Ann: The Married Years Ch. 43


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"Good morning munchkin," she said with a soothing and playful voice. "And good morning to you too, handsome."

"Good morning, Sam. You look ravishing."

"Well, I certainly feel ravished. Your wife is quite the insatiable lover."

"Don't I know it," he laughed, unable to tear his eyes away from her nakedness.

She giggled at the way he was leering at her. If she hadn't been used to her Jarrod doing the same thing, she might have been self-conscious, but she knew he was admiring her by the smirk of approval on his face.

"I take it you like my outfit."

"There's nothing quite like a naked lady greeting me in the morning."

"Well, there's another one in the bedroom that's waiting for you, if you can tear yourself away from that delicious breakfast you made. Let me take care of Owen while you... attend to her needs."

He sprang to his feet, heading for the bedroom like he'd been launched. "There's more food. It's in the microwave to keep it warm."

"Thanks, sweetie... don't mind if I do."

He froze at the entrance of the hallway, turning back to look over his shoulder. "She's not still wearing that thing around her crotch, is she?"

"HA! No... she's put that away. It felt incredible, but I think she wants to be on the other end of a real one right now."

He obliged her desire. With Samantha in the house to occupy Owen, he and his wife were able to take their time. For the first time in weeks, they made love. It was long and passionate; everything their sex attacks weren't. It gave them a chance to re-connect on a different plain; something they both needed more than they knew. While it was obvious they were still going to have to find inventive avenues to fuck, it was nice to be able to steal an hour of togetherness time in the middle of the morning.

Ann licked along his earlobe, before she finally lifted her sexy ass off his torso, his softening shaft plopping on his stomach as she moaned. They were both sated, at least for the moment.

"I needed that baby," she whispered, kissing along his jaw as she hovered over him.

"Me too," he replied softly, his fingers tracing along her spine.

"Wait here... I have to take Sam's place."


"You have to thank her for staying with Owen last night so I could meet you at the plant."

"I thought you thanked her last night. Isn't that why she stayed the night?"

"I did thank her. Now it's your turn," she giggled as she rolled off the bed, landing gracefully onto her feet.

"And just how am I supposed to thank her?"

"Anyway you want. Jarrod knows she's here."

"Wait... what?"

"I wouldn't let you do it if she didn't talk to him about it. They have a good thing going... I didn't want her to screw that up."

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

"Maybe," she teased, being coyer than he cared for at the moment.


Her impish grin made him melt. "Neil?"

"Just what am I supposed to do?"

"I told you... whatever you want. I only promised you'd eat her though."

"You promised?"

"Yeah, kind of. I hope you don't mind. I've kind of been bragging about that magical tongue of yours again."

"So, you're whoring me out, is that it?"

"Well, she's not paying me, but I really like that idea," she teased. "After all, you've always said there are male escorts too."

He actually laughed at his desk thinking about the excitement in Ann's eyes when she said that. No doubt she was already conjuring up ways to make that the next in her long list of erotic fantasies to try.

Buttoning up some more paperwork, he entered some figures on his computer. He'd already entered the employee hours for the day, and he'd had his supervisor meeting with Derrick on the following shift. Basically, he was ahead of everything, cruising toward quitting time. And that led to the constant daydreaming.

The sight of Samantha came to mind, entering his bedroom, slowly closing the door and locking it. She nearly pounced on him, taking his cock into her mouth, knowing where it had just been. She moaned as she tasted his sperm, thankful that Ann hadn't sucked it dry when she finished making love to him. The sweet taste of Ann's pussy lingered on his soft skin, and she giggled when she felt his shaft start to stir.

It was all so odd, what with him being the one that was supposed to repay her. After all, his wife had bragged about oral talents. But it was Samantha that was intent on showing off. It wasn't until he pulled her on top, dragging his tongue across her inner thigh that she lost focus. While technically in a 69 position, she simply stroked his cock, rubbing it along her cheek as he began what seemed like sweet torture.

He smiled proudly at the way she called out his name sometime later, begging him to finally give her the release she craved.

"God, she tasted good," he mused, recalling how she squeaked when she came all over his face.

Fucking her was never an option, at least not in his eyes. He already had plenty of women that Ann set him up with. More than he ever could have imagined when they first decided on what had become their lifestyle soon after they became engaged. Besides, Samantha really didn't seem that interested. She was too much in love with Jarrod... even more so that he was going to allow her a mid-morning dalliance with her sexy neighbors. No, she'd cum enough, and the fuck Ann had given her during the night more than sufficed. Instead, she sucked Neil off in the shower, the two of them sharing a playful half-hour together under the warm spray.

"I can't believe she let me do that," he chuckled softly, shaking his head. "Then again, I can't believe she and Sam spent the night together."

Having shut down his computer, he was putting things away in his lunch bag on the credenza behind his desk, getting ready to leave when the phone rang. He knew from the sound that it was an external call, and with it being a minute past when he was supposed to leave, he decided against answering it.

"Aren't you going to get that?" Thelma wondered as she waited by her desk so they could walk out together like they always did.

"Nah, it can go into my voicemail," he reasoned, pickup up his things and heading toward the door. "Whatever it is can wait until tomorrow."

"That's the difference between you and me. It would kill me the rest of the night not knowing who called and at it was about."

"If they call one minute later and we're already out the door, I wouldn't even know they called until morning, Thel. What's the point in fretting over it? I have a life, and it's not this place."

Holding the door for her as they walked out of the office, she nodded. "I know you do. I do too. But it would still have me worried all night."

He laughed at her reasoning. "And that's why you'll make a better department manager than I would. You take work home with you."

"I do not!" she snapped jokingly, before admitting, "yes... I do. But I think we'll both be great department heads someday. We'll just go about it differently."

"Yeah, well... we're both years away from having to deal with that right now."

"Probably, but it doesn't hurt to dream, does it?"

"Listen to you. Two years ago, the idea of being in Jeff's chair scared the shit out of you."

"I know. But people change. Five years ago, I never would have thought I'd have someone like Vaughn in my life."

"So, which is going to happen sooner; you getting promoted, or getting married?" he laughed.

"I don't know. I don't worry about it. I'm happy with my life right now." They arrived at their cars a short time later. It always amazed her that he never let her walk to her car alone, even during the day. "Got any plans for tonight?" she asked, like she usually did.

"Not that I'm aware of. You?"

"I'm going to fuck my sweetie," she replied. It was one of her regular answers of late, and it always brought a smile to his face, but their banter was interrupted by Neil's mobile ringing. "I bet that was Ann calling you inside."

"Well, she's certainly calling now." Flipping open the phone, he greeted her. "Hey babe... what's up?"

"Are you alone?" she asked.

"I'm with Thel... we're in the parking lot ready to leave. Why?"

"Call me back when you're in the car." She hung up hurriedly, not giving him a chance to say anything.

"Huh," he laughed.

"What was that all about?"

"You know Anna," he shrugged. "Apparently, I do have plans."

"Ooooh. Sounds naughty. I can't wait to hear about it tomorrow."

"Then you need to do something naughty with Vaughn. I don't what to hear you just fucked him. Come up with something inventive."

"I can never be like Anna," she winked. "But I'll try my best. See you tomorrow, partner."

"You too. Goodnight."


He was puzzled as he sat in the parking lot of the bank where he and Ann had met up just a few weeks before. Craning his neck, he kept looking for her van, knowing it wasn't there.

"This doesn't make any sense," he sighed. He'd already called her phone twice, and she hadn't picked up. Then again, he knew she wouldn't. She told him as much. "Where the hell is she?"

Saying goodbye to Thelma, he'd climbed into his car and hit redial on his phone. Ann answered quickly, her voice cracking as she spoke excitedly, making it obvious to him that she was nervous.

She told him about a friend of hers from Owen's playgroup who'd also recently purchased a new van, and how this woman had been doing something fun with her husband. When she explained it, he knew she was really talking about herself, and the way she was pretending to cheat on him the way she had done when he was on third shift.

Describing in detail what her 'friend' had been doing, Ann confessed she didn't have the heart to do that to him because of what he'd been through in his divorce. He found it interesting that she put it that way, but quickly realized she was telling him in a round-about way that she was sorry that she doubted his ability to distinguish a playful game from the reality he'd been through with his ex-wife. It was endearing that she wanted to apologize, while not giving up on the game itself. He knew they'd do it again, because they both loved it.

He loved it so much that he told her that what this 'friend' was doing wasn't the same as what had happened in his former life... it was all just a fantasy, helping the mystery couple have some fun in their marriage. He even said he could see where it would be exciting, mainly because he knew she would never do to him what his ex had.

Ann reassured him that was true, yet she insisted she didn't want to go there. She had something else in mind instead that was similar in that it allowed them to use the van creatively like she had when she visited him at work the week before. But it would also be daring.

"What do you have in mind?" he asked, amused that she had another idea, knowing all the while that they would likely be returning to the first one as soon as he went back to third shift.

"I can't tell you without giving too much away. All I'll say is that it's kind of a game of hide-and-seek, and that I won't be able to give you any more clues than the first one I'm going to give you."

"What, you won't call me with another clue if I need it?"

"No, and I won't be able to answer the phone if you call me."

"Why's that?"

"Because, we're playing hide-and-seek, silly. Just remember when you find me that I'm Anna. Okay?"

"What does that mean?"

"You'll figure it out when you find me."

"What if I don't?"

"If you haven't found me by seven o'clock, you have to go home and take care of Owen. Sam is watching him for us."

"And you'll just come home?"

"Not right away. Sam would have to come get me. I don't want to give away my hiding spot that easily."

"I don't understand."

"Not now, but you will when you get here. Do you want to do this, or not?"

"Of course I want to do this. I have too many questions now that need to be answered, and from the way you're acting, the only way I'm going to get them is to find you."

"You know me too well, baby. Are you ready for the clue?"

"Yes. Go ahead."

"Meet me where we opened our account as soon as you can."

She hung up abruptly again, giving him no time to follow up with another question, or even a clarification. Not that he needed one. He knew exactly where she meant. For whatever reason, she wanted to meet in the parking lot of the bank again. Perhaps it was a way to show she was past the angst she felt for the other game they'd been playing. After all, that was the location she had in mind the day she had her meltdown, feeling guilt stricken over the possibility of bringing back horrible memories just so they could have some sexy fun.

Or maybe it had something to do with her having worked there before, and the bitterness she felt at first over how she was treated by Bernice. He also reasoned she could have chosen it because that was the bank that had approved her loan, which led to the purchase of the van to begin with. Regardless, he knew where to go, and he was there about twenty minutes after she'd hung up her phone.

She, however, wasn't.

He waited another half-hour, thinking she might have gotten sidetracked, or delayed by traffic. But in thinking about their conversation, that didn't make sense. She said to meet her there as soon as possible. The inference was that she was already there waiting. He picked up his phone and called, forgetting her comment about her not picking it up. It wasn't until he called a second time that remembered her saying she wouldn't answer.

He didn't panic, knowing she wasn't in danger. But he couldn't believe he wasn't in the right place. It made too much sense to be where he was. When another fifteen minutes passed, he came to the conclusion that no matter how much he tried to talk himself into the fact that he was right... he wasn't.

Opening the glove compartment, he pulled out a pad of paper and a pen. Trying to recall her exact sentence, he wrote it down, wanting to see it more clearly than just in his mind.

Meet me where we opened our account as soon as you can.

"How can that not mean here? What other account could she be talking about?"

He read it several more times, changing his cadence and the inflection of the words, searching for different meanings. He knew the clue should be enough for him to find her. It had to be for her plan to work. Thinking of when he opened their bank account, he recalled that it was at a different branch. But he never remembered telling her that. Still, that had to be it.

When he arrived there twenty minutes later, he sighed. There was no sign of the van.

"Surely she would have been here by now. And she never said she was leaving... not until seven."

He checked the clock on his dashboard. It was almost six, and he was no closer to figuring out the clue. Picking up the pad, he read the sentence again, slowly, pouring over the meaning of each word. When he got to 'our', a light bulb went on. He'd opened their bank account on his own, before they were married, so he could have a place to deposit his checks. She wasn't added to it until months later.

"This isn't the account she's talking about," he barked, smacking himself on the forehead. "This isn't even about money... it's about sex! It's always been about sex! She's talking about our SEX account!"

He'd turned the key to the ignition before he finished chastising himself, ramming the car into reverse. Pulling out onto the road, he made a quick right, heading toward the interstate. "She's at the Sheraton. She has to be!"

That made the most logical sense. It was part of another game she'd devised before they were married. And Heather, one of the shift managers at the hotel, was in charge of the 'joint sex account' they'd set up. Heather was actually now the manager of the hotel, having gone through a series of promotions. That meant she was no longer on second shift, having a full-time job working from eight to five. Most of the time she worked longer than that, but she at least had a bit of a more normal life.

This wasn't about Heather though. It was about Ann, and the fact that she was likely somewhere in the parking lot of the hotel Neil had called home for two months. Ann had done everything she could to make those two months not only bearable, but memorable. And she did it from five-hundred miles away. The joint sex account was one of the ways she did.

Pulling into the entrance, he cruised through the parking lot slowly, looking for her van. He finally found it, parked in the middle, surrounded by other cars of guests, or people that had come to eat at the restaurant or have a drink at the incredible bar. With it being a Thursday night, there was no live entertainment. Well, other than the woman he assumed was waiting for him.

He parked nearby, making his way to the van, only to find the sliding door locked. So was the passenger door. And he could see across that the driver's door was locked as well. Since he didn't have his own key with him, he went to the hatch, surprised to find it open. He was more stunned by what he found inside. Suddenly her comment about how he needed to remember she was Anna when he found her made since. Mainly because she looked a lot more like Annabelle.

Ann had decided to practice self-bondage again. Not to the extreme she had the one time she'd tried it at the house. This was more about making herself vulnerable. Her wrists and ankles were adorned by the leather straps she's worn several times in the dungeon. Attached to them were the carabineers that he'd used the last time she'd had them on. And those metal clasps were hooked to the cargo rings that were imbedded in the floor of the van.

When he opened the lift gate, he was welcomed by the sight of his beautiful naked wife held captive in a spread-eagle position on the floor. Her eyes were covered with a blindfold, but other than that, she wasn't wearing any other bondage gear. His eyes were drawn to her wet, glistening pussy, and her throbbing clit. She wasn't torturing herself with a dildo or a vibrator. She was forced to be patient, waiting for her man to arrive and have his way with her.

Her eyes smiled behind the mask, knowing she was being leered at.

His voice was much calmer than he was on the inside, his heart racing. "Hello Anna."

"Hi baby," she whispered.

Noticing how flushed her chest was, and the dampness around her tresses, he could sense her arousal. In fact, it seemed much more than that. "If I didn't know better, I'd say you already came."

"Twice," was her breathless reply.

"Did you take care of yourself before?"

"No. It was after," she confessed, biting her lower lip in anticipation of his next question.

"And how exactly was that possible?"

"I spent some money from our account."

"We have an account again?"

"We never closed it. We just stopped banking for a while."


"Heather." She didn't have to say any more. But she did. "Please."

She felt the van move, knowing he'd climbed in. The lift gate closed seconds after. Hearing the sound of a zipper lowering, she whimpered. "I love you, Neil."

"I love you too, Anna," he whispered into her ear, burying his cock deep into her waiting pussy with a long, possessive thrust.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

oldsage_1, take your time to savor and appreciate the chapters up through Ann and Neil's wedding along with their adventures in "The Married Years". I still think that Ann and Neil are the hottest couple on Literotica.

oldsage_1oldsage_1almost 3 years ago

I'm on Chapter 84 of your original "Ann A Love Story" series and was pleasantly surprised to see this show up in my Follow list. I haven't been commenting on the other series since it is several years old but want you to know I am enjoying it very much. I wont read this one out of sequence but will respond again when I get to it probably in a week or so. I have other writers I am following also and suddenly everyone is posting new episodes! Lucky me!!!



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