Amber Lamps


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He moved between her legs, and she sat up to watch as he guided his cock toward her, held between two fingers and his thumb. The swollen tip touched her hot nether lips, and then slipped inside.

Amber's head snapped back to the mattress and she yelped. Even the head felt enormous inside of her. She continued to yelp and gasp as he pushed his hips forward and slid inside her, inch by inch.

She'd only felt this full once in her life, when she and Rachel had decided to try fisting when they were heavily inebriated. She swore that she could feel every vein and contour of him as his cock throbbed inside her.

He gripped her thighs and withdrew until the base of his cock helmet popped free of her, and then thrust deep inside her again.

Amber had absolutely no control over the sounds that emerged from her with every slow thrust. Slight changes in his stance caused him to slide into her at a different angle each time. Her clit throbbed as his slick shaft brushed against it every so often, and she slowly relaxed to accommodate him.

The spikes of chilly pleasure shooting up through her dulled her other senses, leaving her with nothing more than the feeling of his cock filling her so full. He stroked her faster as her resistance decreased, the hot friction causing her involuntary cries to shoot up in volume.

Then Rachel's fingers were on her clit.

"Do it. Come on that big cock," the brunette said in demanding tones, her fingers flashing over the throbbing bud.

Adam chose to tighten his grip on her thighs at the same time, and drove his cock home with a powerful stroke.

A spasm rocked Amber, and she screamed to the ceiling above. His body crashed into her with loud smacks, sending shockwaves through her that caused her breasts to bounce. Rachel's knowing fingers applied just the right pressure, at just the right speed, further tightening the coiled spring of orgasmic energy begging for release behind Amber's mound.

Her head bounced up from the mattress with each hard, fast stroke. Loud cries with an almost weepy quality spilled from her lips until a momentary numbness spread throughout her body.

She lifted her head once more, murmured, "Oh," and then screamed as climax took control of her body.

"Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!" she cried as his cock continued to pound into her. Her upper body thrashed on the bed, but he held her hips in place, preventing her from escaping the onslaught. Rachel's fingers continued to tease her throbbing bud, and she just kept coming.

It was only when her voice turned hoarse and her breathing ragged that cool air kissed her hot, quivering sex. She fitfully sank down from the heights, shockwaves of almost painful pleasure continuing to assault her for what felt like an eternity.

Rachel leaned down to kiss her face and neck when she finally returned to regular — if rapid — breathing. "Wow, you came hard," she whispered, still tracing kisses.

"Uh... Uh huh," Amber squeaked, immediately followed by a warbling moan as her body quaked from an aftershock.

Adam's hand stroked the opposite cheek from the one Rachel was kissing, and she heard him say, "Seeing you enjoying such rapture is such sweet bliss, my Princess."

She looked over, and her eyes widened. "You... You're still hard?"

"Of course," he answered.

"Do you ever come?" Rachel asked.

"Only if you wish it, and it will not stop me from being hard for you again, whenever you so desire."

"How about now?" Rachel suggested as she turned around and rose up onto her hands and knees.

A deep chuckle rumbled from him as he climbed back in the bed toward her.

Amber quivered, already feeling the void in her depths crying out for satisfaction, though she hadn't even escaped the aftershocks of her last orgasm yet.


Amber sat up and rubbed her eyes, only to notice that her fingers were sticky. As soon as she moved her hands, she saw her reflection in the mirror across the room and scowled.

Her hair stuck out in every which direction. Her makeup looked like something out of a horror show. As she tried to move, she could feel her thighs sticking together. There was a wet, cold spot beneath the small of her back, and her sex throbbed uncomfortably.

Rachel lay next to her in the bed, looking no less frightful, and the brunette awakened with a groan while Amber was looking at her. She then mumbled, "God, my pussy's sore. But, fuck, it was worth it."

"Ah, good morning, my Princesses," Adam said from the doorway.

He was still stark naked, and still looked absolutely perfect, despite driving both of them to more orgasms than they could ever hope to remember. Amber winced as the sight of him caused her body to react. A hot throbbing accompanied the chill of wetness flooding her sex.

"I have a bubble bath prepared for you."

That brought a smile to Amber's lips.

Not only had he prepared the bath, but when the two friends emerged, he was waiting with clothes for them to put on. Following him back to Rachel's bedroom revealed that he'd changed the bedclothes, and breakfast was waiting for them there.

The whole thing was surreal to Amber; making her wonder if it was nothing more than a dream as she ate her breakfast. Adam seemed to know exactly what they wanted, and when they wanted it, right down to arriving to refill their coffee cups moments after the last sip.

Rachel nodded toward him walking away with the coffee pot and said, "I think we just found our secret weapon to make Helen's party one that she'll never forget."

"Oh my god. I'd completely forgotten."

"It will be just like that bachelorette party that she always talks about where they had the stripper. We are so in."

A knock on the front door caught their attention, and then they heard Adam saying "Eat, my Princesses. I will answer it."

Amber gasped when those words sank in.

The two friends scrambled to get out of the bed without upsetting their trays, but they were too late.

Wendy stood in the doorway, her eyes wide behind her thick-rimmed glasses, locked on what dangled between Adam's legs.

Rachel reached the door first and said, "Adam, I need you back here."

"Of course," he answered, and followed her back to the bedroom.

Wendy's eyes continued to follow him until he vanished within the bedroom. Almost immediately, her face turned as red as her hair, and she finally took notice of Amber.

"Uhm, hey," Amber said, at a loss to explain the rather surprising greeting that Wendy had just experienced. "Thanks for coming. The box is over here."

"Huh?" the redhead said, looking confused as her eyes darted back toward the bedroom door for a fraction of a second. "Oh, the... Right. Who was that?"

"Just a friend," Amber answered, and tugged on the still-stunned redhead's hand to lead her toward the lamps and the wooden case. "I think the writing is Arabic, but I'm not sure."

The sight of the amber lamps and the ornate box finally snapped Wendy out of her trance. She gasped and said, "They're absolutely beautiful." Her pace quickened and she asked, "Can I touch them?"


Wendy sat down on the couch and carefully picked up one of the lamps. "I've never seen anything like this. I've never even heard of anything like this. They have to be unique."

The excitement in the redhead's voice pulled Amber in. "Are they old?"

"I'm not sure, but they're hand worked. Amazing." She sat down the lamp and stared at it for a second before turning her attention to the box. "Now this is definitely old, and it was obviously made for the lamps."

"What's the writing say?"

"This isn't Arabic. I think it's something older. I recognize a few of the words, though. This is lamps," she noted, pointing at the word. "This one is wish." She looked up and asked, "Where did you get these?"

"They were left for me," Amber fibbed.

"You should take them to a museum. I just... Wow. I feel like Howard Carter looking into Tutankhamun's tomb for the first time."

That went right over Amber's head.

It must have showed in her expression, because Wendy elaborated, "King Tut."

"Oh, okay. Do you think they're that old?"

"They could be. Some of these characters almost look like a transition between Arabic and Hieroglyphs. Can I take some pictures?"

Amber bit her lip, not sure if that was a good idea. "I don't know."

"I only want to show them to someone at the museum. He's an old friend of the family, and I promise that he won't harass you or tell anyone else. He might be able to tell us something about them, though."

"Okay, I guess."

Wendy reached into her purse and pulled out her cell. "I wish I'd brought a real camera."

The redhead snapped pictures while Amber fidgeted, thinking that this may have been a bad idea.

Wendy put away her phone and stood up. "I'm going to head over to the museum right now. I'll call you as soon as I find out anything, okay?"

Amber nodded, and then stood up to walk the redhead to the door.

Wendy took one last glance toward the bedroom where Adam had vanished before stepping out the door.

Adam and Rachel walked back into the room. He was now dressed in a pair of shorts and a tight t-shirt that showed off his muscles and bulge so well that it was little different than him walking around naked.

"Some stuff I stole from Brian while I was dating him," Rachel explained.

"I don't know if that was a good idea," Amber said, and glanced at the door.

Rachel scoffed. "Forget it. We've got a party to plan."

Adam interjected, "She finds you both quite arousing."

Amber's brow furrowed in confusion. "Huh? Who? Wendy?"

He nodded, and Rachel asked, "What makes you think that?"

"Not think — know. As I said, I am an embodiment of your wishes. Was not your wish to know when a woman found you desirable?"

The brunette moaned. "I've seen her in a nightgown before. She's got a nice bod under those frumpy clothes she wears."

The thought of the bespectacled redhead between her legs made Amber shiver. She pushed the mental image away and said, "Okay, you're right. We just need to plan this party. We've only got two days."

"As if anything else will matter once we whip this big boy out," Rachel said while cupping Adam's bulge in her hand.

It was a little hard to argue with that.


The two roommates joined in the cheering as Helen leaned over the birthday cake that Rachel had made for the party. Amid flashes from cellphone cameras, she lapped up a whipped cream cum-spatter from the chocolate cock. A couple of suggestions from the other member's of Helen's inner circle then prompted the blonde to suck up the cherry clit from the pink-iced pussy next to the cock.

The party was already a hit. The two had made sure to get everything to make the group's favorite drinks, which had flowed liberally ever since the start of the party. Their gift had gone over well, though that was hardly a surprise when Helen had more or less told everyone exactly what she wanted from each. The music was pumping, and everyone seemed to be having a good time.

Rachel moved in close to her friend and said, "Time to blow their minds."

Amber nodded in agreement, and her friend slipped off to her bedroom.

Only Helen's inner circle of four, and two other girls from the group had received invitations from their Queen. The gifts were far more numerous than the guests, as everyone trying to jockey for position had sent presents to the party.

Despite three days of incredible sex with Adam and her roommate, Amber was soaking wet in anticipation. The girly-kisses and naughty embraces flowed just as freely as the liquor, all captured on cameras. The girls had welcomed Amber and Rachel into that ritual as well, yet another sign that they were succeeding in their mission.

Rachel walked back out of the bedroom and said, "I know there weren't supposed to be any guys at the party, but I hope this is okay."

Screams and squeals erupted as the brunette flung the door wide open, revealing Adam dressed in a pizza delivery outfit. Rachel had set up the next few tracks of music perfectly.

He danced around the room, every move designed to show off his physique. His mesmerizing eyes trapped any woman that fell into them. The already raucous crowd went wild when he unbuttoned his red and blue vest to toss it aside, revealing the tight muscle shirt beneath.

Helen strutted toward him, and Adam focused his attention on her, continuing to dance. The other girls called out encouragement.

"Woo! Get some, birthday girl!"

"Go Helen! Go Helen!"

The brunette queen of the party ran her fingers down his chest to his pants, glancing at her friends and nodding her head in approval. Flashes went off all around the room as the other women snapped pictures with cameras and cell phones.

Adam bumped his hips toward her. "Happy birthday."

Amber and Rachel shared a private squeal of delight, knowing that things were going exactly as planned.

Helen grabbed the tail of Adam's shirt and pulled it up to expose his rock-hard abs. While she traced her fingers over his bare skin, he pulled the shirt over his head and whipped it behind her neck, drawing her closer to his swivelling hips.

She leaned in and gave his nipple a flick of her tongue, drawing whoops of approval from the other girls.

Adam let out an, "Ah," of surprise when Helen suddenly dug her fingers into his butt and pressed her body against him to join in the gyrating dance.

"Unwrap the package!"

"Show us that cock!"

Helen stepped back to unbutton the jeans that Rachel had acquired somewhere. At the same time, a blonde snatched Adam's shirt from his hand and looped it around his neck. She tugged until he leaned his head back to relieve the pressure, at the same time as Helen popped open the button.

"Oh yeah," Helen called out as she opened Adam's zipper and got a peek at the bulge in his briefs.

Yet another of the queen's court jumped onto the couch behind Adam and took advantage of his tilted back head to jiggle her tits in his face with a loud laugh. The other girl holding the shirt grabbed the front of the first blonde's blouse, exposing her breasts.

The flash of cameras nearly blinded Amber as she danced to the music and squeezed Rachel's butt. When the spots in front of her eyes cleared enough, she saw Helen pulling Adam's jeans down to bunch at his knees.

Rachel laughed and went to join the action. She knelt down to work Adam's pants down the rest of the way while Helen ran her hands over his bulge. Rachel had barely wrestled the jeans past Adam's knees when Helen pulled out his cock.

The resulting chorus of screams and squeals completely drowned out the music.

The shirt slipped from around Adam's neck as the girl holding it engaged in a tongue wrangling kiss with the other blonde whom she'd exposed, while yet another recorded with a camcorder.

Others took the opportunity to move in for their own feel, and Amber joined the calls of encouragement.

"Make it hard!"

"Get some of that dick!"

"Suck it!"

The shouted suggestions rolled in while Helen bounced his flaccid member on her palm, pointed at it, and glanced around at everyone, wearing a look of amused surprise.

The girl with the camcorder turned it on Amber. "I think she deserves a kiss for getting us this hunk of man meat."

Amber moaned as another woman moved in. They embraced, their tongues slipping over each other. A hand squeezed her right breast, and then moved down to the tail of her blouse.

"Boobies!" someone shouted as Amber's blouse rose up above her breasts. She arched her back and gasped as the other girl's lips wrapped around a nipple.

"Yeah, get it hard! Woo!"

Amber shuddered as the other girl turned to watch the show of Helen stroking Adam's rising cock.

Rachel, always the more aggressive of the two friends, finally tossed aside Adam's jeans. "Where's my kiss?"

Without letting go of Adam's now half-hard cock, Helen turned toward Rachel and pulled her into a kiss.

Amber tugged her blouse back down. "Woo Yeah!"

As soon as she leaned back from the aggressive kiss, Helen pulled down on Adam's cock, and then let it pop back up. She slapped it a few times — hard enough to be barely audible over the noise in the room.

"Suck it!"

"Suck it! Suck it! Suck it!" The girls chanted after the first call. Only Helen and another girl who was kissing Adam while she held one of his hands between her legs didn't join in.

The chant broke off into a cheer as Helen dropped to her knees. Amber looked up to see that although Adam's hand still worked beneath the one girl's skirt, his lips were now occupied with a nipple on the opposite side.

Amidst the smacks of other girls slapping Adam's muscular ass, Helen lapped him from tip to root, making him groan around the nipple in his mouth. The girl with the camcorder moved in close, capturing the action.

Helen worked about half of Adam's length with fast strokes of her mouth, pulling back every so often to smack his erection and laugh. The strobe of cellphone flashes continued unabated, and the music pounded.

"No, you can't look," someone called out, and covered Adam's eyes with her hands.

"Yeah, this isn't for you," another laughed.

Helen pulled back from his cock and gasped, strands of saliva trailing from her lips to his twitching organ. He stiffened as she squeezed his balls hard and let out a growl. She then tilted her head to lick and suck the orbs.

Rachel took advantage of the opening to wrap her hand around Adam's cock. She stroked it with one hand and pulled her skirt up with the other to let the girl slapping her ass hit bare skin.

Amber was drunk on far more than the liquor she'd consumed. Everywhere there were bared breasts and bottoms. She took off her own top and tossed it aside, making her way into the tangle of bodies around Adam to join the fun. She'd barely reached around to cup another girl's breasts in her hands when someone jerked her skirt down, revealing that she wasn't wearing panties.

"Ooo! Dirty girl!" A voice rang out behind her, followed by a hard smack on her ass.

Helen sucked one of Adam's balls hard, pulling back until it slipped from her lips with a slurp. She then stood up to pull her panties down.

"Go Helen! It's your birthday!"

"Fuck that big dick!"

"Get that cock, birthday girl!"

Rachel let go of Adam's cock as Helen turned around to face away from him and backed up. Amber let out a whoop when the girl that had been slapping her friend's ass beckoned Rachel into a kiss. The other girl started a little when Rachel's hand slid up her skirt, but then she smiled for someone recording it on a cell and bucked her hips against Rachel's fingers.

"Oh yeah!" two voices shouted in unison, drawing Amber's attention back to the birthday queen.

Helen reached behind her to guide Adam's cock, and cried out, "Ah yeah," as the thick organ penetrated her. He started to reach for her hips, but two girls pulled his hands behind his back. Helen bent over and put her hands on her knees while someone flipped her skirt back up to show off her ass.

The queen thrust back at Adam, and he picked up the rhythm after only a couple of strokes. His eyes still covered and his wrists held behind him, he pushed his cock into Helen, making her cry out with every stroke.

"Oh my god! Look at that!"

Someone started singing happy birthday as Adam and Helen's hips worked faster. Everyone else joined in, while a redhead from the queen's inner circle picked up Helen's panties and rubbed them over Adam's nose. She stuffed them in his mouth as the song culminated.

"Damn, are you wet or what?" the girl next to Amber asked when Helen straightened, letting Adam's cock slip from her.

"All covered in pussy juice," someone else laughed.

Helen grabbed Rachel's hand and pulled her close. As soon as Helen followed the guiding tug, Helen pushed down on her head and said, "You want a suck?"