Ann: The Married Years Ch. 43


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"Nice seeing you... too."


Ann was still thinking about that interaction when she got home, but she quickly shifted her mindset. It had been a whirlwind afternoon; one that she hadn't fully recovered from when she walked inside the house. She was later than she anticipated, and it pleasantly surprised her that Neil had picked up Owen, since she'd totally forgotten about that little detail. He'd also begun cooking dinner... and he picked up the game where they'd left off by pretending to be the husband of a wife that had been unfaithful and he didn't know it.

"I know you've been working a lot later lately, babe. I thought I'd help you out a bit so we could maybe spend some time together before I go to work tonight."

Timing was everything when it came to the games they played. They had such a great read on each other most of the time that it made it incredible fun. It was amazing how real some of the scenarios they came up with could seem, mainly because they could find ways to use their everyday life together to enhance them. It came from being familiar with each other as a couple, but in truth, they'd been able to connect that way almost from the very start. There were a few rough patches, like the one they'd had earlier that day, but they always seemed to overcome them.

One they couldn't overcome was about to happen, and it helped explain the emotional outburst she'd experienced. "I'd love to, baby... but I think I just started my period," she confessed, moving quickly down the hallway, knowing she was about to have a problem if she didn't address it right away.

As she did, Neil shrugged. "Well, that's one way of keeping your husband from knowing you've just been fucked on the side," he chuckled.

It was also true, the cramps coming on quickly. They weren't severe, but they were enough to put a damper on their evening. She hadn't planned on doing anything anyway, although she could have given him a blowjob to make it seem like she was being an attentive wife all while denying him a chance to fuck her. But the onset of her cycle gave a legitimate excuse not to. She frankly wasn't up to it physically.

He was just thankful that they'd gotten together when they had, even if he was playing a part that wasn't her husband at the time. If she'd have backed off like she almost had because of the reservations she was having about dredging up old memories, he would have been looking at four or five days without being able to fuck her. Yes, she still loved to give blowjobs while on her period, and usually once during that time she'd let him fuck her ass. But it always slowed them down a bit.

As it turned out, he didn't get a chance to fuck her for quite a while after she started. His next opportunity as her husband wouldn't happen until the next Thursday. His latest alter ego, the anonymous hunk that was meeting up with an adulterous wife, got to nail her a day sooner.

Ann woke him up that following Wednesday, much like she had the previous three weeks. There were no reservations this time. No concern about what he might think, or how he would react. There was no emotion on her part at all when she called. It was short, and to the point.

"Hello?" he answered, his heart racing, hoping it would be her on the other end of the line.

"I'll be on Main Street, across from the Sheriff's Department in a half hour." She hung up, happy in that she'd reclaimed the joy she had for the role so easily. She needed to get the angst out of her system, and she'd done that, with his help.

She'd taken another page from their past, using the time they'd fucked in the parking lot of a police station in the town where she'd lived in California. It was another chance to relive something they'd done before they were married, and while this time it was in a van parallel parked across the street, it still seemed rather dangerous, even with the tinted windows in the back.

He arrived on time, and he was particularly aggressive, much to her delight. It had been a week since either of them had had sex, and it seemed like she'd been saving up for her unknown lover. As had he, his load filling her cunt to the point it spilled over, leaving her sloppy and dripping as he got dressed. She was toying with his sperm, bringing it to her mouth as she waited for him to leave.

When he opened the door, she stopped him. "I won't be calling for a while," she called out.

"Why not?"

"My husband works unusual hours. He's been on second shift, which is why I've been able to meet up with you when I get off work. I won't be able to do that until he goes back to second in a couple of months."

It was such an exciting premise to him, using his actual job and its strange schedule as a way to justify how they were able to do what they'd been doing. That he was really on third made it plausible. If she was pretending he was on second, it offered the time for her to sneak away and have some fun, and the character he was pretending to be would happily fill the void between her legs.

With him going to first shift, it would be harder for him to meet up with her after work. And second would actually present the exact scenario she was referencing. She'd have the time, but he wouldn't. The game really would only work when he was working on third, and her pretend husband was on second. It was brilliant, and her comment gave him hope. If she was saying that she couldn't meet up with him for a while, it meant they'd likely be returning to the game in just a couple of months. As much as they both hated third shift, it gave them something to look forward to.

He tried to sound disappointed when he said, "I wish I'd have known that before. I would have fucked your ass."

"I'll let you do that if I'm ever on my period when we get together. I never let my husband fuck me when that happens," she winked.

"Okay, well... I'll wait for your call, I guess."

"You know you will, stud. You're addicted to my pussy now. I can tell. Don't be disappointed... this will give me time to think of other places to fuck you."


Ann wasn't sure who was more excited when she heard the rap at the back door. Owen heard it too, and laughed excitedly as he raced through the house to greet their guest.

"Look how happy he is to see you," she said to Samantha, who'd shown up right on time.

"That's because he loves his Aunt Sammy," her neighbor replied, picking him up and giving him a big kiss on the cheek.

She nearly melted when the little tyke hugged her back, his small arms surrounding her neck in a tight squeeze. Owen did love Samantha, having grown used to her stopping by almost every day. And he was aware enough what it meant when his mother would make a point that she was coming over to stay with him. It meant he was going to have some fun.

It also meant that Ann was planning on having fun as well. It was just rare that she was going to do it when she was going to do it, what with Neil being on first shift. Things had changed since he'd moved to days. Their life became more normal, which they both loved. But it also became a bit more predictable. They were still finding time to steal little moments for themselves around the house, which they both found exciting. And they had their evenings together after Owen went to bed, which were explosive. But it had been over two weeks since they'd done anything really adventurous away from the house, and in her mind, that was just too long.

"Are you sure about this?" Samantha asked as she watched her friend finish getting ready.

"Not really. But I'm going to do it anyway."

"Sounds like you have this all thought out then," she giggled.

"Hardly. I've been planning this for over a week, and I've never been so unsure of anything in my life."

"It's not too late to change your mind, Anna."

"My wet pussy is telling me otherwise," she winked, finishing applying fresh nail polish to her toes, having already done her fingers. "Besides, I hate not finishing what I started. And I hate second guessing myself even more. I did that on the last thing I came up with, and I still regret not trusting my instincts."

"It all turned out all right, didn't it?" Samantha scoffed, already knowing the answer.

"Of course it did. But this is a lot different."

"Well, it's up to you. Like I said, there's still time to back out. Or come up with something else."

"If I did that, I'd only think about what I didn't do. I don't want to start living like that, Sam. I want to attack life. That's why you called these sex attacks, isn't it?"

"I don't think my sister had this in mind when she coined the phrase."

"Nevertheless, it fits. And as scared as I am right now, I want to do this."

"You're going to tell me you need to next, and I think we both know that's not true."

"Maybe... maybe not. All I know is that I don't want to look in the mirror later tonight and regret not seeing this through."

"Make sure you tell me that if I have to come get you."

"That's only a contingency plan, Sam. This is going to work. I have to think positive," she smiled nervously. She paused, reflecting on her plans, and what it could all mean if things went wrong. "I'm leaving the car seat just in case, though."

"You always do when you leave."

"Well, yeah. But I don't make a point of telling you."


While she'd been planning for a week, she didn't really start getting ready until earlier that day while Owen was taking his afternoon nap. Starting with the van, she went outside and backed it in.

She marveled at her husbands' ingenuity and resourcefulness. She didn't know it when they first met, but she came to admire just how handy he was around the house. And it was also a bit of a turn on, knowing he could do things that most men would be scared to even try. Releasing the seat mechanisms designed by the manufacturer, she flipped the wheels in place that Neil had attached to the captain chairs in the back. Rolling the one closest to her toward the back of the hatch, she attached the harness he'd developed. In seconds she was using the new pulley and wench he'd installed in the garage, lifting the chair easily, using her free hand to guide it so it wouldn't swing free.

It took several minutes, but she successfully removed not only that chair, but also the one her son usually sat in with his car seat. She'd already taken the base inside, just in case Samantha would need it in an emergency later than night. It was something she always did whenever she was leaving him behind, wanting to make sure whoever was watching him at their home wouldn't be stranded if they needed to leave.

It didn't dawn on her at the moment the significance that move would have this time. It wasn't until hours later when she drove out of the garage that she realized she was putting herself in a predicament that to most people would seem outrageous... perhaps even dangerous. She wouldn't be in peril, but it was certainly one of the riskiest things she'd ever come up with.

She'd left her son in Samantha's capable hands. While she didn't have children of her own, Samantha had several nieces and nephews, and she was no stranger to taking care of a little one. It gave Ann a sense of relief to have someone else besides Felicia close by that could watch him. With no family in the area, she had to lean on others to help, although the adventure she set out on wasn't something she would have been comfortable doing if a family member were taking care of him. At least not without having someone else she trusted as her backup plan in case things didn't go as planned.

She kissed Owen goodbye, as well as Samantha, having loaded up the van with the few things she'd need. Toting a small shopping bag, along with her purse and the carryall bag she always took with her, she was on her way a few moments later, her heart pounding as she navigated the familiar roads toward her destination.


Neil loved being on first shift. Whenever he was on it, during those four magical weeks all aspects of his world came together perfectly. His life was good, and he knew he was blessed in so many ways, but he often wondered what it would be like to have a job with more normal hours.

He loved what he did, and who he worked with. And who he worked for... he had huge respect for his boss Jeff, and Andy, the VP of the plant. He'd learned so much from both of them that he knew he'd made the right career choice. He cherished his relationship with Thelma, his partner on his shift. She was not only an incredible supervisor with a lot of experience, she was an incredible friend, and she helped make the job fun.

Yet he couldn't help but feel a little down. As much as he was enjoying the normal life that came with working eight to four, he missed the wild excitement that his most recent stint on third shift created. His weekly Wednesday call to meet up with Ann somewhere had become a focal point, making the shift more bearable. He loved that she went out of her way to not only creative, but also to show just how much she loved him.

It wasn't just the mid-week trysts that he missed. Yes, they were special, but she also tried to find other ways for them to connect. While it wasn't as horrible as when he was on second shift, she still loved finding ways to surprise him. He was actually daydreaming about the last one as he sat at his desk finishing up some paperwork.

Every Wednesday when she'd call, it was a surprise. Well, the first one was. After the second, he got used to the idea. When things almost fell apart on the third one, he wondered if they'd be able to recover. But that day, and the following Wednesday proved that it was something they both really got off on. When she stated that she wouldn't be seeing him for a couple of months, but would call when her 'husband' returned to second shift, he knew they'd likely be picking up where they left off when he got back to third shift.

With that, he'd thought she was done with her more adventurous sex attacks at that point, resigned that they'd only be doing them around the house once he switched to first shift. While he was looking forward to whatever they might do, and the normality that came with more structured hours together, he recalled being a bit melancholy about leaving behind his mistress, as he was thinking of her in their new sexual game.

That is until he was surprised again the very next night. It was the final Thursday of his third shift rotation, and he'd been thinking all during his shift about what they did across from the Sheriff's department. It was fresh on his mind, having occurred less than twelve hours before, and he had a naughty smile on his face most of the night. Indeed, he was going to miss third shift. But that's when she reminded him that they could have fun on any shift, by doing something she'd only done before when he was on second.

The phone ringing at his desk had startled him, and he was certain something was terribly wrong at home. The phone never rang on third shift. It was one of the few perks that came with working such odd hours. When Ann announced that she was again in place behind the building, in her now familiar spot, he wasn't sure what to do. Well, he did, but he couldn't believe he was actually getting to do it at four in the morning.

He went outside, taking a moment to collect himself. It was dark, the moon waning, nearly to a new phase, and it was cloudy outside. It took a few moments for his eyes to adjust to the darkness. When they did, he became confused as to why the hatch of the door was up. Making his way around to the back, he smiled; his beautiful wife on her back, a dildo deep inside her pussy as she worked her way toward a climax.

She felt the van move, his weight making it shift. Pulling out the dildo and bringing it to her mouth, she licked it seductively.

"Fuck me fast, baby. I need to cum so bad right now!"

He obliged her, ramming home his stiff cock as soon as he extricated it from the opening of his pants. Looking around as he had his way with her, he grinned knowing she'd driven to see him just like she was, wearing just her heels.

"What's gotten into you babe," he whispered as he pounded her pussy the way she was begging him to.

"Your thick cock at the moment," she panted.

"You know what I mean."

"Don't talk. Just fuck me!" she moaned, squeezing his ribs gently with her thighs as she wrapped them around his body, using her calves to pull him into her.

Acquiescing to her request, he saved his comments, concentrating on what they were doing. He really didn't have that much time, having stepped away from the floor. It wasn't like he couldn't; there were many times during one of the off shifts where he'd have to go up to the front offices in order to get information on a job from one of the customer service desks, so it wasn't uncommon for him to be away. It was that he was outside the back of the plant, having sex, but at least he wouldn't be missed as long as he was back in a reasonable timeframe.

She came, biting into his shoulder to stifle her screams. He spurted a minute or so later, dumping a huge load inside her quivering pussy. It was all too brief, but they'd gotten used to that idea. Frankly, the intensity of their encounters made up for the lack of duration, and they got what they needed out of it. They knew it wasn't long before they'd be able to spend more time together when they made love. That always happened when he returned to day shift.

Standing outside the van, he tucked his damp cock back into his pants, watching his wife as she toyed with her pussy.

"So, are you going to tell me?"

"Tell you what?"

"What's gotten into you?"

"At the moment, I'm guessing about a quart of cum," she teased.

"Seriously... you're here at four in the morning. What's up with that?"

"Are you complaining?"

"Well, no."

"Then don't worry about it, baby."

"I'm not worried, Anna, I'm --"

"Neil, I'm just trying to make up for last night. I felt bad about coming home late, and not being there for you. I was a bit of a bitch."

His grin nearly lit up the darkness they were shrouded in. She was still playing off the notion that she was being unfaithful, the whole idea of fucking another man and then having to make it up to her husband in some outrageous way. "So, you feel guilty"

"I wouldn't say guilty," she shrugged playfully, knowing instantly that he understood her latest premise. She was married to such an intelligent man, one that could read the storylines she created in her head without benefit of a script. It made it so much fun to know they were on the same page as often as they were. It made her wonder why she'd doubted herself to begin with. Setting that aside, she added, "But I know when I'm not there for you when I should be, I have to make things right."

"That's what I love about you, babe."

"I love you too. See you when you get home."

Sitting at his desk, daydreaming of that night, he smiled. It was hard not to, thinking of the scene when he came home, finding Ann still in bed, but not alone. She'd invited Samantha to spend the night as a thank you for staying with Owen while she went out and had some fun in the wee hours of the morning. It was obvious she'd had some more fun after coming home, the bedding a rumpled mess as they lay sleeping.

The two of them never woke, even when he opened the bedroom door. He stood in the doorway, watching them, his heart pounding. He wasn't sure what turned him on more that morning; his first sight of a naked Samantha, her sexy body only partially hidden underneath the sheet, or that of his wife, and the strap-on that was still attached to her pelvis.

He recalled closing the door, allowing them some more rest. He got Owen out of his crib a half-hour later, making him breakfast. They were eating together when he saw movement to his left; his son gleefully pointing in the same direction.