Amber Lamps

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College girls climb the social ladder with a little help.
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Author's Note: If found anywhere except Literotica.Com with this note attached, this story is posted without my permission. © Copyright Les Lumens.

Every so often, I just feel like writing some smut. This is one of those times. There's more, but I'll leave that for the closing.


Amber absently toyed with a lock of her strawberry blonde hair as she watched the streets pass by outside the bus window. Her stop was fast approaching, and she was psyched to finally spend some time in her new apartment.

She still couldn't believe that Rachel had conned her parents into renting it for them and moving their things. No more parents rules, and no more dorm rules. They were free to live the college life to its full extent now.

With only a block or two left until her stop, she turned from the window to find a clear path to the front of the bus. She tapped the up volume button on her music player when she noticed a wild-eyed old man with a bushy white beard and some too-cool guy with cornrows arguing a little farther back on the bus.

Just ignore them, she thought as she saw the argument growing more heated. After what felt like an eternity, the bus finally rolled up toward her stop. She stood up and headed toward the door, glad to escape.

The whole incident vanished from her mind as she walked into her new apartment building and into the elevator.

As soon as she unlocked the door and stepped inside the apartment, she saw Rachel sitting on the couch, wearing a coy smile, and holding a drink. A bottle of booze sat on the table in front of her.

Amber shut the door and both women erupted into simultaneous squeals.

"Oh my god, this is so cool!" Rachel exclaimed, and then laughed.

"Party time," Amber agreed.

Rachel put down her drink and said, "My sister sent us a housewarming gift." She then spun around with her knees on the couch and leaned over behind it.

Amber bit her lower lip and quietly moaned as she stared at her best friend's gorgeous butt. They'd discovered long ago that helping each other was a lot better than masturbating. Having to curtail those urges was one of the reasons that they were both so excited about having the privacy of their own place.

"Ta da," the brunette declared as she lifted a ridiculous inflatable man from its hiding place and sat him on the couch.

Amber broke out into laughter while tossing her backpack and purse on the table. She sat down on the couch, stroked her hand over the latex cock, and let out an exaggerated, sarcastic, "Ooo."

Rachel laughed as well and acted like she was tonguing the sex toy's ear. "The sad thing is that he's probably more of a man than the losers we've been dating."

The blonde groaned and said, "Don't remind me. I'm on the verge of swearing off men altogether."

"L.U.Gs," the brunette agreed, using the acronym for lesbians until graduation and wiggling her tongue suggestively.

Too long denied the treat, and a week without even using her fingers for relief caused that gesture to light a fire of arousal in Amber. Her friend was wearing short-shorts, and a tight t-shirt that strained to contain her breasts — the lack of a bra allowing her nipples to poke provocatively at the cloth.

Amber picked up the air-filled man from between them and deposited him behind her, letting the desire she felt fill her eyes. Rachel moaned and scooted closer, and the two women engaged in a tongue-wrangling kiss.

"So whose bed are we going to break in first? Or do you just want to do me right here?" Rachel asked as their lips parted and she slipped a finger beneath the leg of the blonde's shorts.

"Mine," Amber answered.

Clothing fell to the floor all along the way to the blonde's room.


A little over an hour later, Amber walked out of her room with a spring in her step and just the slightest tingles from uncountable orgasms still rippling through her body.

A slap on her panty-clad ass caused her to look back at Rachel following her back into the front room. "Ooo, don't start that again."

The brunette twitched her eyebrows. "God, you were a pussy-hungry little thing today, weren't you?"

"Uh huh," Amber answered, and then saw a package sitting on the table by the door that had somehow escaped her notice when she entered. "What's that?"

"I forgot about that." Rachel grinned and added, "I wonder why?"

Amber laughed and licked her lips before walking toward the package.

"There's no to or from address," Rachel said, "Were you expecting something?"

Amber shrugged. "No. Maybe the shipping label fell off. You?" When the brunette shook her head in the negative, Amber crossed the room to sit down on the couch with the package.

"Here," Rachel offered, handing her friend a metal nail file from the table to break the tape on the box.

The file tore through the tape with ease, but opening the box revealed nothing but styrofoam at first. Amber raked away the packing peanuts and gasped when she revealed an ornately carved wooden box.

"Oh wow," Rachel exclaimed, "That looks like an antique."

The blonde sat back and said, "Maybe we shouldn't be doing this. I mean, this must have ended up in our mail by mistake."

"How are we supposed to find out who it belongs to if we don't look?"

"I guess you're right," Amber conceded, and pulled out the wooden case. The whole thing was just as beautifully worked as the lid.

Rachel gave an impatient wave and said, "Well, open it."

Amber turned the bolt on the simple latch, and opened the box. Her eyes widened as she beheld the twin Arabian style lamps. Always fascinated by her namesake, she immediately recognized that the lamps were made of the translucent yellow-gold material.

The brunette reached out to touch the box and said, "They look like Aladdin's lamps."

Amber pulled out one of the lamps to look at it, and sat down the box on the couch. She nodded toward the wooden case and Rachel took out the other one.

"These must be worth like a bazillion dollars," Rachel mused as she carefully turned her lamp, letting it catch the light.

Amber sighed. "I wish we could keep them. They're so perfect. We'd probably get arrested, though."

Rachel bit her lower lip, an idea having apparently come to her. She held up the lamp that she'd been looking at, rubbed it, and said, "I wish that I had a girly-lust detector that could tell me who thinks I'm hot, so I wouldn't have to waste time guessing who's into me."

"Hmm," the blonde murmured as she decided to join in the game. She rubbed her lamp and began, "I wish I could find a hot guy with a ripped bod..."

"And a big cock," Rachel supplied.

"With a big cock that he knows how to use," Amber agreed. "One that wouldn't feel threatened by me getting hot for girls, but wouldn't think it means that he can hit on any girl he wants to share her with me." Sarcasm oozed from her voice as she said the last.

She continued, "He would treat me like a Princess, but not be all clingy when I want some time to myself. And he has to be funny, and love animals too."

Rachel interrupted, "I'm changing my wish to ditto."

Amber laughed, and then said, "Hey, I just thought of something," as she sat her lamp down on the table. She closed the wooden case and pointed at the designs on the lid. "I think this is Arabic. I could ask Wendy to translate it for us. Maybe that will tell us something." "Oh yeah. She lived over there somewhere," the brunette agreed, recalling what she knew about the bookish redhead who had a room not far from the one they'd just vacated in the dorm.

"I'll call her."

Rachel put the lamp she was holding back into its felt-lined niche in the wooden case, sighed, and stood up to say, "I'm going to go check out Facebook and see if there are any parties going on."

Amber grabbed her cell from her purse and made the call. Only the briefest of descriptions of the box and lamps enticed Wendy to agree to come over first thing in the morning.

An odd flash of light drew her eyes toward the lamp in the case. After moving her head from side to side a bit, trying to match the angle that had caused the reflection, she pulled the lamp out for a closer look.

"Oh my god," Rachel exclaimed from the other room.

"What is it?"

"Becky blew it! Helen's status says 'pissed because her birthday is ruined,' and Becky is apologizing!"

Amber knew that this was their chance. She and Rachel had been making inroads into the group ever since arriving at school, but Becky had a one year jump on them. Helen was the recognized queen of the most popular clique on campus, and coming to the rescue would almost guarantee acceptance into the inner circle.

"The place where she was going to have it got busted," the brunette further explained from the other room. "We could have the party here."

Amber called back, "Do you think we can pull it off?"

"Of course we can. We've got to go for it. We'd be so in!"

"Do it." Amber put down the lamp on the table next to its twin and hurried into the bedroom with her friend.

Rachel let out a quiet squeal of delight as soon as Amber stepped in the door. She pointed at her laptop screen, and Amber saw the reply from Helen saying the party was on.

"Oh god. We've got to do something mind-blowing," Amber said in a rush.

"I can get the..." Rachel trailed off and her expression turned puzzled. She leaned sideways to look around her friend, back toward the doorway.

Amber turned and started when she saw the bright golden glow emerging from the front room. She snapped her gaze back to the brunette, and both women crept toward the door.

The light was emanating from the other side of the couch. More than a little frightened, the two friends cowered in the room, peeking around the doorway. The glow intensified, and little sparkles danced within it.

Amber couldn't help her gasp when the head of the inflated man sitting on the couch moved. She shrank back from the door, and then pointed, trying to entice her friend to look.

Rachel emphatically shook her head no, pointed at her friend, and then at the door. After a few more frantic gestures, both women leaned back around the doorframe.

The glow was gone. After a second or two, Amber tentatively stepped farther into the portal and stood up on her tiptoes. Rachel had a hold on her shirt, and followed the blonde through the doorway.

Both women sucked in simultaneous gasps when he stood up.

Amber's hand snapped to her mouth as he stepped around the couch and turned to face them. Muscles bulged as he stretched, and his strikingly handsome face broke into a smile. In her peripheral vision, she could see Rachel cradling her face in her hands, with her eyes and mouth both wide open. Her friend's gaze seemed to be trained in exactly the same spot as Amber's was — between the strange, sexy man's legs.

His long, thick, magnificent cock swung hypnotically as he walked toward them. "Hello, my Princesses," he said, his voice deep, sensual, and entrancing.

"Who... Who are y-you?" Amber stammered.

"I am the embodiment of your wishes, Amber," he answered. "You may call me... Adam."

He stopped just far enough away for both women to see his cock twitch, and then begin rising.

"Oh my god," Rachel whispered.

Amber couldn't even manage that as she watched his already incredible cock swell to hardness.

"Is there any way I could be of service?" he asked, and then closed the distance with a knowing smile.

Amber murmured, "This can't be real."

"See for yourself," he suggested, holding his hands out to the side.

Before Amber could even process that, Rachel reached out and wrapped her hand around his cock. Her voice was half a moan and half a growl as she said, "Feels real to me."

Arousal flooded through Amber's body like a tidal wave, washing away everything else. She stroked her fingers over his rippled chest, and then down to the tip of his hard organ.

He let out a moan so sexy that it caused both women to break out in goose bumps.

Amber didn't even register his hands sliding to the tail of her t-shirt until he asked, "May I?"

She lifted her arms, and he pulled her shirt over her head, leaving her clad in only her panties. She let out a whimper when she let her arms drop and he cupped her breasts in his hands.

"Magnificent," he said as he let his thumbs tease her stiff nipples.

Rachel's shirt dropped to the floor even as he said it.

Lost in a fog of desire, Amber couldn't resist in the slightest when his hand cupped her bottom and pulled. He was guiding Rachel as well, and the pair came together in a hungry kiss when they faced each other.

Amber pulled away from the kiss when Adam ducked down, the crook of his arm replacing the hand on her ass. A second later, she let out a yelp of surprise when he lifted both of them from the floor and walked toward Rachel's bedroom.

He lowered them both to the bed with the same effortless ease and stood up, leaving them with an eye-level view of his twitching manhood.

"So whose turn is it?" Rachel asked.

Amber turned toward her friend and pouted. She and Rachel had made an agreement long ago that when they shared a man between them, that they would take turns being first to have his cock inside them. It had only happened once with one of Amber's fuck-buddies, and the brunette knew full well that it was her turn.

Rachel pulled her panties down, revealing her smooth-shaven sex, accentuated by a triangle of trimmed dark curls pointing toward it. Even as the cloth slipped down her legs to where she could kick them away, the brunette utilized the convenient handle of Adam's cock in front of her and said, "Lie down. I'm not waiting."

Amber moved out of the way when he lifted a knee, and followed his silent instruction when he slipped a finger beneath her panties to snap the elastic while climbing into the bed.

Adam reclined while the blonde pulled down her panties, and Rachel moved to straddle him before his head even settled to the pillow. The brunette moved into position over his hips and aimed his cock at the center of her need.

"Oh god," Rachel groaned as the flared head slipped inside her. She took several rapid breaths, and then let her hips sink a little lower. "Fuck," she squeaked as a little more of his thick shaft penetrated her.

Amber dropped her panties to the floor, her eyes locked on the sight of his erection slowly vanishing inside the brunette. She only pulled her gaze away when his hand curled around her thigh.

"Come, let me taste you," he said.

Spurred on by his sexy voice, Amber had lifted one knee to straddle him almost before he finished. As he pulled her toward his mouth, Amber watched her friend's nether lips settle at the base of his shaft.

"Fuck. So big. God, yeah," Rachel exclaimed between deep breaths as she swivelled her hips in a tiny circle.

"Ooo!" Amber cried out in surprise as a broad stroke of his tongue caressed her folds, and then wiggled between them.

Rachel straightened over her knees, letting about half of his cock free of her clinging embrace before dropping down on it again and whimpering. "H-he... He any... Good at that?"

Amber's voice warbled as she responded, "Ohh my god." The tip of his tongue fluttered over her folds in a delightful dance, making her twitch from the rapid changes in sweet sensation.

The brunette moaned in response, increasing the pace of her hips a little.

Adam's tongue found pleasure centers that even Amber had never discovered. It probed impossibly deep into her depths, swirling over her walls, only to dart to her swollen clit before she knew it. Primal sounds of delight tumbled from her lips in a steady stream as she unconsciously pressed her sex tighter against his face.

The bed springs squeaked as Rachel bounced harder on his cock and teased her clit with light slaps. Some tiny part of Amber that wasn't lost in a fog of bliss recognized the rosy color creeping into her friend's face, the first sign of orgasm swelling within her.

After that, Amber barely noticed anything except for the hot itch growing in her depths. The pressure grew tighter with every stroke of his tongue, until it verged on the edge of discomfort. The sharp sensation held her for what felt like an eternity, drawing a long, pained-sounding moan from her. Then she came.

It hit her like a tidal wave, with absolutely no warning. A screech burst from her lips as her whole body tensed, snapping her back against the headboard of the bed. Her knuckles turned white from gripping the slats of the headboard, and spots danced before her eyes as every shallow breath she could manage to suck in erupted as a sharp cry of ecstasy.

By the time she managed to stop screaming long enough to take a full breath, her body was rocking from Rachel slamming her hips down on Adam's cock. At the exact same moment as Amber forced her eyes open, the brunette loosed a shriek as she came.

Rachel squeezed her breasts and whimpered, her back arched and her body quivering. Amber only had a second to admire it before Adam pulled her back into position over his mouth.

She lurched to the side with the first touch of his tongue, straightening her right leg to lift her away. "N-not yet. Not yet," she implored, and then summoned up the strength to lift her leg over him and sit down on the bed.

"As you wish, my Princess," he responded, and licked her juices from his lips.

While Amber was shuddering from that, Rachel fell forward onto her hands and groaned. "Oh my fucking god, I love your cock." A quiver shook her when he flexed his muscles, causing his erection to twitch inside her.

He grinned and bent his knees, sliding his hands down her body at the same time.

"Oh god," Rachel whispered, and then grunted as he thrust his cock up into her.

Amber couldn't resist stroking her friend's jiggling butt. She could hear the squishy sound of his fast-thrusting cock sliding into the brunette with each and every stroke.

Rachel grunted and groaned through her clenched teeth. "Yeah! Fuck me! Fuck me!"

Amber moved a little closer to the foot of the bed, and had no trouble finding abundant creamy wetness that had squirted out around his cock to moisten her finger. A moment later, she rubbed the digit over the puckered star of Rachel's ass.

The brunette gasped, and then loosed a long moan that changed slightly in pitch with every thrust of Adam's cock inside her. As soon as she took a breath, she began repeatedly saying, "Yes," the words all running together at first, and then spacing out as she neared climax.

Rachel went silent for a few strokes as the moment came upon her, and then loosed a banshee's wail of ecstasy.

Adam held her atop him, never relenting in the slightest, drawing out her orgasm until climax-fueled strength allowed her to lurch forward, and his cock slipped free.

The sight of his cock — still rock hard and throbbing — coated in her friend's juices was too much to resist. Amber wormed in behind her panting friend's behind, and lifted his cock to slip it into her mouth.

His thick organ stretched her lips, and the taste of Rachel's bittersweet nectar prompted a moan. She'd had time to recover from her orgasm, and a void deep within her begged to be filled.

Adam whispered something into Rachel's ear, and then helped the brunette to rise up onto her hands and knees. As soon as the trembling woman collapsed back to the mattress with one arm dangling limp over the side of the bed, he braced his arms behind him and sat up.

"I believe it is your turn?" He said as he pulled his knees under him.

Amber released his cock and moaned, needing him more desperately than she'd ever needed someone before. She rolled over, parting her legs, and then scooted closer to the center of the bed.