Angels and Warriors


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“We were sent to aid you a bit in your escape, Miss Roeske.”

“I see.” As he finished with her wound, he backed away, and the leader of the group stepped forward.

“We’ve been sent to ensure your escape,” he told her, an older man in his thirties. “We all have our reasons, as I’m sure you know.” The man smiled, and in his mind was an image of his daughters, now grown, but once Morgan’s size, Morgan’s age. He remembered, and Morgan saw. “We have for you food, transportation, medkits, and other assorted supplies.”

At a wave of his hand, one of the jeeps inched slightly forward, and the driver then jumped out, tossing Morgan the keys. Morgan herself did not move, letting the keys fly over her shoulder, trusting Sarah to catch them. “We also have,” the leader continued, “something that Temeras sent.” Taking something from his own pack, then, he handed it to her, a thin collar of a light metal. “It’s a shield of some sort, I’m not to sure of it’s workings. I’m just a simple soldier, after all.” With a wry smile as she took the collar, he also handed her a letter. “Temeras explains it in here. Luck be with you, Miss Roeske.”

The group saluted her as one, then boarded the other jeep, riding off into the darkness. Morgan looked down at the note and the collar in her hands, and blinked.

“Well. That was not what I expected,” she told Sarah.

Before Sarah could come up with a retort of any kind, there was a soft groan off to the side. The man that had entered the clearing before stumbled to his feet, holding one hand over his stomach where Sarah had punched him before.

“Excuse me,” he said, almost meekly. “Are you Morgan?”

“Eh...” Backing away, she looked at him warily, trying to discern his thoughts. “Depends on who wants to know.” Morgan said. Sarah apparently agreed, leveling her pistol at him, giving the unfortunate man a glare when he flinched at her movement.

“My thoughts exactly.”

“I’m... with an organized group, I won’t say which. We wanted to find you and help you, Morgan, because of what you are.” It was obvious he was trying not to pay attention to the gun, to keep his gaze on Morgan, though it worked only slightly well. The blonde stayed quiet, simply listening to him, watching.

“And what is she, exactly?” Acting the part of a fierce guardian, Sarah’s voice dripped acid, and if looks could kill, the one who confronted her would be long gone, buried, and forgotten.

“She’s part angel.” He told them bluntly, without hesitation, blundering ahead beyond the shocked look on Morgan’s face. “We’re not sure how or why, but it accounts for her abilities.”

“What about me? Where do I fit into your little plans?” Though the younger girl still remained quiet, Sarah was angrily and loudly vocal, scowl deepening.

“We... didn’t actually know about you until you escaped.”

“Riiiight,” she said in a bored, hefting her shotgun and aiming the energy pistol at him, fiddling with the controls. Stun for now... kill setting for later. Dead men tell no tales and bring no blackmail, after all.

“Just why are you interested in her? For all I know, you could be with Setar, and if that’s the case,” she said, her voice hardening, if such a thing were possible, since it was already as solid as granite and sharper than the laser scalpels used to sculpt her body’s DNA. “Then you’re a dead man. So talk, and I’d advise you talk quickly.” A step forward brought him within arm’s reach, and she held the cold of the pistol to his sweating forehead, teeth gritted and eyes like ice. The man paled, unsurprisingly, and began to talk rapidly and nervously, Sarah glaring and Morgan simply listening off-handedly, glancing over the letter as she does.

“W-we are a group of people who have been around for a long time. The first ones met a-another like her,” looking pointedly at the now calm Morgan, “Just as long ago, in the middle ages. Since then, we’ve watched and waited.. And she... she’s the next one!”

Morgan -

Since you’re reading this, my group has found you. Raisha has a group of soldiers out looking for you, and they have null-psi field generators in their vehicles. This means that they cannot be sensed by your abilities. Take care. They may have planted a bug on you, or may be using a Psionic tracker. I am building one now, and hopefully will be able to get it to you, so that you can use it to seek out others like yourself. Along with the supplies, I send enclosed a Psionic shield. It will block your thoughts so that they do not intrude upon others while you sleep, and so that a Psionic tracker cannot find you. It’s the small black fabric bracelet, tucked away somewhere in the supply pack with your spare set of clothes in it.

The principle for a psionic tracker is simple, astoundingly so; anyone could buy the parts for one at an electronic store and build it themselves. Others may have made one, in fact, and use it to look for you. Raisha forced me to give her my original prototype, and the one that I am building is a second, more advanced, more powerful one. The one issued to the search party can only scan for about a two mile radius, and it is not of very good quality, besides being somewhat confused by power lines, CB radios and the like, so stay in a civilized area and things should go well.

I’ve received word from a higher office at the pentagon that I’m to turn control of this facility over to a different branch of the government.. My guess is that it’s the military. There are other parties searching for an escapee from another project (What timing!), so if you and this other meet up, then Godspeed to the both of you, and watch out for the people after the other. I will do what I can to find ways of helping you from where I am, but my influence is limited and waning fast. Good luck, Morgan. I’m sorry I never got to take you home to your parents, and you’d best not go home now. Fly free, and take care.


While intending to both read and listen, Morgan found herself thoroughly absorbed in the letter, and when she looked up, Sarah had finished her brief interrogation, sent the man on his way. She’d tossed almost all her clothing into a heap outside her tent, grabbed her supply pack, and had zippered her tent shut, closing out the world around her best that she could by hiding in a standard issue army tent. We all know too well how the government makes things. The zipper worked fine, but the stitching that held one side of the zipper to the fabric of the tent flap was frayed and useless.

After a moment, as Morgan blinked at the other girl shutting herself off, a slight breeze fluttered the tent flap and it came open as if it had never been zippered at all, though the occupant of the tent didn’t notice at all. Sarah was stretched out, wearing nothing but underwear and socks, and as the mortified teen watched, she removed the plastic clips from the straps on the sides of her bra. Thinking that Sarah was about to remove it, the scarlet-tinted girl gave a squeak of surprise and dove for her own tent, ducking inside.

Sarah, oblivious to it, gave a relieved sigh as she removed the resilient garment, pulled out a pair of breast pumps from the supply pack and began to milk herself. Her eyes were closed; she felt tired and worn out, totally forgetting about her recently acquired traveling partner.

‘Mmm… God, that feels better. Maybe I’ll be able to sleep comfortably tonight.’ The young woman let her thoughts drift, relaxing. Something, however, deep in the back of her consciousness, was bothering her, like a quivering, niggling little itch of a thought. Once brought to the fore, she recognized it right off: her body’s need to obey a portion of her mental conditioning - the part involving companionship. Forcing the thought away, she simply let her mind and body relax.

Morgan tossed and turned, covering her ears with her blanket, not wanting to hear such things coming from her companion’s tent. Her mind was full of images of the woman’s breasts growing as they rode over the bumpy terrain, the thoughts from the men after her, and now the picture of her nearly naked form. After about half an hour she lifted the blanket and didn’t hear anything else. She covered up, cocooning herself in the blanket and slept until morning.

Once awake she got out of her tent and saw Sarah still sleeping, the zippered flap still showing a obviously topless, yet covered woman. Morgan turned away quickly and went to walk around a bit until Sarah had decided to get up.

She camped out in the jeep for a little while, looking through the food that had been sent: more MRE's, some dehydrated fruits and vegetables, plenty of beef jerky for protein and, her eyes grew wide, a fruit basket!

She pulled out a bright green apple and sank her teeth into it, juice dribbling down her chin. In a matter of moments the apple was reduced to a core lying on the ground. She debated eating more and decided against it, rather saving it so the she and Sarah might be able to have a piece a day until it started going bad. Morgan sat there contented until she felt a presence. It was still a couple hundred yards away but it was coming closer.

She scurried to Sarah’s tent and covered her eyes, nudging the taller woman. “Sarah, wake up, someone is coming. I can’t tell who they are, it might just be a hiker, but I’m not sure,” she whispered.


Area 51/Roswell Labs

“She’s finished.”

“Good. Send her after the runaway. Perhaps a soldier version of the experiment who escaped will be able to capture it and bring it back. Then we can dissect them both, and see what Mary’s work has wrought.” Setar smiled cruelly, watching as a genetically altered version of Sarah, christened SuReI (Subject Recovery and Interrogaction) walked out of the lab, headed towards where Sarah and the girl were camped.

“Sir,” the aide at Setar’s elbow spoke again. “The meeting you’re scheduled to attend is in an hour. You’ll have to drive there.” Frowning, he walked out to the military jeep, muttering over the waste of time.


Area 53 (Military Air Feild)

“So, Temeras.. You’ll be working for me from now on, correct?” Bossman this time was a hefty military type, eyebrows practically grown together and brain small enough to fit in a thimble.

“Yes,” Temeras answered, hesitantly. “Though I already have a contract right now, sir. I don’t fully understand these circumstances.”

“Don’t try to. You’ll be working with another scientist on this matter.. Dr. Setar. You both will have access to each other’s research material and information. You will be combining the sciences that you have both excelled in, and will be working towards creating a human being that can handle harsh environments, such as space travel and colonization of other planets.” The misinformation was obvious, but the man blandly continued anyway. “We need to catch up on space travel, we’re so far behind the other goverments, so consider this an emergency assignment.” Despite this lie, Temeras was no fool and could smell the trickery a mile away; this one reeked of ‘bad situation’ even worse than Raisha’s manipulations had.

‘At least,’ he thought with a light dispair, ‘it’ll be a chance to work on something new..’


“Dr. Setar, meet Dr. Temeras. You’ll be working on creating a genetically perfect human being, one that can thrive and adapt in harsh conditions. You both have packets of information and passcodes for each other’s data. I suppose I don’t have to warn you that this information should go no farther than the two of you... Project understood?”

Both just nodded, they could say or do no more. Where Temeras was still slightly depressed, Setar was overjoyed at what he had received. Psionics! With that, he could create an unstoppable personal army! Of course, bring back that maddening escapee, among other things..


Temeras, looking through his new information, was pleased as well, but for different reasons. The runaway from this other project matched the description that his guards had given him of the girl’s compainion pretty closely. He was sure that the two had met up, and what a coup that would be for them both!

Brow furrowing, he frowned, looking over the information again.

Unknown DNA sample from the Artic? A creature had been discovered and traces of its DNA had been injected into the escapee's DNA, unknown to the person’s creator, Dr. Mary Whitmore. Hmmm... the creature was codenamed "Esper" but the description matched that of a mythic creature known as an esper pretty closely. High intelligence, enjoyed being with others, liked keeping things fair, etc… Would glow in her sleep sometimes? No detectible radiation found, cause of glow unknown. Interesting. maybe he could puzzle this one out...

* * *

Sarah may have temporarily forgotten about Morgan, but the blue eyed girl was, for now, very wide-awake and awash with curiosity (among other things). She should have, she reflected, been able to sense the other’s thoughts and therefore avoid the previous episode. Sarah, it seemed, had nearly as many secrets as she did. Moments passed, and no explanations occurred to her; she tried desperately to fight it, but curiosity got the better of her, and she made her way towards Sarah’s tent.

“Sarah,” she whispered, timidly, not wanting to break the pressured silence of the forest. “Sarah, are you still awake…?”

Stepping closer to the tent, she peeked in quickly, hoping that Sarah had heard - of course, irony being an ever-present force, she hadn’t. Pale cheeks flushed and blue eyes widened; Sarah suddenly realized she was being watched and went tense, grabbing the nearest piece of clothing she could find.

Trying to cover herself, she let out a slight scream of surprise; she had been sitting there, back propped up against some pillows, wearing only her panties. Having finished milking a while ago, she was now just resting, half asleep, when she felt someone watching her and noticed Morgan. Giving a short yelp of her own, Morgan backed out of sight, fumbling with profuse apologies, the image of massive, bare, beachball breasts attached to that slender, wiry nearly naked pale body imprinted on her brain. She didn’t think breasts could GET that big! She’d thought that Sarah’d been big with basketball breasts, but now-!

“Morgan! What are you doing?”

The other girl said something in a squeaky, surprised voice, peeking back into sight, hands covering her eyes, but as soon as Sarah saw her face, something happened. Another part of her mind, a part that shouldn’t have been there had she been born a normal child, reared its ugly head and borrowed control of Sarah’s perceptions. Morgan suddenly became sexual prey and she was the hunter.

Aghast at the thoughts bombarding her mind, she fought the mental conditioning fiercely, not wanting to lose her only friend because of something Setar had put in her mind. The conditioning was deep-set and had been repeatedly pounded into her mind every day of her life by the SLC, but thankfully, after a few seconds of internal struggle, the part of her mind that lashed out gave up and she was only Sarah again.

Memories, events, things that had happened mere days ago that she had temporarily blocked out so that she could concentrate on escaping all flooded back, and Sarah - brave, tough-as-nails, I-can-handle-anything Sarah - burst into tears and slumped forwards, the effect somewhat humorous despite how she felt.

She rested her head in her arms as she sobbed, and Morgan quickly overcame her embarrassment in the face of such tears and crawled into the tent. Gently, she put an arm around Sarah’s shoulder, trying to comfort her, speaking softly, soothingly, as if the moment before was forgotten already.

“Sarah, what’s wrong? You’ll feel better if you talk about it, maybe.. I’m right here. Right here. Shh.. shh.”

Sarah sobbed, and nodded slowly, drying her eyes. She leaned back against the pillows, pulled a sheet over her body and beach ball breasts to make herself somewhat decent, and over the course of a half hour, told Morgan the whole story, Setar, Mary, and everything in between. she finished the tale with the struggle she had just had.

"It was awful. *sniff* you looked in the tent and i was embarrassed, mostly, though a small part of me was happy to have someone to be with. Then all that mental brainwashing shit they did to me kicked in, and you weren’t my friend, Morgan, you were like prey and i was the predator. it was awful, and it made me feel so... dirty to even consider being like that.. its disgusting. *Sniffle*"

"But you beat it, Sarah. You beat it, and you’re you. You’ll be ok, all right?"

"*Sob* I think so... can you just stay here for a bit, please? To be honest, I’m really scared now..."

"All right, I’ll stay."

Sarah grabbed her black t-shirt and struggled into it, her huge breasts jiggling and wobbling, bumping and brushing against Morgan more than once, but finally, Sarah had the ultratight garment on, the fabric barely holding together, and fell asleep almost immediately, leaning her shoulder against Morgan, who also fell asleep at about the same time.

It had been a long day and night, eventful and emotionally draining on them both. As they rested to let the newfound knowledge of the Morgan's Angel heritage sink in, neither was aware of the danger that approached them in times to come.

* * *

Raisha was furious. her own computer technicians were mere INCHES away from figuring out how to build the neural processor. But Temeras had been yanked away to work for someone else, and so she couldn’t finish it.

"God damn him. I was SO close, i could have had the entire industry in the palm of my hand." Raisha fumed. She paced her office, trying to think of a way to get him back. He had come so far, too far to just quit now.

* * *

Surei had been given many genetic enhancements, and not all of them were human based. Feline DNA for better night vision and keener hearing. Extreme intelligence enhancement. and a bit of the same esper DNA used in Sarah. Right now, she was looking at the clearing that Morgan and Sarah were in. her military infrared goggles showed that both were in the same tent. Good. That would make her job all the easier. She grinned to herself, a feral smile playing across her face like a cloud across the sunlight. she began to silently work her way towards the two girls.

* * *

Her mind insisted she wake up. Sarah thought otherwise and did her best to stay asleep. Some inner warning finally got her attention, the mental equivalent of a kick to the side of her head snapping her back to reality. the inside of the tent was dark, and she put her green shades on, and could see the inside of the tent... and the image of someone outside, glowing red from their body heat. ‘Great,’ she thought. ‘Two days out, its 4AM, I need sleep, and now some asshole is trying to capture us. Why cant I just go to sleep, dammit?!’ She reached over, and grabbed her pistol, and, as an afterthought, her rocket launcher. She crept out of the tent and looked around. The other person was gone. She didn’t like that.

* * *

Surei was surprised that she had been heard. She checked the girls profile against the darkness. it was her. The one she had been sent to recover. This would be easy, since the thermocamoflage suit was working. No heat signature meant an easy kill. She silently pulled the stun club from her belt and crept towards Sarah.

* * *

She looked around. nothing. She frowned, not liking the implications. she pulled the shades off for a moment and let her eyes adjust to the darkness. Something moved off to one side, right at the edge of her peripheral vision. she turned and looked... and froze. Barely discernible against the darkness was the figure of a woman, with mostly the same build as herself, except this one had a different profile, and MUCH smaller breasts.