, while Paul and Andi staked out a quiet place for a on a tiny, secluded beach for a naked lunch on the sunrise side. The tropical forest was a solid wall behind them, and the beach was hemmed in on two sides by large rock formations, giving them a feeling of perfect isolation even though their cabana was a short walk away. The only way to the beach was a narrow, winding jungle path whose entrance was hidden and difficult to find.

After a simple lunch of fruit, cheese, and wine, the honeymooners lay side by side at the very edge of the surf, holding hands and sunning as the sound of the waves lulled them into a profound sleepiness. Finally, Paul broke the reverie. "Baby?"

"Mmmm, yes daddy?"

They rolled on their sides to face each other. They touched each other gently, reinforcing their affection. "Baby, we both came up a hard road. We both know what pain is and how much loss hurts. We shouldn't be beating ourselves up thinking that we're making life easier for each other. Maybe that's why we love each other so much, we can see the pain in each other's eyes and say, I've been there, I've done that."

Andi thought for a moment, then sighed. "Yeah, but I never had to feed my little brother out of a dumpster."

"I was never tied up and had my husband invite the Russian mafia to fuck me either," said Paul.

"And their girlfriends," groaned Andi. "I wish I hadn't seen that on the video."

"What I'm saying is that when we have problems, we should run toward each other, and not away from each other," said Paul as he brushed a lock of her hair out of her face.

"With our history, that's going to be a hard habit to break," said Andi with a rueful smile.

"You're worth the effort," said Paul as he leaned in for a kiss. One kiss led to another, and soon they were kissing gently, snuggling closer with each touch of their lips.

As they drew closer, their kisses became sweeter, their caresses more intimate. This wasn't foreplay, it was simply shared love. Finally, Andi pushed Paul on to his back and snuggled up close, using his shoulder as a pillow. It was getting later in the day and warm humid breezes from the ocean gently waft over them as the shade from the palm trees covered them. Her hand stroked up and down his side and he purred at her touch. "Daddy," she asked, "why do you love me?"

"I guess it's because of times like this," he started after a pause. "We've both had such a painful past and now here we are, warm and safe in each other's arms. When I first saw you, I knew deep in my heart that this is where we belong, close together, loving each other. I think you knew it too. You kept pushing me away, getting sterner, getting firmer with each time I'd reach out, but when you stopped pushing me away, here we are. I guess the answer to your question is I love you because you let me love you."

"Oh, that's sweet!" said Andi, as she kissed his shoulder. "Much sweeter than what I would have said."

"Ok Doctor Roberts, why do you love me?"

Andi snuggled closer and drew him tight to her. "Because you have a big dick." She straddled his waist and slid her pussy up and down his erect cock. Andi grinned down at Paul. They had already made love that day, and she was hoping for some "moonlight delight" later on, but this wasn't sex, this was love. She rose up and lined his cock up with her moist opening and lowered herself on him. Slowly she dropped, his cock filling her, spreading her open, pushing in deeper until she had the feeling that he was so deep that he was going to choke her.

Andi fell forward on her hands, holding herself up, and rocked back and forth, causing her breasts to sway. Paul delighted in watching her breasts sway in time with their lovemaking. The sensations she was generating were soon out of her control. She began to grind her clit into his pubic mound, her hips shuddering as he planted his feet and drove his cock up into her. In moments, they were coming together, her pussy grasping at his cock as he squirted his semen into her. With a cry, she collapsed on him and lay prone on her husband, shuddering as the post coital waves of passion slowly abated.

Gently they kissed, their tongues and their hearts reaching out to each other. Then Andi sat up on his spent cock and said, "You're going to have some for later, right?" With a squeal, she dashed off into the water as Paul chased her. They splashed and played in the surf, kissing and teasing until they returned to the beach.

They sat in the sand to dry off. Paul opened a bottle of wine, and Andi dug the plastic glasses from their picnic hamper. "I would still love you if you didn't have such a big dick," said Andi, as he poured the wine. "It just wouldn't be as much fun."

He kissed the top of her head, her hair still smelling a bit of the flowers she wore on it earlier. "That's so sweet, I should show you how much I..."

"Don't be getting ideas," she interrupted, "your daughters are hiding in the sea grapes over there, getting ready to spring." Sure enough, behind the rustling foliage could be heard giggling and the occasional "shhh!" which did nothing to stifle the laughter.

"You don't know how much I love hearing you say that," said Paul as he kissed his bride again.

"What, that you have a big dick?"

"I like to hear that too." he moved her hand to the appendage she had mentioned for emphasis. She gave him a playful squeeze, and he continued, "You said "your daughters'. I've always wanted to hear that." He was clearly getting misty.

"Aww," Andi released her grip and kissed the tear from his eye. "So sweet. That's a good reason to love you, too."

"Yaaaaaaaaaa!" The twins came dashing across the sand and slid to a stop next to their parents, then rolled on top of them, laughing and giggling as they showered Paul and Andi with sand. After wrestling with their parents for a moment, Sandy shouted, "You don't have no clothes!"

"We forgot our bathing suits," said Paul.

"A likely story," responded Yi as she and Macy stepped through the foliage. Macy bent over and picked up Paul and Andi's bathing suits from the sand next to them.

"We didn't want to get them wet," Paul tried again.

"Understandable," said Yi as Macy wrung water out of Paul's trunks. She tossed the trunks next to Paul, who pulled them on. The twins had already stripped off their bathing suits and were now poking through the high tide line with their buckets, looking for shells and shark's teeth.

Yi didn't waste any time. In one fluid motion, she rolled out her beach towel and dropped her bikini. She was now applying suntan lotion and preparing for a championship tan. "Gotta get my sun while I can. I hear it's cloudy four hundred days a year in Buffalo."

"That's an exaggeration," said Paul. "It's only cloudy there, maybe three hundred and seventy days a year, tops."

"So why would someone want to live there?" asked Yi, ignoring the fact that she would be living there in about a week.

"Giardino's family restaurant," said Andi, without a moment's hesitation.

"Grandma G! Grandma G!" chirped the twins, coming back from the shade of the high water line.

"What's so great about Giardino's... oh!" Andi showed Yi a picture of the twins covered in spaghetti sauce from their first dinner at Giardino's. "You girls wear your food well."

"It was so good!" said Sandy as she and Madeline dumped handfuls of shells on their parent's beach blanket before they dashed off into the surf.

"You better go after your daughters," Andi said softly to Paul, who felt the same thrill as the first time she said it. With a kiss he headed off to the water's edge to play lifeguard and Andi lay back to enjoy the tropical sun as well.

With a sigh, Macy peeled off her bikini top and sat down next to her sister-in-law and applied sun block. "Aren't you going to apply lotion belle-soeur?"

"What do you think Paul and I have been doing for the past couple of hours?"

"We were hoping you guys were doing something more creative," said Yi.

"We're just starting in with bondage," said Paul without looking up from what was keeping his and the twin's attention in the water. "I was just getting ready to go cut some vines when you showed up." They had found a small school of minnow sized fish that were taking refuge in their shadows and were entertaining the girls to no end. The fish never figured out that the closer they got to the girls, the more the twins tried to pet them.

"Bondage? Jungle vines?" Macy asked Andi, "that's very creative. He is a much better liar than you."

"Well, he is a lawyer."

Macy turned around and sat with her back toward the ocean so she could look down into Andi's eyes. "Seriously ma chère soeur, if you tell me your secret, I will tell you mine."

Andi looked up at her sister-in-law, who was more beautiful now than in her modeling days. "How can I resist, especially when you use that beautiful jargon français on me, and that pretty smile, and those really pretty breasts..."

"Jargon français... French lingo? That's all it takes to get your motor turning?" grinned Yi, "Give me a couple of hours with Google translate and it will be Paul sleeping in the spare bedroom."

"Do not forget les seins, that is part of the deal too," said Macy, shaking her shoulders, which caused her firm les seins to bobble.

"What is this video you keep talking about?" Yi finally asked.

Andi rolled her eyes and took a deep breath. "You're going to find out anyway, my ex, FuckingFrank, would take me to a casino, parade me around in a skimpy dress, then blindfold me, tie me to a bed and let those guys screw me to pay off his gambling debts..."

Yi looked horrified. "I hadn't heard that part."

"Russian mobsters," added Macy.

"Really?" squealed Yi, and she looked like she was going to throw up, especially when Andi slowly nodded her head. "Why?" cried Yi.
