All Aboard Andi's Dream Ch. 04


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"He was trying to get his boat out of hock," said Andi softly, her eyes locked on the twin's pile of seashells.

"What boat?"

"The one you've been cooking on for the past week." Andi did not mind the interruptions. They were keeping her from having to repeat the part that really shamed her. "Now we have stories to tell around the fire, I guess. Anyhow, FuckingFrank wanted me to believe that it was him in bed with me when it was these other guys..."

"How...?" Yi couldn't comprehend how this was possible.

"I saw les vidéos," said Macy. "they worked very hard to remain silent, so poor Adrianna did not know they were there. The only one to talk was Frank."

"That's the video...?"

"I was tied to the bed, and they would get me so hot..." Andi took a deep breath and continued. "My personal revenge was cumming. I saw in the videos how pissed FuckingFrank would get when I came."

"They videoed your rapes?" asked an astonished Yi.

"They videoed the whole thing..." Then quietly she whispered, "In there somewhere is the girl's bio-father."

"NO!" Yi's eyes were big around as half dollars. Macy nodded sadly and Andi continued.

"Just a few days ago, FuckingFrank dumped the videos on every porn site he could find. Nicoletta found me via facial recognition software. I had to tell Paul, and I was, and I still am worried about what is going to happen to his veterans' clinic when the word gets out that one of his doctors, his wife, is a porn star..."


"Later," whispered Macy.

"So, that's it," sighed Andi. "I'm an internet slut who hallucinates when she drinks tequila." She stood and joined Paul, sitting on his lap, and they both laughed, more from the relieved tension of the past few days. The water was only about a foot or two deep, but it was so relaxing for Andi to sit on her husband's lap with the twins nearby excitedly pointing out their "baby fish". Family time.

"We told you our secret, now tell us yours," Andi called to Macy.

Macy crawled the 4 feet to the water and knelt at the ocean's edge, watching the nearly motionless sea shimmer in the sunlight. She smiled and said, "John et moi prévoyons d'avoir un bébé dès que possible."

Paul and Andi considered the words but couldn't make heads or tails out of what Macy just said, but Yi said, "Geez, I thought you guys dug that French lingo, she said that she and John are trying to have a baby."

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Andi's Dream purred across the Caribbean like a swan crossing a calm, glassy pond. In the flying bridge, Stan and Sunny sipped coffee while planning today's fishing excursion. The plan was to show Don Atherton that a boat as big and as luxurious as Andi's Dream could fish, even with a swimming deck mounted to the stern.

Yi had come aboard early to get the breakfast started and ensure the engines were ready to perform. She was feeling smug believing she was the first one aboard, but when she came out of the engine room, she discovered Bitty and the twins playing with small bait fish in the sporting cockpit. Bitty was dipping the mullets out of the bait tank and tossing them on the deck and the twins were running around trying to catch the fish as they hopped and flopped around on the deck. The sound proofing in the engine room prevented Yi from hearing their squeals and laughter.

"Bitty, dad's going to get mad if he catches you doing this."

Yi's little sister frowned at her. "He told us to do this!" she whined.

"It teaches them how to handle fish!" Yi heard her dad call out from above. Yi looked up and saw her mother and father watching the activity with great amusement from far above on the flying bridge. "You did it too when you were a little guppy." He called down.

Yi sputtered. "Well, you're not wearing your floaties right."

"We have them on!" yelled one of the twins, probably Sandy. Yi couldn't tell in the pre-dawn light.

"They need to be inflated. Come here, you three." And one by one, Yi inflated the floatation arm bands and put them back on the little girls. "Where are your parents?" she asked the twins.

"Probably sleeping," answered one.

"Yeah, sleeping. Mom was up late last night singing," said the other.

"Yeah, singing."

Yi had to learn to tell the difference between the twins in low light conditions. They get quite upset when you misidentify them. She let the girls get back to their game with an admonishment not to let a bait fish get into her engine room. She then headed up to the galley to start breakfast. There she met Macy, who was bundled up in a blanket, cradling a cup of coffee. "Was I the only person to sleep ashore?"

"Oui, I think that is so," answered Macy.

"What was Andi singing about? The girls said they heard her singing."

"Oh, that. When their lovemaking is very good, Andi can be quite vocal. It must have been very, very good last night." Macy grinned as she took a sip of coffee. "I need to go get dressed," and she opened the blanket and flashed Yi a quick view of one exquisite chocolate brown breast, then turned and headed through the salon and below deck to dress in her cabin. Yi shook her head with a grin and got to work preparing breakfast as she dreamed of the possibility of singing a duet with Andi.

Shortly, they left Nisi Arcadia in the pre-dawn light with Don Atherton and Miss Nicoletta on board to test out her luxuries. Paul had arrived on deck shortly before Don and Miss Nicoletta arrived and welcomed them aboard. As Paul gave the Athertons a quick tour of the upper decks, Yi went below and started on the engine startup checklist. Once the big MAN diesels were purring, she transferred the electrical load from the pier power supply to the internal generators. Up on deck, her mom Sung-mi and sister Bitty had completed the casting off and collected all the fenders as soon as Stan edged the floating palace away from the pier. Miss Nicoletta and her husband Don watched in awe at the ease with which Stan handled the big craft, first edging away from the pier, then heading up the channel and out to sea, steering into what was promising to be a beautiful sunrise.

"Oh, my goodness! The bridge is phenomenal in its appointments, but this dining area here, and the docking helm controls, even a wet bar up here, it's like a luxury suite!" Miss Nicoletta gushed.

Sung-Mi grinned and swept her hand over the luxury of the bridge. "This our cabin, the couch converts to queen size bed, and if it pleasant night, this table and couch convert to bed, so we sleep outside. We only go downstairs because there's no head up here," she added to the Atherton's chuckles.

"So, when you're fishing, you control the boat from here?" Donald asked as he looked over the secondary helm out on the aft end of the flying bridge.

"One hundred percent," smiled Stan. "There's an open intercom between the bridge and the fighting cockpit. The helmsman has a better view of the fish from up here. Also, there's a set of docking controls over on the starboard side in case we have to dock to the starboard side, and there are thruster joysticks down on the mezzanine."

"Actually, the whole rescue was coordinated by Stan and Gus from up here because of the view," said Paul.

"You would, of course, allow charter passengers up here. Is that correct?" asked Miss Nicoletta.

"Not after sunset!" said Sunny as she topped off the Atherton's coffee. "This is our cabin, biggest, best cabin on the treasure coast and we not share!"

Heading back down to the mezzanine, Paul promised the Athertons a tour of the cabins after breakfast. As they entered the salon, they met Andi and Macy coming up from below deck, both wearing identical outfits, white shorts and peach tank tops. Miss Nicoletta, who has already complimented the Carlson family's uniforms, said, "Oh my, do the passengers have to wear uniforms, too?"

"No, we dress alike because we are sisters," said Macy with her 1000 watt smile. She put her arm around Andi's shoulders.

Andi was about to add to that sentiment when the twins ran up to the mezzanine, each holding a flapping mullet. "Mommy! I got a fish!"

"Me too!"

"Ok, you two, put your fish back and wash your hands, then get dressed. Your outfits are on the bed," said Andi. The girls dashed toward the stairs leading down to the cabins when Andi yelled, "Fish first!"

"Oops!" The girls turned around embarrassed and ran to the open hatch leading to the side deck and threw their fish overboard, then ran down to their cabin. "Sorry!"

Andi walked slowly to the table and sat down very gingerly. Paul served her coffee, then sat down next to her. "Rough night last night, dear?" asked Miss Nicoletta with a knowing smile.

Andi smiled and sipped her coffee. "We were up late, uh, singing."

"Yeah, that's the story. We were singing," agreed Paul.

Don, Miss Nicoletta, and Macy sat down with the Jareckis and enjoyed the morning coffee. Miss Nicoletta continued to give Andi that knowing smile which embarrassed Andi to no end. Soon the twins and Sunny appeared on deck dressed for breakfast, Sunny in her sailor outfit and the twins dressed the same as their mother. They slumped down in their chairs at their side table, looking like little zombies. Madeline leaned over and crossed her arms on the table, then lay her head down and closed her eyes.

"What's the matter, girls?" asked Miss Nicoletta, "didn't you get your sleep last night?"

Madeline just shook her head no, and Sandy continued to stare at the table and said, "Uh-uh. Mommy was singing last night."

Before Andi could squash the conversation, Miss Nicoletta asked, "Well, what was Mommy singing?"

"Church songs," moaned Madeline.

"Yeah, she said 'Oh God' a lot," added Sandy.

Andi tried to look innocent, but she blushed furiously and tried to hide behind Paul's shoulder.

Finally, Miss Nicoletta reached across the table and took Andi's hand. "Honey, I've been there. I've been right where you're at today. You had some terrible experiences and sex becomes a nightmare, then one day you meet the right man, and everything changes," she smiled and patted her husband Don on the shoulder. "So, if you're enjoying it, sing! You're on your honeymoon!"

Macy put her arm around Andi, pulled her close, and started rocking her from side to side. "I was there too ma chérie soeur." She held her hand up in a fist to remind Andi of what she had been through, and Miss Nicoletta's eyes widened in shock. "Poor John, he was so patient, but finally, after so long," she sighed and smiled, "J'aime le sexe."

"That's a good thing?"

"That's a wonderful thing," then Macy whispered in Andi's ear. "I hope you don't mind, but John and I christened your attic."

Andi's eyes flew wide open, "What?!?" and suddenly the two women were tussling and tickling each other, their squeals of laughter causing the twins to jump up and join them.

"She obviously recovers quickly," said Miss Nicoletta as she sipped her coffee.

"They both had a tough row to hoe," said Paul, "and in the end, they somehow came through it. I like to think that this past month together has helped them both tremendously."

"You know, I've never seen a doctor in a ticklefight before," said Donald.

"Then I have a true paradox for you," replied Paul.

When Paul said nothing more, both Don and Miss Nicoletta held their hands up, waiting for them to be filled with enlightenment until Don finally said, "And this paradox is...?"

"They're both doctors."

The Athertons looked at each other for a moment, then at Paul. Miss Nicoletta finally groaned and said, "aaaawwww, I see what you did there, pair a docs." Don just covered his eyes and shook his head.

Macy and Andi finally finished their tickling and leaned back on the couch, panting. Andi looked from face to face and said, "What?"

"Ok, enough horsing around!" called Yi from the galley as she started setting breakfast out. Paul got up to help serve as Macy and Andi composed themselves and the twins returned to their seats. Breakfast was delicious. Yi outdid herself with eggs caprese Italian style, lightly fried eggs placed on slices of grilled garlic ciabatta, layered with crispy prosciutto and fresh creamy mozzarella, drizzled with pesto and freshly diced tomatoes. The three young girls got scrambled eggs, toasted ciabatta with peanut butter and cups of fruit salad.

After breakfast was over and Paul was helping Sunny with dishes, Miss Nicoletta called Yi over "My dear, that was probably the finest morning meal I've ever had, and all done in such a small galley! That must be an incredible challenge."

Yi smiled. "I'm reminded of a quote. Only a poor workman blames his tools."

"Benjamin Franklin?"

"No, it's a proverb. There's probably more, but I only remember the punchline. However, Franklin said 'Handle your tools without mittens,' which is terrible advice in a kitchen sometimes."

"Let me cut to the chase," said Miss Nicoletta. "Tell me how much you're making. I'll give you a substantial increase if you come work for me."

Andi went stone cold, but Yi just smiled. "You can't afford me," she said and turned to walk away.

"Miss Carlson, I'm serious."

Yi stopped and turned back to Miss Nicoletta. "Do you see what's happening in the galley? That's my boss up to his elbows in the sink scrubbing my skillet. This isn't a onetime thing. He's been there every meal, even New Year's Eve, in a tuxedo. That's my price. I'm not asking you to match it. I'm telling you to beat it."

Miss Nicoletta thought for a bit then smiled. "I could say that I can get someone to help in the kitchen, but that's not it. Is there something else I could offer? I'm a retired justice, after all."

Yi looked a little perturbed. "And Dr. Jarecki is a cardiologist and a lawyer. He's busy trying to start a new company, and he's opening a new VA clinic. And yet he's there helping me with every meal. AND he puts up with my insubordinate sounding crap. What's your counteroffer?"

She took Yi's hand in one hand and patted it with the other. "I suppose you're right. I cannot afford you. So, thank you for an outstanding meal, but if you keep feeding me like this, I'm going to continue to try to steal you away."

"Good luck with that," and Yi returned to the galley with a smile. Miss Nicoletta turned to the table to find Andi staring at her in shock. "What?"

"You tried to steal my governess!"

"Oh pshaw, I discovered a long time ago that the best way to compliment someone who takes pride in their work is to offer them a job."

"What would you have done if she took you up on your offer?"

Miss Nicoletta gave Andi the same reassuring smile she gave Yi. "Darling, I never ask a question that I don't know the answer to. It's a rule that's given me a lot of success."

"But what if she had said yes?"

"But she wouldn't. I knew that before I asked. Look at her, she's as happy as a lark knowing she outbid a rich old woman." Miss Nicoletta leaned forward. "Look at her and how she interacts with you. There's a lot of love here. She is following you to Buffalo in a few days, and let's face it, Buffalo is not exactly a vacation spot. Your governor is a moron, the weather is a nightmare, the city is nearly bankrupt, and the county is incapable of filling a pothole. A right-thinking chef would never allow themselves to be dragged into that kind of shithole, if it weren't for love." She took Andi's hands in hers. "I'm so jealous of you."

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It took forever to get the twins to settle down and take a short morning nap. Eventually, Andi moved them into the master suite and lay down on the bed with them. Bribery worked to a point, but the twins still wouldn't settle down. "If you guys lay down and be quiet, you can watch poppa Paul and Mr. Donald go fishing this afternoon."

"Can we go swimming?"

"After poppa and Mr. Donald are done fishing, maybe poppa can get the swimming dock ready for swimming and we can go swimming after supper."

"Awww, we want to go swimming now."

Andi tickled Sandy, "You silly! You can't go swimming when poppa is fishing, he'll catch you and Yi will have to cook you."

"I will be delicious; Sandy will be yucky."

"No, I will be delicious!"

"No, I will!"

"No, I will!"

"Girls, ENOUGH! Now settle down!" Andi used her 'mom voice' to some effect, and the twins stopped their sparring and they settled down, but it didn't last. A nudge turned into a bump which turned into a shove which turned into a poke which turned into a swat. Pretend snores soon turned into giggles and shouts of "Hey! No fair!"

Andi tried to calm them, but as she tried, she wondered from where the children's anthem "No fair!" entered their vocabulary. They don't associate with other 5-year-olds yet, and she didn't hear it on any of their limited television viewing. As their tussling evolved into a tickle fight to rival Andi and Macy's recent tickle fight, order was established by the most powerful entity in the young girl's lives: Poppa.

"What's all this noise going on in here? You'll scare away the fish." Paul appeared at the cabin door and used his best 'drill instructor' voice, and the girls immediately stopped their arguing and pretended that they were asleep. He didn't shout, but he projected his words with enough force to make it sound like a shout. Paul crawled on to the bed and he and Andi snuggled the girls between them and soon, against their will, the pretend snores became soft breathing and the little girls gently fell asleep.

"How did you do that?" Andi whispered.

"It's pretty simple. They still don't know me yet, so they don't know how far they can push me. Once they figure that out, we'll both be in trouble."

"Thank you, daddy." Andi smiled and closed her eyes, safe and secure in the arms of the family she always dreamed of.

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As always, Sandy and Madeline woke at the same time. They never had to wake each other because their little bodies have the same sleep schedules. They rose to find mom and poppa missing and the boat was bouncing, so they decided to explore. First, they went to their cabin and put on their swimsuits and floaties because they knew that poppa was going to take them swimming, and of course they had to grab their stuffies. Sandy had a misshapen creature from a children's cartoon, and Madeline had a baby Kermit the Frog. Fully armed for action, they looked around.

Bitty wasn't in her cabin, so maybe she was doing laundry or getting lunch ready. In fact, all the cabins were empty, so they headed up to the salon which they found empty, as well as the galley. Yi wasn't cooking a lunch, but she set out bread, lunch meat, and condiments for sandwiches.

"Maybe they all fell off the boat," said Sandy as she attempted to craft a bologna sandwich. "We will have to drive the boat."

Madeline thought and made a cheese and Miracle Whip sandwich. "I think I can steer, but I can't reach the steering wheel. The chair is too far back."

"We're not allowed upstairs anyhow."

Getting nervous with the thought that they were alone on the boat, they took their sandwiches and juice boxes aft toward the fishing cockpit. If everyone fell overboard, who was going to put the straws in their juice boxes? When they reached the dinner table, they saw poppa and Mr. Donald sitting down in the fishing cockpit looking at a lot of papers. They were drinking something out of cans and smoking cigars. Good! There is someone here to put the straws in their juice boxes, open their soda cans, and pour their milk. They won't die of thirst. They climbed down to the fishing cockpit and wordlessly held their juice boxes up to poppa.
