An African Seduction Ch. 02


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Igwe climbed the few short steps onto the veranda. Hayley savoured the coolness of the shade, and the relief from the hot sun, Igwe let her in to the interior of the cottage and waved at the array of foods prepared.

Hayley looked at Igwe, and at his nod ravenously fell on the food. It had been 3 days since she had eaten. The watching Africans he dismissed including Chuku. He looked the girl over as she ravaged the delicately prepared food. His staff knew the importance that Igwe placed on entertaining guests.

She was slim he noted, with nicely rounded hips. She could hardly be out of her teens. Her curves were not restricted to her derriere. Her breasts were full and jutting where they strained against her ragged clothing. Her legs looked shapely and full beneath her trousers.

While she ate he walked over to the fridge. Inside as expected he found fresh orange juice. In the freezer he found ice cubes, which he was confident would have been made from bottled water. It had taken him time to train his staff not to offer his guests water taken from the tap. He mixed the two and returned to the white woman.

When she saw what he held in his hands he could see the grateful relief in her eyes. As she took the drink from his hand, his other arm curled around the slim waist. She made no effort to pull away. He enjoyed the soft warmth of her curvy waist, and gave it a slight squeeze. He was gratified that she did not tense up, or seek to pull away.

"Tell me Hayley, how long did you live in Mozambique?"

She looked up at him, and he enjoyed the flecks in her blue eyes.

"I was born there. I have never lived anywhere else. My parents took me to South Africa once."

The sudden thought of parents sent quivers of emotion through her and he hugged her tight. He could feel her pull herself together. He admired that fortitude.

"And in all those years have you come to an understanding of Africa?"

She looked up at him. He wondered at the expression in her eyes and how well she had been able to hide her thoughts.

"I have a through understanding, if not of Africa, of African men and what they want?"

Igwe grinned and his hand caressed and squeezed that slim rounded waist.

"So tell me Hayley. Who can I contact to help you?"

Her eyes nevertheless wavered and she looked away.

"Do you have any family in Zimbabwe?"


"Any aunts or uncles in Mozambique? You mentioned South Africa, did you visit relatives?"

"No it was more of a business trip. I have no family left. My father was an only child. His parents died in a boating accident. My mother met my father when he was in England. I have never seen her family, who never once visited us."

Igwe nodded, delighted in what he was hearing, though he did not let it show.

"When you passed through Mutare's border you just hid on the train. No one even knows," his voice paused for a moment while his hand slid down over her hip, to caress the delightfully soft round curves of her bottom. She did not pull away. "No one even knows you are in Zimbabwe do they?"

Hayley looked up at him. He felt her bottom flex and stretch in his hand, but still she made no move to pull away.

"No, no-one...will you look after me?"

Igwe grinned at the blonde teenager, with the soft warm curvy bottom.

There was a knock at the door to the guest cottage.

"Come in," Igwe called out.

Sarah, the wife of one his white executive's bustled in, with a bundle of clothes under her arm. She looked straight across at the young white woman, a look of concern on her face. She took in the tray of food, and the drink in her hand. Then her attention was drawn to the ragged torn clothes.

"I have brought some of Tammy's clothes."

"Sarah, this is Hayley, why don't you take her through to the bathroom and see she has a shower."

He squeezed Hayley's bottom as he urged her in the direction of the bathroom. As Sarah passed by following the girl he slapped Sarah's more rounded derriere. She frowned at him and he laughed, and made to lunge at her bottom again. Sarah squealed, and scampered from his groping hand. Flustered and embarrassed that he should behave this way in front of a strange woman. Though at the same time pleased that this man could make her feel like an attractive young woman again.

Igwe watched them both disappear and reached for drink for himself. He passed thinking. She was cute little bundle but she was, clearly, used goods. The Africans on her father's farm probably had a good time with her. Taught her how to enjoy sex. Not like the innocent daughters and emotionally suppressed white wives her usually enjoyed debauching.

He would have some fun, but he would find a more profitable use for her than his own entertainment.

e HHe

Half an hour later Hayley and Sarah emerged for the bathroom. The transformation in Hayley was dramatic. Her tiredness was still reflected in her eyes, but otherwise she was fresh and clean. Her hair, still damp, had lost the dust and burs picked up in the cattle truck. Sarah had dressed her in a long flowery dress. The strong sun shining through the window highlighted the curvy woman's body beneath.

He smiled at the hovering Sarah. She had done a good job.

"She has had a stressful time." Her concern over Igwe's immediate intention was obvious.

"You may go now, Sarah," dismissing her concerns.

As Sarah left he rose to his feet. He had prepared a Pimm's Nr 1 for the girl, no doubt its familiarity would provide her with some reassurance. The girl eyed the pint jug with desire for its cool refreshment. The jug was full of crushed ice, and slices of banana, apple, orange, and slices of avocado. The alcohol content mixed with lemonade was high.

He handed her the drink and she tool long eager gulps.

"So you have lived all your life in Africa."

Hayley nodded.

"You say you understand African men."

Hayley's eyes took on a wary look, but she nodded.

"Would you like me find someone to look after you?"

Igwe's hand rose to lightly stroke the side of her face. Hayley looked into his eyes and could see the carefully controlled lust. Her confidence returned. He was just like the rest.

She nodded. He nodded back at her thoughtfully.

"Nice dress, but it is in the way. Take it off."

He noticed her nervous swallow, then her resolve firmed and she reached behind to release the buttons. In moments the dress lay on the floor by her feet. As expected she was naked underneath. Her body was shapely and full. A typical 18yo old, with full firm pink tipped breasts that had not a hint of sag. She had a slim waist, and shapely filled out thighs. Her mons had a light coating on blond hairs.

She stood proudly before his gaze. She had none of the timid nervousness he found in confused expatriate women from the west. He had no doubt she was sexually experienced with black men.

He removed his own clothes.

He watched her eyes drop to his loins and take in the sight of his own stiff member. There was no alarm in those eyes as she took in his length and thickness, from which he concluded that there could be no further doubt that this white orphan had known black men before today.

She made no attempt to get away as he approached and he slid his hand under chin and turned her face up to meet his. Her eyes were clear, with neither desire not fear. She had a lovely heart shaped face with soft lips. He lowered his head and kissed them. She made no attempt to pull away as his kiss became more demanding.

His other hand slid around her slim waist and pulled her close. He savoured the heat and curves of her body pressed against him. His cock was crushed between their bodies and he enjoyed pushing it against her soft warmth. He took her hair in his hands and pulled her head back, and looked down at her pretty face.

She looked back calmly and controlled.

It surprised him that she should be so calm in these circumstances. He speculated that she had withdrawn into herself as a self-defence mechanism. Not that he cared for anything but the soft lush curves of her body, and the hot tight wetness that would satisfy his lust.

His head lowered and he kissed the soft, pink cherubic lips. They parted easily to accept his tongue, though her tongue was perfunctory in response. He savoured the soft sweetness of those lips. Kissing them thoroughly, his tongue traced their soft curves as though he could lap up their sweetness.

His left hand dropped to the easy softness of her round bottom. It never failed to delight him after spending so long in the bush fighting the white colonialists to be able to enjoy a different kind of crop. The young white women who the daughters of the kind of white men he had fought so long ago.

If only those white colonials could see him now, as a thick black finger slid down probing and tracing through the cleft of her white bottom. His finger probed at her bottom hole, and her failure to show alarm or concern served testimony to her sexual experience.

His right hand stroked her face, caressed her fair head, his fingers trailing through her blond silk, slightly damp hair. Her eyes closed. He wondered if she was fighting her own response to his attentions.

He urged her back onto the bed. She offered no resistance as he pushed her back. Her breasts were full, though not overlarge. He enjoyed their firmness, taking one in his hand as he rested on an elbow above. He took her left breast in his black hand and squeezed the soft malleable flesh in his hand. Enjoying the way her soft skin seemed to ooze out around his fingers. Tired of her easy compliance he squeezed the pink rose of her nipple hard, and enjoyed the sudden jerk and squirm of her slim body.

At last a reaction, he thought. Though her eyes remained calm and untroubled, as though she had been expecting this treatment. Her breathing had quickened, with its consequent effect on her full, pert breasts.

He grinned and lowered his head to take a swollen pink nipple into his mouth. He licked lightly swirling his tongue around the orb, before his teeth worried it. He raised his head, enjoying the comparison of one highly aroused darkened nipple, wet from his attention, and the still pink if erect nipple of her right breast.

It remained untended for only a short time, before his teeth gripped tightly and he enjoyed her sudden alarmed squirming as shooting flashes of pain enveloped her chest.

Tired of this preliminary play, his hand slid down over the curves or body, gliding over the slight curve of her stomach, and into the delta of her loins. Her lithe curvy legs slid apart to allow him easy access. He was almost disappointed to find her vulva already wet. His exploring fingers slid apart the entrance to feminine sheath.

He decided to waste no further time and moved on top of her. Her thighs moved apart to accept him. He lined up his cock, enjoying briefly the hot wetness of her juices soaking his cock then he pushed inside. Her sheath opened and accepted him, and he slid deeper. He encountered little resistance and she merely grunted beneath him as he thrust harder.

Her hands came up to grip his shoulders as he settled on top of her and began a rhythmic thrusting. After a few moments her shapely legs rose and encompassed him pulling him into her loins. He enjoyed the feel of her warmth but did not fool himself that she was becoming excited. This was a white woman who had learned to accept the attentions of African men. Learned to accommodate and please them. As he picked up his pace her arms went around him and she started to hump her hips to meet his thrusts.

He looked down at her. She was such a pretty white woman, with her heart shaped face. Her blond hair seemed to flair out around her head as he humped and thrust. Her nose was small. Her teeth were biting her lower lip, perhaps betraying an excitement she was trying to hide. He buried his cock deep inside her and watched her lips part as he gasped. Yes he determined, she was not immune to sexual pleasure.

He stepped up his thrusting.

She was young, pretty and white and in his bed.

His pace increased.

The surge of his excitement burst inside and he collapsed on top of her. Not caring that his heavy black body crushed her.

He rolled off her. Thoughts back on his business and what needed to be done. Taking Hayley had been a matter of demonstrating his power and testing her submission. It was over. She had not been particularly passionate or responsive, but then again she had gone through an ordeal.

He smiled at the thought of her parents. Killed in Mozambique by rebels as they sought to get their daughter away from the rebels. She had fled from one group of black men straight into the bed of another. Wry irony filled his soul as his black hand patted her shapely white thigh.

Then he rose from the bed and quickly dressed.

"Wait here," he commanded as he left.

As he strolled back to the office he reached for his mobile phone. Flicking it open he opened one of the folders and typed a two-word text message.

"Auction 7pm"

He speculated that Hayley would raise £35,000 Stirling. She was young and pretty, but no virgin. He would have to make sure the bidders did not discover her passivity. He would make a nice profit at no investment. Her suspected she would complain about her new circumstances.

He strode through the reception with a quick glance at Michelle. Her bust was prominently on display and a dazzling smile greeted him. He grinned once he had passed from her sight.

Bounding up the stairs he noticed with some gratification that no one turned away from him back to their work. They were already working hard.

He flopped down in his leather chair and glanced at his diary. was his Philosophy Circle meeting tonight. His thoughts immediately focussed on the Ice Queen. His pet name for Angel Scott. He wondered if she would be there tonight. Probably she had taken fright and he would never see her at his Circle again. But if she did turn up, after what happened last week, then he would undoubtedly get in her knickers again!

He grinned. Her emotional confusion would be fun to exploit.

The door to the cottage opened and closed.

Hayley looked up from the bed to see the black man standing there. At least she hoped he was a man. He looked more like a gorilla without hair.

Her nostrils flared as she took a deep breath.

His pig like eyes seemed to devour her body as she lay there naked, tired and used.

She sat up and looked around for something to cover herself with. The bed was bare except for the sheet she sat on.

She heard the sound of the African taking a step towards her, and her head flicked back to him.

She saw his eyes focus on her bouncing blond hair as if in wonder.

She looked at him again and her breathing grew heavy.

He was a brute of a man. No manners. No courtesy, or finesse.

Big muscular, and lusting.

Her heart started to pound.

He took another step. His eyes had now switched to her breasts which now were rising and falling to match her own heavy breathing.

She could see the desire in those eyes. Eyes that did not hide the fierce demanding lust.

Her pussy flooded with liquid mixing with Igwe's sperm. She was much more excited now in the face of this black brute!

She recognised him now. It the bodyguard...Chuku Olanes she thought his name was.

As he took another step towards the bed she edged slowly back on the bed.

He stopped, grinned in confident leering way that would have scared many women.

Hayley's pussy throbbed in anticipation. She edged a few inches further back.

She watched as he removed the suit jacket and carefully set it to one side. Igwe did not like his bodyguard wearing creased clothes. His trousers went next and she stared at his powerful muscular legs. They looked like tree trunks. She shivered.

His shirt came next. His arms were so thick and muscled they would have made a heavyweight boxer look like a lightweight.

Her lips opened and deep sigh seemed to escape her lips.

He was so like Jo-Jo, her father's African foreman chargehand.

The man who had taken her virginity....

Taken had been the word.

No courting, or flirting. No charming words. She had been going through a confusing period. She had always been a brat, but at that time he behaviour had been increasingly outrageous.

One day Jo-Jo had found her thrashing her horse after it had bit her. A quietly furious Jo-Jo had snatched the whip from her hand. Seized her firmly and frog marched her into the barn.

She had been so surprised, that she had allowed him to lead her. When she recovered from her surprise, she had sought to pull away and realised just how strong he was.

Inside the barn he literally hurled over the straw bails, and before she recovered heat flared from her buttocks as the horse whip descended. Shocked she had just lain there as the blows descended. Then she started shrieking, but no one came to help. Her parents were at the Farmer's Market.

Jo-Jo thrashed her and not one of the workers sought to interfere. Not much love or care for the bitch brat on that African farm.

Later he tossed the whip down. The sound of their heavy breathing was the only sound in the barn.

Then he had taken her clothes off.

She had not resisted.

He had not been gentle...that had only excited her more.

The next night, after her parents had gone to sleep, she had sneaked out to the barn. He had been waiting, sitting on a bail of hay and lightly slapping his thigh with the horsewhip.

Her confusion had departed with her panties.

She finally understood what she was for...

Now hundreds of miles from home in another country. Chuku Olanes stood naked above her. His cock throbbing and erect bounced in front of her face. She turned and scrabbled across the bed.

Chuku grinned as the luscious young white woman attempted to scramble away. He was not fooled. His hand grabbed for her ankle and hauled her back. A shriek escaped her. Not a loud shriek of course, not a shriek that would bring others running to the rescue. He enjoyed the feel of her squirming in his grasp.

He pulled her easily towards him enjoying the sight of her curvy bottom shaking. He pulled her to the edge of the bed and pushed her down firmly.

She lay before him, curvy bottom presented to him.

He dropped to his knees behind her and grasped that bottom and pulled the soft curvy cheeks to expose the delicate dimple between.

Unused, or at least not used recently!

He saw the girl's hands tightly grip the sheets, and grinned at the knowledge that she knew what to expect.

He did not wait or make preparations. He was horny. He thrust.

Hayley shrieked, a full, throated and gratifyingly loud shriek.

Chuku hoped the whole office had heard.

Those white men that Igwe relied on to provide him with managerial expertise may earn a lot of money, but he wanted them to live in dread of Chuku Olanes and what he might do to their women!

So he thrust again and Hayley shrieked again. That wail of pain gave him a shiver of pleasure. His hands grasped that slim white waist. He could feel the tension in the girl beneath him and he worked his cock deeper. His muscular body covered the girl, and his teeth sought that slender white neck and bit.

Hayley gave one tremendous spasm, then she started to shake in an unmistakable orgasm.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

I love this story

redheadgirl1976redheadgirl1976over 10 years ago
Oh my

Gosh that was so intense. I loved it. Cheers Please please please continue.!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

My wife and I enjoy your writing. It is so easy to read and so very entertaining. It allows us to depart this world and enter your world of interracialpower games. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Primal urges

Well crafted story that dwells right into the deep truth of Africa and the difficulties of controlling primal urges.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
An eye opener

Some of the best erotica around. Interracial stories don't do much for me, but situational power, laced with a facade of brazen hypocrisy, makes these tales a turn on. The clash of cross-cultural sexual mores adds an extra kink. One irony, of many, is that the self-centered hedonism of the young Western gals, worn as a badge of honor earned post sexual revolution/female equality, makes them such a pushover for the amoral lust of their black sexual predators. Of course, their sexually uptight, guilt ridden moms don't seem to fare much better either.

For just pure decadence, its a hard historical fantasy to beat. Was even the worst French court before the Revolution ever this bad? Doubt it.

If even half of what the author has said of Zimbabwe today is true, then Bush could drop the 82nd Airborne into Harare tomorrow and rename the newly liberated land Rhodesia - and that would just fine with me.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Great Story

Great Story. Please continue with what happens to the newly hired white men, the one with a young wife and 2 daughters, and the Sunday School Teacher. It would be interisting if the Sunday School Teacher lost her virginity to some of her teenage black pupils.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago

continue, but the white woman should not start liking sex immediately.They should be reluctant

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago

does the eroticism begin - so far it's twisted manipulation and forced sadistic fucking - hardly erotic or sensual rather forced constant sickness. Is this you?

Talented but lacking in touch or direction.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
More, please....

An interesting addition to "An African Seduction". We now have an understanding of the extent of Igwe's influence. Now, as to Angel's next encounter.... the possibilities are most intriguing.

ChagrinedChagrinedalmost 19 years ago
A good read, I susppose....

But I won't be reading anymore. Technically a very good read. However, I f his is really the way things are in africa, and I suspect withthe latest news from Sudan, it is. The UN woul do well to toss a quarantine around the whole continent for about 50 years until they all kill themselves off.

ChagrinedChagrinedalmost 19 years ago
A good read, I susppose....

But I won't be reading anymore. Technically a very good read. However, I f his is really the way things are in africa, and I suspect withthe latest news from Sudan, it is. The UN woul do well to toss a quarantine around the whole continent for about 50 years until they all kill themselves off.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Excellent story!

Thoroughly enjoyable. My only critique would be that this seems more like a continuation of "An African Boss" than "An African Seduction.

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