Angels Ch. 01


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She could almost feel David's hot breath on her ear, whispering for her to go faster. With her heart pounding, and her breathing getting deeper, Katrina's foot pressed harder onto the gas pedal. Her hand gripping the wheel was turning white at the knuckles, as her other hand picked up the pace. She lifted her ass from the seat to press harder into her hand, causing the car to speed up even more. Her middle finger was pushing her panties deeper into her cunt.

Her sunglasses falling from her head onto the bridge of her nose startled her from her fantasy. Her heart skipped a beat as she realized she was approaching a stop sign at 80 mph. Gripping the wheel with both hands, she slammed her foot down on the break. The tires voiced their protest at the abuse as they tried to get a grip on the road. The car fish tailed, then came to a stop five feet from the sign.

Katrina sat for a full minute, staring at the tree line that she had almost run into. Finally, she pried her hands from the steering wheel, and got out of the car. On unsteady legs, she paced beside the car trying to calm down. As her breathing, and heart rate returned to normal, she said aloud, "What the hell is wrong with you." For another minute she rested, then thought, "I need to get home, now."


The tail-lights faded into the darkness.

David turned from the window. He had just watched his daughters, and three of their friends drive off to celebrate Jess's birthday.

He smiled as he remembered Jess's face when she had come home to find the car sitting in the drive. Kat had teased her by saying how it was her new car, since Jess had decided to steal the Mustang. Jess had completely ignored her, except to toss the Mustang's keys to Kat.

Still grinning at the memory of the hugs, and kisses, David went to the kitchen to tidy up. He put the remaining cake in the fridge, and did the few dishes.

After he finished, he went up stairs to shower. As the hot water ran over his head, he thought again of his problem with the story. The water eased the tension out of his neck and shoulders. As he climbed out of the tub, and started drying off, he decided to read some sex stories off the web for inspiration. With that thought, he went to bed.

After three hours of dozing on and off, David threw the covers off of him. Lying flat on his back, he stared at the ceiling. The story replayed over and over in his head. To distract himself, David thought about the last time he had sex.

Lori's soft touch, the smell of mango in her hair, and her eyes looking into his with lust. The feeling of being wanted, being needed. The slow, steady thrust, the passionate kisses.

David felt his manhood stirring. His hand slid down to his boxers, griping his rod through the cloth. He squeezed it, and rubbed his hand over the shaft. He felt it harden more. He lifted his back side from the bed, and pushed the boxers to his feet. Griping the engorged member, he started smooth even strokes.

In his mind he saw Lori enter the doorway. She was wearing a short, pink robe that came just below her panties, exposing most her smooth, tan legs to his view. As she walked closer he realized that it wasn't Lori he imagined, but Katrina. "Kat?" he uttered in surprise.

Kat reached out, and put a finger to his lips stopping any protest. "Hush. I need this. You know we are meant for each other, father."

She removed her hand from his face, and placed it over the hand that held his penis. David removed his hand as Kat took hold of his shaft. A smile spread across Kat's face as she said happily, "It's so nice. Hard, long, and thick. What is it? Seven inches?" she asked running a fingernail down the length.

David could only nod his head, too shocked to speak. Kat released his penis, and stood up straight. With a small shrug, she slipped out of her robe. David's eyes wondered the length of her body. Her long hair flowed down her back, with a few strands running over her shoulders to rest atop of her pert breast. Two creamy white mounds rose from her tanned chest. Atop of each was a little pink nipple. Down below these was a flat, lightly tanned stomach. Farther down was shaved clean, except for a small triangle patch of golden hair.

Kat threw her leg over David's body, and sat astride the shaft of his hard dick. Her pussy lips spread over onto both sides of it. She leaned forward, her hands on his muscular chest, and placed her lips on his. As David felt her moving her body, grinding her cunt along his penis, he also felt her tongue pressing against his lips. His lips parted, and her tongue slipped into his mouth, dancing with his own.

David's steady pumping throughout the entire fantasy of both Lori, and Kat had brought him too close to climax. He urged the fantasy to move along.

Breaking the kiss, Kat lifted her body from his, and took hold of his member. Bringing the head to the entrance of her love tunnel, she pressed it against her till her pussy lips spread, taking the head in. Releasing the hold, she pressed down, engulfing his throbbing penis.

Feeling the tension in his dick, David knew there was no time for passion in this fantasy. In his mind his hands found Kat's waist, and forced her down again onto his dick. Kat started humping faster, and harder. Desperate need in her glowing red eyes. "Glowing red eyes?" David thought. "What the hell?"

There was no ripple of muscle, no growing of hair. Nor was there any ripping of skin. One second Kat was riding him for all she was worth, the next a werewolf sat atop of him. The beast drew back its arm, claws shinning even in the darkness, and slashed forward toward his neck.

With a shout, David jumped. When he landed, he landed on the edge of the bed, causing him to flip over the side, and strike his head against the bedside table. Hitting the floor hard, he lay there curled in a ball, holding his head in his hands.

As the pain subsided, the memory of the fantasy turned nightmare returned. "What in the bloody fuck was that?" he exclaimed aloud. A sharp spike of pain shot through his head as he spoke. Wincing, he brought his left hand to his right temple. Feeling a slimy, sticky substance there, he brought his hand down to look at it. Expecting blood, he was surprised to see a strange, white substance on his finger tips. Then he realized what it was.

Eyes wide he looked down at himself. Apparently he had started to cum right before Kat's bizarre transformation. His fall to the floor had spread the mess. His stomach, penis, right hand, the bed covers, and the floor were covered in the gunk. He had even managed to spray some on the table his head had hit. He stared in both shock that he had cum that much, and horror that he had cum at all considering the course his fantasy had taken.

He went to the adjoining bathroom to wash up. As he washed the cum smears from the various parts of his body, he tried to reason out what had happened. To himself he thought, "Okay, here's what happened. The frustration of the story, mixed with the sexual fantasy had some how merged into one. Why though? And why Kat of all people?"

David felt more sickened by the fact of fantasizing about Kat then the odd ending to the fantasy. David shuddered at the memory of those glowing red eyes that had lusted for his blood, and those claws thirsting for the same. "Man I am glad that wasn't real," he mumbled. "If that were to happen I would..." David stopped, and looked at his reflection. His mind was racing as an idea appeared. Then his eyes opened wide as he said, "That's it. That's the answer."

Grabbing a towel, David raced to the door, drying himself as he ran. Sliding to a stop he remembered that, besides his socks, he was naked. Quickly, he put on his boxers, and grabbed a tank top from the floor. As he raced downstairs, he pulled it over his head. He had just got it on when his feet hit hall floor. He was already trying to turn, and his socked feet started sliding across the hard wood floor. Lifting one leg, and waving his arms, David did a few hops to catch his balance. He then raced to his office.


Jessica had just opened the front door, with everyone else crowding behind her, when she heard the running of feet upstairs. Over the heavy thumping on the stairs she heard Melissa ask, "What's that?"

Jess looked on in curiosity as her father rapidly descended the stairs. Her eyes opened wide in horror as she realized that her father was only wearing socks, his boxers that displayed Scooby Doo surrounded by Scooby snacks, and a too small tank top. Her jaw dropped when she saw him start to slide across the floor, and do a few hops on one foot, while the other one was held out at an angle, and his arms sticking straight out doing a whirlwind impression. Then he ran to his office sliding once again before he disappeared from sight.

From behind, she heard Kat say, "And that would be our father." At that, all the girls dissolved into laughter.


Kat bent over to pick up the empty paper plates. Hearing the front door shut, she stood up, and glanced at the entrance way. Jess walked around the short wall separating the front door from the living room. "Well they're gone," she said.

Kat gave her a smile and replied, "Well what did you expect? A sleep over?" she teased.

Jess reached over the back of the couch, grabbed a throw pillow, and threw it at Kat. Like her name sake, Kat reached out, and caught the pillow with ease. As she tossed it back onto the couch she said, "Watch it girlie. You're not a kid anymore, so I can legally kick you ass."

They both laughed at that comment. For the last three months, since Katrina's eighteenth birthday, Jess had been teasing Kat that she could sue her for abusing a minor.

Shaking her head, Jess asked, "Should we check on the professor?"

Kat nodded, the said, "Plus we need to ask him what that Three Stooge's move he pulled was all about."

Jess giggled at the memory. She started walking down the hall toward their father's office. Kat followed behind her.

They opened the door and peeked in. They could see their father typing away at his computer. He was so engrossed in his work that he hadn't heard them come in. They crept up behind him and started reading over his shoulder.

David was in the middle of writing a sex scene. Kat read a few lines and was surprised at how good it was turning out. Then she heard Jess inhale sharply. Looking at her, Kat saw a look of horror and disgust on her face. Kat looked back to the page and skimmed the next few lines. Then her own eyes opened in shock.


Mike felt himself reaching his climax. Susan had leaned into him till her head lay on his chest. Her finger nails dug into his shoulders, as the movement of her hips increased in tempo. Mike held onto her narrow waist matching her pace by thrusting up as she pushed down. He felt his balls tighten, and then with a powerful thrust into her, he came in her. Burst after burst of semen filled her womb. Mike managed three more thrusts before he collapsed.

After the sensation left him, Mike opened his eyes. Susan had pushed herself upright, and had her head thrown back, succumbing to her own orgasm. Her nails had left long red streaks down his chest. He could feel the muscles in her pussy milking his prick of all its sperm. The action was causing his deflated member to come back to life. With a grin he realized that it was going to be a long night.

With a sigh, Susan's body relaxed, and her head lowered till their gazes met. Mike was confused. Susan's mouth was turned down in a frown, and her eyes blazed with anger. When she spoke though, there was sorrow in it. "I'm sorry Mike, but you failed. Damn it Mike, you failed."

Mike was shocked, and a little afraid. "What do you mean?" he asked. "Failed at what?"

Susan just stared down at him. Then she softly replied. "I really wanted you to be the one. Please believe that." Then she raised her hand up. With a quick slash, she racked her nails across Mike's neck.

Mike tried to bring his hands up to cover his neck, but Susan grabbed them, and held them to the floor. Then as Mike looked on in horror, she lowered her head to the wound, and started to drink. The last thing for Mike to comprehend, before the world faded around him, was that she had started to hump him again.


Kat forced her eyes from the page. She had a sick feeling in her stomach. Dimly she heard Jess say, "Dad, that's sick. Why the hell would you write that?"

David looked up in surprise. "Where did you two come from?" he inquired.

"We've been here for a while," Jess replied. "What is that?" she asked as she pointed to the computer.

David glanced at the screen and answered, "My ending. Here I was struggling all day, and just like that I had my answer."

"How did that come to you anyway?" Kat asked finally finding her voice.

David had turned back to the computer, and started typing again. Sinking back into writer's mode he answered half aware of what he was saying. "It was the craziest thing. There I was having a nice fantasy, when out of nowhere this popped up. I knew right off that..." He suddenly stopped talking as his fingers froze on the key board. What he had just said had finally registered. With horror on his face, he turned to look at the girls.

With even tone, Jess asked, "Are you saying that you fantasized about that?"

With his mouth gaping like a freshly caught fish, David tried to answer. "Wait, it's not what you think. I was just..."

Blinking in surprise, Kat interrupted, "Wait a sec. Are you saying that you masturbated to that?" she almost yelled.

"No, well yes, but not like you think."

A sickly _expression on her face, Jess asked, "Dad, are you into bestiality?"

David's mouth fell open, and he stammered, "Of course not. Don't be sick. You know how my head works. When I have a problem, the answer could appear at any time. It just happened when I was um... err... busy is all," he concluded lamely.

"Oh, daddy," Kat shook her head. "You truly are hopeless."

David, having enough of this, said, "Go to bed girls. We'll take about this later."

Shaking their heads, the girls walked to the door. At the door Jess pause, and looked at her father. "One more question, Professor," she said. "Did you finish before, or after inspiration came to you?"

With shock on his face, David jumped to his feet. Pointing to the door he yelled, "Out!"

Laughing, both girls fled. At the bottom of the stairs Kat paused and asked Jess, "What do you think that was all about?"

Jess's eyes had gone wide. Then with mirth said, "I don't know, but I bet I know who he was thinking about."

Kat's eye lit up with curiosity. "Who?" she asked.

Jess reached out and slapped Kat on the ass saying, "You!" Then she ran up the stairs.

Kat, with a shocked _expression on her face yelled, "What? Why do you think that?"

Jess turned halfway up the stairs. Looking down at her sister she replied, "Because this morning I told him that you had a crush on him." Then she turned to run up the stairs.

"You didn't?" Kat yelled at the fleeing figure. "I am so going to get you for that."

Jess's answer was a laugh.

Staring at the jean covered bottom that disappeared around the corner, Kat licked her lips. Then she said softly, "I will get you for that." Then she went after Jess. Her friend, her sister,and her lover.

(Angles part 2. Desires. The true relationship between Jessica, and Katrina come out, David discovers something that he simple can not accept, and a betrayal threatens to rip their family apart.)

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AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

I loved it! Wow, so hot and damn sexy with a mischief maker too!

KhawkKhawkabout 19 years agoAuthor
story being edited again

The story has been edited again and has been submited

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago

The story is OK, but not the last line. And you editor obviously only checks spelling, not context. Get a human to read it through.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
right on

Good stuff. I like its direction.

Landrious1Landrious1about 19 years ago
Good premise.

I like the start of the story. You might consider asking someone to edit/proofread for you, however that has nothing to do with the story as a whole. I like the writer angle you've taken. I look forward to the rest of this story and will be watching for it.

KhawkKhawkabout 19 years agoAuthor

The story was sent through the editor program. Also the first chapter is just to get to know the charecters......what part confused you?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago

I dont understand where this story is going.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago

Please have someone proof your work. The spelling mistakes are distracting.

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