All Comments on 'Allie T - Valentine Virgin Violated'

by scouries

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AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Hopefully Mom will first de-cock this M/F CREEP

then de-ball him--then take all his money then put him in jail with those who will use his asshole and his mouth several hundred times

don87654don87654over 15 years ago

A rape story is never erotic and has no business in this site.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Did You Actually Read the Story?

He's involved in a murder/suicide. Also, it's posting in the nonconsent category. If you do not like/wish to read this type of story, please do not bother. Then, you left a poor rating for a story that did not deserve such a rating. It was one of the better, in this category. Please stick to whicheve category you prefer!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

This is a very difficult story to rate. The cop is psycho, the girl give in to easily and the ending is unusual. But I still found it fascinating. You are right about the first responder he did not read the story. It is very difficult to punish a dead man.

spearman1spearman1over 15 years ago

Definitely differnt scouries but I liked it all the same. You know everyone wants to be a critic even if they haven't bothered to read the story. Glad to see your back writing again. You were missed. Keep up the good work. Princess


An amazing piece of literature from the master. I laughed, I cried, it is truly and erotic masterpiece like nothing he has ever written. Bravo!

PositiveThinkerPositiveThinkerover 15 years ago

I gave you a 5 for the dialogue Scouries, but your characters lacked development. I couldn't imagine what they looked like. Still, it was an interesting piece of writing.

PrincessErinPrincessErinover 15 years ago

Nothing else to say really. Wasn't very well written either.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

stick with incest.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Not bad...

... but not that good either. For that the characters were too flat, stereotypical and unrealistic in some of their responses. The fact that you did make an effort to build the story and add a few twists here and there made me think that it deserved a four rather than a three. I think it is a little unfair that people vote lower, because they don't like the category or you for that matter. I suppose if you had more time to develop it, it could have been better.

sarahhhsarahhhover 15 years ago
It's just not possible . . .

. . . that any story in the VD Contest could be as entertaining and intellectually and erotically stimulating as this one. It's just not possible. Is scouries a brilliant literary erotic devil or what? Eat your hearts out (VD Pun) all you wannabes who can only make a lasting impression on your alternative identities. For more of my critique, please go to the most popular thread on this site, which of course is orchestrated by the author of this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
There should be . . .

. . . negative voting for total crap like this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
perhaps its time...

Time for what you ask? Time for you to save the writing for the real writers and stick to what you know best...which is absolutely nothing.

MunachiMunachiover 15 years ago

was a bit torn whether to vote four or five, but decided for five, because some parts of the story i liked a lot, and i thought the writing was good... i must say though i am not the biggest fan of the parts where after a few minutes the victim ends up begging for more, and then even thinks she is in love with the guy... on the other hand i agree it is unfair to vote low just because you dislike the category - and i guess nonconsent is a very controversial category, which makes it difficult to write... in the end though, it is easy to check what the category of the story you are reading is, and if you don't like it, there are enough other stories to read instead...

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
I was torn on the vote and decided it was more

than a zero. Harvard eh, with a brain as swift as hers, the local vocational training school will be excellent. You dont smart mouth a cop, you dont as a young girl take shortcuts in alleys, you dont let and unwanted pregnancy stop your life. No matter how cute the baby, consider what the parent can or cannot do for the child. Her case is interesting since you put her in a household with more than average income. Move this "smart" girl to a household where both parents work for minimum wage trying to raise their daughter and this pregnancy is almost a death sentence for the girl, for the baby, and for the parents. Keeps looking around for her describing the medical testing which is still going on for HIV and the many other mental issues coming from the rape. You left out the best parts fo the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

Um...I think that story scared me more then anything.


AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
nerve wrecking but enjoyable

Well written....only problem was the lack of character development.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Thank you ...

for submitting this. Everything was perfect, for me. I loved every last word.

I eagerly wait for more of your submissions.


(a definite and devoted scouries fan!)

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
i liked it....

what are people expecting real life?? i liked your story personally it was good and i like her being smart-mouthed and still comming at the end still loving her child even though it was probably a pretty scary ordeal getting raped... i like that it wasnt exactly real life and i loved the way you put the story together!! good job!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

how readers judged this story, giving scores from "0" to "100". Goes to show you different strokes for different folks.<p>Got a chuckle out of one commentator who thought the story was not erotic and rape shouldn't be allowed on this site. Beg your pardon! Wonder if he knew he was reading non-consent.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Fun story

Good exchanges between the two main characters. My only complaint: Harvard again??

ChucksSiteChucksSiteover 14 years ago
I didn't get excited as I read this story....

because, I think, I'm not a fan of violence, especially against women. Nor am I a fan of humiliation, of which there was a lot in the beginning. I would give it more stars because of the idea, the story line, but not so many because of the violence and the lack of eroticism. I liked the other 3 stories of yours that I read, and I think I'll like many more, because your specialty, incest/taboo, is my favorite, and you are a good writer. So, sorry that I didn't wax enthusiastically about this one. I'll likely make it up as I travel down the list of sexy incest and taboo stories.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

Was certainly different - but good entertainment

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
great writer

you have alot of talent and should

continue with incest/taboo and

non-consent/reluctance stories

possibly even ranch out into other


really enjoyed ur stories

SouthernCrownSouthernCrownover 13 years ago
it was well written but sad

dont really know what to rate it as to be honest its not what i normally get into but it wasnt completely hated either id have to agree with chuck


I'm not quite sure what to make of this, All your work is well written this is no different. At times I liked this other times I hated it. Made me excited, angry and sad so I guess good job lol.

Blush627Blush627over 13 years ago

I loved this. I guess I"m a bit of an 'emo' because I love the tragic endings at times. You know, something different once in a while. I write naughty stories too but I doubt I am as good as you are....*grins* you should consider publishing some of theses...I don't know if it's 'legal' but maybe if you change it so that it's not 'incest/taboo' since society is sooooo 'politically correct' or what not. You have a talent so why not right?

LolaBellaLolaBellaover 13 years ago

I hated the guy then I got hot for him. What a story!

KojoteKojoteabout 13 years ago
That's... hard story.

I perfetly, totally buy it. You just managed do show it the right way. As intended, I assume...

Great work!

El FoloEl Foloabout 13 years ago
lol stockholm

The ending made me want to lay my head in a frying pan, but all in all well written. I mean, other than the gals reacting to rape like some sort of laughable inconvenience.

Other than that, yeah, this was pretty good. I love when noobs find the rape section by mistake, then get all butthurt about it.

Ha ha, rape, butthurt. I made a funny. But anyway, good shit, keep writing.

IwasagoodgirlIwasagoodgirlabout 13 years ago
You got my vote

Brilliant, well done

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Wasn't up to your other well written stories

Didn't particularly like the story, was somewhat confusing. First she talking about a rape and then "loves" the rapist only to find out that he killed people earlier that night. Strange - certainly wasn't your best story. I gave it only 3 stars and normally your stories get 5 stars. Ws very disappointed with the story.

CobraDenCobraDenover 11 years ago
Very good story

This is the 1st story I've read in this catagory. If you were to write more in this catagory I'd read them. You are a very good story teller. I enjoyed reading it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

This was the cutest, most hottest story ever (':

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

You actually bother to make it a real story. As short as this is, it's a high caliber for this site. I salute you [in every way].

BfreetorunBfreetorunover 11 years ago
Just like a woman! Fall in love with a rapist!

Of course it is a good attitude for her to have since he IS the father of her child. Yes, I know it is just a work of fiction, a good story even though I did not like the tone. Oh, well. I hope you won an award, I know that I am reading this years later.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

just what sort of a pervert are you to have her raped and think it is OK...glad the pig shot them all then himself...all the lousy bastard deserved....this is not sexy not even remotely entertaining...just the writings of a sick minded sicko - this is just pure shite....what a moron....

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

That SO sends the wrong message! Go ahead and rape girls because they will love you. NOT okay

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

I found the storyline interesting and thrilling

bunny_earsbunny_earsalmost 10 years ago

This story is twisting me all the wrong ways! It's so wrong and more than a little stupid to think this VIRGIN would not be out of her mind with fear and wouldn't be asking for a dick in any situation, let alone falling IN LOVE after one fuck -- that doesn't happen in real life even with people that aren't getting RAPED. But somehow you always manage to make your characters so likeable, and you still managed to pull on some heart strings with his sad ending. Confused, just confused.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Don't you realize that some people believe anything printed. And they believe almost everything on the internet. Some police officer, fireman, paramedic, military, someone in uniform of some type thats been wronged will take this as a model for their actions. I've almost always liked your work, but you've disappointed me on this one. Its just wrong on so many levels. I see several readers agree with me. I gave this an 'I hated it' because that is the lowest grade here. You say that this just popped into your head? Don't you realize that not every thought that occurs to any of us is worthy of being acted upon? This is crap.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
This Story Surprised Me

I've only read a half dozen of your stories so far and I loved them but this one doesn't do a thing for me. I'm not into rape or pain, nor do I condone rape under any circumstances. I think you made a big mistake with this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I am almost 25 and female. I enjoy rape stories and love stories alike. This story does not compute, though. Why after he insults her and all women and then rapes her does she decide she loves him and wants to be with him even though he doesn't love her and is still being an ass? She was set up to be a smart, independent girl. She wouldn't just crumble and give in to him like that... I realize it's just a story. Just fantasy. But if it isn't realistic it doesn't do anything for me. And BTW, most girls don't even have a hymen. Or it gets broken before they have sex. I'm tired of the hymen thing in every virgin story I read...

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Not a story of interest due to a graphic error - Valentine's Day on February 12? What country is this story based within?

WiserbyageWiserbyagealmost 8 years ago
Weird Story

And, the ending sucks, unless it is a victim's triumphal laugh.😠😠

Wendylooking4BbcWendylooking4Bbcalmost 8 years ago
Enjoyed it

I absolutely love rape fetish stories! I have setup myself to be raped twice. I didn't want to know when or where and they could do what they wanted with me while raping me! I did know the one individual so it was "safe" but he could bring others but he had to know them. They both were the most intense and fulfilling sexual encounters I have had! I can understand the young victim falling for her captor hearing how his wife has ruined his life and he is telling you what a slut you are but also how sexy and a great fuck you are.


CyJmy69CyJmy69over 7 years ago
Not your best

I often enjoy the reluctant stories. But ones that are quite violent turn me off. Having been the victim of rape, damaged to the point I had to have surgery to repair said damage, aggressive dangerous stories aren't what excites me. I do however OFTEN enjoy the reluctant stories that unfold. That all being said, this story for me, wasn't written in such a way to engage me and draw me in. (And FYI Valentines Day is Feb 14th not the 12th) I didn't think it was your best story. I'm not scoring it as high for those reasons though I do plan to read another of yours right now.

MAJOR04MAJOR04almost 7 years ago
Sad commentary on Rape

This is not something that should be made light of in an erotic story!! You justify rape as being the fault of the girl by making her “LIKE “ being raped! This is a terrible story and as such I have you one star! All your other stories I have read got five star reviews. You went too far with this one!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Perfect story!

Will definitely keep this in memory! Why the ending twist? Im disappointed this could have gone more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

So tired of the “girl gets raped but the sex is so good she falls in love with her rapist” trope. Do guys really think that’s how it works? Hint: It doesn’t.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I enjoyed the story could have used a little more build up but it was not bad!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I'm a male, heterosexual who enjoys stories about forced sex. However, I have had multiple real life experiences where girls/women asked to experience rape. I have read that it is the most common female fantasy. But what they wanted was a fantasy. No woman enjoys rape, unless she's seriously into masochism. Being on the receiving end of rape is ugly, almost always painful and traumatic. Just ask anER nurse or doctor. So where in the hell do these stories come from where the female enjoys the rape experience? This fiction might actually be taken seriously by perpetrators of rape, or is used by people who condemn erotica saying it re-enfoces the rape myth. A girl who is with a guy (or another girl) that she can trust and knows that a safe word will be accepted can have a very good time. The real rape is nothing like that. For the guy who thinks rape is fun, go get a gay sadist and tell him you want to be raped with no restrictions and no safe words. Let me know how that turns out for you.

UmraojiUmraojiover 2 years ago

Nicely crafted but then, you just fizzled out. Why the hurry?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

2 stars. No logical tale here, just a bunch of random fantasies put together.

Bill S.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

To Anonymous from a year ago. Where did you read that rape is the most common woman's fantasy? And were all 3.8 billion women/girls in the world, asked? Because it isn't and many women/girls are living a rape reality, as rape and sexual assault and Murder are increasing and reaching epidemic numbers in many countries, especially where Religion is hand in glove with Politics/Governments/Dictatorships(Cockatorships?) And when he says he's met lots of women/girls wanting to experience rape, Really? You can smell the shite from him, more like wish/fantasy unfulfilled. As to Anonymous from 7 years ago, at 25 then and the chief Gynecologist and speaker for all women/girls in the world, that most female's BTW, do not have a hymen...As a Gynecologist and a women (Not 25, but 58 and lived and seen alot more) BTW most women do have a hymen. I haven't asked all 3.8 billion, I just don't have that much spare time...As to Wendy, I don't think you're real, probably a man but if you are real, I would strongly recommend you find a therapist, pronto( Before you get raped, beaten and murdered, some men will go further than your fantasy as they don't want to stop, or know how to..) Now about the "Story". Yes all women/girls enjoy being raped and Anal rape!(Sigh) (virgin's would sustain damage to the vulva and tears to the vaginal walls and with Anal rape, women end up having colostomy due to perforation of the rectum, but this can happen to any woman or girl) she wouldn't be able to walk well and in immense pain from that and the beating (apart from this story, she is going to school the next day) because she fell in love with her rapist/kidnapper/captor who gave her orgasm's (pass the vomit bowl..) and knew straight away she was pregnant (even though she didn't know much about sex, because she didn't know that women and girls can have orgasm's while being raped, due to physiology ie; forced orgasm's...not due to the emotional state) and she keeps the baby probably due to Stockholm syndrome or the state she fecking lives in doesn't allow abortion under any circumstances! And she is not honest with her parents. You just get so fecked off that another Male "Writer" is pushing this Shite, still about a fecking disturbing Male Rape fantasy to gullible Men who think that secretly All Women and Girls Want This. No wonder the man who wrote this is fecking single, He has No Idea About Women and Girls. If I could of given this shite story 0 star, I would of...And it does reinforce the Rape Myth. A Fecking Again!!

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